Oh, about a slap in the face... Almost year ago, we hoped that changes to vMA and vDSA weapons in Greymoor will not happen, but they happened...And after time, unhappy people stopped posting about it on forums, and everyone have forgotten about it
Never forget about changes like this, because you'll be disappointed by other changes later.
At least we all got few free race change tokens some time ago (I honestly can't remember when it was, maybe with Greymoor as well). For me, it's not concern at all... With constant changes, I wouldn't keep changing races of my characters each time something in their racial bonuses changes. I even haven't used those free tokens + some tokens I bought with my own crowns very long time ago.
Free respec event was on PTS at the start of current testing cycle, so it's not surprise that we're getting it on live. Even if this event wasn't on PTS, temporarily free respecs are expected when there are so much changes
Technically, you can buy them as "gifts" for gold, no problem - they are not crowns-exclusive items, like skyshard option for alts.
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.
And I have no plans to login to the game for several weeks after this chaos goes live. Having to spend time to respec every single toon before being able to play is a chore, not a good time. Not something enjoyable to do.
Add to that the need to spend real money to be optimized as before the changes is insulting on top of dreading the annoying chore I’ll be forced to undertake when I do finally decide to play again.
I bet you already know this @Reverb, but just in case you don't: If you wait a couple weeks after this update goes live, you'll miss out on the cost-free respecs and essentially cost yourself a lot of unnecessary gold if you need to change any stats around.
So maybe log in at least one of the days before the "Reforge Your Hero" or whatever event ends! ;P
(Just trying to offer a friendly "heads up", but I get where you're coming from)
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.
Araneae6537 wrote: »I do like the pet and am glad it’s not on fire, lol!
Name/race/appearance changes shouldn't have been locked to the cash shop in the first place. Surely Galathil, the famous face sculptor of the Riften ratway, learned her craft from a long line of Aldmeri face sculptors? Why not just plop her predecessor down in the outlaw's refuges in the capitol cities where she charges a large sum of in-game gold to remake your face (and also your entire race)?
doesurmindglow wrote: »I agree the balance changes to racial passives are significant, and that the precedent exists.
They REALLY shouldn't touch racial passives when doing balance changes unless they're planning to allow race changes. It's one of VERY FEW things you cannot easily respec in-game.
I for one will be holding off on the chapter purchase unless this is reconsidered.
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »There are no plans to add race change tokens to Heroes Reforged at this time.
Personally, I don't like the fact that the developers reset all my abilities even though I didn't intend to. There should be a simple option or information that using the shrines will be free during this time, but not reset all abilities. They seriously reset all my abilities just to redistribute the points in the same way. It's nice that they want to enable the creation of new builds for the new CP system, but without exaggeration. I personally don't intend to do anything like that and now I have to redeem my points just because they introduced a mini-event. [snip]
The resetting of skill points isn't due to the event. It's due to zos discovering that some people had more skill points than they should have due to some cp error so they're fixing the error but have to reset everyone's skill points to get rid of the extras that some people have.