[VIDEO] Unbreakable Stun

CC break into a stun.

There are a couple other unbreakable stuns out in the wild, but this is the one I recently captured. Happy hunting.


Edit: Added a muted version of the video so it doesn't detract from what's happening.

For those that are not sure what they are seeing, I'm CC breaking an Invasion (Charge ability) while the templar in the back is throwing his Spear at the same time. CC break is suppose to provide an immunity timer but it never happens and I end up laying on the ground for nearly 3 seconds. When I get up, the CC immunity animation starts swirling around my body.

11 seconds into the video is when it's in slow motion is the best place to look.

Here is my speculation on the problem; it's the CC break animation. The immunity is waiting for the 'get up and break' animation and never happens. PvP in any game is heavily reliant on timely reaction. When animations start cluttering up response time, there will be issues such as this.

Why you should care. From a small scale to a large scale battle, this will inevitability happen to you. When you press an ability and expect it to work and it doesn't, here is one of those culprits you can blame it on.
Edited by bsheffield2008ub17_ESO on June 24, 2014 6:48PM
  • Thechemicals
    Yeah its bugged animation. You get put on your back and you cant break out and you just stay down there....at some moments you get stunned in that way and you can move but are sliding on your back. I hope this has already been reported before because its been happening for 3-4 days now.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • bsheffield2008ub17_ESO
    I see it differently. I CC break exactly the time the Templar Spear is being thrown and the CC immunity does not work. One can see the CC immunity animation appear once I get off the ground.
  • bsheffield2008ub17_ESO
    Yeah its bugged animation. You get put on your back and you cant break out and you just stay down there....at some moments you get stunned in that way and you can move but are sliding on your back. I hope this has already been reported before because its been happening for 3-4 days now.

    This unbreakable stun bug is another one of those out in the wild. Charge -> blanket root = knocked on your ass not able to break it via CC breaker.
    Edited by bsheffield2008ub17_ESO on June 23, 2014 6:39PM
  • NekOnOkO
    To add: i hope you know about the unbreakable knockdown from the volcanic rune for 30+ seconds.
    Edited by NekOnOkO on June 23, 2014 6:58PM
  • bsheffield2008ub17_ESO
    NekOnOkO wrote: »
    To add: i hope you know about the unbreakable knockdown from the volcanic rune for 30+ seconds.

    Sounds unlikely somebody will provide a video of this...

  • NekOnOkO

    Sounds unlikely somebody will provide a video of this...

    Why? I believe this extremely frustrating (and very common bug) is sowmewhat unkown due to the fact that an average person knocked down this way simply won't live long enough to realize what happened.
    Skip to 3.33.
    Volcanic rune - unbreakable knockdown. Usually lasts from 15 to 30 seconds.
    Skip to 5.20
    Volcanic rune - unbreakable knockdown. Usually lasts from 15 to 30 seconds.
    I can find many more examples btw.
    This happens EVERY large fight. So every fight about 5 ppl spend their time just sliding disabled.
  • bsheffield2008ub17_ESO
    I completely forgot about this one! I've encountered this one a couple times too while running with a group. Would of clicked if you would of mentioned sliding on the backside. Thanks for posting a vid of this. Was hard to fathom a 30 second stun in this game until you showed this...../facepalm
  • Halrloprillalar
    NekOnOkO wrote: »

    Why? I believe this extremely frustrating (and very common bug) is sowmewhat unkown due to the fact that an average person knocked down this way simply won't live long enough to realize what happened.
    Skip to 3.33.
    Volcanic rune - unbreakable knockdown. Usually lasts from 15 to 30 seconds.
    Skip to 5.20
    Volcanic rune - unbreakable knockdown. Usually lasts from 15 to 30 seconds.
    I can find many more examples btw.
    This happens EVERY large fight. So every fight about 5 ppl spend their time just sliding disabled.

    you mean the slide on the ground bug? Yes I've had it before, and while hilarious the first time, it's frustrating and stupid for the other 20 times I've had it.

    I've never been knocked down by anything for that long otherwise (or I was dead so it didn't matter I guess).
  • NekOnOkO

    you mean the slide on the ground bug? Yes I've had it before, and while hilarious the first time, it's frustrating and stupid for the other 20 times I've had it.

    I've never been knocked down by anything for that long otherwise (or I was dead so it didn't matter I guess).

    Yep, i mean it =). The more poeple become aware of it, the more it is abused. There are already enough players running around and not doing anything except spamming volcanic runes.
    Edited by NekOnOkO on June 24, 2014 7:14AM
  • Halrloprillalar
    NekOnOkO wrote: »

    Yep, i mean it =). The more poeple become aware of it, the more it is abused. There are already enough players running around and not doing anything except spamming volcanic runes.

    I have never been able to actually intentionally trigger it on someone, so I don't know that volc rune alone is to blame.
  • Gilvoth
    what you see in the opening post and begining of this thread in that video is what has been happening to my nightblade since i was level 10 and entered cryodiil. i have stayed in cryodiil and survived those things on a dailly basis and am now veteren level 12
    welcome to what it feels like to be a duel wield and bow nightblade. there are times i escape this and have killed people but that is not often, i would aproximate that i escape that because of my stealth and luck and throw in some skill on about 1 out of every 25 - 30 fights.

    it's Not a bug by the way and niether is the overpowered class of both sorcerer and dragonight. it's intentional and was done on purpose. it has been complained about for almost 1 and a half years since i was in beta and never changed. reports were made and people complained but it has been and will remain this way. i can only assume the reasons why it was done intentionaly.
    Edited by Gilvoth on June 24, 2014 3:18PM
  • Gilvoth
    Edited by Gilvoth on June 24, 2014 3:49PM
  • Ifthir_ESO
    NekOnOkO wrote: »
    There are already enough players running around and not doing anything except spamming volcanic runes.

    Pretty much. Either rune spam or mass-caltrops + mass runes :s

  • Baphomet
    What's going on in that OP video? It looks like he is using two times the stamina which is required to break a stun. After that, he doesn't have enough stamina to break the javelin's knockdown.

    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • TheBull
    Templar Javelin is all borked. I need to relog a lot of the times when I get hit by it. It changes my graphics to super low res. OP if you ask me..
  • Halrloprillalar
    Ifthir_ESO wrote: »

    Pretty much. Either rune spam or mass-caltrops + mass runes :s

    Extremely useless tactic in open field combat.

    Extremely effective in tight, closed spaces.

    Choose your abilities accordingly.
    TL;DR = NB QQ

    NB has some broken stuff that is supposed to be getting fixed - today actually - but the bug has nothing to do with these 'weakenesses'.

    In fact the only class that can reliably stun-lock me despite a full stam bar is NB w/ some kind of concealed weapon combo. The ST dmg they dish out is ridiculously good. IF you jump someone who is in a group of 5, what makes you think you should be able to survive?

    The bug in the video = interrupting breakout or going past it (seems to me to be latency related) and the other known bug about stun/root preventing breakout are not class-specific. They just happend to be achieved easiest by DK, followed by sorc/temp. NB has no roots but that stun combo I mentioned is the same idea.
    It's a problem of cc break not working properly.
  • bsheffield2008ub17_ESO
    Baphomet wrote: »
    What's going on in that OP video? It looks like he is using two times the stamina which is required to break a stun. After that, he doesn't have enough stamina to break the javelin's knockdown.

    Did an edit to clarify what is happening.
  • Halrloprillalar

    Did an edit to clarify what is happening.

    Honestly to me it looks like your breakout gets interrupted by javelin, which is fairly mind boggling in itself, but the obscene stamina consumption defies all explanation.

    Btw, not to detract from the OP, but if you are literally watching a DK prime for invasion, your best bet is to just hold block as soon as you see them take off. I have successfully prevented the stun by doing this if I am paying attention/not lagging.
  • bsheffield2008ub17_ESO

    Honestly to me it looks like your breakout gets interrupted by javelin, which is fairly mind boggling in itself, but the obscene stamina consumption defies all explanation.

    Btw, not to detract from the OP, but if you are literally watching a DK prime for invasion, your best bet is to just hold block as soon as you see them take off. I have successfully prevented the stun by doing this if I am paying attention/not lagging.

    First of all, LOL at your comment on javalin interrupting a CC break. Got a good laugh off that. Never thought of it that way.

    I happen to not think about blocking that charge when I had three people pop out of stealth to attack me in that video (didn't show that.) I typically do block when I'm not under that pressure.

  • Halrloprillalar

    First of all, LOL at your comment on javalin interrupting a CC break. Got a good laugh off that. Never thought of it that way.

    I happen to not think about blocking that charge when I had three people pop out of stealth to attack me in that video (didn't show that.) I typically do block when I'm not under that pressure.

    Well I mean I've had mist form interrupted this way many times (not venom arrow, checked log) which is an instacast that makes you cc immune ... so yea, it's bizarre.

    Idk my first reaction when a gank squad pops out is to hold block for that teleport strike/charge/invasion that is inevitably incoming and then streak right through the *** to the nearest LOS break, dodge roll and mist form. Of course it still fails more often than not.
  • madangrypally

    This explains a lot. Sometimes I just get totally stun locked even though I should have the resources to break free. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

    And im glade im not dead in that video.
  • Malarky
    In this particular case he is stunned by the javelin and no longer had the stamina to remove it. Templar Javelin seems to do a check on completion of cast whether the person is immune (before its long flight time). In this vid he has either not cast/completed casting his stun break before the javelin takes flight, so therefore gets stunned and does not have enough stamina to break again.

    This isn't to say that unbreakable CC isn't a thing. To me it seems like when I stack two types of CC on a person (one that needs CC break to get out of, and one that needs dodge roll) they never break either. Invasion+Talons is a good example. Cant dodge roll while stunned, cant cc break while rooted. Also in this video in the first 2 seconds you see that his Crushing Shock is interrupted by a venom arrow sending him to his knee, he then CC breaks that (and possibly the invasion too) which might account for the 47% of stamina he had to use? I don't know, but going from 58% stam to 11% doesnt seem right for 1 cc break.


    His extended arm w/ the blue aura is the crushing shock and the green circle is the enemy venom arrow.
    Edited by Malarky on June 24, 2014 8:28PM
  • jdroebuckb16_ESO
    Don't think this is happening here but if you get put off balance by blinding flashes, can you avoid the 4 second CC?
    Edited by jdroebuckb16_ESO on June 24, 2014 10:16PM
    "Home is where the heart is but the stars are made of platinum"
  • bsheffield2008ub17_ESO
    Venom arrow interrupting an instant ability. This just gets better.
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