Hello! My patcher is stuck between 18-19%, with 2000+ MB remaining. My speed is at 3.39mB/s. However, when the MB remaining reaches below 1000MB, the download speed will eventually slow down and hit a 0, then showing errors such as content write failed and HTTP request error. I would pause and resume the download, but the download goes back to 18% with over 2000MB files to re-download again.
Please do help me, I'd really like to play this game but the patcher is a HUGE problem and I'd love to solve it with the help of you guys. It sucks that I've spent nearly two days trying to get past 20% but to no avail. Thank you very much!
I am from Singapore and am using Starhub. I have SafeSurf cancelled.
Hello again! My patcher is now at 74% but is going extremely slow (ranging from 100~300mB/s but sometimes goes up to 600 then drops down again) When I checked SpeedTest, my download speed is 33mB/s. Is the huge difference between the SpeedTest download speed and patcher download speed normal, and is there anything I can do to increase the speed? Thank you.
Edited by FullTimeDreamer on June 22, 2014 6:40AM