Slow Downloading Speed

Soul Shriven
Hello! My patcher is stuck between 18-19%, with 2000+ MB remaining. My speed is at 3.39mB/s. However, when the MB remaining reaches below 1000MB, the download speed will eventually slow down and hit a 0, then showing errors such as content write failed and HTTP request error. I would pause and resume the download, but the download goes back to 18% with over 2000MB files to re-download again.

Please do help me, I'd really like to play this game but the patcher is a HUGE problem and I'd love to solve it with the help of you guys. It sucks that I've spent nearly two days trying to get past 20% but to no avail. Thank you very much!

I am from Singapore and am using Starhub. I have SafeSurf cancelled.

Hello again! My patcher is now at 74% but is going extremely slow (ranging from 100~300mB/s but sometimes goes up to 600 then drops down again) When I checked SpeedTest, my download speed is 33mB/s. Is the huge difference between the SpeedTest download speed and patcher download speed normal, and is there anything I can do to increase the speed? Thank you.
Edited by FullTimeDreamer on June 22, 2014 6:40AM
  • FullTimeDreamer
    Soul Shriven
    Update: Now I'm averaging at ~50mB/s :(
  • Epona222
    The difference between the "slow and fast" bits you are experiencing is due to the difference between downloading data, and applying patches. The progress bar doesn't differentiate between them, so typically downloading will take you to 30% progress, and then installing (which is just stuff going on with your hard drive with the data already downloaded) will take you to 60%, then some sound files download and install taking you to 100%

    And no offense, but is a comment that you are averaging at only 50mB/s an actual complaint (in which case, get a real problem to worry about) or just showing off?
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • FullTimeDreamer
    Soul Shriven
    Oh dear, I'm awfully sorry! I meant to write ~50kB/s. I incorrectly input the information and my speed was ranged in kB/s, barely even 1mB/s. Sorry for the misunderstanding! (Huge difference there)

    Thank you for your help though. Thankfully my problem is solved although whenever I start the patcher, it says "checking download" until I click the server on the left panel, and it says "Initialising". I hope this is normal!
    Edited by FullTimeDreamer on June 24, 2014 5:56AM
  • Seravi
    You state when you start the "patcher" do you mean the launcher where there is a blue play button? If so seeing initializing is normal. Probably 5% of the time mine starts as complete. Many players don't use the launcher to start the game and use the eso.exe. They only start the launcher on updates.
  • FullTimeDreamer
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you so much Seravi, didn't know that. I'll start the game using eso.exe :).
  • spiritwindb14_ESO
    Is another topic going on about this as well if you want to keep up with it :).
  • blazeguardia
    Soul Shriven
    I averaged 2-3 MB/s yes megabyte not kilabyte downloading world of warcraft and even with EA downloading BF4 I averaged 1.8 MB/s, but right now i'm downloading (with no one else at all on the internet here and i've even tested via starting a new wow download) ESO at 300 KB/s and this is just utter garbage. Honestly it is 100% on ESO's side's fault. I am highly upset at how low they set their upload speed to. I paid for the game yesterday and still have not been able to play and it's been almost 18 hours of straight downloading and it's only at 70%. So color me NOT impressed.
  • yodased
    @blazguardia its 100% on your connection to ESO's server lol. Most people average 1/2mb on downloads. I personally have seen 50mb/s.

    The client/launcher is a bit finicky with its port selection and it doesn't have UDP enabled automatically, so you may have to enable port triggering to get the fastest speeds.

    There is an excellent post:

    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • blazeguardia
    Soul Shriven
    yodased wrote: »
    @blazguardia its 100% on your connection to ESO's server lol. Most people average 1/2mb on downloads. I personally have seen 50mb/s.

    The client/launcher is a bit finicky with its port selection and it doesn't have UDP enabled automatically, so you may have to enable port triggering to get the fastest speeds.

    There is an excellent post:


    I refuse to open up security risks to my connection. Also I have paused the download to reset my router hoping again that this might improve the circumstances but now it wouldn't even start so I paused it and closed it. Upon reopening it the bar is all the way over and it says it's at 0% and not downloading at all. I'm kind of very upset that it's F'in 18 hours into a download of a game and I still can't play what I paid for.

  • blazeguardia
    Soul Shriven
    "Unable to load meta file please contact customer support" 18 F hours and now this? Are you F kidding me?!?!?!
  • yodased
    Well there is little to nothing anyone here can do to help you, other than try to show you how to set up port triggering. Since you feel that is an intrusion to your security measures, you are going to have to take this up with customer/tech support.

    Forum mods are not tech support, forum posters are not tech support although we try to assist wherever we can.

    go here and ask them
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • blazeguardia
    Soul Shriven
    So I clicked repair after the error popped up now i'm stuck at 0% downloading at 0 KB/s seriously? Is this the kind of stuff they want customers seeing after paying? Not even being able to get the game onto their computers?

    edit: Gave me the same error after about 3 minutes. Seriously? I can't even get it to start downloading now. This is just horrible on ESO's part.
    Edited by blazeguardia on December 2, 2014 6:55PM
  • blazeguardia
    Soul Shriven
    yodased wrote: »
    Well there is little to nothing anyone here can do to help you, other than try to show you how to set up port triggering. Since you feel that is an intrusion to your security measures, you are going to have to take this up with customer/tech support.

    Forum mods are not tech support, forum posters are not tech support although we try to assist wherever we can.

    go here and ask them

    I put in a ticket 8 hours ago and no responses yet. They probably won't reply for another 3-5 days.
  • blazeguardia
    Soul Shriven
    I've run the repair thing twice, it's verified 100% twice, it's "repaired" twice, and still the same error. Honestly this is poor design and i'm rightfully upset I feel.

    Edit, it is now downloading after a restart at 200 KB/s wow..... this is just beyond pathetic. Guess i'm gonna go play wow servers just came up. I will be looking into a refund 100% if I am unable to even log into ESO today because this is quite frankly an insult, I feel insulted. When it's on their companies side, as several network techs have already said, it is 100% on their side not our's. There isn't even a "blue" post response, show's how much they care.
    Edited by blazeguardia on December 2, 2014 7:02PM
  • NeKryXe
    so... looks like one year later ESO still has the worst game service i ever knew.

    i was trying to play this weekend but since they limited the download to 132KB/s it will took one week to download the game.

    i really regret to have bought this game that i never can play because of this problems :(
    i quit playing on june 2014, and now i thought that it would be better and i still can't download the game.

    i don't understand why they kept inviting me to return when it's known that it's not possible to download the game in EU.
  • Draxys
    been like this since day one, even people with great internet say it takes way longer than it should

    rip decibel
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