AlexDougherty wrote: »
Dwemer motif would work fine, might be a bit strange with materials other than Dwemer metal, but it could work.
no, why? it can be million mer worth underground city. we do not know much about the numbers of Falmer survivors in total. we only know about the surface. I see it as light separated dimension, paradise of ice (beyond memory) created through their prayers; 'paladin selectives' of a sort, playing on the icicles (water-memory-ESO-lore-thing)nerevarine1138 wrote: »Falmer: Are you planning on limiting the number of players who are allowed to play Falmer?
no, why? it can be million mer worth underground city. we do not know much about the numbers of Falmer survivors in total. we only know about the surface. I see it as light separated dimension, paradise of ice (beyond memory) created through their prayers; 'paladin selectives' of a sort, playing on the icicles (water-memory-ESO-lore-thing)
there is only one uncorrupted Falmer that we know: Paladin Knight Gelebor. he himself knows nothing about other living Falmer and their enclaves, although he speculates that there might be some. There is nothing in the lore that prevents them from surviving through some heavy miracle. ESO happens during uneasy times, some knowledge was lost from these times. dragonbreaks jump like happy goblins after Altmeri style whipping.nerevarine1138 wrote: »Actually, if you played Dawnguard, we're quite aware that there were almost no Snow Elves who were not corrupted. Those that did survive were not seen on the surface until the 4th Era.
there is only one uncorrupted Falmer that we know: Paladin Knight Gelebor. he himself knows nothing about other living Falmer and their enclaves, although he speculates that there might be some. There is nothing in the lore that prevents them from surviving through some heavy miracle. ESO happens during uneasy times, some knowledge was lost from these times. dragonbreaks jump like happy goblins after Altmeri style whipping.
there is only one uncorrupted Falmer that we know: Paladin Knight Gelebor. he himself knows nothing about other living Falmer and their enclaves, although he speculates that there might be some. There is nothing in the lore that prevents them from surviving through some heavy miracle. ESO happens during uneasy times, some knowledge was lost from these times. dragonbreaks jump like happy goblins after Altmeri style whipping.
indeed, he speculates. there can be 1 more or million. bigger things happend in TES lore than this.nerevarine1138 wrote: »Again, he speculates that there might be some. Some. Not enough for hundreds of thousands of Falmer to inexplicably come up to the surface and then disappear again.
The dragonbreak doesn't mean that anything goes. It just means that the details of this period haven't been set down as accurately as others. It gives the developers flexibility without allowing them to completely change the history of Nirn.
Well, now as exactly in this point of ESO, there is no reason for them to be. Next Daedric Prince, next plot, who knows.Don't forget, guys, that we can bend the lore at least a little bit by using the "Dragonbreak Principle". You know, that whole 'break in time'/ 'alternate timeline' scenario.
It just has to be that those untainted Falmer die or something in the timeline that actually leads to the 4th era...or something along those lines.
That being said, I personally don't like the idea of a playable Falmer race. It doesn't really make sense lore-wise right now. Even if we do use a few loopholes, it would just be slightly irritating to me. Besides, people are already playing as white elves anyway.
Even if they are created, which alliance would they belong to? If they are Dominion only, the other two factions would complain that they don't have another race of their own. Cross faction? Seems even more lore-sketchy, and would it be available to everyone or just the people who spent the extra 20$ for the explorer's pack (or was it some other addition? I forget.)?