Thunderknuckles wrote: »North America with a hi speed IC and damned decent computer. My DL time was worse than theirs. You must have an uber system. lol
Yeah, has been the same way for me on every other update - generally around 15-20 minutes for an update. Now its been there since the server went back up, and is only at 19% (Which is actually about 50% of the first download ).LadyDestiny wrote: »Mine only took about 30 minutes and I am downloading from Sweden. No problems here...:)
Thunderknuckles wrote: »North America with a hi speed IC and damned decent computer. My DL time was worse than theirs. You must have an uber system. lol
how the hell do you people have such terrible download speeds I was zipping along at 4mb/s even shot up to 20. where do you live the moon?
my system is by no means uber...
I5 3570
gtx 650
8 gigs of ram
charter for net.
It would be nice if we could start downloading this patch in the EU now, rather than just before the servers come up.
A thought I posted earlier in another thread goes as follows.
Could they do something along the lines of,
If they are putting a huge patch out on say the 30th, let us download a patch installer from around the 27th.
Then on the actual release date, first thing the launcher does is download a 5 sec update that lets the launcher know its now OK to install the previously downloaded patch,
Then it installs the patch
Then it installs another tiny patch should there have been any last min changes
Bollerlotte wrote: »My download of patch is endless because once it hit 100%, it just move on to 101% and so on. on my screeny you can already see the 3rd loading bar fading out of the loader to elsewhere on desktop. yea i already download and patch my prcious teso with bug
sad ):
Wikipedia wrote:... Two ISPs, *** and Comcast, have stated that they engage in this practice, where they limit users' bandwidth by up to 99%.[2] Today most if not all Internet Service Providers throttle their users' bandwidth, with or without the user ever even realizing it. ...
... I'm getting 2-3mb/s even though my SpeedTest has me at 48mb/s. ...
This via 30mb Time Warner Cable (yes I know a shock) in Kansas City. I don't think it took more than 45 minutes total to download the entire game again so I could play on EU as well as NA (you have to fully DL the game client twice). This was about a month the hell do you people have such terrible download speeds I was zipping along at 4mb/s even shot up to 20. where do you live the moon?
my system is by no means uber...
I5 3570
gtx 650
8 gigs of ram
charter for net.
I am using AT&T Uverse - and always with the launcher i get 1.35 mB/s it wont go any faster. My dad uses Xfinity and he gets some ungodly thing... he d/l the whole freakin game in under 45 minutes - me it takes hours - wtf. Is there any way with Uverse to make it d/l faster than 1.35 mB/s or is that fast for Uverse?
i had to fix windows so now i am re-installing the game - SOOoooo SLow