@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
As the title says, I please ask for everyones own safety, don't use port forwarding for ESO. I also ask, can ZOS employees please stop telling customers to do this, its irresponsible and a major computer security risk. This came to my attention today on the ESO redditt
I am a Network Administrator, and Administer Windows and Linux servers and firewalls on a daily basis including Cisco managed switches as well. Web servers, mail servers, exchange, postfix, dovecot, blah, blah blah. years experience and going strong.
I am only posting this thread because port forwarding is a serious security risk if one doesn't know what their doing. Its is NOT just about the router...its about the machines behind the router.
Question: What exactly is Port Forwarding? Answer:Port Forwarding is when you tell your router that incoming packets from ANY computer on your WAN(The Internet) that are incoming
(meaning your not required to initiate the connection) on the port you forward will be automatically routed to an IP Address on your internal LAN behind your router/firewall.
Question: What is port forwarding used for?Answer - When your wanting to host or share remote resources with a network or the Internet such as Web Servers, Mail Servers, FTP Servers, etc.
Are you hosting or sharing a web site, a mail server, an FTP server, or any other service with the internet knowingly on those ports? If the answer is no, then why are you port forwarding? are you wanting to share things on your PC with the internet? Do you have something you want accessible to the world on your machine to the internet? Do you want your machine open to hackers to start poking on your machine on those ports until they get in?
As of right noq, ANY zombie, hacker, infected machine on the internet now has access to the your local LAN though the ports you forwarded for ESO.I see 2.5-4k scan attempts per day on my perimeter firewalls. Folks are always scanning looking for open ports, most of them zombies, but they are scanning nonetheless, and they are scanning all of us on our home connections too.
I really hope folks that have port forwarded don't do any kind of banking, bill paying, or anything else on those machines. If you forwarded those ports, those ports are open. traffic coming form any location on the Internet are automatically routed to that specific IP Address(The PC you play ESO on) on your local network. Those packets could be coming from ESO, they could be coming from the Republic of China, your Router is a Layer 3 device, its just going to forward those packets because thats what it was told to do.
Question: Then how Am i supposed to get ESO to work with the right ports?Answer:Port Triggering
Port Triggering was designed for this very use scenario.
Port Triggering sets up the router so that computers can access public services outside the network or on the Internet, such as web servers, FTP servers, email servers, game servers or other Internet applications instead of sharing local resources with the internet or outside networks.Question:How is Port Triggering Different then Port Forwarding? - Port Triggering in simple terms works like this example. You go into your router and you set up a port triggering rule that when a computer on your LAN sends traffic outgoing on port 51, the router will automatically port forward port 1024. This is how port triggering works.
You say its still port forwarding? and your right
BUT the difference is once you close the application(ESO) and the machine on your LAN is no longer sending traffic outgoing on the trigger port, the port forward is removed and the port is closed thus greatly protecting your network and the security of your systems. So port triggering doesn't leave your ports wide open to the Internet 24/7 which akin to a big sign in your yard that says "Hi, im going on vacation for a week, no one will be home, but i left the door unlocked and the lights on, take whatever you want from the house"
Its the best way i could put it. Im just trying to get the message home that folks really shouldn't be port forwarding for a game, especially on OS like Windows that has been known to have security holes every month, this is just asking for something bad to happen. Even Mac users should be wary about this.
Port Forwarding is for hosting external services on a machine behind your firewall, such as hosting a web site, mail server, etc is a constant job of maintenance and maintaining security at all times or it will end up hacked or compromised. I really hope this is a through enough explanation why you shouldn't port forward for a game.
I have linked some resources below on port triggering
I hope this helps anyone out there who may not know. I also hope this helps raise awareness about computer security issues. Computer security is important, even for us gamers. The way things are being hacked, and how people are getting their PI stolen and everything else, I think the least I could do was raise some awareness about this issue, if those who choose to continue port forwarding, at least they will understand fully what the implications and risk of doing that is.
I really hope ZOS and the folks in this community take this into consideration because port forwarding is only supposed to be used when hosting or offering services to the outside, not for playing games, Port Triggering was designed for using games and other services, because it doesn't keep your ports wide open 24/7, it only opens them when you need them(launch an app you made a triggering rule for), and closes then when its done...this is a much better solution that just flat out opening ports for the world.
I hope everyone has a great day!