**KoM (Knights of Masser) from 2013 beta is BACK and recruiting again! [NA][casual] **

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • NeeScrolls
    Hey I just came back to ESO after a 5 year break. Im looking for a guild to run Vet dungeons and Trials with. If this is something the guild does, I would be interested in an invite!

    hey, thanks so much for the post and WELCOME BACK!

    So just so there's no confusion or expectations: Our guild most definitely runs Vet dungeons (and normal dungeons) and most of our cp810 members also run Trials (Vet & normal) , BUT we are still technically a 'casual' type guild, so we don't really have any pre-set times or consistant strict schedules for them yet. It mostly just happens organically (aka randomly) .

    However, as i'm sure you've noticed in some of my recent posts, i'm currently trying to build an official "Trials Team" of like-minded players who all seem to be looking for the same focus each week. (depending upon RL of course) --- Sorta hoping a few of the more Vet-experienced type players will be willing to help organize for Trials within our guild ranks as we grow.

    And so if you wanted to be a part of that process, and are cool with rebuilding such a Team, or just need a chill guild to get your feet wet with ESO again, please feel free to MAIL me in-game @Nee and/or look for our guild 'Knights of Masser' within the new guild-finder tool.

    Baybaeckz wrote: »
    Looking forward to seeing what this guild is about, my system has been “wonky” so if you sent the invite I did not get it. But also on the flip side if you didn’t yet, no worries 😉. I’ve been busy with RL issues( as we all have one time or another 😁). When you can I’m good 👍👍👍

    Characters (PC NA)

    hi there, yes i did try looking for you online ESO last night (and today) but everytime it said "Account not found" lol ... So it'll probably be easier if you just try what i suggested above there ^^ to the other poster yep.

    And don't worry if you end up joining and our green guildchat seems "quiet" at certain times or isn't as "active as zone chat spam" lol . This is actually a GOOD thing, cuz it means our members are actually busy happily PLAYING the game. B)

    Anyways, we're up to *182 members* now and still going strong, so hope to chat soon! --- regards, Nee
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 9 June 2019 22:10
  • Baybaeckz
    I’ll do today
  • NeeScrolls
    Baybaeckz wrote: »
    I’ll do today

    Glad we finally got you in-guild with us and hope you're having fun!!

    And BIG NEWS for our GUILD this week....

    Finally, after many weeks of trying, my "bid" for our GUILD HIRE TRADER came through woot!! Looking forward to utlizing this new function (well, new to me lol ) and hopefully it helps our members with their own sales & such too.

    We're now up to *199 members* and counting! Should be a fun summer yep.

    If anyone's interested in trying out our guild, see my OP on page 1 of this thread, thanks.

    p.s. We also did our 1st guild 'Sunspire' TRIAL (and SunSpire was sooo AWESOME btw B)

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 11 June 2019 06:22
  • ThornJagger
    Hey, Glad to see the guild is doing good. Just what I was looking for too. I'll send you a friend request as soon as I am back in game later tonight! For The Pact! @ThornJagger

    Galder Bearclaw Nord Stam Sorc Currently 21 and Thorn Jagger Stam DK Nord CP 767
    I never loose... I either win or learn.
    Vae Victis forever
  • NeeScrolls
    Hey, Glad to see the guild is doing good. Just what I was looking for too. I'll send you a friend request as soon as I am back in game later tonight! For The Pact! @ThornJagger

    Glad we finally got you into our guild and hope you're having fun (and profits lol) with our new 'Guild Trader' B)

    We're up to *232 members* now, which is amazing considering our rebuild process began only 6 weeks ago! Looking forward to rest of the summer yep!

    p.s. ugh THIS though---> https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/479515 (really hoping they'll fix it by tomorrow)

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 16 June 2019 17:59
  • jansen1408
    Soul Shriven
    Hi which timezone are you guys at? I'm from SEA so if it's okay I would like to join.
  • NeeScrolls
    jansen1408 wrote: »
    Hi which timezone are you guys at? I'm from SEA so if it's okay I would like to join.

    Glad we were able to finally connect in-game and hope you're having FUN with our crew!

    Our guild has grown now to *274 members* ! .. Although, unfortunately , mostly due to the goshdarn 'guild logs' BUG/issue from this past week, i not only had to temporarily disable our guild-bank but also lost the new bid on our guild-Trader npc hire that we had last week. (ugh) . But hopefully this week i can grab us another bid.

    Anyways, if anyone is still interested in joining our guild, plz see my OP on page 1 of this thread yep.

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 25 June 2019 01:47
  • NeeScrolls
    Just a quick 'bump' since we not only welcomed our *300th member* today , but also FINALLY secured another 'Guild TRADER' hire npc this week ...phew B)

    Anyways, if anyone else is interested in our ever-growing guild, plz see my OP on page 1 yep

    regards, Nee
  • Kitsusan
    I am looking for a guild to learn vet content, trials and DLC dungeons. Your guild sounds like a good fit. I like 'casual' as I'm a slow learner.

    Please send an invite.
  • Alexcia
    Soul Shriven
    Cant find you, Nee
    Please send invite to @Alexcia
    Edited by Alexcia on 19 December 2019 19:27
  • hesobad
    Please invite @Kardinal_911
    Ad Victoriam!
  • NeeScrolls
    Kitsusan wrote: »
    I am looking for a guild to learn vet content, trials and DLC dungeons. Your guild sounds like a good fit. I like 'casual' as I'm a slow learner.

    Please send an invite.

    hi there, so sorry for such a LATE response. See my post below and if you're still interested in our guild, be sure to leave your IN-GAME @ name so i can send invite

    hesobad wrote: »
    Please invite @Kardinal_911
    Alexcia wrote: »
    Cant find you, Nee
    Please send invite to @Alexcia

    hi there, remember to find me IN-GAME , my name is @Nee but here on the forums it's NeeScrolls (since someone else randomly took 'Nee' on the forums years ago) . Anyway, i've sent you both guild-invites today and once again i'm so sorry for such a LATE response.

    I ended up getting super busy in RL and haven't been able to personally play as often as normal. Then, the big 'update 25 performance re-install' situation further complicated things lol .

    By the way @Alexcia : for some reason you were "blocked" in-game, but i can't remember why lol . Maybe cuz of PVP ? And i tried sending you in-game MAIL but it said your inbox was "full" .... /shrug

    Anyways, to anyone reading this thread: Yes our guild is still active and still looking for more players (especially 'officer' types who feel comfortable self-initiating things and can help continue growing the guild on a daily basis while i'm a bit busier in RL lately. Not to mention help me bid on 'guild traders' , since we've lost like 20 bids in-a-row to the larger guilds :/)

    regards, Nee
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 13 March 2020 19:34
  • NeeScrolls
    Daxology wrote: »
    Thank you for the response. I did add you in game. I am @Daxology. And honestly, with my work schedule, I cannot commit to any structured hardcore content. Those days for me are in the past. I want to enjoy the game with others more so than I want to compete. I am however still competitive and strive to be better of course, but I just want to do it on a more casual and fun level.

    No worries and glad we finally connected in-game to get you into our GUILD !

    For anyone else still reading this thread: First, the good news.... We've been able to add 9 new members in the past 10 days, so we're slowly starting to grow again. ... Bad news is, my 'public guild trader' BID failed again last week lol ugh. :/

    Hopefully this week i can find a better/smarter location....and add a bit more gold to my bid too.

    Anyways, see my OP on page 1 of this thread if anyone's interested in helping continue growing our guild. Specifically, we're hoping to find an experienced player to help lead our 'progression' Trials team, as well as someone to possibly be our PVP Cyrodiil officer. Obviously, these 2 particular types of "hardcore" roles are difficult to fill with us being a casual guild & all . B)

    regards, @Nee (in-game)

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 1 April 2020 06:12
  • NeeScrolls
    M0M013 wrote: »
    I'm a returning player and still fairly new to the game. Looking for a guild to socialise, trade and potentionally do PVE dungeons with. I have access to Discord/voice and I'm often active. (Considering I don't have much else to do due during quarantine :* )

    heh indeed, glad we were able to connect in-game and got you invited! Let me know if you ever need anything. B)

    And...Well....to anyone else reading this post: After many many weeks of failed BIDS.... Our guild has finally gotten our PUBLIC 'guild trader npc' back woot!! (and phew lol )

    So if anyone's still needs a "casual" type guild, or just wants to SELL some stuff for a week (or more) , please see my OP on page 1 of this thread and feel free to contact me in-game @Nee ...or PM me here on forums to: NeeScrolls

    Or just reply here in the thread yep!

    best regards, @Nee (in-game)

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 15 April 2020 08:57
  • carnage46
    What is the discord link?
  • carnage46

    My discord link
  • NeeScrolls
    carnage46 wrote: »
    What is the discord link?

    Sorry but we don't post that type of info on the forums (for obvious reasons) . But anyways, i tried contacting you a while back but got no reply. I'm guessing you must've already found another guild by now?

    For anyone else still reading this thread....and anyone else who saw my recent other thread after 'Update 29' launched....

    Yes, we are indeed still here & active after all these years lol

    And yes, we're also still recruiting, as always B) ... Although we don't have our guild-trader BID back yet cuz we've been getting out-bid by the larger mega-trade-guilds again lately. But np i'll keep tryin' yep

    best regards, @Nee (in-game)

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 15 March 2021 17:27
  • o0Velius
    Your In Game @ name dose not come up for me.. feel free to invite me.
    @o0Velius is my in game name
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • TheGent
    Got your reply to my post i figured post on here to for a record. I will message you on ESO. Right now I am a AD, but I was thinking about changing Alliances I have no problem using Alliance Anywhere or whatever its called because i sure as hell aint starting over haha thats for sure! Can I move my High Elf to EP? Whats your Discord name/Channel so i can talk to you on there? I aint on here that much maybe once a day to check my thread, thats it.
    ESO: @The.Gent
    I really need a questing friend. Playing solo is lonely and boring (i am in multiple guilds too)

  • NeeScrolls
    Got your reply to my post i figured post on here to for a record. I will message you on ESO. Right now I am a AD, but I was thinking about changing Alliances I have no problem using Alliance Anywhere or whatever its called because i sure as hell aint starting over haha thats for sure! Can I move my High Elf to EP? Whats your Discord name/Channel so i can talk to you on there? I aint on here that much maybe once a day to check my thread, thats it.

    We gave you a chance but it just wasn't the right fit. Sorry about that and hopefully we didn't waste too much of your time. Best of luck finding another guild to better suit your needs. Take care!
    o0Velius wrote: »
    .. feel free to invite me.
    @o0Velius is my in game name

    Glad we finally connected in-game and got ya invited into our GUILD.

    And hope to get to run 'Trials' with you soon sometime too yep. B) Keep me posted!
  • NeeScrolls
    Just a brief update for anyone still reading this recruitment thread...

    We still haven't gotten our PUBLIC Guild Trader spot back ( out-bid by the larger mega-trading guilds ) , however we have hit another nice growth-boom this year which always tends to happen every year around this time ( pre-summer and pre-Update of 'Blackwood' ) AND we also recently cleared VET 'Hel Ra Citadel' trial (with more trials to come more often, hopefully) even though it took a couple hours on final boss cuz someone random (non-guildmate) accidentally or on purpose? clicked the *hardmode* adjuster and kept blowing us up 'X' breaking out of stone trap lol

    Lastly, and unfortunately, i created another forum thread ( screenshots themed) somewhat related/honoring 1 of our *founding members* of our guild here in ESO --> https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/570319/screenshot-per-day-four-eso-play-and-tribute-to-fallen-friend

    Anyways, if anyone's still interested in possibly joining us, please see my OP. - Thanks, regards, @Nee (in-game)

    p.s. If anyone is also bored while waiting for upcoming 'Endeavor' system and is interested in a quick Poll about it, see here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/569926
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 19 April 2021 01:25
  • NeeScrolls
    Been a bit hectic/busy in RL lately (ugh) , so i haven't been able to update this nor my other thread: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/570319/screenshot-per-day-four-eso-play-and-tribute-to-fallen-friend ...as often as i'd like to. And, despite 2 of our longtime OFFICERS recently (randomly) deciding to QUIT the game, our guild is still going strong....and still looking for new members.

    If anyone's still reading & interested, see my OP on page 1 yep. B)

    best regards, @ Nee (in-game) and NeeScrolls (on forums)

    p.s. very excited & curious about THIS upcoming change---> https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/580491/update-31-combat-preview/p1

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 17 July 2021 13:19
  • Sinatron
    How do I find my @name?
  • Medivh50
    I am interested in joining the guild and helping to rebuild. I will reach out to you in game Nee Shadowfire. I have a few character but all their surnames are Simpletree.
    Stam Sorc ~ Ride Simpletree
    Pet Sorc ~ Scrupulous Simpletree
    Mag Warden ~ Sinister Simpletree
    Necro ~ Mystic Simpletree

    "I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee."
    —Every single guard, everywhere.
  • NeeScrolls
    Medivh50 wrote: »
    I am interested in joining the guild and helping to rebuild. I will reach out to you in game Nee Shadowfire. I have a few character but all their surnames are Simpletree.

    So umm... you sent me in-game MAIL , to which i replied later that same day. Then we sent you a 'guild invite' and you accepted/joined.... But i never saw you online and then you promptly "quit" like 12 hours later without ever saying anything to any member in-chat , without joining our Discord, and without meeting/chatting with me the GM in-game lol oh well guess you weren't that "interested" after all. Take care and good luck with your search!

    For anyone else still reading this thread who actually wants to try us out and earnestly help us rebuild (again) : Even though i personally haven't had time yet to check out the new 'DEADLANDS' content: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/590217/official-discussion-thread-for-eso-deadlands-update-32-now-live-on-pc-mac-stadia .... Rest assured, we are indeed still active & going strong even after all these years. B)

    So be sure to see my OP on page 1 of this thread yep.
    best regards, @ Nee (in-game) and NeeScrolls (on forums)

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 6 November 2021 03:10
  • NeeScrolls
    We've been PVP'ing even more often than usual lately ( *even though EP is still struggling in 3rd place :| ) and our GUILD is very much looking forward to this upcoming EVENT: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/597965/official-discussion-thread-for-battle-in-pvp-earn-bonus-rewards-during-whitestrakes-mayhem

    ...So yeah if anyone still reading this thread is interested in joining 1 of the only original beta guilds left in the game, please see my OP on page 1 ...Thanks!

    p.s. *We allow for all 3 factions, not just EP anymore. And, while i personally always only do the No-CP campaign, we have members who PVP in both types of campaigns (depending upon mood & activity...and lag :D )


    Edited by NeeScrolls on 10 February 2022 16:15
  • endgamesmug
    Ive sent you an ingame mail @NeeScrolls if youre interested in sending me an invite please 😁
    Edited by endgamesmug on 13 February 2022 21:20
  • NeeScrolls
    Greetings all,

    Things have been a bit slow-ish lately in our guild (as well as in the GAME overall ) since the big PVP Event ended , combined with all the recent backlash about 'AwA' changes resulting from Update 33 issues & everything.

    However, our longest running original BETA guild here is still alive & kickin' , even after all these years. B)

    Other than what i mention in my OP on page 1 , we're currently seeking a few more *Officer* types and 'endgame' type players who might be interested in assisting with weekly scheduled VET trials & dungeon runs. (especially since unfortunately we lost a couple longtime officers to that new game 'Elden Ring' :/ ---at least, temporarily. ) ---We're still technically a "casual" type guild, but tbqh we really have a nice mix of hardcore gamers + chill players.

    Anyways, please feel free to reach out to me in this recruitment thread and/or IN-GAME @ Nee ( only my name IN-GAME is @ Nee , but here on the forums i'm 'NeeScrolls' yep )
  • NeeScrolls
    Just a quick follow-up post...because....after many weeks of my failed 'bids' lol .... We finally got our *PUBLIC Guild TRADER* location back again!!! :) So if anyone needs to make a bit more SALES this week (or longer) , see my other posts above ^ as well as my OP on page 1 yep.

    And feel free to reach out to me in this recruitment thread and/or IN-GAME @ Nee ( only my name IN-GAME is @ Nee , but here on the forums i'm 'NeeScrolls' )

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 6 April 2022 06:06
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