downloading client takes more then 6 hours

i started the patch download at 6:45pm. it is now 12:50am and i am 34%.
the initial installation back during early release took me 28 hours. I am not exagerrating here, my computer did nothing but download the client for 28 hours.

The big problem is that I will be zooming along at 320kB/s and about an hour or so it will choke down to 120kB/s

If I restart the launcher it will go back up 320kB/s but has a significant chance of losing previous progress.

I need to know what the heck is going wrong. I cant believe how much playing time I have lost. Even worse since these are my two days off, I am basically gimped as to how much progress I will make for a week.

This is disgusting

apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • Hadria
    how the hell do you people have such terrible download speeds I was zipping along at 4mb/s even shot up to 20. where do you live the moon?
  • Thunderknuckles
    North America with a hi speed IC and damned decent computer. My DL time was worse than theirs. You must have an uber system. lol
  • HeroOfEvbof
    that's kind of what i want to know. Does the download server hate my ISP? If so I need to know this so that I can go elsewhere to do update 3.
    The initial client for early release took me 28 hours without touching my computer. I couldnt do anything else or the launcher would choke me down to 76kB/s.
    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • Hadria
    North America with a hi speed IC and damned decent computer. My DL time was worse than theirs. You must have an uber system. lol

    my system is by no means uber...

    I5 3570
    gtx 650
    8 gigs of ram

    charter for net.
  • HeroOfEvbof
    truth is download speeds are almost always about the download server and the ISP. I need to know which North American ISPs are being choked down so that I can avoid this problem in the future.
    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • spiritwindb14_ESO
    Same, my download speed on the launcher is at about 40kbps too, and has been since the server went live. Have checked the ports required, their all open, even went so far as disabling DMZ to see if that improved things - nothing.

    Have never had this problem before with the launcher, it always went faster than 1 mb/s. Speed Test shows that my net is running at its regular speed, if I get a steam game downloading, it goes at the regular speed, yet the launcher seems to like the 20-40kbs range.

    Also have it to where if I exit the launcher and start it again, after verifying the download, it'll jump to around 300-350kbs for about 20 seconds, then drop down to around 150kbs for about a minute, then go back down to 20-30kbs.

    Also, just to verify, my isp does not block any ports, nor do they do deep packet inspections if you guys utilize a peer to peer system for updates.
    Edited by spiritwindb14_ESO on June 25, 2014 5:53AM
  • LadyDestiny
    Mine only took about 30 minutes and I am downloading from Sweden. No problems here...:)
    Edited by LadyDestiny on June 25, 2014 6:01AM
  • spiritwindb14_ESO
    Mine only took about 30 minutes and I am downloading from Sweden. No problems here...:)
    Yeah, has been the same way for me on every other update - generally around 15-20 minutes for an update. Now its been there since the server went back up, and is only at 19% (Which is actually about 50% of the first download ).

    Heading to bed now though... With any luck there will be a boost in speed and I'll be able to get on in the morning :). If not, well, there went 24 hours of not being able to get on..
    Edited by spiritwindb14_ESO on June 25, 2014 6:04AM
  • Ojustaboo
    It would be nice if we could start downloading this patch in the EU now, rather than just before the servers come up.

    A thought I posted earlier in another thread goes as follows.

    Could they do something along the lines of,

    If they are putting a huge patch out on say the 30th, let us download a patch installer from around the 27th.

    Then on the actual release date, first thing the launcher does is download a 5 sec update that lets the launcher know its now OK to install the previously downloaded patch,

    Then it installs the patch

    Then it installs another tiny patch should there have been any last min changes

  • Hexanon
    I am still downloading at a whopping 5KB/sec. I tested and can download from Microsoft and Intel at 1+MB (I only have a 10Mbit Line). Numerous restarts (lose progress some time) - drops to 5K. Every restart also seems to download 10MB or so just for the launcher. At this rate It will be done in a little over 10 days. WTF ??
  • Bollerlotte
    My download of patch is endless because once it hit 100%, it just move on to 101% and so on. on my screeny you can already see the 3rd loading bar fading out of the loader to elsewhere on desktop. yea i already download and patch my prcious teso with bug

    sad ):
  • Hozec
    North America with a hi speed IC and damned decent computer. My DL time was worse than theirs. You must have an uber system. lol

    it has nothing to do with the system. downloading is all about your isp. I downloaded never going below 3mb/s.

    Hadria wrote: »
    how the hell do you people have such terrible download speeds I was zipping along at 4mb/s even shot up to 20. where do you live the moon?

    and just to clarify for people. When things shoot up to 20 or higher its from Applying the patch. I apply the patches at 50-80 mb/s but when it goes back to downloading a patch it goes back down to 3-8.

    I just refuse to believe you are actually downloading at 20mb/s sorry.

    Edit: well okay if you have a *** processor/ram ya it will be slower cuz it can't handle a lot of data at once but i assume if your playing this game you have like 4gb ram and at least a 2.5 dual core which will handle all downloads fine.
    Edited by Hozec on June 25, 2014 3:05PM
  • Nomadh_ESO
    It is not the ISP issue, i can download anything at 250kb/s but the patch max download speed is 40kb/s-80kb/s.
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    Hadria wrote: »

    my system is by no means uber...

    I5 3570
    gtx 650
    8 gigs of ram

    charter for net.

    i had up to 12 mbs on that download... my CPU is a old Callisto BE Xenon... Same Video card tho i have 2gb oc version. 10gb of ram. i use the motherboards ethernet connection to connect directly to a router instead of using wireless. that speed is in theory able to hold 100mbps but our internet is lowest tier, so us getting even 10mbps is actually pretty high...

    it seems the slow download issues is something unique to a few people.... who for what ever reason have a choke on their downloads....
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Hexanon
    I do blame ZoS partially.
    After a little while (few hrs?) (I assume after a few people stop hammering the server at 20MB/sec (still dubious)) those of us that download slower can get a turn. My download sped up a lot and finished sometime during the night.

    Now I get to see later today if it was all worth it :)
  • Duck
    there's several hops between your ISP and the server, which may be different from the hops hit when you download other things. A lot of times it's the "major hops" that cause chokes.
    Tinet, L-3, Qwest, PSINet, etc. These are usually your culprets, when it's definitely not your personal ISP or your connection being choked by other stuff you're downloading.

    If you're on Cable, your speed will fluctuate over time, depending on how many users are on the same block at once.

    If you're curious about the path your bytes are taking, you can run Tracert to any website or IP address. There are options you can make to the command line for different information to display, but the windows default is to go up to 30 hops, return with the ping times, the IP address of the hop, and the host. The first 1-2 will probably be your home network, anywhere from 3-8 will likely be your personal ISP and the route it takes "out of network to peer connect," and the rest are the peer connections that will connect your ISP to the target's ISP and host.
    Edited by Duck on June 26, 2014 7:16AM
    What I lack in gameplaying ability I make up for in smack talk.
  • twev
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    It would be nice if we could start downloading this patch in the EU now, rather than just before the servers come up.

    A thought I posted earlier in another thread goes as follows.

    Could they do something along the lines of,

    If they are putting a huge patch out on say the 30th, let us download a patch installer from around the 27th.

    Then on the actual release date, first thing the launcher does is download a 5 sec update that lets the launcher know its now OK to install the previously downloaded patch,

    Then it installs the patch

    Then it installs another tiny patch should there have been any last min changes

    They already said that you can't download the patch early because they're never sure until the last minute which bugs they're going to install.
    My download of patch is endless because once it hit 100%, it just move on to 101% and so on. on my screeny you can already see the 3rd loading bar fading out of the loader to elsewhere on desktop. yea i already download and patch my prcious teso with bug

    sad ):

    You're obviously tapped into the supersecret beta server and are pre-downloading the beta bugs for the next patch.

    Lock your doors.
    Hide your dog.
    Edited by twev on June 26, 2014 7:27AM
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Thunderknuckles
    If it makes you feel any better, Hero, I have, as I type, been running the repair for 25 hours and 50 minutes. I am now at 97% completion.
  • HeroOfEvbof
    Duck, thanks for the insight. Ive got to figure out where I am routing through. I've done a speed check and my max speed is 2.7MB/s. Pretty slow I'll admit but I can live with it. 320kB/s is simply not acceptable. Even worse, there are actually three things to download in each of these client downloads. The middle one is about 1G. I download that at 2.7MB/s. I download weekly hotfixes to the client at 2.7MB/s.
    But the 4G files I am forced to download at 320kB/s and if I don't pause and resume at least once an hour, it will drop to 120 kB/s.
    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • HeroOfEvbof
    BTW: Once I played target switch off once in combat with my Clannfear and Matriarch, I was feeling all goodness.
    My favorite solo strategy got completely better.
    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • epion3
    Soul Shriven
    Anyone ever figure anything out? Getting 600 kb/s download speed and I'm about 20 minutes from throwing my computer out the window.
  • agentflizzo
    I am still having problems with slow client download speeds.

    I just got a new iMac and had to download the full client again from scratch. When things are going smoothly, I'm getting 2-3mb/s even though my SpeedTest has me at 48mb/s. However, most of the time, the launcher slows down to 200-300kb/s. Sometimes Pausing and Continuing the download helps for awhile. Other times, I need to quit the launcher and restart.

    This is an Annoying Waste of Time.

    btw, if you, as I did, look through the options and decide to click on the European server and click Apply just to see what happens -- you will nuke your download and have to start all over.
  • WyndStryke
    If you see your speed drop after a period of time, particularly on big files, that strongly implies that your ISP is throttling the traffic.

    Ask them about their 'traffic shaping policy' - you might find that it's unrestricted after midnight. Many ISPs will apply it during peak times and remove it at non-peak times.
    Wikipedia wrote:
    ... Two ISPs, *** and Comcast, have stated that they engage in this practice, where they limit users' bandwidth by up to 99%.[2] Today most if not all Internet Service Providers throttle their users' bandwidth, with or without the user ever even realizing it. ...
    ... I'm getting 2-3mb/s even though my SpeedTest has me at 48mb/s. ...

    Is that megabits/second or megabytes per second?

    I think that the patcher shows megabytes/second, but if I recall correctly speedtest reports in megabits/second.

    I'm in the EU, downloading patches for both the NA and the EU servers, it usually runs at a steady 1.6mbytes/sec (~ 20mbits/sec), which is pretty much the full bandwidth on my line. The speed does not drop on big files.

    As mentioned earlier on the thread, sudden jumps in 'bandwidth' after a download is usually when it is applying a patch (i.e., it's talking about the processing speed of merging the patch with the pre-existing client).

    --- Edit:

    PS I love the way that the name of one of the biggest ISPs in the US is considered an obscenity by ZOS. They're obviously throttling too much traffic.
    Edited by WyndStryke on July 3, 2014 9:05PM
  • csparks1
    I am using AT&T Uverse - and always with the launcher i get 1.35 mB/s it wont go any faster. My dad uses Xfinity and he gets some ungodly thing... he d/l the whole freakin game in under 45 minutes - me it takes hours - wtf. Is there any way with Uverse to make it d/l faster than 1.35 mB/s or is that fast for Uverse?

    i had to fix windows so now i am re-installing the game - SOOoooo SLow
    Edited by csparks1 on July 18, 2014 12:40PM
  • DeLindsay
    Hadria wrote: »
    how the hell do you people have such terrible download speeds I was zipping along at 4mb/s even shot up to 20. where do you live the moon?
    This via 30mb Time Warner Cable (yes I know a shock) in Kansas City. I don't think it took more than 45 minutes total to download the entire game again so I could play on EU as well as NA (you have to fully DL the game client twice). This was about a month ago.
  • SBR_QuorTek
    30-60mins here, I live in Denmark.... have a monster connection though...
    Edited by SBR_QuorTek on July 18, 2014 1:57PM
  • dietlime
    Hadria wrote: »

    my system is by no means uber...

    I5 3570
    gtx 650
    8 gigs of ram

    charter for net.

    I just switched to Charter. Charter is known for throttling internet speeds.

    1.) You system specifications have no impact on your download speed.

    2.) ZOS has no control over your download speed. So far, their server has capped the fastest speeds I have tried, up to and over 10MB/s.

    3.) Charter has a "secret data cap" for some of their customers. Try pausing the download and resetting your modem. Does the speed hit your advertised speed upon reconnecting and then drop off?

    Charter is probably throttling you.
  • dietlime
    csparks1 wrote: »
    I am using AT&T Uverse - and always with the launcher i get 1.35 mB/s it wont go any faster. My dad uses Xfinity and he gets some ungodly thing... he d/l the whole freakin game in under 45 minutes - me it takes hours - wtf. Is there any way with Uverse to make it d/l faster than 1.35 mB/s or is that fast for Uverse?

    i had to fix windows so now i am re-installing the game - SOOoooo SLow

    I don't know, what did you pay for? You don't even know what your own internet speed is advertised at. This is why we're all suffering abuse from ISP's.

    Preparing for 2015 "gamer package"...
  • zwolfe21_ESO
    I feel your pain OP, just finished the download (after 8 hours) on steam, I've always gauged my game installs by the download space reqs... It seems ESO does things differently and I downloaded the original files to a 75 gig SSD. What I should have done is download this install file to a different HDD and INSTALL it on this SSD...

    Nothing to do but re-download now. I realize today that I'm probably going to have to ditch these small SSDs for pure space... Still, 42 Gigs for DL? another 49 for install? I'm confused (and annoyed).
  • UPrime
    If you have terrible download speed complain to your ISP for overselling their capacity. I wish more people would do that so that they'd actually stop doing it. And of course ISP almost never gets blamed.
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