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Zenimax going back on a promise about Racial Motiff's in 1.2

  • cjmarsh725b14_ESO
    Hey there, everyone. We wanted to clarify a couple things for you about this issue -

    The note you’re seeing in today’s patch notes regarding the reduced rate of earning racial motifs and provisioning recipes is actually for a reduction that already happened in patch v1.0.5, but we unintentionally missed the patch note for it when it was first introduced. Our apologies for the confusion this may have caused.

    When this reduction initially happened, it presented an issue that caused more empty containers and furniture than intended. That issue has been fixed in today’s patch, so you will no longer find intractable objects saying they have items, but are actually empty.

    Now I'm confused... is the drop rate reduction something that's already happened?
    Yes. The drop rate reduction happened back in 1.0.5. That said, many of the objects where you'd find items (such as motifs) were "empty" due to a bug that is being fixed today.
    I understand, thanks for the clarification. There seemed to be a lot of empty containers lately but I thought it was just bad luck.
  • ClaudiaMay

    Yay, thanks for fixing cheeky "I have loot! - - no I don't" boxes :smile: Empty boxes are perfectly fine, it's just depressing when they pretend to be full lol.
    Currently Playing:
    Sorcerer Claudia Warren May, lvl 40. Woodworking 25/Clothing 25/Provisioning 50.
    Dragon Knight, lvl 8. Blacksmithing/Enchanting.
    Nightblade, lvl 3. Alchemy.
    Templar, lvl 7.
  • AlexCala7b14_ESO
    @ZoS_GinaBruno is the drop rate the same, and there are just mroe empty furniture when you go into areas? Or does this fix in some way fix the drope rate on these motiffs, especially the higher end ones that have become night impossible to find?
    The drop rate will be the same, but you will find less empty furniture now.

    Sorry for the confusion on this, guys. Hope this helps clear things up!

    Somewhat confused, but I'm going to assume this helps in some way. I'm not sure, but it feels like it should. I might be wrong.

    That said, is there a chance that you guys might look at possibly increasing the drops rates if this fix doesn't seem to help with matters?
  • Lukati_K
    @ZoS_GinaBruno is the drop rate the same, and there are just mroe empty furniture when you go into areas? Or does this fix in some way fix the drope rate on these motiffs, especially the higher end ones that have become night impossible to find?
    The drop rate will be the same, but you will find less empty furniture now.

    Sorry for the confusion on this, guys. Hope this helps clear things up!

    Please do not apologize. It was easy to recognize from your first post in this thread that there is a lot of empty furniture posing as full furniture, and this was not intended. It is also easy to recognize that your posts had absolutely nothing to do with motif drop rates. Bearing these items in mind, it is also, unfortunately, easy to recognize that some people have some serious tunnel vision, or simply can't read.
  • Oberon
    Hey there, everyone. We wanted to clarify a couple things for you about this issue -

    The note you’re seeing in today’s patch notes regarding the reduced rate of earning racial motifs and provisioning recipes is actually for a reduction that already happened in patch v1.0.5, but we unintentionally missed the patch note for it when it was first introduced. Our apologies for the confusion this may have caused.

    When this reduction initially happened, it presented an issue that caused more empty containers and furniture than intended. That issue has been fixed in today’s patch, so you will no longer find intractable objects saying they have items, but are actually empty.
    At the end of the day, the nearly non existent drop rates for purple Provisioning recipes and rare motifs (Daedra, Ancient Elf, Barbaric, Primal) mandates that players go to gold sellers and then purchase those items from players who cheated to get large numbers of them.

    That's the bottom line here.

    Make those items account bound and dramatically increase the drop rates and the entire issue vanishes.
    Edited by Oberon on May 22, 2014 4:06PM
  • AlexCala7b14_ESO
    @ZoS_GinaBruno And is there also a possibility that you guys may look into using one of the other suggestions like making the motiffs bind on pick up or account while raising the drop rate?
  • Arreyanne
    Just someone send me 7 Dark Elf Mofits and i'll be happy and wont have to dig through empty furniture for another month
  • JessieColt
    Phantax wrote: »
    1. Racial Motiff's are a costume. They impart ZERO affect to the armor other than how it looks.

    2. Racial Motiff's have ZERO affect on the game itself. (See #1 above)

    3. Sellers will ask for as much as they want, on any item, at any time. ZeniMax cannot control this.

    4. Buyers will pay what they think something is worth to themselves. Regardless of how many are available in the game at any given time.

    4. Buyers dictate the cost of items. If no one was willing to pay 100K for a damn costume, then the price would fall.

    On a side note, I think ZeniMax screwed the proverbial pooch on this one. They should have increased the drop rate by 10% on all the Racials, set the vendor cost on the books at 10g, but made them BoP.

    BAM! cost problem solved and complainers have been silenced at the same time.

    Agree with all your points EXCEPT number3.
    Zeni have more chance to control this than anybody. If they increase the drop rate then ultimately they decrease demand, this in turn would lower the price


    Only to a point. There would still be bidding wars on the available ones. No one can be in every zone, 24/7 on the chance of catching one for sale. This means that sellers would still be able to command high prices for the items.
  • SDZald
    LMAOOOOOOO yea they just "forgot" to tell us. I can see the meeting now.

    "Hey we are nerfing loot drops to keep rare items even more rare so we can keep our Gold Farmers happy and they can keep paying us."

    "won't that really PO the real players?"

    "Shhhhhh we just won't tell them, then ignore the countless posts about a stealth nerf. With any luck it will all just blow over."

    I bet it was something very close to that.
  • JessieColt
    Lywen wrote: »
    1. Racial Motiff's are a costume. They impart ZERO affect to the armor other than how it looks.

    2. Racial Motiff's have ZERO affect on the game itself. (See #1 above)

    I disagree... The more motifs you have, the more Style materials you can use, and you'll find various ones in game... So therefore the faster you can level up crafting. Granted, you can likely trade with others to get the motifs you need, but I wouldn't say it has ZERO affect.

    Again, the Racials impart nothing of substance to the Armor themselves other than being a costume. They do have ZERO affect on the Armor. Which is what I said.

    I said nothing about being able to use the stones that are required for creating the armor once you have learned the racial.

  • Ulvich
    This reminds me of a cartoon I once saw in MAD Magazine: A guy uses a pay phone to call the phone company and report the pay phone across the street is broke. Soon a truck shows up, two guys jump out with hammers and bust up the phone the guy called from.
    I see a pattern forming.
    - BETA Group: 85 b 9
    - Monster Slayer
    - Savior of Nirn
    - Adventurer Across a Decade
    - Hit hard. Hit Fast. Hit Often.
  • Elder_III
    The drop rate was way too high before, it was lowered greatly - yet I have still found 10 or more since then (and I do not go out of my way looking for them). The "rare" motifs such as Daedric etc should be rare and valuable. The game needs gold sinks other then buying a third horse and hiring other players to follow you as bards, minstrels and strippers. No need to cry in your beer because everyone's self entitlement obsession isn't being canoodled.
    Semi retired from the trading aspects of the game.
  • Dublicious
    Wait, /WHAT?!/. They're nerfing the motiff drop rate? How am I going to get /D/aedric or other rare motiff's now? And they're making it harder for the legit player's like me because they're reducing the number of funiture's that are going to drop them!?
    ESO Username: @Dublicious
    Title: Splitter of Hairs

    ESO Characters:

    Claricea Starlinor Vet 14Sorcerer DPS -- Woodworker/Blacksmith/Clothier -- Provisioner
    Liquado Starlinor Vet 4 DK Tank, alchemist
    Some low level Templar and NB...
  • LonePirate

    Thank you for that 7 minute research. I will give it a try later today in my VR zones.
  • spammichtotb16_ESO
    Would it really hurt anyone but the gold sellers if motifs dropped like candy and everyone could easily collect all styles?

    Really, I have most of them besides the really rare ones and I could not care less if everyone else would have them too.
  • SDZald
    Dublicious wrote: »
    Wait, /WHAT?!/. They're nerfing the motiff drop rate? How am I going to get /D/aedric or other rare motiff's now? And they're making it harder for the legit player's like me because they're reducing the number of funiture's that are going to drop them!?

    Well of course you can get them, just spend real world dollars and buy them from Gold Farmers, that way the Gold Farmers keep making money, and they keep paying ESO for all their Farming accounts.

    Everyone is happy, you get the item, Gold Farmers keep making money, and ESO keeps lots more accounts. Whats so hard to understand? :)

  • AlexDougherty
    So they promised to look into it and they did? How is that breaking their promise?

    Just because you disagree with their findings doesn't mean they are going back on their word.
    Indeed. :s
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Reenlister
    Elder_III wrote: »
    The drop rate was way too high before, it was lowered greatly - yet I have still found 10 or more since then (and I do not go out of my way looking for them). The "rare" motifs such as Daedric etc should be rare and valuable. The game needs gold sinks other then buying a third horse and hiring other players to follow you as bards, minstrels and strippers. No need to cry in your beer because everyone's self entitlement obsession isn't being canoodled.

    WAIT! We can get strippers? Are they Bosmer? I love me some Bosmer!
  • FrauPerchta
    I haven't found a motif since 1.0.5, pre-1.0.5 I was finding 1 or 2 a play session.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    What I want to know is, us players took notice and did a lot of talking about the possible stealth nerf to motif drop rates but you said you would look into it, however now you say you guys KNEW you put it into an earlier patch but forgot the patch not. Not only that you guys put in that stealth nerf Hastily and without proper testing causing bugged furniture that you are finally fixing several patches early, and this bug probably made them even rarer than intended because those rolls on empty furniture could very well have been a motif or a recipe. Now I'm pretty sure you guys have made additions to patch notes before, why not this time? There was plenty of time to do so. Could you not have also thrown it into 1.0.6,1.0.7, 1.0.8 that you "forgot to add this to previous patch"?

    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 22, 2014 4:44PM
  • Crushinator
    Oberon wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. We wanted to clarify a couple things for you about this issue -

    The note you’re seeing in today’s patch notes regarding the reduced rate of earning racial motifs and provisioning recipes is actually for a reduction that already happened in patch v1.0.5, but we unintentionally missed the patch note for it when it was first introduced. Our apologies for the confusion this may have caused.

    When this reduction initially happened, it presented an issue that caused more empty containers and furniture than intended. That issue has been fixed in today’s patch, so you will no longer find intractable objects saying they have items, but are actually empty.
    At the end of the day, the nearly non existent drop rates for purple Provisioning recipes and rare motifs (Daedra, Ancient Elf, Barbaric, Primal) mandates that players go to gold sellers and then purchase those items from players who cheated to get large numbers of them.

    That's the bottom line here.

    Make those items account bound and dramatically increase the drop rates and the entire issue vanishes.

    Why the hell do so many whiners claim they are FORCED to go do something? No one, and I mean NO ONE, is forcing (or Mandating that) you go out and buy gold from a gold seller to get a motif. It's COSMETIC. NON-FUNCTIONAL.

    So much freaking QQ about aesthetics. Holy crap. Pay a crafter who has it, or get lucky. Acting like it's your RIGHT to have these motifs is idiotic (I'm holding back).

    You want it? Get lucky and find it, buy it with gold.
    I absolutely never farm stuff. I have no gold to buy motifs. And yet I understand the same thing several people have pointed out. My ability to play my character is absolutely unhindered by not having Daedric or High Elf.

    so much facepalming while reading this thread. I wish I hadn't clicked on it!

    **EDIT** I do, however, agree that making them account bound or BOP is a viable solution. However, then I would prefer that they do not allow me to loot ones I have currently without filling out my collection. However, that wouldn't be necessary.
    Edited by Crushinator on May 22, 2014 4:49PM
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    Nitratas wrote: »
    Daedric motif is going for more than half a million gold at the moment. Theres no way to save that much money without abusing the market.

    Yup, zenimax is encouraging you to buy gold for your dollars and encourage all this botting and RMT :)

    Or just wait until you actually find it?
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Nitratas wrote: »
    Daedric motif is going for more than half a million gold at the moment. Theres no way to save that much money without abusing the market.

    Yup, zenimax is encouraging you to buy gold for your dollars and encourage all this botting and RMT :)

    Or just wait until you actually find it?

    I found one after the nerf. That doesn't change the fact that they should have never been tradeable items to begin with.

    Going from a common tradeable find to a rare tradeable find helped RMT, it didn't hurt them. Changing them into BoP and leaving the drop rate alone would hurt RMT, a lot.

    It also doesnt help that they took an item that IS NOT THAT SERIOUS and made it SUPER SERIAL!
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 22, 2014 4:52PM
  • hightoriab16_ESO
    Has anyone actually found a motif recently?
  • dba.2000_ESO
    Was wondering what happened to Motiff's, I didn't manage to find a single Motiff until I hit VR-4. But at least it was Barbaric and not an Orc.
  • AlexCala7b14_ESO
    Nitratas wrote: »
    Daedric motif is going for more than half a million gold at the moment. Theres no way to save that much money without abusing the market.

    Yup, zenimax is encouraging you to buy gold for your dollars and encourage all this botting and RMT :)

    Or just wait until you actually find it?

    If you do.
    Oberon wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. We wanted to clarify a couple things for you about this issue -

    The note you’re seeing in today’s patch notes regarding the reduced rate of earning racial motifs and provisioning recipes is actually for a reduction that already happened in patch v1.0.5, but we unintentionally missed the patch note for it when it was first introduced. Our apologies for the confusion this may have caused.

    When this reduction initially happened, it presented an issue that caused more empty containers and furniture than intended. That issue has been fixed in today’s patch, so you will no longer find intractable objects saying they have items, but are actually empty.
    At the end of the day, the nearly non existent drop rates for purple Provisioning recipes and rare motifs (Daedra, Ancient Elf, Barbaric, Primal) mandates that players go to gold sellers and then purchase those items from players who cheated to get large numbers of them.

    That's the bottom line here.

    Make those items account bound and dramatically increase the drop rates and the entire issue vanishes.

    Why the hell do so many whiners claim they are FORCED to go do something? No one, and I mean NO ONE, is forcing (or Mandating that) you go out and buy gold from a gold seller to get a motif. It's COSMETIC. NON-FUNCTIONAL.

    So much freaking QQ about aesthetics. Holy crap. Pay a crafter who has it, or get lucky. Acting like it's your RIGHT to have these motifs is idiotic (I'm holding back).

    You want it? Get lucky and find it, buy it with gold.
    I absolutely never farm stuff. I have no gold to buy motifs. And yet I understand the same thing several people have pointed out. My ability to play my character is absolutely unhindered by not having Daedric or High Elf.

    so much facepalming while reading this thread. I wish I hadn't clicked on it!

    The problem is the economy is busted. People can only afford them now if they did the exploits earlier when the game launched, whom are also the people selling those motiffs usually, since those accounts got banned, because somehow, Zenimax was unable to identify who actually did dupe. Don't ask me why. That is just what happened.
  • AlexCala7b14_ESO
    Has anyone actually found a motif recently?

    Some have, but they are the exception, the rule is that you are not likely to see them, since the drop rate is so atrocious now.
  • Crushinator
    But the fact that the economy is busted has ZERO relevance to my comment. You have 100% choice in this. Pay the ridiculous, unwarrantedly high prices, or wait until you find it. Claiming you're forced to buy it is ignorant. Claiming that the economy is broken translates to you should have motif drops is silly.

    But I agree, the market is a bit borked. Not a lot to do about that except let it normalize, which isn't something that is GOVERNED over but rather happens by the people within the market. And takes time.
  • Arreyanne
    Would it really hurt anyone but the gold sellers if motifs dropped like candy and everyone could easily collect all styles?

    Really, I have most of them besides the really rare ones and I could not care less if everyone else would have them too.

  • KaedianEQ
    Nitratas wrote: »
    Daedric motif is going for more than half a million gold at the moment. Theres no way to save that much money without abusing the market.

    Yup, zenimax is encouraging you to buy gold for your dollars and encourage all this botting and RMT :)

    Or the item is supposed to be rare and you simply need to farm for it more.

    No one ever guaranteed everyone would have all of the motifs in the first month or two.
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