How are you able to do any consistent damage without spamming shield bash? Not really a cheesy tactic because it requires a stamina build and special enchantments to work well. I still can't compete against any sorcerer in DPS no matter which weapon set I try to use. Guess I should have rolled another character because DKs are survivable, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make them do damage.
Trenchfoot wrote: »
You can't figure out how to make a DK survivable and do dps at the same time? You should have a word with almost any DK in Cyrodiil, they seem to have no problem doing both without just shield bash.
Frankly it's absurd that ZOS designed a tank class that can put out the most effective aoe dps in the game.
samcharles77_ESO wrote: »My guess would be just in case they decide not to implement something they had planned to with this patch.
Blackwidow wrote: »Patch notes:
Well, we buffed DK a little more. We felt they were not quite god like enough.
Then we kicked NB right in the balls.
Thank you.
ipkonfigcub18_ESO wrote: »As bad as the Nightblades are at this stage (bugs riddle us horribly) I'm just wondering how bad they're going to nerf us in this patch
black-gryphonb14_ESO wrote: »
Cool, but before then - can we get the overall size of the patch? Don't exactly have a fast internet connection and since I'd like to be able to play this weekend, would be good to know before hand so I could make the trip to the library to download instead. Anything under 300-500mb is doable at home, 4-6 hours, but bigger than that and I'm looking at a day or more. From home it took almost 5 days to download the beta
Trenchfoot wrote: »
Um, your aware every class in Elder Scrolls Online, can proform any role, maybe not as effectivly with class abilities alone, but it can still be done given the time and effort to do it.
Nightblades can become extremely good leach tanks - Sorcerers can use their mana pools to heal themselves, while utalizing sustained magics and melee attacks allowing them to litterally troll mobs while they tank. - Dragon Knights are Damage Mitigation tanks with self heals - and Templars are Offensive Healing Tanks.
Like wise for any and all classes - people just defer to using Dragon Knights for tanking because their easy mode. Templars are Jack of All trades, they do everything good, but nothing amazingly, another easy mode.
That being said, Nightblade, Dragon Knight((Pyromancer Build)) and Sorcery ((sustained Magic Build)) so far have been my favorites.
Decimus_Rex wrote: »
I'm hoping it is to address the run away bot/hack problem.
Nuking,public lynching and slow roasting them to perfection would be a start.
I will take a mass bot slaying for now
Ndhekjtkyiud and all his relatives must be CRUSHED with NO impunity
The BOT problem, zenimax is battleing them. YOU can help. YOU are the best defense against these can people not understand this?
Zenimax won't do much about bots, killing them once a day, baning the one or other, but c'mon. They won't resolve the problem completly as the problem is a paying customer for them.
Decimus_Rex wrote: »
Fixing my beloved class.. NightBlade..
I love how people in this thread think shield bash is spited because of its dps, its about the permanent dizzy/disable it causes when it is spammed. People victimized by this abused mechanic cant escape, they spend all of their stamina just trying to roll away enough to get some breathing room, just to be bashed again.
its fricken stupid and should be nerfed into the dirt.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »It is a secret. For now.
We'll be publishing the patch notes for v1.1.2 tomorrow sometime during the NA maintenance.
Maverick827 wrote: »There is no good reason not to release them now. I'm actually woried that you're not releasing them. Is there something that's still on the fence a day before? That would be a terrible software develolment practice.
"In the absence of any real facts, people always gravitate toward the most sinister explanation."