Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »have they fixed my nightblade problems and the lack of damage we do and the ability to escape making our invisibility last longer?
did they fix the nightblade duel wield problems and lack of damage amount?
I love how people in this thread think shield bash is spited because of its dps, its about the permanent dizzy/disable it causes when it is spammed. People victimized by this abused mechanic cant escape, they spend all of their stamina just trying to roll away enough to get some breathing room, just to be bashed again.
its fricken stupid and should be nerfed into the dirt.
black-gryphonb14_ESO wrote: »
Cool, but before then - can we get the overall size of the patch? Don't exactly have a fast internet connection and since I'd like to be able to play this weekend, would be good to know before hand so I could make the trip to the library to download instead. Anything under 300-500mb is doable at home, 4-6 hours, but bigger than that and I'm looking at a day or more. From home it took almost 5 days to download the beta
danreckerpreub18_ESO wrote: »They are attempting to answer the age old question...
How many swords could a nord horde hoard if a nord horde could hoard swords?
Without getting bored, of course.
UnholyPerfection wrote: »How many hours will the maintenance be?
I dont really want to disappoint you but expect a lot more. I guess it will be a few gigs.
Impulse: Increased the Magicka cost of Impulse and its morphs.
If you have spent skill points in the Impulse ability, you will have those points returned to your overall skill point pool. They can be re-spent in this ability, or invested elsewhere.
I don't enter Cyrodill. I have come to realize that my problem is that my character is built around stamina instead of magic. As for AOE spells, they take up too much magic and don't put out that much damage. At least not my character. I am very survivable, just not very strong at damaging. I do my 230 damage with the shield bash and that is good enough for me. It isn't really OP if I still don't do as much as other characters and my damage is confined to a single target. In PVP, I could understand the issue with shield bashing forever, or in my case 33+ times before stam runs out. But that is my build and I have almost no magical power so it is a big trade off. All my magic goes into green dragon blood and 1-2 claws per enemy. DK isn't made for a DPS, it's made for damage over time, which I can do. I just want to do DPS, which I can't figure out. I think you are misinterpreting my comments to mean that I can't do damage, I can, it just isn't a straight shot that takes out half their health like NB and Sorc seem to do.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Here you go, everyone: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/100211/patch-notes-v1-1-2#latest
ALL MMO are a bit "Crummy" about when the servers are up and avaible.
IF you didn't know, the giant WoW still have down times between a few minutes and half a day.
They don't try to annoy you, you know.
Warlordgreebo wrote: »
Could have fooled me.
Honest, direct answers are always preferred to vague answers which lead the receiver to feel they are being deceived. Even when I have to deliver bad news, or news that people do not want to hear... the direct, most precise answer OF WHAT WE EXPECT TO RESULT... is the best. If I am wrong, it will require some explaining, but it will show I am engaged, interested, and still with them.
I know if people can be understanding when their loved one is sick/dying, then I know that people can be understanding about a game. IF THEY FEEL THEY ARE BEING HONESTLY INFORMED.
I love how people in this thread think shield bash is spited because of its dps, its about the permanent dizzy/disable it causes when it is spammed. People victimized by this abused mechanic cant escape, they spend all of their stamina just trying to roll away enough to get some breathing room, just to be bashed again.
its fricken stupid and should be nerfed into the dirt.
driosketch wrote: »I think that was meant as a joke. It's been the practice for a while now to post patch notes when the server goes down for maintenance.
It's not that hard to piece together what to expect between the two PTS patch notes and the things they are working on thread. We should still expect some surprises though.
They have a limited amount of time for each patch so they can't fix everything possible. If they launch the patch notes to early there will be tons of complaints about what the patch doesn't fix.
Um...have you NO idea what they are gonna do to night blades? Every freakin player will make a night blade alt after 1.1 and defently 1.2.
Night blades have alot of problems that needs to be fixed. Bugs that makes passive skills not work as intended. They are fixing em. What the duce are you whining about?
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
It's the Illuminati. They don't want us to have the patch notes.