Has anyone else noticed that pretty much all fan sites for this game are dead?
Tamriel Foundry forums are so slow. Topics frequently go days without responses. In-depth discussions of mechanics and builds are slowing to a trickle.
MMORPG forgot about this game on April 4th.
Dulfy articles for ESO frequently have zero comments, whereas GW2 articles typically have dozens and SWTOR articles have hundreds.
ESOHead is clearly far worse than WoWHead. These sites rely on users to submit data, so it stands to reason that the quality of these online databases is proportional to the number of users.
I suppose the ESO subreddit is fine if you're looking for screenshots of Pacrooti's mail text, or screenshots of amusing glitches, or screenshots of "missing" textures with the title "does anyone know what this means?!?!?
Are there any fan sites that are still alive?