@Ghostbane @SpazzmanNDQ If you're interested in how district capture could work, see my thread on District Control. If you're interested in how ZOS originally designed district capture, back before Tamriel Unlimited, search for @Dominoid 's datamining info.
TatsukageX wrote: »
No issue, PvP mini games then? a team guarding a target while another is on an assassination mission? or anything else...we need more PvP content....I am one of those who suffer huge lag in Cyrodill most of the time I have a BEAST of a computer and a good connection but massive PvP doesn't work for me.
SpazzmanNDQ wrote: »I know mag DKs got a boost last update but it would be great if them finished them by adding a high damage skill and an execute.
Easy fix would be to up the whip damage and have that be your high damage skill and change stone fist in to some sort of execute skill
Having an earthen heart dps ability would not be balanced
Astanphaeus wrote: »Honestly, the parts the excite me the most are the item locking and craft bag.
lordrichter wrote: »
I have reservations about how they intend to move forward, post Veteran Ranks. Will the Champion System be reduced to a Veteran System with bigger numbers?
... Where is race change, appearance change, and alliance change? Where is our promised barber shop? Hats? Are you kidding me? Forget the hats. Give us our barber shop we've been BEGGING for since BETA.
... How are you going to compensate all the players who got themselves to V16? That's a lot of gear, money, and time that's going to be yanked away from people who LIKE veteran ranks.
... Where is race change, appearance change, and alliance change? Where is our promised barber shop? Hats? Are you kidding me? Forget the hats. Give us our barber shop we've been BEGGING for since BETA.
... How are you going to compensate all the players who got themselves to V16? That's a lot of gear, money, and time that's going to be yanked away from people who LIKE veteran ranks.
@Ghostbane @SpazzmanNDQ If you're interested in how district capture could work, see my thread on District Control. If you're interested in how ZOS originally designed district capture, back before Tamriel Unlimited, search for @Dominoid 's datamining info.
SpazzmanNDQ wrote: »
I want to know this too does all my V16 gear scale down cause I'm not at max CP I wouldn't appreciate that at all
So, not only are we not going to get any new 4-man content, they're also gonna hit vWGT and vICP with the nerfhammer?(Unless by "rebalancing", they mean "buffing", but somehow I doubt that's what they meant.)
I also suspect this means an incoming nerf. ZOS is sitting on data that tells them how many players have tried the dungeons, how many have tried and failed, how long it took, and at what point groups give up. If something like 2% of runs are successful completions (made up statistic), or too many people try it once and never come back, they are going to nerf it. That's not enough player engagement to justify the time spent developing the dungeon.
So, not only are we not going to get any new 4-man content, they're also gonna hit vWGT and vICP with the nerfhammer?(Unless by "rebalancing", they mean "buffing", but somehow I doubt that's what they meant.)
4-person content is such a huge part of this game. It's a MMO, so why in blazes is there so much focus on solo questing in each update? And while I do enjoy running trials, most people in this game have a hard time getting together 12-person groups for that. But the 4-person content? That's fun group content (remember, this is a MMO!) that you can easily clobber together. And we haven't had any updates to 4-person content since the introduction of vICP and vWGT.
So, no new 4-person content. No updates or scaling to vDSA. And now, it looks like we're likely to see nerfs to the only two pieces of challenging 4-person content in the game. Please, no.
We have made some tweaks all around in the Trial but largely the mechanics stay relatively the same, just more difficult. We anticipate strategies will need to be adjusted to complete the Veteran mode of the Trial.