Tintinabula wrote: »If ZOS cannot make it a fair population balanced fight for any of the campaigns they no longer are worthy of my sub..plain and simple. This is gonna be the second month I have to suffer through AD being grossly overpopulated.
@smeeprocketnub19_ESO , not to go off topic on this great post, but you should know you can guest or home alts of the same faction in the same campaign. I have a couple characters doing this myself.smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »Okay here's my concern with limiting campaigns to two (though I think three would be better)
Every alt I make I go to cyrodiil to do the tutorial (well I skip the actual tutorial) and get the two free skillpoints and a cute title. But alts can't home or guest in a campaign you have another character in. This is good, but two or even three campaigns mean my alts don't get their free skillpoints.
Also, we are having a huge problem with "troll camps" and people logging on alts to trash talk us and flat out spy on us. I think this is happening on all sides. There has to be some way to deal with this. We report the camps with screenshots and report the presumed spies, but they continue.
So that is sort of solved by less campaigns I think, as long as you can't fast travel to a campaign you are not home/guest in.
Also, I'd like to be able to home and guest in the campaign with an alt if the current character signed up for that campaign is in the same faction. I don't think I can do this.
Cost for changing home campaign should be 150,000AP
Pixysticks wrote: »
These are the 2 worst parts about Cyrodiil; CC Break never working and being laggy/unresponsive, and AOE caps creating massive groups of people that lag out the server and limit the amount of impact an individual player has.
a bad, but unsurprising, possibilitydemonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »
Or maybe they'll continue on as they have been.
Nazon_Katts wrote: »Excellent post indeed! Those are most of the reasons why I don't even set foot into Cyrodiil except for some night time or low pop PvE'ing. I'm just a casual PvP'er at best, but there's no incentive for me to join in and sadly plenty of reasons to stay away.
a bad, but unsurprising, possibility
Maybe they don't have the resources for it any longer?
Are you serious?
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »'Player Council'.
Well, let's see .. LOTRO formed one of those 3 years ago, the effects are clear, that clique gets what it wants, everyone else puts up or shuts up.
ZOS uses as 'ad hoc' council called Entropy Rising for PVE content .. we see the LOTRO effect here too.
My prediction: the OP and his clique ... aka. 'guild' ... are looking for the same effect in the PVP side of the game.
StihlReign wrote: »
Guild. Not clique - Guild.
A player council is an avenue for Zos to receive feedback directly from players who have a vested interest in seeing the game succeed.
The OP didn't select or present issues that only affect the Noore. He put forward issues that affect the entire player base.
Until you see and can support the unfounded insinuation you've presented, perhaps you should take a step back and consider the merit of a player council and how it could improve the players experience and game, overall.
skwornub18_ESO wrote: »
Except in beta a certain guild operated in bad faith and did not report bugs/expoilts with the intent to use them when the game went live, which they did.
Player feedback has it's limitations, even more so when that player group has any sort of relationship with each other.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »'Player Council'.
Well, let's see .. LOTRO formed one of those 3 years ago, the effects are clear, that clique gets what it wants, everyone else puts up or shuts up.
ZOS uses as 'ad hoc' council called Entropy Rising for PVE content .. we see the LOTRO effect here too.
My prediction: the OP and his clique ... aka. 'guild' ... are looking for the same effect in the PVP side of the game.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »'Player Council'.
Well, let's see .. LOTRO formed one of those 3 years ago, the effects are clear, that clique gets what it wants, everyone else puts up or shuts up.
ZOS uses as 'ad hoc' council called Entropy Rising for PVE content .. we see the LOTRO effect here too.
My prediction: the OP and his clique ... aka. 'guild' ... are looking for the same effect in the PVP side of the game.