Mojomonkeyman wrote: »English is not my native english, these are international forums, get over it. It seems you are the only one who didn`t get my message.
If you would`ve bothered checking the posts of this thread you`d quickly realize what I was saying with my first sentence. No insult at all. Since you obviously haven`t I will waste a bit more of my time with explanations to someone who`s just trying to look clever:
As I said I could not understand whether you were implying insult. Regardless of what the language is being spoken/written if it is grammatically unclear; people may not understand it. They shouldn't be required to read the entire thread to decipher the grammatical meaning behind your single post.If you're going to attempt to insult someone you could you please arrange the insult in a grammatical manner that allows people to understand it? Or was it an insult? I can't tell.
As far as "wild accusations" I threw none out. Please "quote me" where I specifically implicate you of saying or doing something you didn't. You put yourself in a hypothetical situation of "Dieing while doing stuff is fun, dieing while lieing down is not". I used a hypothetical situation of what most likely could happen to you and a means of possibly avoiding it.Mojomonkeyman wrote: »Please quote me saying DKs should stop using invasion & talons! Please quote me complaining, that my chain casted shards cause me to die to DKs! Learn to read posts before answering to them. You make yourself look like a fool throwing wild accusations into an otherwise totally objective discussion (well, aside of a few comments which were not made by me).
Since it was not up for discussion for you; you're chastising me for offering people a possible solution around the issue until it can be addressed?Mojomonkeyman wrote:It was never up to discussion for me whether people have to find solutions around the issue (thats the most natural process), nor that I have problems dealing with it (which I don`t), I was just highlighting that there is indeed an issue with cc mechanics very well displayed and experienced by the example of the DK class.
I'm not attempting to convince anyone of anything. I merely offered a suggestion for folks until the matter is addressed; which was met with your disdain. To which I've responded. I apologize if our conversation has offended you. I meant no insult.Mojomonkeyman wrote: »Yeah, now keep on writing passive-aggressive paragraphs trying to convince the world that you`re a great forum warrior with ingenius ideas on how to work around issues.
So much love.
asking people to block all incoming charges is silly. situational awareness also includes resources awareness. if you have just enough stamina to cc break, you should not always block charges. in RvR games, it's rarely 1v1, so blocking your charge when i'm low on stamina leaves me open to your next CC, or the CC of your allies, i'd much rather take your charge stun/KD, break it, and benefit from 5 sec of cc immunity that protects me from your AND your allies...
The first highlighted quote does not happen if the second occurs like you say.HiP wrote:that bug does not occur occasionnaly at all, it happens all the time.
The first highlighted quote does not happen if the second occurs like you say.
There are times when not blocking/dodging CC is favorable. Never said there wasn't. But if you're being bugged out "all the time" and dying lying on the ground with resources left over. Perhaps rolling the dice in hopes of breaking CC which never works is the silly choice until the issue is addressed?
Btw I play a sorc and have been subject to this bug many of times. Less so when I started to block and dodge more. I'm not saying it will win the fight doing so, but at least the person may avoid being a pin cushion laying on the ground with full resources screaming profanities at their kb/monitor and threatening to throw their mouse across the room.
Mojomonkeyman wrote: »
Uhm, he was talking about players mainly using two skills that, in combination, reportedly cause cc break to not work. Sorry, that it is your class that can reproduce this abuse with 100% certainty, but your analysis is pretty much crap.
According to your logic, any exploit would be legit and "good", just because it is efficient?
I played serious PvP games for 10 years (starcraft) and I can guarantee you, repeatedly pressing two buttons that you know bugging out cc break is not the definition of good play...
I smell someone`s afraid he`s not as good of a player he might think he is and is afraid of losing his only way of getting kills.
Try a serious pvp game. Here`s a hanky.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Just have Unstoppable and Purge on the same bar.
Invasion bounces off you and then you just purge the Talons away from yourself (and anyone else nearby), ridding the DoT it puts on you in the process. Resto staff and/or Soul Strike the DK to get around Wings as well.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Just have Unstoppable and Purge on the same bar.
Invasion bounces off you and then you just purge the Talons away from yourself (and anyone else nearby), ridding the DoT it puts on you in the process. Resto staff and/or Soul Strike the DK to get around Wings as well.
So I have not seen much discussion of this on the forums or at least not enough of it. I am not sure if this is a bug or an intentional feature so any clarification would be great. Like many of you have experienced, the DK charge then talon combo creates a stun that you cannot break. You are forced to sit through the duration of the charge stun unable to break out of it. I have also experienced this with other CC combos like charge and crystal shards. So are some CCs just broken, is it a design feature, and has ZOS said anything about it?
It seems that a lot of people are sensitive about the specific mention of DK abilities in this post. Just to clarify I did mention this happens with other CCs, however as @Mojomonkeyman mentioned above the reason that I have specifically mentioned DKs is that by far this bug occurs more often with the charge/talon combo. This is likely the case because just the single player is able to pull it off with out any assistance or a windup. Not saying that it is intentional, just that Talons and charge are not really a rare sight in Cyrodiil and this is happening way too much. Being a Night Blade I can actually get out of it if I break stun then use cloak to break out of talons, but cloak is bugged to hell so this usually just burns my magic before I die.
SilentThunder wrote: »first off LOL at Starcraft being a "serious" pvp game.
I have to agree that its seriously annoying that the combination of knockdown + any other CC is unbreakable. Its a bug and needs to be fixed. Any one who claims that the exploitation of a bug has any relation to actual skill is just wrong.
Even if the dk attackers using this bug to immobilize me were killed and I somehow survived,at times I have actually had to reboot the game so I could move or I was stuck and couldn't move from the spot at all. This is clearly not something the designers intended. BTW even /reloadui didn't help.
Maybe we should compare PVP ranks? Or would that invalidate your "crappy players win more while good ones are supposed to help me beat them" philosophy? Cuz on the note of Starcraft, that crap doesn't fly there either. Do you get all bent like this when you get cannon rushed too?
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »
Its not just Knockdown + Root
In this video i get attacked by multiple people, but that's not a problem..I'm spamming Stun Break the entire time... and nothing happens...
There have been at least two different threads in which this issue was discussed. Zenimax has to be aware of this issue for quite some time now and is ignoring it like many other issues.So I have not seen much discussion of this on the forums or at least not enough of it.
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »--"•Immunity granted by Break Free and the immunity given to you after you’re hit by a crowd control ability now provide immunity to all types of crowd control."
This is from 1.3 notes on the PTS. Will this fix the bug?
If it functions exactly as it is worded, yes.