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Official Discussion Thread for "Update 4 Preview Video"

  • Anastasia
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Drazhar14 wrote: »
    I've had enough Craglorn, and I have barely played any Craglorn content. I'd probably enjoy it, but I can't even find enough people to do the quests with there. I also don't feel like changing my entire play style/build just to get invited to a trails group.

    The best Craglorn update would be if they made the delves/quests scale to the number of players in the group. Since it is all instanced, it should be easy to do. This way, both solo players and groups will be able to do it. Here's hoping...

    "I couldn't agree more with this post!

    Apart from Trials, Craglorn is a complete failure and has been since mid-June by which time most people had completed their grind to VR12. People do not do the quests there. You will hit a wall if you try to solo the quests and it is almost impossible to find another player to join you for questing, let alone three other players. Not only that, but people do not run the delves there as they stick to either trials or those rare instances when a group of five to six can be cobbled together for grinding purposes. Running the Trials is the only thing Craglorn has succeeded at and that is only because no other zone offers Trials. The upcoming Upper Craglorn patch will be no different after the first month, possibly even after the first week.

    ZOS would be wise to make everything in Craglorn soloable except the Trials."
    "The Trials should retain their 12 player requirement. Everything else needs to be soloable or the zone will continue to be an empty one. There are four circuits I run inside Craglorn for chests and crafting mats. I can usually complete three of the four circuits without ever seeing another player despite. The fourth circuit I run is based around Belkarth and the only people I see there are the ones running Trials. You do not need to be a psychic to see how new Upper Craglorn content will fare."

    I hope you do get the chance to quest there LonePirate, its fun! I hope ZOS does not make another nerf and continue the solo exclusivity creeping upwards. Soloers ought to have their own fun content - Wrothgar is coming ;o).

    People do not group much for questing in Craglorn because...? Neither do they group much in that lower mid level content - you know, the one that was nerfed??? IF people could, would group and learn, earn and prep for Craglorn and up, then they would not be facing the problems in Craglorn. Well...

    Well then, I'm thinkin' Craglorn very well could be utilized as the CONTENT IT WAS DESIGNED AS. I know PvP exp is a little on the slow side which is a primary reason for some to do whatever they can in Craglorn to get to V12 so they can then head to Cyr.

    ZOS - you 'adjusted' the Anomalies area...why do that, but allow this other group grinding to go on and on and on? Either you WANT grind areas in your MMO, or you don't. I don't care as I know there are advocates for both ways, but be consistent. If you are going to have grinding clearly available in V 11-12, then why not create it for other zones on the way up.

    Here is another question: WHY ZOS HAVEN'T you made it so ONLY V10+ can go into Craglorn???????????? These things have alllllllllll been discussed and rehashed over and over forever. Really. You know about it.

    ZOS: Please make phasing work. Please increase group e x p bonus. Please up the loot rewards or make those unique. Give those who need a carrot a reason to group up, and those who want to group up a reward they can look forward to.

    WHY AREN'T YOU/HAVEN'T YOU DONE SOMETHING TO ADDRESS THIS GRINDING IN CRAGLORN???? Now ya got your soloers who you enabled to be comfy by Nerfing the V+1-10 content coming into Craglorn and getting even more frustrated because now look: its difficult to get/make/be phased with/be on the same quest step with, do anything for questing cause everyone is in the 12 person grind groups --- whatever. Its NOT WORKING for anyone except PvP folks trying to zoom up a bit so they can go have fun in Cyr.

    DOES PvE MEAN ANYTHING? Nerfed the friggin' middle to upper vet content - solo folks cradle to endgame gates, and now we wonder why, oh why is Craglorn not really working? The answer is NOT TO MAKE EVER MORE CONTENT THAT WAS ORIGINALLY PLANNED FOR GROUPS, single lane stuff. Make more solo content separately if that is deemed to be important, instead of nullifying group fun and make grouping DO-ABLE instead of a reach-for-another-adult-beverage-kind-of-annoyance.

    Empower your own creation, don't enable with nerfs.


    Edited by Anastasia on August 18, 2014 5:29AM
  • Cody
    Maximus wrote: »
    What is wrong with you all, all you ever do is complain not one word of appreciation before blurting out mostly selfish complaints. *sigh* gamers will always be gamers. anyways i liked what i saw, cannot wait for update 4.

    You want some kind words? cool. I will give them

    I love this games story, iv always wanted to kick the (snip) of a daedric prince, and I finally got to do it.

    I like the classes they have in the game, and how each are good at different things.

    the crafting system is awesome(save for a few things here and there) I wish skyrim had this kind of system

    I enjoyed visiting different places of tamriel, especially visiting black marsh. That is something I have always wanted to do.

    I like the humor they have in various points in the game "why do I have to guard these pathetic people" - town guard

    I like PvP, despite the fact its mainly filled with exploiters and impulse spamming blobs. I can still have fun in it, jumping people and kill them, when they are by themselves.(a staff cant help when you are dead:))

    There, some compliments. People point out the bad parts of a game because they care about the game. If people did not care about the game, they would not call out the games flaws to begin with. People constantly beg ZOS to fix these problems because the players that do this Care about the game.
  • Mephos
    seem not many care?
  • theyancey
    Where is the solo PvE content.
  • Kego
    ularis wrote: »
    Few WAnt arena ?! buhehe every hardcore pvp player want that
    Ähm, no. Carebear PvP Player want instanced PvP like Arenas.
  • pad11
    Is it possible that ZoS has given up on the game and is just throwing cookie-cutter content at the wall to see if it will stick? Please. I hope not.... but update 1.4 seems to indicate that what's broken is broken forever, that exploits and macros are welcomed and encouraged (let alone what should be a banable offense) and that PvP is dead in the water...

    1.4 is extremely discouraging...not looking to unsub at this point because at least I have enough to do in Cyrodiil w/ other toon's, etc., to keep me occupied...but wow 1.5 needs to really be a major step up from this godawful update...

    lvl 14...really? REALLY? jeez...more mindless grinding efforts in stale PvE environs...and NONE of it solo-able? yeah, that's what the masses were screaming for....

    *sigh*, *double sigh*, *heavy sigh*
  • AdamusStonefist
    Soul Shriven
    I think the game keeps getting better and better! I can't wait for this update.

    And for the VR12's that are bored, there is plenty to do besides just loot and level. And the group quests in Craglorn have been a ton of fun from the ones I've done.

    PS. if you are getting 1-shotted by Bow, get some better armor or a better PVP guild! Chances are you are in too small of a PVP group.
    -Adamus Stonefist - Redguard - Tank - VR12
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    WTB blocking stystem rework.. and by that i mean when u block to blokc whats in front of u...not a when i meet a tank dk... i coudl actualy backstab him.. not see him permanent blocking+ spam of lfag& flame talons
  • Tycobb117
    Guys just wait for the content to come out. It wont just "be there" overnight, this stuff takes time and im sure they are working on PvP content but you gotta stay patient.
  • Nihili
    Can anyone explain to me what the champion system will do? And how I should prepare for it?
  • xannon98neb18_ESO
    hope its bugless
  • EsORising
    Maximus wrote: »
    What is wrong with you all, all you ever do is complain not one word of appreciation before blurting out mostly selfish complaints. *sigh* gamers will always be gamers. anyways i liked what i saw, cannot wait for update 4.
    Uhm were not just gamers playing for free were paying customers. It has nothing to do with selfishness its a mutual agreement..we pay..we get service that makes us want to stay. It's not like were buddies with ZoS if we didn't pay our monthly we we can login anyways and pay them next month. These "gamers" are paying money for a service so they have the right to complain. Besides how is anything going to get better if you don't demand better things or complain about broken stuff. There are people not complaining and just unsubbing moving on to the next mmo because changes have not been made and people are unpatient. The game is not ok and things need to be fixed or it evetually the game will be dead and you can pve in the empty world by yourself.

    Edited by EsORising on October 20, 2014 8:37AM
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