Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Emperor farming

  • Halrloprillalar
    Krinaman wrote: »
    Also it is totally possible to level up in the alliance war skill lines without being very good at PvP or learning how to play it. Just do the daily scout quests and leech off of groups that are good by joining them or even just going to the same place they are and standing around when they are in fights. People do it to us all the time.

    Just as it's totally possible to get emperor by leaching off other players.

    You fought for hours to get someone crowned as emperor. Had that someone been a person that leeched/quested his/her way to the top playing 24/7 they would still be emperor despite their lack of skill. Heck, that person could of been off farming points while you took the keeps. You do the work, they get the reward.

    Believe me, the people fighting with us would not rally to crown a leecher emperor. The guy who we're getting it for deserves it fully and has our entire guild and associated guilds' support. I'd even be fine with him keeping it if he wants to, but he's a nice guy and probably won't for very long.

    @Agrippa_Invisus‌ we will be taking that crown off yas soon enough ;)

    As for the OP,
    I don't think former emps are anything special, but the behavior it has caused on smaller pop campaigns has been reproachable. Having former/emp bonuses only apply in the campaign you got them might be sufficient as a solution.

    BK s, I believe, is your heir apparent? He was definitely in Chalman last night pulling his weight.

    He is, if he's not already emp ;). Maybe by this weekend if they fix the fps nonsense.
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Krinaman wrote: »
    Also it is totally possible to level up in the alliance war skill lines without being very good at PvP or learning how to play it. Just do the daily scout quests and leech off of groups that are good by joining them or even just going to the same place they are and standing around when they are in fights. People do it to us all the time.

    Just as it's totally possible to get emperor by leaching off other players.

    You fought for hours to get someone crowned as emperor. Had that someone been a person that leeched/quested his/her way to the top playing 24/7 they would still be emperor despite their lack of skill. Heck, that person could of been off farming points while you took the keeps. You do the work, they get the reward.

    Believe me, the people fighting with us would not rally to crown a leecher emperor. The guy who we're getting it for deserves it fully and has our entire guild and associated guilds' support. I'd even be fine with him keeping it if he wants to, but he's a nice guy and probably won't for very long.

    @Agrippa_Invisus‌ we will be taking that crown off yas soon enough ;)

    As for the OP,
    I don't think former emps are anything special, but the behavior it has caused on smaller pop campaigns has been reproachable. Having former/emp bonuses only apply in the campaign you got them might be sufficient as a solution.

    BK s, I believe, is your heir apparent? He was definitely in Chalman last night pulling his weight.

    He is, if he's not already emp ;). Maybe by this weekend if they fix the fps nonsense.

    Unfortunately, the ol' 9-5 leaves me with a set play schedule.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Halrloprillalar
    Krinaman wrote: »
    Also it is totally possible to level up in the alliance war skill lines without being very good at PvP or learning how to play it. Just do the daily scout quests and leech off of groups that are good by joining them or even just going to the same place they are and standing around when they are in fights. People do it to us all the time.

    Just as it's totally possible to get emperor by leaching off other players.

    You fought for hours to get someone crowned as emperor. Had that someone been a person that leeched/quested his/her way to the top playing 24/7 they would still be emperor despite their lack of skill. Heck, that person could of been off farming points while you took the keeps. You do the work, they get the reward.

    Believe me, the people fighting with us would not rally to crown a leecher emperor. The guy who we're getting it for deserves it fully and has our entire guild and associated guilds' support. I'd even be fine with him keeping it if he wants to, but he's a nice guy and probably won't for very long.

    @Agrippa_Invisus‌ we will be taking that crown off yas soon enough ;)

    As for the OP,
    I don't think former emps are anything special, but the behavior it has caused on smaller pop campaigns has been reproachable. Having former/emp bonuses only apply in the campaign you got them might be sufficient as a solution.

    BK s, I believe, is your heir apparent? He was definitely in Chalman last night pulling his weight.

    He is, if he's not already emp ;). Maybe by this weekend if they fix the fps nonsense.

    Unfortunately, the ol' 9-5 leaves me with a set play schedule.

    Same :(. Stayed up way too late yesterday in that chalman push... ugh, so close... need coffeeee

    A few others don't have that whole 'job' issue to hold them back though... just gotta hope they can rally enough daytime PuGs for the cause.
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Krinaman wrote: »
    Also it is totally possible to level up in the alliance war skill lines without being very good at PvP or learning how to play it. Just do the daily scout quests and leech off of groups that are good by joining them or even just going to the same place they are and standing around when they are in fights. People do it to us all the time.

    Just as it's totally possible to get emperor by leaching off other players.

    You fought for hours to get someone crowned as emperor. Had that someone been a person that leeched/quested his/her way to the top playing 24/7 they would still be emperor despite their lack of skill. Heck, that person could of been off farming points while you took the keeps. You do the work, they get the reward.

    Believe me, the people fighting with us would not rally to crown a leecher emperor. The guy who we're getting it for deserves it fully and has our entire guild and associated guilds' support. I'd even be fine with him keeping it if he wants to, but he's a nice guy and probably won't for very long.

    @Agrippa_Invisus‌ we will be taking that crown off yas soon enough ;)

    As for the OP,
    I don't think former emps are anything special, but the behavior it has caused on smaller pop campaigns has been reproachable. Having former/emp bonuses only apply in the campaign you got them might be sufficient as a solution.

    BK s, I believe, is your heir apparent? He was definitely in Chalman last night pulling his weight.

    He is, if he's not already emp ;). Maybe by this weekend if they fix the fps nonsense.

    Unfortunately, the ol' 9-5 leaves me with a set play schedule.

    Same :(. Stayed up way too late yesterday in that chalman push... ugh, so close... need coffeeee

    A few others don't have that whole 'job' issue to hold them back though... just gotta hope they can rally enough daytime PuGs for the cause.

    Hopefully not on the PUGs, but we knew you guys were done when we were able to back cap BRK. I was like 'they just lost an Imp keep and only a handful defended -- they're done', and promptly went to bed.

    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Breea
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Breea wrote: »
    Benefits of former Emperor, IF you have the skill points invested.
    1. Domination - Increases Health, Magicka, and Stamina combat regeneration by 2%.
    2. Authority - Decreases Ultimate costs by 5%.
    3. Monarch - Increases the magnitude of healing effects on former Emperors by 1%.
    4. Tactician - Increases Siege Weapon Damage by 2%.
    5. Emperor - Increases Health, Magicka, and Stamina by 100% while in your campaign.

    <snip >The biggest thing is the OOC regen of health, magicka and stamina, but that's not really a factor while in combat.

    <snip> OOC regen is the only real advantage. The rest is all piddly stuff.


    There is no OOC regen bonus. Not sure where you got that from. #5 Emperor does not give former emps any bonus at all. Our bonuses are 2% combat regeneration, 5% reduced ultimate cost, 1% healing received, and 2% siege damage. That is it.

    Most of us did not get Emp for the former bonuses. We got Emp to enjoy being the Emperor for one cycle until we got deposed, after which we gave somebody else a chance to experience it. In Alacrity, this is what we did every time. We've accumulated many Emps over a long period of time by doing this, but it was never our intention to "farm" the bonuses. We just wanted to enjoy that part of the game, and I can tell you it was some of the best experiences I've ever had in a game.

    What was happening on Celarus and what I'm told is now happening on other campaigns is disappointing. It for some reason is not about enjoying Emperor but instead farming out a title to as many people as possible. I think the problem is that people have seen former Emperors devastating the battlefield and just assumed that the former Emp buffs were what allowed it. The reality is that many of these players are highly skilled, it has nothing to do with the tiny buffs they receive.

    I was unsure as to whether the OOC regen carried over or not so I included it as well. This isn't clearly defined on any sites and I have never been emp myself, but that makes this even less of an advantage.

    As you said, many of the players who have gotten emp were highly skilled and highly coordinated. It's not the emp buff that is making these players good. As far as not enjoying it, again, why is it a bad thing for people to not want to just dominate the battlefield as emperor? For many just the fact that they have gainted the title is the accomplishment. The game is their enjoyment, being in a good solid fight and not knowing who will win, but knowing that you're going to battle till you have no more options. That's the thrill of PVP.

    So, if I'm reading this correctly, you'd rather have a group of highly skilled players running around with one of them having the much more awesome current emperor buffs than having many of them having a much smaller buff. So, the question is then how long exactly do you have to stay Emperor in order to enjoy it? How long before you get tired of being more powerful and want to go back to the fight? Can you determine that for someone else?
  • Breea
    Krinaman wrote: »
    Breea wrote: »
    So, what you're really upset about is when the factions gang up to rule the server, which isn't even what we were talking about. Yes, I agree with you there. There is something unfair about that, but then there are a bunch of servers out there. For every one where it's AD dominated there's one that is DC dominated
    and one that is EP dominated.

    No what I am upset about is that I try to play on a balanced server and go up against groups of a half a dozen or more former emps who have an advantage over me simply because they gamed the system.
    Breea wrote: »
    As for making the skill line available to anyone then there would be no reward for those who are actually good at PVP. As it is right now it's a goal for those who are actually good at PVP tactics. It's not a big buff, but it's the fact that it's something to be worked for, a goal to earn.

    This isn't a reward for being good at PvP, it's a reward for gaming the system. It certainly doesn't require good PvP tactics. Unless taking an empty keep and not repairing it so the other side can easily take it back qualifies as PvP tactics in your book.

    Even without the exploiting of it, it's a reward for being online the most while employing whatever tactic that gets you the most points (which may or may not be the best tactic PvP wise).

    Also my suggestion is to award it after achieving a certain level in the alliance war. So it's still something to work for and it's also something that can be earned by folks who have to go to work everyday. In the end it just evens the playing field. The folks with "good PvP tactics" will still prevail.

    PVP in any game is about who is online the most, or who has killed the most enemies. What you're saying is that the fact that this is rewarded makes it unbalanced and therefore unfair. And for that matter there are quite a few former emperors out there that have gotten there on skill and time played, not exploiting. In fact in many places skilled players have teamed up to defeat those who are exploiting.

    However, taking the reward away from those who have earned it does nothing to stop those who would take advantage of bugs. This can only be solved by banning by game makers. It's rather rude of you to assume that all former emps have gamed the system.
  • kirnmalidus
    Krinaman wrote: »
    Also it is totally possible to level up in the alliance war skill lines without being very good at PvP or learning how to play it. Just do the daily scout quests and leech off of groups that are good by joining them or even just going to the same place they are and standing around when they are in fights. People do it to us all the time.

    Just as it's totally possible to get emperor by leaching off other players.

    You fought for hours to get someone crowned as emperor. Had that someone been a person that leeched/quested his/her way to the top playing 24/7 they would still be emperor despite their lack of skill. Heck, that person could of been off farming points while you took the keeps. You do the work, they get the reward.

    Believe me, the people fighting with us would not rally to crown a leecher emperor. The guy who we're getting it for deserves it fully and has our entire guild and associated guilds' support. I'd even be fine with him keeping it if he wants to, but he's a nice guy and probably won't for very long.

    @Agrippa_Invisus‌ we will be taking that crown off yas soon enough ;)

    As for the OP,
    I don't think former emps are anything special, but the behavior it has caused on smaller pop campaigns has been reproachable. Having former/emp bonuses only apply in the campaign you got them might be sufficient as a solution.

    BK s, I believe, is your heir apparent? He was definitely in Chalman last night pulling his weight.

    Yes, and he deserves it. Not enough for me to make a back-room deal with you guys ;), but he deserves it and is not one of the leeches I was referring to.

    Of course we won't rally to take the emp keeps for the leeches. We rallied for BK s.
    Edited by kirnmalidus on July 2, 2014 6:24PM
    Life of a Nightblade (Screenshot Tumblr)

    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.

    - @ruze84b14_ESO
  • Krinaman
    Breea wrote: »

    PVP in any game is about who is online the most, or who has killed the most enemies. What you're saying is that the fact that this is rewarded makes it unbalanced and therefore unfair. And for that matter there are quite a few former emperors out there that have gotten there on skill and time played, not exploiting. In fact in many places skilled players have teamed up to defeat those who are exploiting.

    However, taking the reward away from those who have earned it does nothing to stop those who would take advantage of bugs. This can only be solved by banning by game makers. It's rather rude of you to assume that all former emps have gamed the system.

    No what I am saying is people gaming the system by taking turns flipping keeps getting a buff is unfair. It's also a stupid system that incentivizes the pathetic state that PvP is right now. It's a complete and utter joke on almost every campaign and the few campaigns where people are actually PvPing you run up against groups of former emps who got it by farming on the other campaigns.

    I also never said to take the reward away. In fact, I said the exact opposite. Leave the former emperor buff just let people who can't be on 24/7 a chance to get them as well without exploiting. As I suggested give it as an award for reaching rank 10 or whatever rank. It would still require people to put in their time to get the buff but not require you to do it in a short period of time.

    It also amazes me that people are going on about how small of a buff it is but are so determined to make sure nobody else can get it.

    And yes, it's rude to assume that all former emps have gamed the system. But with the current system that assumption is almost certainly correct.

  • Breea
    Krinaman wrote: »
    No what I am saying is people gaming the system by taking turns flipping keeps getting a buff is unfair. It's also a stupid system that incentivizes the pathetic state that PvP is right now. It's a complete and utter joke on almost every campaign and the few campaigns where people are actually PvPing you run up against groups of former emps who got it by farming on the other campaigns.

    I also never said to take the reward away. In fact, I said the exact opposite. Leave the former emperor buff just let people who can't be on 24/7 a chance to get them as well without exploiting. As I suggested give it as an award for reaching rank 10 or whatever rank. It would still require people to put in their time to get the buff but not require you to do it in a short period of time.

    It also amazes me that people are going on about how small of a buff it is but are so determined to make sure nobody else can get it.

    And yes, it's rude to assume that all former emps have gamed the system. But with the current system that assumption is almost certainly correct.

    Now I'm actually slightly offended. While I can understand your frustration with those who will stop at nothing to take unintended game mechanics and use them to the fullest there are plenty of us who do not do this. In fact I know of over a dozen former emps that I myself have helped gain the title that didn't exploit the system or do anything that it was not intended to do by the game developers.

    Yes, there are plenty of people being underhanded about gaining points in pvp. There is no way to make the system so that the system itself makes this impossible. If there is a rule there will be someone out there who will try and find a way around it. Enforcement is the problem with this, those that are doing things that are not intended are not getting any consequences.

    As for making sure no body else gets it, there are plenty of people out there that are wanting to hold on to emperor as long as possible to make sure that others don't have the chance to hold it and yet it's only those who are sharing the buffs with guildies that are being vilified on here. I'd say getting in a guild that is working on sharing the buff with other guildies would be the best bet of any non 24/7 character to get the opportunity to have emperor.

    It's a point system, so whoever has the most points wins. So, maximize your ability to get the most points, get help from others to do so. There are missions you can run as an individual that don't require you to kill any npcs, you can get points by simply being around another group that is defending a resource or keep, simply by being in the zone when your alliance captures a scroll you get points. You can use siege weapons and kill ten people at a time if you use it tactically. There's not just one way to emperor.

    As for me personally, I have not been emperor and don't expect to be emperor for a long time if I ever do. It's not something that is my focus in the game and it's not something that to me is that wonderful. However, I am going to defend that it is meant for the highest ranking of each alliance and if they make it up that far then kudos to them. I'm happy for them. Does it make me mad when I see someone who leached the whole time get emp, yeah it does, but the only way to stop this is to have more gms on and watching for people going outside the rules. But then again, what's the difference in going to the restroom during a break and getting a defense tick from just sitting there and getting a defense tick and who are we to say that it is wrong?

    It also amazes me that people are going on about how small of a buff it is and yet are so upset they have trouble getting enough points to get the buffs because they don't play as often. The flipside to your coin. I haven't stopped anyone from getting emperor, there is no way for me to stop you from getting emperor if you have the points, it's impossible.
  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    the passives themselves aren't the actual problem going on here, it's that they're undermining the base spirit of PVP in general. Alot of these big elite guilds aren't looking for massive battles against players, they want sheep to farm and fleece for points. Opposing facs don't take the inner ring because they fight for it, they take it because the dominant guild on the camp ALLOWS them to, skulking in keeps sitting on their thumbs, only putting a token defense and barely bothering to repair the walls. I've seen keeps with no repairs whatsoever, leaving other facs to waltz in and take the keep.

    I saw a group sneaking around inside and when I put a bal up to peg some of the opposing players, I was told not to attack them because it would 'discourage them' from taking the keep, yet this guild has almost complete dominance of the map with the exception of the inner ring which changes colors more often than a Simon Says. Its like that quote from that one movie, "War implies both sides have a even chance of winning". This is supposed to be war, not a daycare sharing party where 'everyone should get the buffs'. Either create a penalty that strips you of your former emp buffs if you leave the server or create a time limit where you can only get the associated benefits if you hold onto emp for an extended period of time, with incrementally stronger buffs the longer you hold onto it.

    As lore-friendly as it might be to have craven cowards vying for the throne, it makes for a very poor community. Alot of these big guilds don't accept pugs and won't give you the time of day unless you use teamspeak or any other form of voice chat. I can barely even get single kills because with all the zergs on sieges it's difficult to target an actual player before they get vaporized, and since the opposing fac doesn't actually defend tooth and nail, all I get is xp from guards. I can get more points doing scout quests and tagging along on capture keep quests, and to be cheeky, I think I'm going to start doing town dailies as often as I can and save enough gold to buy kits and repair all those half-built walls. I spit on these big guilds treating combat like it's a business, shady one too.
  • Jaxom
    the passives themselves aren't the actual problem going on here, it's that they're undermining the base spirit of PVP in general. Alot of these big elite guilds aren't looking for massive battles against players, they want sheep to farm and fleece for points. Opposing facs don't take the inner ring because they fight for it, they take it because the dominant guild on the camp ALLOWS them to, skulking in keeps sitting on their thumbs, only putting a token defense and barely bothering to repair the walls. I've seen keeps with no repairs whatsoever, leaving other facs to waltz in and take the keep.

    I saw a group sneaking around inside and when I put a bal up to peg some of the opposing players, I was told not to attack them because it would 'discourage them' from taking the keep, yet this guild has almost complete dominance of the map with the exception of the inner ring which changes colors more often than a Simon Says. Its like that quote from that one movie, "War implies both sides have a even chance of winning". This is supposed to be war, not a daycare sharing party where 'everyone should get the buffs'. Either create a penalty that strips you of your former emp buffs if you leave the server or create a time limit where you can only get the associated benefits if you hold onto emp for an extended period of time, with incrementally stronger buffs the longer you hold onto it.

    As lore-friendly as it might be to have craven cowards vying for the throne, it makes for a very poor community. Alot of these big guilds don't accept pugs and won't give you the time of day unless you use teamspeak or any other form of voice chat. I can barely even get single kills because with all the zergs on sieges it's difficult to target an actual player before they get vaporized, and since the opposing fac doesn't actually defend tooth and nail, all I get is xp from guards. I can get more points doing scout quests and tagging along on capture keep quests, and to be cheeky, I think I'm going to start doing town dailies as often as I can and save enough gold to buy kits and repair all those half-built walls. I spit on these big guilds treating combat like it's a business, shady one too.

    Nailed it.
  • Krinaman
    Breea wrote: »
    In fact I know of over a dozen former emps that I myself have helped gain the title that didn't exploit the system or do anything that it was not intended to do by the game developers.

    I would argue that changing your home campaign so someone else can be on top is not intended game play. Although I don't have a particular issue with that.

    I also should be clear that I don't believe every last emperor has exploited to get it.

    We obviously aren't going to agree on this. I simply want a PvP system that encourages players to actually PvP and rewards players for PvPing. I really didn't think it was so much to ask for.
  • Durandal
    the passives themselves aren't the actual problem going on here, it's that they're undermining the base spirit of PVP in general. Alot of these big elite guilds aren't looking for massive battles against players, they want sheep to farm and fleece for points. Opposing facs don't take the inner ring because they fight for it, they take it because the dominant guild on the camp ALLOWS them to, skulking in keeps sitting on their thumbs, only putting a token defense and barely bothering to repair the walls. I've seen keeps with no repairs whatsoever, leaving other facs to waltz in and take the keep.

    I saw a group sneaking around inside and when I put a bal up to peg some of the opposing players, I was told not to attack them because it would 'discourage them' from taking the keep, yet this guild has almost complete dominance of the map with the exception of the inner ring which changes colors more often than a Simon Says. Its like that quote from that one movie, "War implies both sides have a even chance of winning". This is supposed to be war, not a daycare sharing party where 'everyone should get the buffs'. Either create a penalty that strips you of your former emp buffs if you leave the server or create a time limit where you can only get the associated benefits if you hold onto emp for an extended period of time, with incrementally stronger buffs the longer you hold onto it.

    As lore-friendly as it might be to have craven cowards vying for the throne, it makes for a very poor community. Alot of these big guilds don't accept pugs and won't give you the time of day unless you use teamspeak or any other form of voice chat. I can barely even get single kills because with all the zergs on sieges it's difficult to target an actual player before they get vaporized, and since the opposing fac doesn't actually defend tooth and nail, all I get is xp from guards. I can get more points doing scout quests and tagging along on capture keep quests, and to be cheeky, I think I'm going to start doing town dailies as often as I can and save enough gold to buy kits and repair all those half-built walls. I spit on these big guilds treating combat like it's a business, shady one too.

    Very well stated and sums up my feelings on the issue.. I've tried and failed to explain my thoughts on this issue several times over the last couple of days but these 3 paragraphs succeeded. Thanks :)
    Chrysamere Pact
  • leewells
    Krinaman wrote: »
    Breea wrote: »
    So, what you're really upset about is when the factions gang up to rule the server, which isn't even what we were talking about. Yes, I agree with you there. There is something unfair about that, but then there are a bunch of servers out there. For every one where it's AD dominated there's one that is DC dominated
    and one that is EP dominated.

    No what I am upset about is that I try to play on a balanced server and go up against groups of a half a dozen or more former emps who have an advantage over me simply because they gamed the system.

    Do you also QQ when a group of impulse spammers kill you because they too game the system by unilaterally using nothing but the most OP abilities?

    How about when someone like my team finds your invis group of 20, immediately sets up one meatbag and 8 fire balistas; and fire at the same time? Would you also be QQing about gaming the system?

    The greatest exploit in this game will always be coordination, whether you straw man it in emperor, communications, etc. Everyone QQ's about coordination and organized pvp every moment they get.

    LEEWELLS's Law of PVP: The more coordinated a PVP team becomes, the infinitely more QQ and butt hurt that will exist outside said team.
    Edited by leewells on July 3, 2014 2:48AM
  • Halrloprillalar
    soooo DB right now, is EP literally handing DC emp?

    nvm... ninjaed aleswell and held it then ninjaed ash mwahahahah NO EMP4U
    Edited by Halrloprillalar on July 3, 2014 4:09AM
  • Soloeus
    Krinaman wrote: »
    This seems to be the latest "exploit" craze in PvP. Can we either get rid of the former emperor buffs or just give them to everybody who reached a certain rank in the alliance war?

    I shouldn't be forced to go emperor farm just to be on an even playing field with all the people doing this.

    I agree, get rid of Former Emperor skill line. Just get rid of it, no perks nothing stays with you. When you lose the crown you lose all,

    Within; Without.
  • Cody

    We strictly forbid exploiting as a guild, (.[/quote]
    are you serious?
    Edited by Cody on July 3, 2014 4:47AM
  • Soloeus


    Within; Without.
  • bruceb14_ESO5
    "Remember that time at Chalman we defended Nymeria's crown? EPIC!"

    Brace for it… the fight's not over ;).

    I'll be there and bring my whopping 1 FPS with me!

    Will you be there, or were you there?
  • Cody
    trypwyr, do you have ANY IDEA how much exploiting was done by AD in hopesfire? im pretty sure you and your guild was in on it as well. don't lie.
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    "Remember that time at Chalman we defended Nymeria's crown? EPIC!"

    Brace for it… the fight's not over ;).

    I'll be there and bring my whopping 1 FPS with me!

    Will you be there, or were you there?

    Nymeria was deposed while I was at work, sadly.

    I contented myself by holding Roebeck against the blue hordes until we could start back capping things.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Rylana
    Best part about Dawnbreaker is with the exception of Nymeria's reign of what, about 2 full days, we have never had an emp. Its constant fighting over the inner ring. Constant.

    Imagine how its going to be when we can actually move our toons in big groups fluidly. As it is now, we sorta just flail at each other guessing where everyone is (at least in my experience, like 1-3 guys can actually see whats going on, they call it, and we just kinda.... go there or something and try to be useful)

    I hate this lag :(
    Edited by Rylana on July 3, 2014 5:55AM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Halrloprillalar
    To give credit where it's due, the fps issue has improved slightly (for me at least) since yesterday or w/e patch was... like I can almost make it a full 5 min before relogging, yay...

    DC got seriously cockblocked from emp today, I'm pretty happy. Not that I like congratulating my enemies but Roe held out pretty good despite apparently very little EP being around, while we ninjaed ale and ash.
    @Agrippa_Invisus‌ That does not mean you guys get to get emp back though ;)

    Also, lol at only 2 DC defending the chim scroll the ENTIRE way... then having 20+ defend glade. lolwut
    Edited by Halrloprillalar on July 3, 2014 6:26AM
  • Tripwyr
    Breea wrote: »
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Breea wrote: »
    Benefits of former Emperor, IF you have the skill points invested.
    1. Domination - Increases Health, Magicka, and Stamina combat regeneration by 2%.
    2. Authority - Decreases Ultimate costs by 5%.
    3. Monarch - Increases the magnitude of healing effects on former Emperors by 1%.
    4. Tactician - Increases Siege Weapon Damage by 2%.
    5. Emperor - Increases Health, Magicka, and Stamina by 100% while in your campaign.

    <snip >The biggest thing is the OOC regen of health, magicka and stamina, but that's not really a factor while in combat.

    <snip> OOC regen is the only real advantage. The rest is all piddly stuff.


    There is no OOC regen bonus. Not sure where you got that from. #5 Emperor does not give former emps any bonus at all. Our bonuses are 2% combat regeneration, 5% reduced ultimate cost, 1% healing received, and 2% siege damage. That is it.

    Most of us did not get Emp for the former bonuses. We got Emp to enjoy being the Emperor for one cycle until we got deposed, after which we gave somebody else a chance to experience it. In Alacrity, this is what we did every time. We've accumulated many Emps over a long period of time by doing this, but it was never our intention to "farm" the bonuses. We just wanted to enjoy that part of the game, and I can tell you it was some of the best experiences I've ever had in a game.

    What was happening on Celarus and what I'm told is now happening on other campaigns is disappointing. It for some reason is not about enjoying Emperor but instead farming out a title to as many people as possible. I think the problem is that people have seen former Emperors devastating the battlefield and just assumed that the former Emp buffs were what allowed it. The reality is that many of these players are highly skilled, it has nothing to do with the tiny buffs they receive.


    As you said, many of the players who have gotten emp were highly skilled and highly coordinated. It's not the emp buff that is making these players good. As far as not enjoying it, again, why is it a bad thing for people to not want to just dominate the battlefield as emperor? For many just the fact that they have gainted the title is the accomplishment. The game is their enjoyment, being in a good solid fight and not knowing who will win, but knowing that you're going to battle till you have no more options. That's the thrill of PVP.

    So, if I'm reading this correctly, you'd rather have a group of highly skilled players running around with one of them having the much more awesome current emperor buffs than having many of them having a much smaller buff. So, the question is then how long exactly do you have to stay Emperor in order to enjoy it? How long before you get tired of being more powerful and want to go back to the fight? Can you determine that for someone else?

    I never said it was a bad thing not to want to dominate the field as an Emperor, I'm simply stating that the reason we, Alacrity, dropped Emperor and allowed other members to get it is for the abofve
    NookyZooky wrote: »
    trypwyr, do you have ANY IDEA how much exploiting was done by AD in hopesfire? im pretty sure you and your guild was in on it as well. don't lie.

    I'm getting really sick of random accusations being thrown around like this. Please specifically name exploits which you believe we abused. We have an extremely strict no exploit policy, and we always have.

    These accusations are despicable.
    Alacrity Founder | Forum Emperor
    World First Veteran Dragonstar Arena

    Tripwyr Manawrath - AD NA Sorcerer, Former Emperor of Haderus; Former Emperor of Hopesfire, First Cycle
    Tripwyr Flamewrath - AD NA Dragon Knight, Former Emperor of Thornblade, First Cycle
    Imperial Tripwyr - AD NA Templar, Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade
    Ripwyr - DC NA Templar
    Nyrv - EP NA Sorcerer

    I am of the firm opinion that subtracting "raging stupidity" from anyone's voice can only cause them to sound more like myself.
  • jdroebuckb16_ESO
    Any guild who bypasses spirit of the intended pvp warfare to swap emperors intentionally I find disgusting and a lack of integrity. Exploits or not.
    "Home is where the heart is but the stars are made of platinum"
  • Tripwyr
    Any guild who bypasses spirit of the intended pvp warfare to swap emperors intentionally I find disgusting and a lack of integrity. Exploits or not.

    I do too. We do not do this in Alacrity. Our crowning and deposition of Emperors is through PvP warfare as the game was designed.
    Alacrity Founder | Forum Emperor
    World First Veteran Dragonstar Arena

    Tripwyr Manawrath - AD NA Sorcerer, Former Emperor of Haderus; Former Emperor of Hopesfire, First Cycle
    Tripwyr Flamewrath - AD NA Dragon Knight, Former Emperor of Thornblade, First Cycle
    Imperial Tripwyr - AD NA Templar, Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade
    Ripwyr - DC NA Templar
    Nyrv - EP NA Sorcerer

    I am of the firm opinion that subtracting "raging stupidity" from anyone's voice can only cause them to sound more like myself.
  • jdroebuckb16_ESO
    No problems in my eyes for you guys n gals then. If you do your best to defend the inner keeps to keep your emperor up as long as possible while at the same time another player pushes ahead in scoring, then you are doing your best for your alliance and are not simply ping ponging one keep back and forth. It is where guilds openly allow the enemy to decrown the emperor by inviting them into one of their keeps that I find disgusting...then instantly taking it back while the emperor shifts campaign to allow 2nd place guildie to get the job.
    Edited by jdroebuckb16_ESO on July 3, 2014 8:12AM
    "Home is where the heart is but the stars are made of platinum"
  • aksyong
    I think the constant flaming of Alacrity is just annoying at this stage. They are good at fighting at tight corners, give them the credit for it. If you can't counter the way they play, you need to work on your team work.

    If you do want to get them without getting killed by tight corner fights, you have to learn to intercept their play style, i.e hitting their keeps and burning their FC before they respawn, or capture them while travelling outside of keeps.

    I respect the way they want to play it, whether they gained their former emperors in a proper way or not, it is their choice. Until Zenimax decides to do something about it, there is nothing anyone can do even if you whine everyday about it. The bonuses are small, though still a bonus, you can defeat them if you know how to handle their players.
    NA Daggerfall
    The Three Brothers
    安特卫普 - Antwerp
    意大利牧师 - Italian Priest
  • Krinaman
    leewells wrote: »
    Krinaman wrote: »
    Breea wrote: »
    So, what you're really upset about is when the factions gang up to rule the server, which isn't even what we were talking about. Yes, I agree with you there. There is something unfair about that, but then there are a bunch of servers out there. For every one where it's AD dominated there's one that is DC dominated
    and one that is EP dominated.

    No what I am upset about is that I try to play on a balanced server and go up against groups of a half a dozen or more former emps who have an advantage over me simply because they gamed the system.

    Do you also QQ when a group of impulse spammers kill you because they too game the system by unilaterally using nothing but the most OP abilities?

    How about when someone like my team finds your invis group of 20, immediately sets up one meatbag and 8 fire balistas; and fire at the same time? Would you also be QQing about gaming the system?

    The greatest exploit in this game will always be coordination, whether you straw man it in emperor, communications, etc. Everyone QQ's about coordination and organized pvp every moment they get.

    LEEWELLS's Law of PVP: The more coordinated a PVP team becomes, the infinitely more QQ and butt hurt that will exist outside said team.

    Have you seen a single QQ post from me on any of those things? You see that is actually PvPing. The thing I am "QQ" about is a mechanic that encourages people to not PvP.
  • Sapphy24
    What Bloodvax was saying is what has happened to me and i'm dumbfounded as to why I should stop killing the enemy. I still don't understand what Emperor farming is all about.. sorry.. just having a blond moment.
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