It's broken. I love when the same garbage DK does this to me repeatedly like its the only two skills they have on their bar.. So bad.. So bad..
In other words, you hate getting roflstomped because you suck at PVP. You wish opponents would show how elite they are, and use a broader spectrum of inefficient skill combos, thus giving you more time to spam your broken crystal shards or whatnot. So to recap, *garbage players* are the ones that crush you repeatedly like an insect, and *good* player are the ones who accommodate you, and die.
Try an easier game. Here's a hanky.
SBR_QuorTek wrote: »There is a difference... a root just roots you there.. a CC (knock down/stun/mezmerized etc) make you temporarely not able to do anything other than a CC break where as rooted you can still shoot back.
A counter to it would be having a skill that pushes enemies away, eg. the one with bow.. that way you might be rooted but you can still fight back... getting knocked down in general has doomed you anyway. putting the root after just makes you stand still but still able to attack back.
So CC + Root, most classes can do something alike that easy enough, so since it is there, one just have to have defenses up for it as well.
Maybe if it is an issue persons should put on a push back or knockdown skill onto the skill bar and use it, one has two bars to play around with as it is.
Not attacking what you are saying here, just pointing this post out. What you have said above seems like a design feature rather than just a bug.
In other words, you hate getting roflstomped because you suck at PVP. You wish opponents would show how elite they are, and use a broader spectrum of inefficient skill combos, thus giving you more time to spam your broken crystal shards or whatnot. So to recap, *garbage players* are the ones that crush you repeatedly like an insect, and *good* player are the ones who accommodate you, and die.
Try an easier game. Here's a hanky.
Tintinabula wrote: »Actually..I think its a combination of the two. When I first heard of this bug it had nothing to do with DKs but infact Templars.
The hate for DKs is strong and even though the OP admits this bug can occur with any stun/root combo what is this thread about? DKs and Invasion /Talons.
I think at least half the ppl raging here weren't perma stunned..they're just upset cause they haven't figured out a better place to come complain.
Ive been perma stunned a handful of times but my BF has it happen atleast once daily(and not by DKs) Your entire skill bar just goes gray and there's no getting out of anything.
Mojomonkeyman wrote: »Again, we are already over talking over dumb & slow, nukeyoo. I don`t have to explain that this is not viable at all for some classes/speccs to keep up preemptively dodging with a 1h/shield user. I`d prefer being able to break cc when im cc´ed. Dieing while doing stuff can be fun, dieing while lieing on the ground despite having ressources to break it is not.
SBR_QuorTek wrote: »
Every class has a counter or similiar skill thing... it doesn't have to be exactly the same look alike thing or way of doing it.. and can even be looking inversed depending on if ranged or close range.
As a ranged woudl prefere to lock down people at range and as a close range I would like being able to get close on people for locking them down.
You don't need to have to be a 1h+shield to do it either, there is skills that knocks down as well working the same way... there is absolutely no point in just flagging one class just because it may be more plentifull, but it is sort of normal though, people forget to see what they are capable of by them self as well.
When you are rooted you can still attack back.... you can stun and knock down/back as well during that to the same extend.... bet people are not crying when a sorcere or something else stuns/knock downs someone.
If you're going to attempt to insult someone you could you please arrange the insult in a grammatical manner that allows people to understand it? Or was it an insult? I can't tell.Mojomonkeyman wrote: »Again, we are already over talking over dumb & slow, nukeyoo. I don`t have to explain that this is not viable at all for some classes/speccs to keep up preemptively dodging with a 1h/shield user. I`d prefer being able to break cc when im cc´ed. Dieing while doing stuff can be fun, dieing while lieing on the ground despite having ressources to break it is not.
If you're going to attempt to insult someone you could you please arrange the insult in a grammatical manner that allows people to understand it? Or was it an insult? I can't tell.
I understand that the bug is frustrating. I've experienced it many of times on my sorc. My suggestion is simply offering away to avoid it altogether with better situational awareness. Knowing your opponents class and weapon sets is a big indicator of what could be possibly coming your way.
If you want to "do stuff" like hard cast spells/abilities in front of a dude with a shield; you should expect to get invaded and most likely talon'd. Expecting DK's to stop using one of their most effective combinations is "dumb and slow". This combination is effective without the bug.
But until ZoS ever figures out whats wrong with their code, folks might want to become better situationally aware and use those resources to avoid being found on the floor unable to use them.
Mojomonkeyman wrote: »
I think you missed the point, I was solely discussing the unbreakable cc combo of root & knockdown, which is just most commonly experienced when facing a 1h/shield DK (at least by me).
I already stated, I think DK`s are somewhat fine. I just don`t think that such a mechanic (unbreakable cc) should have a place in this game, since it is very burst heavy.