New races or Motifs?

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  • rynth
    well since we started out the game with our soul stolen....and throughout the game there are daedric that help you out (though it is through their own agenda).

    But with our soul taken perhaps we can become daedric???? I don't know not much of a follower of Scroll lore, but they are just thoughts....doesn't that see all colors or whatever her name follow a daedric diety?

    And also this being a fantasy game....what's to say that this game doesn't start its own lore or create new ones? Just because it wasn't done in the other games doesn't mean that it can't be done now. I mean only reason why we have lore is because some developer decided to put it into that particular game right?
    Edited by rynth on July 2, 2014 1:39AM
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • Aeradon
    Utildai wrote: »

    Yes! We need an Asian type setting with armor and weapons. :)

    Covenant set.
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • ArcVelarian
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »
    Akaviri! I would love... no, I need some Akaviri style katanas/tantos.

    The armor style already exists in the game too... Definately Akaviri and Dwemer motifs. Maybe even Ancient Nord for whenever they decide to add more Skyrim! :D
    Murphy's Law of PvP : If it can be abused and or exploited, it will be abused and or exploited.
  • rynth
    isn't ancient Nord pretty much Barbarian and primal motifs? I'm just wondering is why I ask. Didn't know if there was another type of Nord armor out there
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • Pellaeon
    Dwemer, Akaviri, Glass, Ebony, and a better looking Daedric style just to name some.

    As far as races go maybe add a different faction. I hear add and "evil" faction alot to make Dremora playable. Or maybe add a "Savage" faction, With the war raging all across Tamriel, the "savage" races of say Goblin, Ogres, and Falmer band together to survive.

    @gorall Stamina Templar-AD
  • charles_crowe
    crislevin wrote: »

    check your lore. the chimer became the dunmer.

    as for motifs (new playable races would be a no)

    Akaviri for the stupid katana-lovers
    Dwemer for the steampunks
  • rynth
    okay so here's an idea to become daedric as a race.

    Make it like the vampire or werewolf quests but perhaps daedric is a Vet. quest where you have the option to sell your soul to become one. I mean its not like Daedric are all evil, as said by one of the NPC daedrics that good/evil are mortal words and feelings Daedric just are (or something along those lines). And Daedric by their very nature will destroy other deadric or ruin plans of others of their species just to further their own gains. Hence the ability to sale your soul to become daedric.

    Another race could be um....dang can't remember what they are called but what the Cadric (lol whatever his name is) guy is. All those soulless people in cold harbor.
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • nerevarine1138
    rynth wrote: »
    okay so here's an idea to become daedric as a race.

    Make it like the vampire or werewolf quests but perhaps daedric is a Vet. quest where you have the option to sell your soul to become one. I mean its not like Daedric are all evil, as said by one of the NPC daedrics that good/evil are mortal words and feelings Daedric just are (or something along those lines). And Daedric by their very nature will destroy other deadric or ruin plans of others of their species just to further their own gains. Hence the ability to sale your soul to become daedric.

    Another race could be um....dang can't remember what they are called but what the Cadric (lol whatever his name is) guy is. All those soulless people in cold harbor.

    As explained earlier (*sigh*):

    Daedra are bound to their specific plane of Oblivion, unless summoned to Nirn by a mortal. Once summoned, they are still bound by the specifics of the summoning ritual, so (as you can see in many, many instances in-game), they can't just run around as they please. Also, your soul can't "become" Daedric. There are rare instances of people being transformed into Daedra, but the process isn't pretty, and you don't get special free will powers not granted to other Daedra.

    And you start out this game as a soulless one. That's the entire point of you doing the main quest.
  • The_Sadist
    No to new races, it would go against lore which ESO prides itself on.

    So the Dwemer / Snow Elves are already out of the question. Goblins are not intelligent enough to be a race and the Daedra have never been a playable class (and it wouldn't make sense regardless).

    The only races I think of 'potentially' would be the Slode, a few random Elvish races, a few random beast races and a few random men races which are scattered about.. But still, no. The 9 races will hopefully be the only races we see.. new classes, however, is a completely different ball game. Go go Necromacers!

    In terms of motifs I wouldn't mind seeing each motif broken down e.g. Dunmer -> Dunmer .1 Chimer / Dunmer .2 Tribunal / Dunmer .3 Telvanni / Dunmer .4 Ashlander sort of thing.
    Edited by The_Sadist on July 3, 2014 11:11PM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • rynth
    *heavier sigh*
    anything is possible with a few keystrokes ALL of this is make believe fantasy hence new things can be added, JUST because it wasn't in the previous games DOES NOT make it impossible that's the beauty of fantasy. And besides it'd be something like vampire/ww quests so you aren't starting out as a deadric. lol I'm sure that there are plenty of players willing to resale their soul to ....shall we say "morph" their race into something more.

    come on have to think outside the box and broaden your minds, the limits are well limitless. oh! and if you need added lore I'm sure some developer or writer could add a few books in the bookshelves to pop up make it all happen. Presto Chango you have something new :wink:
    Edited by rynth on July 3, 2014 11:15PM
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    No new playable races, no I don't believe there will be any, nor should there be.
    New Motifs though? Yes, there will be in future.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Lynx7386
    Actually come to think of it there's one race addition I'd like to see: Halfbreeds.

    i think the character creator in ESO is strong enough to make that function work well: you pick two races instead of one, and your character takes on various traits of both. Perhaps there could be a slider between the two race choices, melding you more towards one or the other.
    PS4 / NA
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    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
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    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • AngryWolf
    I wasn't aware of new MOTIFS. Where they added in last patch?
  • DeLindsay
    ZoS has stated already that more Motifs will come down the pipes later, but didn't give any clue as to which. I figure it more from an armor customization point than anything else tbh.
  • pinstripesc
    Dwarven motifs would be super cool, and likely super rare.

    After just getting to the AD and learning about the Maormer, they might be kinda cool to have as player characters.
  • Lord_Hev
    Evil is subjective nonsense.

    Maormer are not evil. How can you ascertain such a thing based solely on 1.) Altmeri accounts which are biased, and 2.) Never having any experience of interacting with them on their home island. The only Maormer you encounter are soldiers in the Maormeri army with their orders from above, and Maormeri pirates.

    Daedra are not evil. They follow blue & orange morality. They are immortal, and our mortal perspectives mean nothing to them.

    Goblins are not evil. They are much like the Orcs, but on a less intellectual scale. But like the Orcs, they are tough and can survive all the oppression.

    Sorry about that, I'm a moral nihilist and I hate the word "evil."

    Oh and yeah, wouldn't mind new races. Especially the Maormer. Lots of RP potential, even in the AD, lol

    Dremora, I'd rather have a costume or "gem" for that (like the Goblin & Skeleton costumes)

    Goblins, all covered by Primal motif & Goblin costume.

    Sure. If Daedra weren't bound to their specific prince and plane of Oblivion unless summoned into Nirn, and if when summoned they weren't bound by extremely tight parameters, then yes. They wouldn't break lore.

    However, since none of those things are true, they would break lore. I don't care if it's "severe" or not. It goes against the established lore, which has now been in place for two decades.

    Daedra are not bound to their Prince. Even the animalistic ones can do whatever they please. We've already had this discussion, and I am still waiting for your source for this claim.

    And considering the Planemeld is going on, and the Barrier is completely NON-EXISTENT, a Dremora can enter Nirn as effortlessly as it is for me to open an unlocked door. Thank you Varen & friends!
    Edited by Lord_Hev on July 4, 2014 12:50AM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • nerevarine1138
    rynth wrote: »
    *heavier sigh*
    anything is possible with a few keystrokes ALL of this is make believe fantasy hence new things can be added, JUST because it wasn't in the previous games DOES NOT make it impossible that's the beauty of fantasy. And besides it'd be something like vampire/ww quests so you aren't starting out as a deadric. lol I'm sure that there are plenty of players willing to resale their soul to ....shall we say "morph" their race into something more.

    come on have to think outside the box and broaden your minds, the limits are well limitless. oh! and if you need added lore I'm sure some developer or writer could add a few books in the bookshelves to pop up make it all happen. Presto Chango you have something new :wink:


    What makes fantasy wonderful is the persistent world that's created through adherence to an established lore. Bad fantasy (and bad RPG-ing) is when you add in steampunk elements because "It's fantasy!"
    Lord_Hev wrote: »

    Daedra are not bound to their Prince. Even the animalistic ones can do whatever they please. We've already had this discussion, and I am still waiting for your source for this claim.

    And considering the Planemeld is going on, and the Barrier is completely NON-EXISTENT, a Dremora can enter Nirn as effortlessly as it is for me to open an unlocked door. Thank you Varen & friends!

    Daedra are bound to their prince in that they have a specific realm of Oblivion that they are stuck in, unless they have the power to make a trip elsewhere (usually only done through their prince). We can see countless examples of this in the prior ES games.

    And while yes, a Dremora can enter at one of the anchor points as part of Molag Bal's army, it's because Molag Bal's followers are summoning it. That Dremora would still be bound to the summoning area until the planemeld is complete (which it never is). And since we stop the planemeld at the end of the story, it's all a moot point.

    Finally (and most importantly), people just want to be Daedra for the Ghost Rider factor. They think they look really badass, but they haven't actually considered what it means to be Daedra. They just want horns. And Bosmer can have horns. So can Argonians. Be one of those things, and stop asking ZO to destroy the established lore just so you can look like an adolescent fantasy of what "cool" is.

  • Zorrashi
    rynth wrote: »
    *heavier sigh*
    anything is possible with a few keystrokes ALL of this is make believe fantasy hence new things can be added, JUST because it wasn't in the previous games DOES NOT make it impossible that's the beauty of fantasy. And besides it'd be something like vampire/ww quests so you aren't starting out as a deadric. lol I'm sure that there are plenty of players willing to resale their soul to ....shall we say "morph" their race into something more.

    come on have to think outside the box and broaden your minds, the limits are well limitless. oh! and if you need added lore I'm sure some developer or writer could add a few books in the bookshelves to pop up make it all happen. Presto Chango you have something new :wink:

    Even if it is a fantasy setting, TES has very, very rich lore that has been built up over many games and in-game books. The franchise itself has a significant following lore followers, as it is a 'core' aspect of the elder scrolls franchise.

    Try to add the dwemer race? They disappeared a long time ago, and they are still nonexistent by the 4th era. Try to add a Daedric race, someone is going to bust in here and say why daedra wouldn't even be involved in the mortal plane and how the event of mortals turning into daedra are too rare of an occurrence to be so widely available.

    It is unfortunate to certain MMO players and even a few TES fans to not have new races implemented, but the lore/time period of this setting is not favorable to have new races created just for the sake of it.

    Unless they go to Akavir....but I think they'll save that for a single-player title.
  • jamie.goddenrwb17_ESO
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I do not want new playable races (honestly none of them would fit the factions we have).

    I definitely think there should be new motifs based on non-playable races though. Maormer, Akaviri, Yokudan, Goblin, etc. Maybe even some motifs for more outlandish armor styles like frost/storm/fire atronach armor.

    This sums it up for me apart from one thing...
    RRobertson wrote: »
    Glass Armour please.

    This. A thousand times this!
    (and proper Dwarven armor, not the silly ore thingy that we have now).

    I can has typing!
  • Lord_Hev
    Daedra are bound to their prince in that they have a specific realm of Oblivion that they are stuck in,


    Daedra are not bound. PERIOD. The only time that word ever comes up, is when deals and pacts are made. Between either Daedric Princes, or mortal summoners.

    You find Dremora in various realms. Dremora choose whom they serve. They do not need to serve Bal. Bal cannot force them to serve him. Dremora are akin to Mehrunes Dagon first and foremost. Yet Dremora can serve whomever they feel like serving at their own power of decision and clan oaths. And as noted by a Dremora *They have served Dagon, but not always so.

    The Mazken(Dark Seducers) as a whole are loyal to Sheogorath. But Sheo has zero control over them. Which why we find some in Coldharbour.

    The Twilights are children of Azura. We find some in Coldharbour because Daedra are not bound to Daedric Lords unless they choose to, and at that, only on an individual or clan level.

    Finally (and most importantly), people just want to be Daedra for the Ghost Rider factor. They think they look really badass, but they haven't actually considered what it means to be Daedra. They just want horns. And Bosmer can have horns. So can Argonians. Be one of those things, and stop asking ZO to destroy the established lore just so you can look like an adolescent fantasy of what "cool" is.


    Though I do agree to an extent. I feel the best remedy would be to just have Dremora costumes/gems. Something that can be ignored unless for some reason, people running around as Goblins is Skeletons is just too much for you to handle.

    Oh and the Planemeld never ends. You only delay Molag Bal from taking Nirn in one singular swoop. You stop the Planar Vortex. not the Planemeld.

    It's all a fore-shadow for the expansion(s) planned for ESO. The Planemeld is nigh
    Edited by Lord_Hev on July 4, 2014 2:21AM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • rynth
    Okay so to broaden this topic I was going to add some classes that might be nice to have or at least new skill lines or something.

    1. Elemental type mages or just plan new sorcerer. I'd like to see more spell types a lot more spell types like different types of fire magic, ice magic, etc. Maybe at an elemental familiar. I know we have the staffs but I'd like to see something along the storm magic skill line, just for different elements.
    2. Just a plane old blade master or well a regular fighter type of character. maybe a class that doesn't involve magic or fire or some sort of arcane type of power for the class (I don't know if makes any sense). I mean I know we have our skill lines for armor and regular weapons, but something that doesn't involve spikes growing out of my back, setting something on fire, using some holy spear, etc.
    3. Necromancer for male and well hag follower type for female (I forget her name but in skyrim there was that one lady that you save her from her mother who was a dark arts practitioner).
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • AlexDougherty
    rynth wrote: »
    what do you all think of new races or motifs (yes, yes I know that have bugs to fix but just curious to see what people think) so lets keep thread on topic and positive

    was thinking.....

    race: sea elves, daedric, goblin I know these are evil races....though perhaps sea elves have kinder souled elves...but maybe can offer another type of faction those being the evil races? maybe as an unlock after vet1 through 12 levels.

    motifs: well can only really think of sea elves and dwarven right now
    ThePonzzz wrote: »
    As long as they call the dwarves the Dwemer.

    I wouldn't mind seeing other species of the Khajiit. Or the Imga (even if they aren't a player race).
    crislevin wrote: »

    Daedra can't be player characters, for a variety of reasons, including the fact that any mage could banish you back to oblivion.
    Goblins are far too stupid to be playable, you talk to them in Aldmeri Dominion line, they have far too little intelligence to be believable.
    Dwemer are gone, no-one knows where or why, but none are around, at all.
    Chimer don't exist either, all Chimer were turned into Dunmer.

    Dwemer and Chimer could work as motifs though.

    Maormer could theoretically be player characters, as could Imga.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Phantax
    BOTH !

    But then any new race would have a new style and hence a new motif, so win-win for everybody

    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • AlexDougherty
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    Actually come to think of it there's one race addition I'd like to see: Halfbreeds.

    The only Half-breeds that exist are the Bretons, children between humans and elves are possible, but they are either human or elf, not half-elf (Bretons happened after generations of crossbreeding). Breeding between Beastfolk (Khajiit/Argonians/Imga) and Humans/Elves has not been known to produce offspring.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Surinen
    there are only two more races that I would like to see as playable:
    1. Falmer from some long lost buried in the light, icy Cathedral city-state dedicated to Auri-El
    2. Maormer, the more heretics to purge the better.
  • nerevarine1138
    Surinen wrote: »
    there are only two more races that I would like to see as playable:
    1. Falmer from some long lost buried in the light, icy Cathedral city-state dedicated to Auri-El
    2. Maormer, the more heretics to purge the better.

    Maormer: Ok. If it's important to you.

    Falmer: Are you planning on limiting the number of players who are allowed to play Falmer?
  • Phantax
    Dwemer - bit obvious really.

    And maybe something bear based, I don't know... panda


    (2nd option obviously a poor joke)
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • AlexDougherty
    Phantax wrote: »
    Dwemer - bit obvious really.

    And maybe something bear based, I don't know... panda

    (2nd option obviously a poor joke)

    Dwemer are gone, all gone, except one Dwemer ghost, and he was on a different plane when he died, or he'd be gone too.

    Polar bear could work, just need to white out the black patches. (just as bad a joke as Phantax's)
    Edited by AlexDougherty on July 6, 2014 3:46PM
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Phantax

    Dwemer are gone, all gone, except one Dwemer ghost, and he was on a different plane when he died, or he'd be gone too.

    Polar bear could work, just need to white out the black patches. (just as bad a joke as Phantax's)

    Well if I can't have Dwemer as a race, there is no reason we can't have a Dwemer Motif. All those ruins about the place, bound to be a few copies of their armor designs lying around somewhere !

    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • AlexDougherty
    Phantax wrote: »

    Well if I can't have Dwemer as a race, there is no reason we can't have a Dwemer Motif. All those ruins about the place, bound to be a few copies of their armor designs lying around somewhere !


    Dwemer motif would work fine, might be a bit strange with materials other than Dwemer metal, but it could work.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
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