Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Removed Acheivements

  • sunnieday4uub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I really hope they give us an update or status on this.
  • Zikai_Enakis
    I still have all of my quests completed and no NPC's hounding me for new ones, yet mine are still set to zero. Except today when I found a small rift quest I missed, now it's at 1.

    That last Rift quest and the lowered Shadowfen count would have given me my Pact Hero title today, had they not been bugged...

    It's been over a week that this has been reported. If it is just a visual error, why hasn't this been fixed yet? I can't imagine the amount of man-hours it takes to fix a small bug like this.

    If it isn't just a visual error, then can we at least be told something to be put to rest?
  • erezhub
    Yes please... Give us an update..!
  • Sihnfahl
    If it is just a visual error, why hasn't this been fixed yet?
    It needs a bit of a client and a server patch, I would assume. To link the achieves properly in their database, port the old ones into the presumably new scheme, and have the client properly process all them.
  • Dirigible
    Nothing in the patch preview. Thanks for taking 14 pages of pissed off subscribers for granted.
  • gengar
    Soul Shriven
    Really wish they would give us an update on this. It's hard to consider keeping my sub up when it's unclear what exactly the problem is and how it's going to be fixed.
  • CoUsT
    I really want my achievments back. I sit currently at 6550 achievement points and I'm not sure what to do next. They STEALTH NERFED boss spawn rate in Cyrodiil from Dark Anchors, so there is no point in doing it in Cyrodiil and normal zones (~3 bosses every ~75 dark anchors). I have almost all other achievements so I don't have anything to do. :( My achievement hunter soul is crying.
    Edited by CoUsT on June 1, 2014 6:25AM
  • Victus
    Ah ok it's not just me then. Hope this will get fixed soon.
    Throm the First - Redguard Dragon Knight - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Zenzu
    I could have both 'Pact Hero' and 'Covenant Hero' to add to my 'Dominion Hero' if only they fixed my achievements.

    Please Zenimax! I promise to not make a derogatory pun out your name and forever refer to you as it, only if you fix this for me.
  • LadyDestiny
    Same here for me. Could not get titles because of all of them not showing up as being completed. Not a critical issue, but still would like to see it fixed in a patch soon.
  • Crimelab
    Soul Shriven
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    If it is just a visual error, why hasn't this been fixed yet?
    It needs a bit of a client and a server patch, I would assume. To link the achieves properly in their database, port the old ones into the presumably new scheme, and have the client properly process all them.

    And assume is all you can do, since they aren't providing any type of useful updates. A lot of the evidence points to something deeper than a display bug, and they knew about this issue for weeks on the PTS but not only declined to fix it, they pushed it out live worldwide breaking thousands of users achievements in the process.

    I have zero faith 1) it is a 'display' bug alone, or 2) that it will be fixed anytime soon (or effectively). I hope I am proved wrong on both counts.
  • ZharaX
    I had just hit Daggerfall area the day before patch update, reading about the achievements failure after the patch made me reluctant to log at all in the game. And so it have been since the updates, even cost ZOS a sub!

    Up until Daggerfall (VR6) all achievements had been done, Lore, Shards, Quests + the sides. Loosing those (or have to rework all of that) will make me quit the game totally!
    Edited by ZharaX on June 1, 2014 12:51PM
    The picture on the wall is chaotic.
    I don't want to look at it, but when I do,
    I cannot speak because of the confusion in my head!
  • eobethb14_ESO
    Crimelab wrote: »
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    If it is just a visual error, why hasn't this been fixed yet?
    It needs a bit of a client and a server patch, I would assume. To link the achieves properly in their database, port the old ones into the presumably new scheme, and have the client properly process all them.

    And assume is all you can do, since they aren't providing any type of useful updates. A lot of the evidence points to something deeper than a display bug, and they knew about this issue for weeks on the PTS but not only declined to fix it, they pushed it out live worldwide breaking thousands of users achievements in the process.

    I have zero faith 1) it is a 'display' bug alone, or 2) that it will be fixed anytime soon (or effectively). I hope I am proved wrong on both counts.

    I agree, I would be even more upset with this, if I could reliably log in without either display errors or black screen crashes.

    But I held off on doing anything on my main until this achievement thing is fixed.

    When I do log in to get my enchanter some skill points, I keep crashing.

    So now since the patch I log on less and less often to the point of now I am just getting on to get hireling bags and check research.

    I really need to see SOME fixes quickly, or it is just too easy to walk away.

    Edited by eobethb14_ESO on June 1, 2014 1:19PM
  • Dirigible
    Thanks for the report, @Throren. We're investigating now.

    Too embarrassed to come back and update this thread with new information? You should be embarrassed but how about showing some courage and admitting to everyone what a horror show this particular incident has become for your team and for all of us affected by it.
  • Natjur
    They SAID the data is ok, its just a display issue, but if that was the case, I was one quest away from 'Pact Hero' and I found the missing quest, I completed it and now my quest count is at one and no title.

    I think they lied, I think the data was deleted and they have to work out a way to recreate the data by scanning each account and recounting the completed quests and then update us again, and its too hard at the moment so its in the 'I don't care about the customer bucket'

    It their first MMO and they don't have a que
    Edited by Natjur on June 2, 2014 9:19PM
  • Gecko
    Would really be nice to get an update on this. If the data was intact, should it not be a relatively easy fix, just readjust where the display is pulling from or change your data pull to point to the right tables?

    I also doubt the data is intact. I have completed quests in the zones since this and it started over at at 1 again, as opposed to staying 0 and just adding to the already there data. If the data was still there and it was just a display issue, would it not still sit at 0? Or did we change the tables and it is now a completely new field that you need to merge without causing other issues?
  • The_Death_Princess
    My goodness. You guys crack me up with you whining in this thread. I have seen more CS in two months with Zenimax than I ever did in my WoW venture. In terms of Neverwinter online, well it has ZERO CS.

    Until something tops the bug I found in Beta on Neverwinter where an attack randomly will not register damage or effect yet by animation, loss of encounter points and review of position it obviously was a hit - I dont think we should be bothered by little things like this display error.

    One year and a quarter out of Beta in Neverwinter today, that bug still exists. :'(
    Astaria Dødfurstinna
    Official Hunter Community Lead DAOC
    (Pendragon Beta through Catacombs release)
    Look at this but dont QQ:
  • Evergnar
    Have this issue as well but I am at the point where I just don't care anymore. I do find it funny though how much stuff is said to be there, we just can't see it. Kind of like some the fights, "am I doing damage? did that attack fire? Can't see it but I think it might have".
  • pborerb16_ESO
    Well, I'm currently not doing any quests in the areas where my counter was reset to 0 in the hope to minimize possible mixups after they finally fix this issue (next week?) Not a big issue, as these are areas I had almost "completed" and would just have needed a few more quests for the achievement, so completion of these can wait, I have enough new areas before me...
  • Bobcat
    I'm done in the Dominion but, since 1.1.2, some Dominion's achievements are like gone, event if I made all quests
    RolePlay and Fun (parce que "Peace and Love" c'est trop bisounours kikoolol)
    ""Ce n'est pas le RP qui est un support au MMO mais le MMO qui est un support du RP."
    "Dans les situations dangereuses, si on n'a pas peur pour son perso c'est qu'on n'est pas assez investit."
  • Sihnfahl
    You guys crack me up with you whining in this thread.

    Is it whining when they break something that wasn't broken in the first place? When all logic says that the patch shouldn't have even touched it?

    Quest Tracking wasn't broken. It was that the number of quests in some zones were less than the number of quests you needed for the achieve. Solution? Reduce the number of quests required in those zone for the achieve. Where in that statement does 'reset quest count to zero for all zones' come into play?

    How about the veteran tuning? Vet content was fine in terms of difficulty; they just wanted to increase the VP for a kill on mobs.

    What ended up happening? Damage output blew upwards on a standard mob, making Veteran levels an exercise in futility when you had two face two, much less three....

    Where does 'double enemy damage' come from 'double enemy VP only' unless someone doesn't know what the heck they're doing?
  • Kevinmon
    Can someone please tell me where my achievements are that I worked so hard for? Why are they all at 0 again even though I did the quests? Time to delete my VR character and start over.
  • Khafar
    Still not fixed as of the latest patch. If it's really just a "display error", it's hard to see how it could take more than a few weeks to fix. Perhaps some sort of summary data for our characters was clobbered in their database, and they need to rebuild it from the raw quest flags? If so, that may only be able to happen during a (very) extended maintenance period.
  • huntgod_ESO
    You say it's cosmetic, I have completed everything in DC (have the achievement for that) and Caldwells silver doesn't progress so I am stuck at VR.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Attronach
    How hard can be 'fix only display problem'?
    Maybe you can try reallocate Templar nerfing developer to this 'display only fix'.
  • HippieTheGreat
    So, Its apparently harder to fix than we thought, or they are busy doing other things :) but still, I want my titles :(
  • augyr
    Still not fixed unfortunately.
  • ZharaX
    If my initial thought gets to be true, i'll hopefully still have intact data in their database. The "old" data is most likely still there (from pre- 1.1.2 patch), unfortunately those who logged in, i'm afraid something bigger was set off, and I personally wouldn't be volunteering to fix this by manually flag 100's of table data to restore anything!
    The picture on the wall is chaotic.
    I don't want to look at it, but when I do,
    I cannot speak because of the confusion in my head!
  • TTMighty
    I was really hoping that it was a "cosmetic" issue from patch 1.1.2 and that they would fix it in 1.1.3. Like we were told: "It's just a display issue". Post 1.1.3, and it's still broke. Dang it.
  • ThisOnePosts
    It's also affecting titles. I earned Tamriel Hero, confirmed by a customer rep, he could see it on his end..however it doesn't display the title for me. This is due to them disappearing in the middle of a VR alliance zone and it not showing those ones on my end. The best they could help me was by saying it will be addressed in an upcoming patch. That much I knew... they were nice regardless and I understand they don't have the ability to do anything about it or they would have (customer service reps), however things like this should not be pushed to the side while NB vamps being able to feed on humanoid bosses has its fate decided on as if it drastically changed the game in any way. No titles don't change the game either, but when you put hours upon hours into it, you shouldn't have to worry whether they appear correctly or not.

    But it's a new game.. they are still figuring a lot of things out as they go along. ZOS will work it out, hopefully soon.
    Edited by ThisOnePosts on June 3, 2014 12:04PM
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