Official Discussion Thread for "Get a Free Pet & Respecs During the Heroes Reforged Event"

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This is the official discussion thread for the blog article "Get a Free Pet & Respecs During the Heroes Reforged Event"

Get a free pet and rebuild your characters from the ground up during the Heroes Reforged in-game mini event.
Staff Post
  • VaranisArano
    Thanks! It's nice to see ZOS responding to concerns about players paying for their theorycrafting or trying to experiment with CP builds on the Live servers.

    Also, about that picture...can we get a proper dueling Arena? Hammerdeath is pretty lacking in amenities.
    Edited by VaranisArano on 3 March 2021 15:06
  • Tarbs01
    After Update 29, will we be at the same CP level we are now or will we be moved to the CP level that matches the XP we have earned to date?
    I ask because I keep hearing how the XP requirements to progress through the CP ranks is being changed, requiring less XP at the lower levels. This is to help with the "grind" of leveling CP by allowing us to see new levels sooner than before.
    SO if a player is 715 now, then you have actually earned enough XP to be at a higher CP level after U29.
    Xbox/NA Nord DK For the Pact!
  • nqvarihs
  • majulook
    Since there are probably going to be changes form whats on PTS to what goes Live.
    The 2 weeks will give more than enough time for the "best" to select for all builds will be public (probably week or less).

    The one change that I feel should be implemented is that new players should earn CP from the start but cannot slot anything until the have 1 character at level 50. This would lessen the whole "I got to get to what level?" issue that some have concerns with.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
  • Sarannah
    Thank you for allowing free respecs during this major update period. And thank you for the pet!

    Could you guys maybe look into how the CP 'farming nodes' are actives, and not passives... this is my only major concern about the new CP system. I did post my thoughts about other things as well, but this is my one real major concern.
  • Nairinhe
    That's pretty generous!
  • Ganondroid
    Race changes would be nice as well since the racial passive changes are shifting the meta in some situations. Especially for anyone using Stam toons that are orcs right now. Last time they made big racial changes everyone was given 3 race change tokens. Why not do it again?
  • Faded
    While the changes coming with Update 29 impact only the Champion System, we know that you’ll likely want to test many builds, so for two weeks you can reset, respec, and rebuild any and all of your characters as many times as you want for free when using a Rededication Shrine or the Champion Point redistribution function—easy!

    Great news. Two weeks of unconstrained experimentation and GO
  • Rex-Umbra
    This is the official discussion thread for the blog article "Get a Free Pet & Respecs During the Heroes Reforged Event"

    Get a free pet and rebuild your characters from the ground up during the Heroes Reforged in-game mini event.

    What about race change tokens?
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Mojmir
    Keep your useless pixel crap, race change token instead
  • Dojohoda
    Thank you!
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • SirLeeMinion
    Free pet... pfffft; that's just insulting. It should be free race change tokens. There should have been one in the March login rewards and another instead of the pet.
  • Araneae6537
    I like the free pet and respecs, but I do agree that a few race and name change tokens would be nice too. :)
  • ZOS_SarahHecker
    There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.
    Staff Post
  • skinnycheeks
    There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.

    Why though? This is the biggest racial rework since the last one where 3 tokens WERE provided. You guys obviously see the importance and value of free respecs whenever there are major balance changes, as you have dedicated a whole event to it. Yet because race change tokens cost real money and not gold, they are not included? I hope you guys rethink this one over.
  • SshadowSscale
    There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.

    Ouch way to hand it to the player base
  • Foolebuilt_33
    There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.

    Why though? This is the biggest racial rework since the last one where 3 tokens WERE provided. You guys obviously see the importance and value of free respecs whenever there are major balance changes, as you have dedicated a whole event to it. Yet because race change tokens cost real money and not gold, they are not included? I hope you guys rethink this one over.

    ^^^^^ couldn't of said it better than skinny
  • forthwinds
    There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.

    Well this is a slap in the face, I hope this can be discussed and changed.
    Dawnbringer ✦ Godslayer ✦ Tick Tock Tormentor x3 ✦ Immortal Redeemer x2 ✦ Gryphon Heart x5 ✦ The Unchained x2 ✦ Emperor x6 ✦ Grand Overlord
  • Mizael
    There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.

    I think race changes tokens are way more important then free respecs, we can pay gold for change then anytime however race not. And since you guys changed racial passives again, and we created characters before this update, it is super unfair to not grant free race change token. I have 16 characters and I don't intend to pay 3500 crowns for each one of them if no tokens are granted.
  • nqvarihs
    There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.

    Edited by nqvarihs on 3 March 2021 20:42
  • GreenHere
    Remember, y'all:

    @ZOS_SarahHecker is just delivering the word (thank you for that, btw); she (presumably) isn't the one who made the decision. Don't shoot the messenger. :P

    Instead, go cause an absolute RIOT on the forums! :D

  • MurderMostFoul
    There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.

    There should be.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Mojmir
    There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.

    no plans of me making any purchases or subbing again, thanks for the heads up.
  • Starlock
    Mizael wrote: »

    I think race changes tokens are way more important then free respecs, we can pay gold for change then anytime however race not. And since you guys changed racial passives again, and we created characters before this update, it is super unfair to not grant free race change token. I have 16 characters and I don't intend to pay 3500 crowns for each one of them if no tokens are granted.

    Name/race/appearance changes shouldn't have been locked to the cash shop in the first place. Surely Galathil, the famous face sculptor of the Riften ratway, learned her craft from a long line of Aldmeri face sculptors? Why not just plop her predecessor down in the outlaw's refuges in the capitol cities where she charges a large sum of in-game gold to remake your face (and also your entire race)?

  • Fischblut
    Well this is a slap in the face, I hope this can be discussed and changed.

    Oh, about a slap in the face... Almost year ago, we hoped that changes to vMA and vDSA weapons in Greymoor will not happen, but they happened... ;) And after time, unhappy people stopped posting about it on forums, and everyone have forgotten about it :/ Never forget about changes like this, because you'll be disappointed by other changes later.

    At least we all got few free race change tokens some time ago (I honestly can't remember when it was, maybe with Greymoor as well). For me, it's not concern at all... With constant changes, I wouldn't keep changing races of my characters each time something in their racial bonuses changes. I even haven't used those free tokens + some tokens I bought with my own crowns very long time ago.

    Free respec event was on PTS at the start of current testing cycle, so it's not surprise that we're getting it on live. Even if this event wasn't on PTS, temporarily free respecs are expected when there are so much changes :)
    Name/race/appearance changes shouldn't have been locked to the cash shop in the first place.

    Technically, you can buy them as "gifts" for gold, no problem - they are not crowns-exclusive items, like skyshard option for alts.
  • Ganondroid
    There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.

    While I appreciate being upfront about it, was there even a consideration for race change tokens due the the racial passives change?

    Since there is precedent for giving out some race changes in the past with large updates, why not follow that precedence? As much as we would all like to change any character we have, I don't think anybody expects to have outright free race changes for the entire event period, but having 3 or 4 tokens would be a nice gesture for the players that the developers are listening to our concerns with the new changes.
  • NoSoup
    Ganondroid wrote: »

    While I appreciate being upfront about it, was there even a consideration for race change tokens due the the racial passives change?

    Since there is precedent for giving out some race changes in the past with large updates, why not follow that precedence? As much as we would all like to change any character we have, I don't think anybody expects to have outright free race changes for the entire event period, but having 3 or 4 tokens would be a nice gesture for the players that the developers are listening to our concerns with the new changes.

    Agree. ZOS created the precedent by previously doing it, abandoning that precedent sends the very strong message that the company now considers it perfectly acceptable to force changes that will lead to increased revenue - not for balance, but for revenue......
    Formally SirDopey, lost forum account during the great reset.....
  • TheImperfect
    Free pet is always good and very cute.
  • Rikakiah
    Is this "no race change tokens for the event" (ie free like the other changes), or "no race change tokens at all associated with the patch"? Because the post could be seen either way and I definitely see the first not being an option. However, no race change tokens at all when, like stated, they make the absolute biggest changes to races in history is pretty rude.

    I do think the period of free respecs is great and the length is quite generous.

    The pet is meh, but OK. However, it looks a lot like one that was just available in the crown store. I guess too bad to those who already bought it?
  • Araneae6537
    Rikakiah wrote: »
    Is this "no race change tokens for the event" (ie free like the other changes), or "no race change tokens at all associated with the patch"? Because the post could be seen either way and I definitely see the first not being an option. However, no race change tokens at all when, like stated, they make the absolute biggest changes to races in history is pretty rude.

    I do think the period of free respecs is great and the length is quite generous.

    The pet is meh, but OK. However, it looks a lot like one that was just available in the crown store. I guess too bad to those who already bought it?

    In all fairness, I think the changes made with Wrathstone were greater, but still, one or two would have been helpful and more importantly a good gesture to the player base.

    I do like the pet and am glad it’s not on fire, lol! :joy:
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