I completely agree with everything said in this post. Plus it is made by an argonian + 500 awesomes.
what can only give one?one then.
The stick was fine the carrot sucked - now nobody will know how to play.
Players should be encouraged to try out different combinations of abilities and tactics depending on the enemies that they face.
if it was a vocal minority you can bet they wouldnt be changing anything... I think the jury is in and it is YOU who is the vocal minority. cos if you wern't they would change nothing. The fact they are is pretty much conclusive that ZOS have done the math and decided this will please many more than it will annoy.
Zero_Tolerance wrote: »It's bad but always happens. The noobs always get their way 'cos they can give out here while in normal life they can only sulk in the corner and cry on their momma's lap instead of demanding to win everything they engage in without even trying. Lucky them I guess....
stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »Players should be encouraged to try out different combinations of abilities and tactics depending on the enemies that they face.
In my opinion, one big design flaw with this game is that nothing in the general quest content during 1-50 required you to do this, or even hinted at the need to do so. I leveled a Templar and a NB before either of them were even remotely balanced, and the NB was bugged to Oblivion. Nevertheless, regular quests and dungeons in levels 1-50 were never really a problem. I was never really forced to dodge, block or interrupt other than for some bosses if I insisted on doing them solo, but I almost never had the chance or incentive to do anything by myself. There were always other players around to help, whether I wanted it or not.
The only time I was challenged and needed to think was in the main quest solo fights, often against overpowered enemies, and sometimes with bugged companions who did absolutely nothing to help. People complained about that because it was a difficulty spike that was totally out of place. If the content leading up to it, and the content following it, had been more challenging, I think more people would have been OK with those fairly difficult forced solo fights.
The current VR zones hit you in the face, because they are so much more difficult than what you have seen before. Players who have invested all their skill points in crafting and more or less useless passives, or made bad choices on what abilities to pick and train, will suddenly feel that the game has basically been lying to them for weeks. "You're doing fine, yes, good, nice, keep using those same two abilities in every situation, great work". And then, suddenly, the game says "BAM! Gotcha. Sorry, but that's not going to cut it. You need a completely different and much more diverse set of skills here, and you should have trained and morphed them appropriately by now even though we never told you to, or gave you any incentive to do so."
The sudden and unexpected spike in difficulty between 1-50 and 50+, the low population in VR zones because of that and because of Craglorn, and the phasing problem which makes it difficult to group up with random people to do quests, are what I think was wrong with VR levels. By making them easier, they might dodge the problem rather than solve it, but I think this nerf might be the only short term solution. Besides, I do think they overdid it a bit with the VR difficulty, and I appreciate the change. I honestly don't think it will be face-roll easy even after the patch on Monday. But we'll see.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »AlienDiplomat wrote: »I should have made this a poll. More people that I have talked to are upset by this lazy man's solution to jeopardize the quality of veteran content to suit some anonymous "vocal minority" than are actually defending it.
Who ARE these vocal minority anyway, and will they really make up the subscriber numbers combined with those they will lose if they over-nerf?
I suppose only time will tell, but this will be a very easy change to over-do being that so many seem to agree that doing it at all was too far.
I really hope this is done as a BALANCING step now a "nerf it all" hamfisted content nerf. Like take on specific mobs (storm atronach, gargoyle, etc.) or make certain abilities hit for a LITTLE less...
if it was a vocal minority you can bet they wouldnt be changing anything... I think the jury is in and it is YOU who is the vocal minority. cos if you wern't they would change nothing. The fact they are is pretty much conclusive that ZOS have done the math and decided this will please many more than it will annoy.
Actually, I think this may be something completely different.
I think the company is in "panic mode" for losing so many subscribers before they recouped enough of their investment, and they are scrambling to latch onto the most popular complaints to try and win back some numbers. That is just a theory.
Still, I do NOT think this is what will do it for them. When 2/3 of the game ends up being a boring face roll (which is WORSE than a grind) I think they will actually lose MORE customers in the long run.
But lets see if they really do nerf it to WoW status before overreacting prematurely.
You do not seem to understand business practice much.
As much as I want this game to remain unique and not become a wow clone...if ZeniMax had a shot at even being 20% as successful as wow still is, they would take that in a heart beat, even if that means they shift to make the game more like a wow clone. And I wouldn't blame them. Wow still has what? 6 to 8 million subscribers? That is like 90 million or more at 15 a month. Even at 20%, that is around 15 million reasons a month to cater to what you call "care bears". In the business world we refer to them as the customer.
Well the care bear customers may come back, but then they lose the real customers. The real customers are the majority here the ones they need to watch out for.
Is this indicative the "real" customers to which you refer? It's the image that comes to mind for those of us over 35, when we see posts like yours. Believe it or not, its quite likely that the "care bear" casual gamers of which you're so readily dismissive make up a significant portion of the player base.
Alienating them simply isn't good business practice for producers of an MMO advertising itself as "Play as you want."
IMO, the developers would have been better off making a difficulty slider, as we saw in the last few TES releases. But I know, I know - the epeens of the "leet" gamers would then be threatened to see "care bears" in their neck of the woods.
As surprising to you as it may be I wouldn't mind a difficulty slider. No that picture is not indicative at all. Me and a lot of "Leet" gamers as you put it don't want games nerfed because casuals choose not to put the time into it. Another surprising thing to you might be the fact that a lot of the "leet" gamers aren't fat basements dwellers most of us have a life outside of games.
Oh, I'm certain of it, but the arrogance dripping from the post to which I replied conjures such an image unbidden.
But to the topic, a slider would have answered the question for both the "elite" players and those just looking for amusement after a grinding day's work.
I didn't mean what I said in an arrogant way so I apologize for that. Yes a difficulty slider would solve this issue well, but that's not how ZOS is going about it. Look at it from the pov of the "leet" players they put in a lot of effort to get what they got, then the "casuals" who only play after work to relax show up and want the stuff weakened because they didn't put as much time into it. This is in no way meant as a jab at you in particular.
what you describe is an emotion called jealousy. it makes no diffrence to you if you already done it. even if it was tougher. what is upsetting you is that others might now have to do it but not as hard. That is you being jealous..
its a horrible emotion and never something to endulge or use as justification for anything
clearly you play sorcerer, and if you find it too hard on a sorc then you are in trouble.. sorc and dk's are easy mode. so if you find a few things a problem on your sorc try to imagine doing it on a templar..
perhaps if your old and mature like you say you would consider that before calling folk braindead and whiney simply cos they didnt roll ez-mode classes
steveb16_ESO46 wrote: »if it was a vocal minority you can bet they wouldnt be changing anything... I think the jury is in and it is YOU who is the vocal minority. cos if you wern't they would change nothing. The fact they are is pretty much conclusive that ZOS have done the math and decided this will please many more than it will annoy.
Quite. None of this was done because of anything anyone says in the forums. forums are the symptom not the cause.
Whatever they are doing is being done because the financial projections don't look good enough. And you don't have to be Stephen Hawking's smarter older brother to figure out people weren't quitting VR because it was too easy.
The forums are just the canary. When I cancelled my sub renewal I made sure my reasons were enunciated via both email and /feedback.
I'm hoping they are also going to revisit the whole alternate reality hand-waving bullcrap at some point and provide a proper story.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »JFC Anastasia, that was less a forum post and more a final year dissertation.
Can you add a TL;DR for us who can't spend the weekend reading that wall of text.
ShedsHisTail wrote: »ShedsHisTail wrote: »We don't know exactly what changes they'll be making yet.
All we know is that they intend to make some adjustments to make it more solo-friendly. For all we know that might just mean the essential quests for the Cadwell's lines might get nerfed but everything else stays as is. Or Maybe the delves will be made harder but open world be a bit easier.
Perhaps they actually will make adjustments on an enemy by enemy basis and correct things like the "this enemy is too strong" issues.
We don't know yet.
Can't we at least wait and see what we get before we complain about it?
When they say...We’re implementing some balance changes to content in post-50 zones that will make it much more like the content from levels 1-50.
it doesn't leave much to the imagination. 1-50 got boring quick, it was a constant faceroll between bosses. Hell, I could take on world bosses my own level, SOLO!
Open the floodgates people! Start complaining! It's clearly what is needed to enact some change around here.
Yeah, see, though... One of the biggest compaints about VR Zones wasn't the difficulty, it was the inconsistency of said difficulty.
1-50 was pretty consistent. Perhaps that's the big change; maybe they're making the challenge more consistent. Fewer random, seemingly impossible spikes, and fewer lulls in the action?
Again, we don't know...
It's like Zos only has two buttons for everything, on/off or high/low or nerf/nerf. Plenty of detailed feedback was provided from players as to what made it boring.AlienDiplomat wrote: »So the problem was the balance between challenge and reward. Simple solution: Provide a greater reward incentive. Unique cosmetic drops, pet drops, new motif drops, more unique set bonus drops with more interesting effects...
SO many options they could have gone for but instead...
They just remove the challenge?
It's like Zos only has two buttons for everything, on/off or high/low or nerf/nerf. Plenty of detailed feedback was provided from players as to what made it boring.AlienDiplomat wrote: »So the problem was the balance between challenge and reward. Simple solution: Provide a greater reward incentive. Unique cosmetic drops, pet drops, new motif drops, more unique set bonus drops with more interesting effects...
SO many options they could have gone for but instead...
They just remove the challenge?
AlienDiplomat wrote: »
Seriously who the heck were they LISTENING to with this hamfisted stupification of the best feature of this game? Because it certainly wasn't the constructive feedback of the forum community.
In the end ZO might pull the Blizzard on us and add daily quest´s where you can grind 4 months and then receive a pony...
Oddly, daily quests would be an instant sub-cancel for my friend and myself.
We have had our fill of that from WoW and other MMOs. Hell, even WoW has understood that folks do NOT like repeating content over, and over, and over, endlessly.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »I am absolutely DISGUSTED by this.
I would rather play in empty zones (though I haven't had that problem) if these zones that I have 100% solo'd with NO difficulty (even doing vet 10 world bosses solo more than half the time) will instead be populated by people with that sort of mindset.
I can tell you this much. If they dumb it down too much to cater to the crybabies they will have another financial problem on their hands, and I will make sure and be vocal in all the appropriate channels as you say when I leave.
You reach VR 12 and never ever grouped up before or were mentally challenged. Now you enter a dungeon or a trial and what will happen? Exactly, you will be flamed, insulted and harassed by elitist´s who do not understand or accept that this is your first group experience ever and that you didn't know what crowd control actually is or how you can dodge attacks etc.
After they were insulted and shouted at they stop visiting dungeons which leads to a massive decline in group willing players, a massive issue that every WOW guild currently suffers under. There are simply put no players for guild raids left and every member that stops leaves a big hole in the roster.