Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PTS Patch Notes v1.3.2

  • Kego
    We also don't have the crazy OP crit chance options that NB's have so stacking crit for a sorc in pvp is just about useless since most players with half a brain know to stack impenetrable on their gear.

    Yeah, yeah. Crazy OP with it's 330 Magicka costs for every crit with a Magicka Build or 420 Magicka if Stamina Build is played.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    Sanct16 wrote: »
    Kego wrote: »
    As if something like this would come in an minor Bugfix Patch.
    The true Patch is 1.3.0. The other two minor patches are just fixes to it, there won't be something big, new arriving out of no where.

    The Patch will come most likely end of next week, maybe a week later if they find a major bug that needs to be fixed.

    Any more balancing of Stamina/Magicka and Armor Types will not occur until 1.4, if 1.4.0 will not point out any of it, than it won't come until 1.5.

    Would just be good to know whether there is further balancing coming or not. (For me it means: Should I dump my main character and go for something like DK or Sorc with staff or should I just be patient some weeks/months)
    Nightblade with light armor is a beast. 700+ crits with funnel health and insane selfheal with it too.
    Templar with blazing shield is OP like hell. I watched a templar in 1v1s recently and it always ended the same way: blazing shield 3k dmg onehit.

    Every class is powerful if played right. So please stop complaining about class balance. It really isnt the problem here.

    Is there any debuff as werewolf unless you are in wolf form that makes you underdogs??

    You seriously suggest that we are complaining about class imbalance because we are not "playing them right"? The whole point of this game was supposed to be play the way you want.

    PLEASE stop taking that "play the way you want" quote so far out of context. It was originally in the context of traditional MMOs restrictions of equipment based on class or race. The point wasn't that you could play optimally with any build, but that you could experiment with any build/equipment combination to find what works best for you.
    Even if we were to "play them right" who decided that light armor was appropriate instead of medium armor? My assumption is that the nightblade was inspired by the stealthy rogue archetype. Unless I'm mistaken that usually means leather (medium) armor not cloth (light) armor. I believe the overwhelming majority of the fantasy gaming genre would agree with the medium armor being for rogues assessment so why would you insult the rest of us by that statement that we are simply not "playing it right"?

    This is a perfect example of how "play the way you want" has actually succeeded. Because nightblades aren't forced to wear medium armor, some players experimented and found that they could produce highly effective nightblades wearing light armor instead of medium armor.
    In many other MMOs, that would not even be possible.
    But that does not make light armor a requirement -- you can still build a good nightblade with medium armor. The only people who believe that the nightblade has to wear light armor to be competitive are those who have fallen into the echo chamber.

    Find the build and equipment combination which works best for you, and don't let yourself be limited by others' conceptions of the best build or traditional conceptions of the "appropriate" equipment for a class.

    To be clear the nightblade was only an example. What has basically been established and what you have failed to understand is that light armor always trumps medium armor in such a way that it shouldn't. I don't disagree with every point you make, but it sounds more like an excuse to not do anything or to just accept things the way they are. I suspect your problem lies more in your fear of them making your build less effective rather than an actual belief that the system works. If you give me the choice between dog s*** and cake I will choose the cake. You can tell me that I had a choice but did I really?
  • SirJesto
    If you give me the choice between dog s*** and cake I will choose the cake. You can tell me that I had a choice but did I really?

    I LoL'd pretty good at that one.
  • Blackhorne
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    Sanct16 wrote: »
    Kego wrote: »
    As if something like this would come in an minor Bugfix Patch.
    The true Patch is 1.3.0. The other two minor patches are just fixes to it, there won't be something big, new arriving out of no where.

    The Patch will come most likely end of next week, maybe a week later if they find a major bug that needs to be fixed.

    Any more balancing of Stamina/Magicka and Armor Types will not occur until 1.4, if 1.4.0 will not point out any of it, than it won't come until 1.5.

    Would just be good to know whether there is further balancing coming or not. (For me it means: Should I dump my main character and go for something like DK or Sorc with staff or should I just be patient some weeks/months)
    Nightblade with light armor is a beast. 700+ crits with funnel health and insane selfheal with it too.
    Templar with blazing shield is OP like hell. I watched a templar in 1v1s recently and it always ended the same way: blazing shield 3k dmg onehit.

    Every class is powerful if played right. So please stop complaining about class balance. It really isnt the problem here.

    Is there any debuff as werewolf unless you are in wolf form that makes you underdogs??

    You seriously suggest that we are complaining about class imbalance because we are not "playing them right"? The whole point of this game was supposed to be play the way you want.

    PLEASE stop taking that "play the way you want" quote so far out of context. It was originally in the context of traditional MMOs restrictions of equipment based on class or race. The point wasn't that you could play optimally with any build, but that you could experiment with any build/equipment combination to find what works best for you.
    Even if we were to "play them right" who decided that light armor was appropriate instead of medium armor? My assumption is that the nightblade was inspired by the stealthy rogue archetype. Unless I'm mistaken that usually means leather (medium) armor not cloth (light) armor. I believe the overwhelming majority of the fantasy gaming genre would agree with the medium armor being for rogues assessment so why would you insult the rest of us by that statement that we are simply not "playing it right"?

    This is a perfect example of how "play the way you want" has actually succeeded. Because nightblades aren't forced to wear medium armor, some players experimented and found that they could produce highly effective nightblades wearing light armor instead of medium armor.
    In many other MMOs, that would not even be possible.
    But that does not make light armor a requirement -- you can still build a good nightblade with medium armor. The only people who believe that the nightblade has to wear light armor to be competitive are those who have fallen into the echo chamber.

    Find the build and equipment combination which works best for you, and don't let yourself be limited by others' conceptions of the best build or traditional conceptions of the "appropriate" equipment for a class.

    To be clear the nightblade was only an example. What has basically been established and what you have failed to understand is that light armor always trumps medium armor in such a way that it shouldn't.
    Light armor always trumps medium armor for a particular playstyle. There are builds and playstyles where medium armor is better. Experiment and you'll find them.
    I don't disagree with every point you make, but it sounds more like an excuse to not do anything or to just accept things the way they are. I suspect your problem lies more in your fear of them making your build less effective rather than an actual belief that the system works.
    I don't have a light-armor nightblade. I don't comment on forums in attempts to game the system for my particular build. I don't project my own personality traits onto others.
    If you give me the choice between dog s*** and cake I will choose the cake. You can tell me that I had a choice but did I really?
    The difference between light and medium armor is not as extreme as you characterize it here. It's more like the difference between cake and pudding.
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