Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Official Discussion Thread for "Update 4 Preview Video"

  • ndantony
    Cool new content.
    ...still where is player house and building and controller support?!
  • TheBull
    This must be the patch NBs get some buffs and fix. Probably the patch that fixes cloak,
  • Darlgon
    HairyFairy wrote: »
    From what I see, most of you expect this game to be perfect right now, but guess what, it's only been out for what like 5 months? (IDK the exact timeline)

    FYI, official launch date of 4/4/14, not counting early access.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Arsenic_Touch
    Omg, they're adding more pve content. The world is ending!
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • lavosslayer
    This stuff looks awesome but what I'm really holding out for is the Spellcrafting and Dark Brotherhood/thieves guild content. Those two guilds are the reason I love the elder scrolls series in the first place. Not having them has been a very difficult endeavor in endurance and patience. Hopefully they don't drop them on us right as Dragon Age: Inquisition comes out...cause I think I might not be around for awhile then...;)
  • Kie
    I can never watch any of these videos. I get an error message:

    "A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.

  • Darlgon
    Kie wrote: »
    I can never watch any of these videos. I get an error message:

    "A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.


    Head here:

    Click, "Do I have Java?"
    Click continue and install Java. Sounds like you dont have a current version.

    If you do, sounds like something disconnected the application that is supposed to play your videos. Try Googling and installing one of the following: Windows Media player, (Default with most versions of windows), Real Player or Quicktime.
    Edited by Darlgon on August 14, 2014 1:12AM
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Garwulf
    Find this game more interesting getting to Level 50. VR is still pointless with no sensible progression. Trials are easy content to create but becoming more and more pointless as time goes on. PVP, well on a good day enjoyable enough but running around like a proverbial mad rabbit has it's limits' .
    How about some real game additions for those who do not like Grinding around Graglorn, tarting up your armour and PVPing till the cows come home.
  • Orimas
    The comments in this thread have inspired me to write the next "The Purge" movie. This installment will center around a group of game developers who go out on the night of the purge and hunt down all the whiners on their forums who couldn't program hello world in php, always call the devs morons and have nothing but contempt for the people who design their entertainment.

    When they find these gems of the internet they sit them in front of a computer screen, give them access to the code base and have them fix bugs and design content in 2 hours. After 2 hours if the project isn't done they shoot one of their loved ones, and another one for every hour they are late. I don't know about you, but it sounds like some solid entertainment to me........

  • Garwulf
    Orimas wrote: »
    The comments in this thread have inspired me to write the next "The Purge" movie. This installment will center around a group of game developers who go out on the night of the purge and hunt down all the whiners on their forums who couldn't program hello world in php, always call the devs morons and have nothing but contempt for the people who design their entertainment.

    When they find these gems of the internet they sit them in front of a computer screen, give them access to the code base and have them fix bugs and design content in 2 hours. After 2 hours if the project isn't done they shoot one of their loved ones, and another one for every hour they are late. I don't know about you, but it sounds like some solid entertainment to me........
    I personally do not expect them to fix things in 2 hours or even weeks. However from my personal standpoint the Game essentially finishes at VR. After you reach VR it is a 'grind'. Really no point in VR other than you can have slightly better armour and put better glyphs on it. No proper character progression left. All the additional content seems targeted to 'questing' in groups , running trial and a pointless PVP 'war'.
    If you do not like any of these (questing in groups is just manic non-fun most of the time for many of us), then you are essentially being told you should move on. Maybe I and others should take the hint ;)
  • Ruebs
    When a saw 'Arena' I got so excited i nearly popped a nut!
    Then I read 'PvE Arena' and spontaneously threw up all over the key bored.

    I know many disagree, but the End Game PvE in ESO bores the living [snip] out of me. No progression after V12 and Lackluster-loot have a lot of people scratching their heads asking, "...What's the point? Even if this loot was worthwhile, what am I going to use it for? More Trials?"

    Where ESO is at this point in time, the only thing i can see having a lasting positive effect is truly competitive 1v1 PvP, with REWARDS for killing and REPERCUSSIONS for dying.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on August 15, 2014 8:44PM
  • Zhoyzu

    more craglorn??? REALLY? so many other things need attention. werewolf so unusable right now it could be a content update all of its own. its not like anyone has been able to enjoy that broken and completely unfinished skill line.
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • LonePirate
    I can't believe this thread has reached page 3 and no one has issued a "thank you" to ZOS for the plethora of new in-game Notifications this update will bring everyone. I don't know about anyone else but when I am in the middle of an intense battle in Cyrodiil or making my way through a delve or boss fight in a PVE zone, there is nothing I enjoy more than receiving a Notification that someone I don't know from one of my five guilds has completed one of the trials. These Notifications don't distract or annoy me at all. Rather they fill me with senses of pride and envy because one or more of my friends and/or guildmates has just conquered the toughest group PVE content in the game.

    OK, maybe not.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yey , more group content for me to ignore :P.

    Hum , at some point maybe i should take a walk into craglorn atleast to get the skyshards heh.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • MartinXKid
    Heh! People rushing contents like they needed to be completed before the next one comes up. I've been having a lot of fun with TESO and guess what? My main character is only level 39 and 2 other characters are level 10-15. People rush to finish the new content and end up saying they have done everything and now have nothing to do. It happens even for WoW and even they have Major Patches that I find are equivalent as 2 Major Updates in TESO. Players finish the content in under a month and they log back in only when there is a new Major Patch which comes out every half a year (Exepect the last one. Came out since last November! :o ).

    Take your time, do some quests you haven't completed before leaving the zones, read lore books (If your that kind of guy), get in and out of Cyrodiil (There's a lot more then just keeps to capture), go for the zone bosses, go for the achievements (More then before now that they unlock certain dyes for your armor) take your time to find Magic lore books and look in barrels and crates for hidden treasures like those racial books and off course makes new characters and continue on your new alliance quest lines across Tamriel!

    I want to thank you Zenimax for having Updates such as these every months or so and I like what I am still seeing when I'll finally get into end-content. I find TESO to be a game where it's a little more casual play then standard MMOs. I like it that there is many things to do even before Veteran content. As long as they're well made and well thought and bug-free, I'm a Happy man! :D
    Edited by MartinXKid on August 14, 2014 5:24AM
    "War ..... War never changes"
  • Umeil
    Just a thought here

    Why are you spewing out new content at this rate ? No other Game let alone MMO throws out content at this rate.

    It looks fine and well but I am pretty sure just about everyones thoughts went straight to .... aaaah crap what new bugs will be dropped into the game to make it unplayable for a few weeks. Un tested new content that even the reported problems wont be fixed and they will just throw it out anyway.

    The next thought I am sure loads of people had was noooooooo another ridiculous download size that will take 2 days to download before It even possible to try and play a game that will most likely be bugged to hell.

    Personally I would have liked a bit of solo content for V10-V12 rather than more group grinding. I am so sick of trying to find groups already. Then proberbly the biggest ask I have is when will you be fixing the descrepency between magica and stamina builds. Had you addressed this as you should have from day 1 Then one would be inclined to be way more possitive about your upcoming bug fest.
  • MercutioElessar
    Could you guys please postpone this update and fix, well let's say at least 95% of the bugs and issues this game actually "delivers"?
    I really would like to play a functioning game and for that wait for another update some time.
    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

  • R0M2K
    Will skip that content unless theres BIS loot for my dw/bow NB.
  • edolsianub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    NookyZooky wrote: »
    yay.... more places for people to grind......... look, the idea is cool, but craglorn atm is worthless in my opinion. People only go there to grind, the quests are group only(for whatever reason THAT is)and finding quest groups is almost impossible because.. again! all people want to do in grindlorn is grind. I really hope upper craglorn is not a repeat of that. if you guys cant make questing more incentive, to where groups will want to do it, than just make the quests soloable. Something needs to be figured out before upper grindlorn(im sorry, craglorn) is released. I know im not the only one that wont play it, if its only a grind zone. everything else looks cool. I assume the darkbrother hood and the thieves guild will be update 5 or 6. can't wait for it

    I agree with a lot of what NookyZooky had to say. I don't play in Craglorn because it is hard to get a group going that is on the same part of a quest your on.
    The new content looks great though, I'm sure a lot of people will have a great time grinding it. But is group only content all there is to look forward to...?
    I sure hope not, because the solo players are getting left behind with every update like this.
  • Gigglesnort
    Still would love to see something for small family guilds, really don't see the point of being able to join 5 guilds, where is the loyalty?
    Would love to see scaling dungeons based on group size, better loot for world bosses, and a fix for the loot bug, seems that is getting worse.

    Death is only the beginning
  • Selique
    Any word on when we'll see chat bubbles? I didn't see any in the video :/. I'm waiting for them :).
    Falls-With-Grace ~ Shadowscale (Argonian Night Blade)
    Selique Lasra ~ Captain, Smuggler, Swashbuckler (Redguard Templar)
    Chases-Comets ~ Shellback Warrior (Argonian Dragon Knight)
    Slissix-Kir ~ Swamp Shaman (Argonian Sorcerer)
    Hail Sithis..
  • Mogdor
    Soul Shriven
    pad11 wrote: »
    Please ZoS, fix Cyrodiil (small 14-day caps, fps, latency, uber-one-shot bows, ban exploiters, ban macro-kiddies, etc.) before working on new content. I guess I understand that much of this may have already been in the works at release but dear god your game's PvP is DYING because of the above and many other issues and yet this is what we are getting.

    The game has so much potential....we need YOU GUYS to stand up for it by banning those who abuse it and by working on the many issues that already exist. Obviously, for those who don't PvP, ignore my post, I understand fully that it reads as garbage...

    Was also hoping we'd see that you've abandoned the goal of nerfing upper levels by doing away w/ vet levels and dumbing it down w/ 'champion points' and easier leveling...but alas, no go...

    Agreed, its nice to have new things but first you need to fix the old ones.
    If you take a look at the forums how many posts are asking for new things and how many are Begging you to fix/balance the old ones. Not giving any examples since you must know what im talking about. But theres a crapton of things that have been broken for months now.
  • Vahrokh
    Orimas wrote: »
    The comments in this thread have inspired me to write the next "The Purge" movie. This installment will center around a group of game developers who go out on the night of the purge and hunt down all the whiners on their forums who couldn't program hello world in php, always call the devs morons and have nothing but contempt for the people who design their entertainment.

    When they find these gems of the internet they sit them in front of a computer screen, give them access to the code base and have them fix bugs and design content in 2 hours. After 2 hours if the project isn't done they shoot one of their loved ones, and another one for every hour they are late. I don't know about you, but it sounds like some solid entertainment to me........

    .... to me it sounds bad advice and morbid entertrainment.

    Besides this, I develop software since 1983 and would have no problem handling C++ and PHP code (and another half dozen languages).


    that would be pointless. MMOs don't fail because of bugs. The MMOs that fail, go down because the MMO companies refuse to fix those bugs in any timely manner and because of design flaws.

    While ZoS have been decent enough at acknowledging and often fixing bugs, they have made some massively huge design flaws. Those can't be fixed by 2 hour coding session, they can't be fixed by any coding session at all because they are not programming mistakes but game design mistakes and those are far, far worse and harder to fix. Nor their design decisions were made because of TES lore, they are actually original and bad ideas.

    In example: they design a 3 realms PvP system. The first thing to do is to foster "realm pride" (those who played some older epic PvP MMOs know what I mean), to (out of game) publish kill / leader boards and so on. What does ZoS do? They make you play as all 3 realms so in the end you don't have a sharp identity. This diminishes flavour and motivation.

    And Craglorn? That is the only (= first flaw) PvE place in game for a VR12 guy? First the game design encourages soloing, then suddenly you need to find 4 guys even just to poke your nose out of town (inconsistency flaw).

    Also, what's worse in a "group required" region than having:

    - a garbage group finder
    - each quest locks out people who are not at the same quest step
    - encourages XP grinding so much that nobody will actually want to group, in the group required region.

    Funny enough, if you thought there could be nothing worse than above, you'd be wrong.

    There's a "what's worse" circumstance: the new zone AGAIN repeats the same deadly mistakes, they learned NOTHING from the massive design failure called Craglorn.

    Who does not learn from past mistakes, is doomed to repeat them.

    Let me write it in simple terms so even a ZoS game designer can understand it:

    if you don't put a SINGLE reason for people to group in the group required region, then people will not group. Sounds stupidly easy, doesn't it? But no, they just don't get it. They promote Hircine exploit runs (no fix to date), anomalies grind and bosses grind.

    After 2 weeks of waiting for *1* quest group to form (in the meanwhile I had cleared a trial with a guild starting from zero!) I have tried 30 minutes of bosses farming.

    Result? One third of VR 11 XP bar (the longest of all) filled in 30 minutes.
    This is about 100 times more XP per hour than playing in ANY other way.

    Still surprised nobody wants to quest or do 4 men and all stick to bosses runs?

    So, I and others who'd love to actually play the 4 men content, cannot. Because you ZoS borked Craglorn so hard.

    And now, you are to release more of the same. Another beautiful zone completely ignored and impossible to do, because bosses grinding is still 100 times more efficient. 95% players seem to only play for "most efficient grinding", I can't do anything to change that and you ZoS are encouraging THEM and taunting us "completionists" with another photocopy of a grand failure.
    Edited by Vahrokh on August 14, 2014 2:15PM
  • MercutioElessar
    Selique wrote: »
    Any word on when we'll see chat bubbles? I didn't see any in the video :/. I'm waiting for them :).

    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

  • chimneyswift_ESO
    And all people do is complain. OMFG!

    These people are pumping out delicious content for us to enjoy, faster than any mmo have in ages. And all you do is complain and whine. These forums are filled with spoiled kids.

    Amen! I love the regular updates and have absolutely NO problem paying $15 each month for this type of content. I play this game everyday and and so thrilled they've been doing such regular updates and aren't running out of any ideas :D Keep it up ZOS!
    Ebonheart Pact
    GM of Secret Order of Sotha Sil
    Stam DK - Chimneyswift
    NB Healer - Hist-and-Honey
    Templar - Milvela Volos
    Sorc - Thè Flash

    For ESO builds & guides:
    Facebook Gaming:
  • Hoodster92_ESO
    Does this mean also that the level cap is going up to 14?? Or are you guys waiting for another zone to up the VR Levels?
  • Elloa
    What I find depressing in this thread is to see how much ungrateful, spoiled and always unsatisfied persons there is in this thread. And no, paying a subscription fee do not justify to share your discontentment in the most rude and sarcastic way possible.

    I can't believe that some of you are complaining because its not that ONE update you wanted to see. You really though that the 4th update would be about Justice System, Thief guild, Imperial City or Spellcrafting? Come on guys, do not be disillusional. Those are content that will take a LONG time to be developed fully.

    I'm already very surprised that they are releasing something as big as the New Craglorn, and the Dungeon Arena. I though they would only release the Veteran Dungeon City of Ashes.
    So I'm actually happily surprised! And while I'm very far to see that content myself when released due to my current level and my slow leveling pace, I feel very enthusiastic about the 4 man Arena Dungeon. I LOVE Dungeon in this game and this seems gorgeous: I'm sure the fights will be great, challenging and exciting, and the fact that you have various "Stage" with different decor is really something I'm looking forward!

    So I'm satisfied with this new update. For me it doesn't change much that it was this or another Veteran activity. But this really looks promising, for the day I'll be max level! :blush:

  • Agobi
    Meh,more groupstuff... /unimpressed :\
  • Selique
    Selique wrote: »
    Any word on when we'll see chat bubbles? I didn't see any in the video :/. I'm waiting for them :).


    Falls-With-Grace ~ Shadowscale (Argonian Night Blade)
    Selique Lasra ~ Captain, Smuggler, Swashbuckler (Redguard Templar)
    Chases-Comets ~ Shellback Warrior (Argonian Dragon Knight)
    Slissix-Kir ~ Swamp Shaman (Argonian Sorcerer)
    Hail Sithis..
  • ben_ESO5
    LOL, I love the forums. After months of reading post after post whining about ESO solo content not being group friendly, it's now post after post about ESO adding lots of group content and it not being solo friendly.

    I'm loving the game, and very happy they're consistently adding to the game. But I guess that comes with not being part of the "me-me-right-now-yesterday" generation.
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