If it functions exactly as it is worded, yes.
hyttemaierb16_ESO wrote: »Since when is it an exploit using skills in this game? its a basic combo.
In other words, you hate getting roflstomped because you suck at PVP. You wish opponents would show how elite they are, and use a broader spectrum of inefficient skill combos, thus giving you more time to spam your broken crystal shards or whatnot.
SBR_QuorTek wrote: »If want to kill a DK.. do it ranged, it is the most annoying thing as a DK.. a couple of ranged people usually am the doom for a DK.
The stun/root combo is bugging out in Cyrodiil, having the effect of creating a permanent CC that you cannot break or roll out of.
hyttemaierb16_ESO wrote: »And even if this is a bug, im not gonna stop using it, that would mean i stopped pvping until they fixed it, as this is my only combo to not have a ranged kite me, if it realy is like you are saying its something zenimax should address, we just use the skills provided by the game, and that can never be an exploit.
Edit: And come to think about it, why arent you using immovable? against a DK? it works every time (you can use this skill even if you dont have ANY heavy armor pieces, just dont morph the skill).
pitdemon_ESO wrote: »
Might be a bit nitpickey here, but abusing bugs in game for your own advancement is pretty much the definition of exploiting. Also, saying that abuse of said bugs is the only way that you can win a fight in PvP doesn't really say much for your fighting prowess. Just sayin
Also, if you used Immovable everytime a DK is or could be around, you would never not have that buff up. Which is actually a great strategy, except that there are limited resources to consider.
To chime in on the original post, I've been getting the unbreakable CC in Wabba more from Templars than DKs recently, and it's much worse IMO, since when fighting a DK you 1) expect it, and 2) have the lovely graphic to let you know when you can move again (if you aren't already dead).
hyttemaierb16_ESO wrote: »
Hey i get you man, it might be fustration, i never knew it worked that way, but as a melee in any game in pvp, if you cant root or stun a ranged, you lost the fight before it started :-)
But what im saying here is, its not us DK's you should complain to, i would have to respec, and take some other CC abilities, there is pleanty of combinations around, but as far i can read its not a DK only combo, any class can do this, as far i can read in this post.
I never complain about NB's stunlocking me while i come riding peacefully on my horse :-) in fact i just smile, and think well played, and then spawn at a tent where i was riding anyway.
And for the record, i also have a veteran 5 nightblade he never gets the bug you are talking about, and trust me he gets invasion + talon comboed alot, its like DK's can smell a vampire on the field, are you sure its not an animation bug or even lag?
Edit: And btw, as i wrote the people i fight, never seem to have this issue, they ALLWAYS roll when i put down my banner, some people just seem to ignore the talons and just fight, but the second my banner comes down, they magicaly gain the power to roll out of it.
hyttemaierb16_ESO wrote: »
While this is a major bug, what are you suggesting? I personaly use this combo, and i have yet to see anyone not rolling out of it, what i do usualy is invasion + talon, but people ignore it.. right until i use my banner, then all of a sudden they panic and CAN dodge roll out of itthere must be some other factors, to the effect you are talking about.
And you made sure you had enough stamina to roll? and did you try to interrupt? (stunbreak? left + right mouse)?
If its not that i think it can be an animation bug? invasion knocks you down (the longer the charge the longer the knockdown) im thinking when i "charge" and right away use talons, it may look like you are standing up, and you try to dodge roll, but in fact you are still lying down (try interrupt instead left + right mouse, and make sure you have 50%+ stamina to do this).
And even if this is a bug, im not gonna stop using it, that would mean i stopped pvping until they fixed it, as this is my only combo to not have a ranged kite me, if it realy is like you are saying its something zenimax should address, we just use the skills provided by the game, and that can never be an exploit.
Edit: And come to think about it, why arent you using immovable? against a DK? it works every time (you can use this skill even if you dont have ANY heavy armor pieces, just dont morph the skill).
pitdemon_ESO wrote: »
You seem like a nice fellow, so I will just say that the bug is indeed 100% recreatable using certain combinations. Maybe this thread explains it better, not sure:
Regarding getting stunlocked by NB's - there was a bug affecting one of our core abilities, Teleport Strike, that CC'd players (it was supposed to be PvE only). It's supposedly been fixed, but if you see it in game report it.
(It wouldn't be the first bug they said they fixed that's still around)
Ifthir_ESO wrote: »