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Zenimax going back on a promise about Racial Motiff's in 1.2

  • Lilth
    Pad wrote: »

    Why not wait and see how is going on after the patch?

    I'm with @AlexCala7b14_ESO‌ on this. I posted about reduced drop rates a few weeks ago too. Not only the reduction in motiffs but of ALL recipes.
    The drop rates are ultra rare why reduce them even more??
    I don't want one to sell for 100k I want a chance to find the Ancient Elf for myself :| I need a serious upgrade from my Altmer armor.

    I don't expect them to be as common as, oh lets say, hops and lock picks which is all I seem to find anymore, but c'mon...they need to increase the drops just a tad bit more.

    Besides that sad addition to the patch notes I read, I'm very happy with the content and fixes.

    Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild? :wink: Sorry, I just have to ask. I'm being greedy with wanting these two guilds added..I can't help myself.


    This is just a test........ if this was an actual sig, you would have been mildly amused..........

  • Pangnirtung
    @ZoS_GinaBruno But should they be so rare that their going for prices in the market house which can only have been obtained by exploiting prior to the nerf when people could dupe gold and items, or buying gold from gold sellers? That's part of the issue. There's rare, and then there's impossible-to-get-almost rare.

    I guess we'll see what happens, with the patch but I don't see it changing much, unfortunately.
    Yeah, spend some time playing with this new patch first. If you truly feel like the motifs are so rare that they're impossible to attain, let us know. As mentioned earlier, we'll keep an eye on the feedback. :)

    I've played for an hour now on the latest version and I am still finding containers, cabinets, backpacks that show unopened and have nothing in them. Is this what you meant by not finding empty containers?
  • rootimus
    Explain to me how "Looking into it." and two threads about the items complete dissapearance, somehow merits, a /FURTHER REDUCTION IN THE DROP RATE./

    When the gods wish to punish us they answer our prayers.
    Even on the internet, clear communication is important; it can be the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse"; the difference between "knowing your s***" and "knowing you're s***".
    Greybeards & Gals - Civilised, laid-back, mature gamers. Beards optional. |
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    1. Racial Motiff's are a costume. They impart ZERO affect to the armor other than how it looks.

    2. Racial Motiff's have ZERO affect on the game itself. (See #1 above)

    3. Sellers will ask for as much as they want, on any item, at any time. ZeniMax cannot control this.

    4. Buyers will pay what they think something is worth to themselves. Regardless of how many are available in the game at any given time.

    4. Buyers dictate the cost of items. If no one was willing to pay 100K for a damn costume, then the price would fall.

    On a side note, I think ZeniMax screwed the proverbial pooch on this one. They should have increased the drop rate by 10% on all the Racials, set the vendor cost on the books at 10g, but made them BoP.

    BAM! cost problem solved and complainers have been silenced at the same time.


    It sounds to me that some people are now griping because they considered motifs a frequent way to make a lot of money in the game and the reduction of the drop rate is hurting their profits. If that's the case, then I say "Boo hoo" to them.

    Zeni touted the motifs as one of the rarities to their crafting system, but the motif farming killed that off instantly. Maybe once the existing "stock" of motifs in the game have been used up, then Zeni will raise the drop rate again.

    However, I definitely agree that making them BoP rather than just reducing the drop rate would have solved a lot of the issues surrounding these books.
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on May 22, 2014 7:56PM
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Wetworxxx
    We'll certainly keep an eye on the feedback about motif drop rates after this patch rolls out and you've had a chance to play through. That said, it is intended that these should be rare items, so keep that in mind. :)

    I would contend that if they are THAT rare, you make them purple or yellow. By giving it a blue color indicates rare, but not consummate to the level that they are currently (not) dropping.
  • Lilth
    Inupis wrote: »
    OK, let's solve this problem. Everyone out there with a rare motif, hold on to them for a few weeks. Take your posting down out of the guild store. Any that you pick up, send to an alt to hold. Let's pull them out of the market completely. For the next 2 weeks, if you want one, you can farm it. And, quit with the "casual player is getting screwed"'s old, and it's flat bull crap. A casual player by definition is just cruising around the game. They are not in a hurry to get somewhere/something. It only hurts the "I want it because you have it, and that's fair" people.

    these are not the real casuals...they are the game jumpers. They want to do everything and move to the next game. Real casuals log in and do their thing and do not stress about having the latest shinies. It is the "Keeping Up With The Jone's Without Working For It" crowd.
    To say "They are ALL" is not a fair statement. Some of us, me being one, want them to stay rare. However, they went from being rare, after a previous drop rate reduction, to ultra rare after this patch. They didn't need to reduce it again IMO.

    This is just a test........ if this was an actual sig, you would have been mildly amused..........

  • Attorneyatlawl
    Isn't rare suppose to be....well... rare?

    Yep. And I could buy 10 or more rare motifs depending on price right now and I haven't ever, nor will ever, exploit. For those saying you'd have to, learn to play the market or go without rare cosmetics..... They aren’t required to play.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Galen_the_Black
    Soul Shriven
    In three weeks I completed my basic 9 race motif collection. Of those 9, 7 were pickups, 1 was bought and 1 was traded for another motif that i already knew. I also sold 2 more motifs that I already knew.

    The drop rate is fine as it is. This level of rarity is correct for the color of the item.
    Edited by Galen_the_Black on May 22, 2014 8:15PM
    Just my 2 Septims.
  • dolmen
    dolmen wrote: »
    @hightoriab16_ESO - Yes, Monday May 19th - Orc Motif, in a trunk in the Bank at Wayrest. 3rd one of these Orc Motifs I have found. Didn't need it, stuck it in the Guild Store for others.

    @hightoriab16_ESO - Yes, today. Kahjit(sp?) Motif, in a trunk in the Bank at Wayrest. First one of these, so my Blacksmith/Clothier got it.

    No, I did not log in and out repeatedly and check containers. (Opinion: How boring...) First character load after the update completed. Poked around the containers because of this thread, just to see.

    I don't know what to say... This makes two for this week that I have found... I've been getting Motifs since Early Access. I don't have them all nor any of those rare ones. I don't play that many hours a week either. I just play along and check containers as I go when I do play.

    The Sidekick Order
  • Elember
    reggielee wrote: »
    geeze, the easiest option would have been to make them bound to acct. all the exploiters would have useless stock to sell. the drop rate would have remained the same so in effect an active player leveling and looting along the way would get eventually all the motiffs

    this only benefits the exploiters and bots that stockpiled the high motiffs already

    Yes, its hard for me to see the need to continue to report botters and gold sellers when the company behind the game implements "fixes" that help them remain profitable in their own game....

    Edited by Elember on May 22, 2014 8:22PM
  • Phantax
    Hey there, everyone. We wanted to clarify a couple things for you about this issue -

    The note you’re seeing in today’s patch notes regarding the reduced rate of earning racial motifs and provisioning recipes is actually for a reduction that already happened in patch v1.0.5, but we unintentionally missed the patch note for it when it was first introduced. Our apologies for the confusion this may have caused.

    When this reduction initially happened, it presented an issue that caused more empty containers and furniture than intended. That issue has been fixed in today’s patch, so you will no longer find interactable objects saying they have items, but are actually empty.

    Note: Post edited for a spelling mistake, oops!

    As I have a thread on the whole container bugged/empty glitch I will be keeping an eye on this. Looking forward to tomorrow so I can test out your claim Gina.

    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • lasma799
    Soul Shriven
    Please make the motifs account bound and increase the drop rates. That would be the optimal solution, particularly if you have more than one character who crafts different types of armor/weapons. Thank you.

    The current drop of the vet rank motifs are bollocks.
  • Kiwi
    i have not found a single motif since last time they screwed with it and i play A LOT
    A large yellow rectangle
  • DenverRalphy
    I think it should be clarified... the "You'll find less empty containers" statement should be revised to "You'll find less containers that appear to be full actually turn out to be empty".

    So now, all that the players are finding, are more containers that are already visually opened and empty. Which probably won't sit well.
    Edited by DenverRalphy on May 22, 2014 9:19PM
  • Arsenic_Touch
    At least they finally admitted it. You know, ZoS, you'd save yourself so much trouble if you actually tried to get ahead of these things instead of waiting until after the *** matter hits the fan.
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • Vanathi
    Hey there, everyone. We wanted to clarify a couple things for you about this issue -

    The note you’re seeing in today’s patch notes regarding the reduced rate of earning racial motifs and provisioning recipes is actually for a reduction that already happened in patch v1.0.5, but we unintentionally missed the patch note for it when it was first introduced. Our apologies for the confusion this may have caused.

    When this reduction initially happened, it presented an issue that caused more empty containers and furniture than intended. That issue has been fixed in today’s patch, so you will no longer find interactable objects saying they have items, but are actually empty.

    Note: Post edited for a spelling mistake, oops!

    Y'all really need to edit the patch notes to remove the bit about the motif drop rate. I don't get why you haven't since you know it's in there and it's incorrect.
    "M'aiq was told to stay away from Oldgate. This confused him. M'aiq remembers when it was called Gate." M'aiq The Liar
  • starkerealm
    Vanathi wrote: »
    Y'all really need to edit the patch notes to remove the bit about the motif drop rate. I don't get why you haven't since you know it's in there and it's incorrect.

    I get the distinct impression that their version control is either really screwed up, or there's some serious hickups in getting from the private list to the published one.
  • Shinoe
    I'm VR10 and have not had a single motif drop since I was under level 20 and I make a habit of searching containers often. The only time I've gotten one to drop was during early release and a maybe little after. The more recent changes to drop rates didn't appear to help or hurt me in any way since I don't find them to begin with.

    I have deleted hundreds of lockpicks.

    If something isn't bugged I really must have angered the RNG gods.
  • Arsenic_Touch
    I was right, people are trying to jack up the price of daedric because they left the old patch notes in.

    Went from 100-150k to 250k+ kind of amusing when people start cussing you out for calling out their price gouging.
    Edited by Arsenic_Touch on May 23, 2014 5:56AM
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • zaria
    Kiwi wrote: »
    i have not found a single motif since last time they screwed with it and i play A LOT
    I found 6 motifs after 1.0.5, enough to fill out my standard 9 and trade the 3-4 other.
    My current issue is that 90% all cupboards, drawers and trunks are empty, its some long as in over 24 hour global timeout on them, this stops people for bothering looting houses.

    Looks like urns are not affected but they depend a lot on zone, they are rare in stonefall.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • skarvika
    They did this with boss mob farming. The bots were the problem, but the players took the brunt of it. I'm not surprised.
    QQing is a full time job
  • CorporalCrimson
    Soul Shriven
    I agree, this game costs too much, for getting punished. I didnt pay for a spanking on my already sore ass. Get with it Zeni, you dont know what your doing. You are making this game not worth playing because you constantly nerf drop rates, increase mob difficulty and then dont help the player in any way. Nice one. You fail.
  • ZoM_Head
    You guys even read the notes:

    "ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. We wanted to clarify a couple things for you about this issue -

    The note you’re seeing in today’s patch notes regarding the reduced rate of earning racial motifs and provisioning recipes is actually for a reduction that already happened in patch v1.0.5, but we unintentionally missed the patch note for it when it was first introduced. Our apologies for the confusion this may have caused.

    When this reduction initially happened, it presented an issue that caused more empty containers and furniture than intended. That issue has been fixed in today’s patch, so you will no longer find interactable objects saying they have items, but are actually empty.

    It was already nerfed last patch just not mentioned, bugged out with open/empty containers.

    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • vyal
    Since the 1.1.2 patch, at VR5, zero motifs of any kind, green recipes only, and very rarely.
    On the plus side, I now have over 100 of every kind of improvement provisioning ingredient aside from tomato. (yes, I know tomato only comes from hirelings)

    So I've got that going for me, if I ever use those, which I never would, because I have no recipes that use them, because no blue/purple recipes seem to drop anymore, for me.
  • JessieColt
    I picked up 3+ green recipes and 2 blue recipe's after 1.12 release yesterday. Zero Racials.

    As a Provisioner I am happy with the increase in food material drops, and was VERY happy to find that I had picked up 4 salt, which prior to the patch I was lucky to find 1 a day on average.

    2 different guild mates both picked up Rare Racials. Once looted Daedric and another looted Ancient Elf.

    Although 3rd guild mate made it a point to brag about how they were able to buy a Daedric Racial for *only* 130K. *shivers*

    Prior to 1.12 but after the 1.05 drop rate change, I looted 2 Primals, one I used since I didn't have it, and the second I have stashed in my bag/bank.

    The drop rate was NOT changed in this most recent release. The notes included in the release are in reference to the change that was made in 1.05 release, as noted by the official reply from ZOS_GinaBruno.

    However, the inflation of the currently selling 10-14 Racials in the game are because of the mistaken belief that an additional drop rate was pushed with this release as well.

    Users who are panicking thinking there was another nerf are driving up the prices even more.

    This is only serving to reinforce my belief that ZeniMax needs to increase the drop rate, but make all of them BoP.

    Racials have become a gold sink for players who are buying them from other users, but the gold sink isn't serving the real purpose of having such a function in the game top begin with, which is removing gold from the player base as a way to force them to continue to have to play to earn more gold. It is just shifting the gold from one player to another.

  • McDoogs
    You guys really need to stop posting stories about finding motifs 1-9. Those are extremely common compared to the ancient elf and daedric drop rates.
  • hightoriab16_ESO
    McDoogs wrote: »
    You guys really need to stop posting stories about finding motifs 1-9. Those are extremely common compared to the ancient elf and daedric drop rates.

    I haven't found any for a couple of weeks, And I have been looking in all the right places.
  • Lodestar
    We'll certainly keep an eye on the feedback about motif drop rates after this patch rolls out and you've had a chance to play through. That said, it is intended that these should be rare items, so keep that in mind. :)

    This is completely understandable to me. And I do appreciate that.

    Mind, I will go on record as saying the only ones I see from time to time are in zone chat being offered to sell. I never once looted one in all my opening of containers. Particularly when I was swapping alts in Auridon bank for inventory reasons. I would run around while I was there.

    So yup, they are rare no worries there. :smiley: The only real hang up I had was the Imperial Motif being made a rare.
  • Ohioastro
    McDoogs wrote: »
    You guys really need to stop posting stories about finding motifs 1-9. Those are extremely common compared to the ancient elf and daedric drop rates.

    Which makes complaining about them even more silly. If there are 9 styles which are not hard to get, why is it a big deal for there to be a few rare ones?
  • mike.crewsb14_ESO
    I have not found a racial motif since EA week.
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