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Npc Update. NPCS are OP.

  • morf87
    NookyZooky wrote: »
    cyrodill is meant for grouping, not soloing. This increase in NPC power is a good thing. Now V10s cant simply rush in and AOE spam everything to death. lower-level people have an actual chance to have fun now, instead of being steamrolled every time they get attacked. and don't say "go level" because not everyone has the time to reach V10

    You cudnt of got it more wrong, lower level players instead of just getting steamrolled by vet10 players they now get steamrolled by guards. Being 1 shot by guards isnt fun..increase in difficulty shudnt mean bump up a mobs damage and health..thats just lazy on the devs part..just like most changes/fixes they have implemented.
    Increase health add some CC skills to the guards sure but increasing damage to the point where players can be 1 shot even vet level players can be hit for 90% health from 1 attack is ridiculous..
  • Kronz
    Such a shame someone plays a game that challenges them or forces them to play an mmo with others.
  • Ghenra
    All of you are noobs, cryers and nerds. I'm vr2 and I can kill 3 mobs at time. Now Cyrodiil is a nice owpvp zone with sense, all of you, can return to WoW, this game is too skilled.

  • Samadhi
    All of you are noobs, cryers and nerds. I'm vr2 and I can kill 3 mobs at time. Now Cyrodiil is a nice owpvp zone with sense, all of you, can return to WoW, this game is too skilled.


    Soloing 3 PvE mobs is the new definition of a skilled PvPer, go figure.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Ghenra
    Is not a definition of a pvper, is a definition of a non cryer with the new cyrodiil system.

    The new cyrodiil is better than before, more interesting and hard.

    I know that of the noobs want kill 10 mobs at time with one aoe skill, bad luck noobs.
  • rotiferuk
    NookyZooky wrote: »
    cyrodill is meant for grouping, not soloing. This increase in NPC power is a good thing. Now V10s cant simply rush in and AOE spam everything to death. lower-level people have an actual chance to have fun now, instead of being steamrolled every time they get attacked. and don't say "go level" because not everyone has the time to reach V10

    As a low level player I'm having lots of fun thanks to the patch. I now get one-shotted by all the V5 NPCs as well as the VR10s. These "terminator" NPCs also make it impossible for me to solo skyshards / dungeons in friendly territory. Something I could just about do prior to the patch.
    EU Server.
  • rotiferuk
    All of you are noobs, cryers and nerds. I'm vr2 and I can kill 3 mobs at time. Now Cyrodiil is a nice owpvp zone with sense, all of you, can return to WoW, this game is too skilled.


    You obviously have a great deal of skill. Now you just need to become literate.
    Edited by rotiferuk on May 24, 2014 2:27PM
    EU Server.
  • Ghenra
    rotiferuk wrote: »
    All of you are noobs, cryers and nerds. I'm vr2 and I can kill 3 mobs at time. Now Cyrodiil is a nice owpvp zone with sense, all of you, can return to WoW, this game is too skilled.


    Now you just need to become literate.

    And you to play.

  • Samadhi
    Is not a definition of a pvper, is a definition of a non cryer with the new cyrodiil system.

    The new cyrodiil is better than before, more interesting and hard.

    I know that of the noobs want kill 10 mobs at time with one aoe skill, bad luck noobs.

    It's rather unfortunate to your argument that this thread has nothing to do with the PvE mobs, then.

    This thread is about the NPC guards at Keeps and Resources, not about packs of PvE mobs around the map and in caves.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Censorious
    The problem as I see it is that these NPCs don't even begin to compare to a real player.
    Because of limited AI (good though it is, I admit) they need extra health and power to compare in difficulty otherwise they just get swept aside.
    The downside of that is that they rapidly become OP. It takes me many more shots to take down a dumb NPC than a competent player and if I'm not careful the damn thing runs back and resets. It's the near-immortality that's the biggest problem after the fact that it can one-shot me if I give it half a chance.

    If you want to keep me out of a castle, build stronger walls, dig ditches and spike traps, lay minefields, barbed wire, weapon emplacements. Give me something to think my way around, not some dumb club-wielding automaton that won't go down. It's just annoying. It's the very reason I don't play PvE.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • rotiferuk
    rotiferuk wrote: »
    All of you are noobs, cryers and nerds. I'm vr2 and I can kill 3 mobs at time. Now Cyrodiil is a nice owpvp zone with sense, all of you, can return to WoW, this game is too skilled.


    Now you just need to become literate.

    And you to play.

    I have been playing ESO on a regular basis (every day) since Beta. On Monday I'm going to stop for a while and play Watchdogs instead.
    Kronz wrote: »

    Well we all have to start somewhere. You are obviously a NOOB to the concept of informed and rational debate.
    Edited by rotiferuk on May 24, 2014 2:48PM
    EU Server.
  • Ghenra
    Haha! You want to take a keep with a 4 man party, it's ridiculious.
  • Samadhi
    Haha! You want to take a keep with a 4 man party, it's ridiculious.

    Nah, I prefer to solo PK along reinforcement lines while other people handle keeps.
    I'm just not entirely interested in seeing campaign populations continue to drop as players leave because of the new guards.

    I can comprehend your excitement over the issue though; less people in Cyrodiil means more space for you to solo your PvE mobs.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • NekOnOkO
    Not much of a difference from previous version in 18-man guildraid tbh.
  • morf87
    All of you are noobs, cryers and nerds. I'm vr2 and I can kill 3 mobs at time. Now Cyrodiil is a nice owpvp zone with sense, all of you, can return to WoW, this game is too skilled.


    This isnt about random mobs in cyrodiil which have no impact or anything to do with pvp, this is about other alliance npc guards.
    Are u implying that killing 3 mobs as a vr2 shows u are a skilled player ? try and judge a players skill based on fighting other players not mobs.

  • Ghenra
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Haha! You want to take a keep with a 4 man party, it's ridiculious.

    Nah, I prefer to solo PK along reinforcement lines while other people handle keeps.
    I'm just not entirely interested in seeing campaign populations continue to drop as players leave because of the new guards.

    I can comprehend your excitement over the issue though; less people in Cyrodiil means more space for you to solo your PvE mobs.


    I never zerging taking keeps, I always doing roam in Bruma or Cheninhal, and taking keep resourses with a 4 man party. But I said that take a keep is a hard task that needs the organitzation of various big parties. Guys, is a keep, not a simple structure that 4 guys can farm.
  • Tintinabula
    ...and sad to let the cat out of the bag but they're now bugged too :| ..wait til you get the rogue invulnerable mage who wont die or give up his post and chases you through friendly territory. They cant be targeted .They cant be damaged and they chase you til you die or finally leash back. ;)
  • Ricky
    Soul Shriven
    If the NPC's don't get reduced in the near immediate future, I know I'll be canceling my sub and moving on to a new game, and Have talked to a bunch of other people that will be doing the same.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Ricky wrote: »
    If the NPC's don't get reduced in the near immediate future, I know I'll be canceling my sub and moving on to a new game, and Have talked to a bunch of other people that will be doing the same.

    Last time I checked... ur lot already "quit" over AoE caps...
    Indeed it is so...
  • Teargrants
    The main problem isn't that the guard npcs are stronger, it's when a couple defenders spam 20 sorc mercs and keep spawning new ones for each one that dies. There either needs to be a cooldown/max number adjustment for mercs, or the mercs need to be scaled down below the strength of the normal npc guards.
    EP ※ Teargrants ※
    EP ※ Kissgrants ※
    DC ※ Kirsi ※
    Vehemence Council
    ~Teargrants YouTube~
  • Cody
    Samadhi wrote: »
    NookyZooky wrote: »
    ... lower-level people have an actual chance to have fun now, instead of being steamrolled every time they get attacked. and don't say "go level" because not everyone has the time to reach V10

    Given the number of pre-50s I have seen complain about getting annihilated by the newly buffed NPCs, I don't think being steamrolled is off the list of concerns.
    Just now they get steamrolled by NPCs as well as players.
    at least now max VRs cant simply cap everything over night with their 3 man AOE spams. hopefully ZOS comes up with something new
  • Lithion
    I'm a level 35 and now I am dying more to NPCs (especially those mage guards) than I am to players. In fact, I'd say that I've died to the guards twice as much as I've died to players. This is RIDICULOUS. Since when did PvP become PvE?

    And, no, I don't try to solo any guards. Even with medium sized groups, the mage guards seem to pick me off and 1-2 shot me.

    I can understand why the guards were buffed (to prevent Vets from steamrolling), but there has to be something Zenimax can do for non-VRs... Currently we're getting stomped by NPCs, and not even getting a chance to PvP in Cyrodiil.

    My suggestion would be to have scaled damage for guards. Maybe even percentage based damage. So a mage guard will hit a VR10 for 20% of his health, and it will hit me for 20% of mine.

    As someone said earlier, it really does feel like Zenimax is forcing us into zerg gameplay, especially the non-VR players.
  • Samadhi
    Lithion wrote: »
    I'm a level 35 and now I am dying more to NPCs (especially those mage guards) than I am to players. In fact, I'd say that I've died to the guards twice as much as I've died to players. This is RIDICULOUS. Since when did PvP become PvE?

    And, no, I don't try to solo any guards. Even with medium sized groups, the mage guards seem to pick me off and 1-2 shot me.

    I can understand why the guards were buffed (to prevent Vets from steamrolling), but there has to be something Zenimax can do for non-VRs... Currently we're getting stomped by NPCs, and not even getting a chance to PvP in Cyrodiil.

    My suggestion would be to have scaled damage for guards. Maybe even percentage based damage. So a mage guard will hit a VR10 for 20% of his health, and it will hit me for 20% of mine.

    As someone said earlier, it really does feel like Zenimax is forcing us into zerg gameplay, especially the non-VR players.

    I tried running with the zerg for a little bit the other night so that I could check out what these new NPCs are like before going back to solo/duo PKing.
    Any time we would get to a resource and start fighting the NPCs, the pre-50 characters in the group would just drop like flies.
    I made a point of resurrecting them each time because I felt bad for them, but it really burned through my gems.

    Meanwhile, at Vet 3 I found the NPCs challenging but not problematic.

    So I logged a level 10 alt to see what the new battle leveling buff is like.
    I compared it to videos I have on my computer left over from the Beta.
    The only difference I noticed was that I now had roughly 6 more weapon damage, 100 more spell resistance and 40 more armour than I had during the Beta. All other stats were the same as they were in the Beta.

    I like your suggestion of NPCs hitting for a % of health rather than flat damage calculations -- this could make the NPCs challenging for VR players without utterly destroying the pre-50s.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Lithion
    Samadhi wrote: »
    So I logged a level 10 alt to see what the new battle leveling buff is like.
    I compared it to videos I have on my computer left over from the Beta.
    The only difference I noticed was that I now had roughly 6 more weapon damage, 100 more spell resistance and 40 more armour than I had during the Beta. All other stats were the same as they were in the Beta.

    Yep, the "buff" was hardly anything. Meanwhile the NPC guards got MUCH stronger.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    I have done various PvP experiments and have determined that new PvP lvs are fine for Cyrodiil. Plust at VR5 you can get exp from them that otherwise you may not have.

    ALso defense is bolstered as well. No more one man seiges (likelY) anymore.

    ANyone here complaing still either fails to understand nature of PvE in a PvP enviroment or holds onto the notion that PvP is still accessible to sub vets.
    Indeed it is so...
  • Teargrants
    ANyone here complaing still either fails to understand nature of PvE in a PvP enviroment or holds onto the notion that PvP is still accessible to sub vets.

    Can you address this?
    Kirsika wrote: »
    The main problem isn't that the guard npcs are stronger, it's when a couple defenders spam 20 sorc mercs and keep spawning new ones for each one that dies. There either needs to be a cooldown/max number adjustment for mercs, or the mercs need to be scaled down below the strength of the normal npc guards.
    EP ※ Teargrants ※
    EP ※ Kissgrants ※
    DC ※ Kirsi ※
    Vehemence Council
    ~Teargrants YouTube~
  • ishilb14_ESO
    You guys are oblivious. ZOS doesn't want players fighting each other in Cyrodiil, they want the Alliance War to be a PvE area. That's why they made caltrops give immunity to siege damage, because they want players to use Mage Mercenaries for defense. back me up here @ZOS_CatK‌
    Edited by ishilb14_ESO on May 27, 2014 1:12PM
    Original DC #Bloodthorn2014
    CoFounder - Terror
    Officer - Mega Best Friends
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  • frwinters_ESO
    Like it or not this is a PVE issue in PVP content zones. VR10 players like myself were able to get to their ranks by grinding quickly in the month post launch. Now, a huge population of the game that was on that track line has been stonewalled by extremely increased damage zones.


    I am a huge supporter of the VR 5 npcs now in keeps as they were far too easy to take. However, as it is now close to bloody impossible for the mass of players working their way to take on these enemies to get to their level by themselves in solo questing zones , ZOS just gave a massive pvp advantage to elite players and elite guilds. You want to keep fighting the same guys who have a part time job and play 24 hours a day forever, fine. I say let the low level guys at least have a shot at the title. Keep things interesting.

    It sounds like your mad because everyone else in the game isnt power leveling to max level and pvping. Thats silly.
  • Lithion
    ANyone here complaing still either fails to understand nature of PvE in a PvP enviroment or holds onto the notion that PvP is still accessible to sub vets.

    And you fail to understand that when a mage NPC guard is more threatening than a vet 12 player, then there is a PROBLEM with PvP. If you prefer killing boss-like NPCs, then there's PvE for you. I actually prefer to fight players, hence why I do Player vs Player.

    ZOS needs to implement % based damage on NPC guards, because the guards will just keep getting stronger and stronger as more vet ranks are added. If ZOS wanted non-VR players to stay out of Cyrodiil, then they should've just put a minimum level cap for entrance. Then at least I would've known not to buy this game.

  • SilentThunder
    The NPCs on the outer part of the keep are totally irrelevant as you can totally bypass them by hitting the sides of keep. The only NPCs you have to actually deal with are the ones at the flags inside the keep and all you need for them is 4-5 VR players with a healer. They really need to make keep walls tougher or siege weaker. As it is now 5 people running 2 ballista's each can break open a keep in less than 10 min and be inside the inner under 5 min from the time the keep shows in combat. and if you can put up the full 20 siege the total time drops under 5 min. This makes getting defense to a keep in time nearly imposable. It should take a min of 15-20 min to break both outer and inner keep walls.
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