In their defense, I saw someone playing FFXIV on PS3 and it was a total clusterf**k due the UI. I think they will have to keep it pretty simple for it to work on the console.
Do I like this? No sir, not at all. I don't think MMOs belong on the console at all.
While the core game has many features which are designed for ease of use with a console we as PC gamers once again have the advantage of mods (add-ons) which can be used to tailor the game to our use.
Here is a link the the quick slots you're after, free choice of keybinds and option to disable the core games selection circle.
Couple of things.
First off, ZOS chose to make the UI minimalist. It seems they wanted to recreate the Skyrim interface closely as possible.
Blackwidow wrote: »While the core game has many features which are designed for ease of use with a console we as PC gamers once again have the advantage of mods (add-ons) which can be used to tailor the game to our use.
Here is a link the the quick slots you're after, free choice of keybinds and option to disable the core games selection circle.
I understand there are limited Mods for ESO. I use about 20 of them.
I find it lazy of ZOS to not have a PC version for us to use.
Still maybe if we can post some UI feedback and ideas in constructive ways with maybe pictures edited to show what we're after ZOS can take a look into it for us, if not maybe the add-on community.
A little research will show that ESO was always intended for the PC/Mac; with the console ports being an after thought due to Sony's intervention.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »Does the add-on just bind to select the active item, and then you still have to hit Q to activate it? Or is there one now that lets you actually activate any item with one, bound key?
Blackwidow wrote: »The potion quick slot wheel being a case in point.
Is the reason we don't have the options like all the other PC MMOs is because it is going to console?
Is the limited GUI and design because you don't want to upset the future console players?
If that is not the reason, then what is it? Why have our options been so limited? Why do we have such a lack of GUI options built into the game?
Are we ever going to get real PC options for our PC MMO?
The quick slot wheel is the only thing I don't like about the default UI on the PC. The rest is fine, coming from both a Skyrim and MMO background and with zero interest in consoles and addons.
daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »Does the add-on just bind to select the active item, and then you still have to hit Q to activate it? Or is there one now that lets you actually activate any item with one, bound key?
Quick slot wheel being a wheel instead of a drop down menu is bad because?
Quick slot wheel being a wheel instead of a drop down menu is bad because?
Bringing up a massive wheel up in the middle of your screen then flicking round that wheel to select a potion to switch your potion of choice in the middle of a fight in a dungeon or something is ridiculous.
The UI was built by crazy people who have never gamed a day in their life and/or we are beta testing for consoles, which is their real target market because some clown at HQ convinced them consoles are the way forward (pssst clown they're not, one day soon we will all have PCs in our lounges hooked up to our tv sets and stereos and more).
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
Games we don't play maybe. Proper MMOs use hotbars.ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »Quick slot wheel being a wheel instead of a drop down menu is bad because?
Bringing up a massive wheel up in the middle of your screen then flicking round that wheel to select a potion to switch your potion of choice in the middle of a fight in a dungeon or something is ridiculous.
The UI was built by crazy people who have never gamed a day in their life and/or we are beta testing for consoles, which is their real target market because some clown at HQ convinced them consoles are the way forward (pssst clown they're not, one day soon we will all have PCs in our lounges hooked up to our tv sets and stereos and more).
It's not new, though. It's called a radial menu, and has been in a number of PC games before.