**KoM (Knights of Masser) from 2013 beta is BACK and recruiting again! [NA][casual] **

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
*Keep in mind: My OP in this thread was originally written years ago, but i've always remained subbed & active...and still continue to update my OP to be current (and to match the other posts at end of thread) .
Greetings all,

After a relatively short break (almost 1 year, sheesh! :| ) i have finally returned to ESO and was hoping (with help) to rebuild our original guild: KoM (Knights of Masser)...which is still one of the only remaining original BETA guilds left in the game!

If any of you were around in wayyyy back during beta & launch of the game, you might remember me from our old 'Ebonheart Pact' previous recruitment thread...as well as a couple 'Alliance' threads when i was fortunate enough to become the EP's first Argonian + Sorc + Werewolf EMPEROR (not too many of us around i don't think ) .

Luckily our GUILD is still very much intact (phew) but of course we lost a ton of our members to other games or rl busy-ness or whatever over the past few years, so now it's down to just me & 292 other members remaining. So, i'm hoping to start recruiting & rebuilding our guild again. (with even more members hopefully coming back now that both UPDATE 33 as well as 34 'High Isle' just arrived , hot on the heels of recent 'Deadlands' Update 32 )

We were---and still are---a somewhat casual but also very focused type guild, fans of all the 'Elder Scrolls' games, and interested in all aspects of ESO (although i'm probably more into PVP than most of our members) .

Anyways, i realize we're super small now and it could take a while to truly re-establish ourselves, but we're a very chill crew...so if you'd like to maybe join us and help rebuild, please reply here and/or send me forum PM. (you can also look for me online in-game userID @ Nee )

Thanks and either way it's very fun being back and very much looking forward to the upcoming *Mayhem PVP EVENT* too!

best regards,
Nee Shadowfire
KoM guild-leader

p.s. YES we do indeed have a 'DISCORD' chat channel for the guild ( *our server was deleted, sorry! ) ....and....we also have the 'Arena' as our official GUILD-HALL ...AND, as i mentioned on Page 2 of this thread, we also now FINALLY have our own 'PUBLIC Guild TRADER' location back again !!

p.p.s. Since some members have been asking: Our guild name refers to my ole pals from SWG combined with ancient Elder Scrolls lore about the MOON called 'Masser' .
.. .. .
Edited by NeeScrolls on 26 June 2022 17:13
  • Kofad
    Been looking for a small guild, this looks like a good start..
  • NeeScrolls
    Kofad wrote: »
    Been looking for a small guild, this looks like a good start..

    hi there! I just tried sending you an in-game 'whisper' (and friend request) but it said "Account not found" lol .../shrug

    Anyways, feel free to request me @Nee in-game or send me forum PM with your current toon name (assuming you wanted to join us? )

    regards, Nee
  • Kofad
    Not sure why that happen, will send a friend request next time I am online...
  • NeeScrolls
    Kofad wrote: »
    Not sure why that happen, will send a friend request next time I am online...

    No worries at all !

    And thanks for joining for a couple days (it was fun) but i totally understand why you unfortunately had to move-on in favor of an 'AD pvp' guild (since we are 'Ebonheart Pact' & all) .

    Hope to see ya round anyways yep! B)

    Everyone else reading this thread: As you can see by my OP above ^^ , we've already grown to that magic '50' members number in only a couple days since i returned to ESO .... So, if you'd like to join us and help during this rebuild process, please let me know thanks much!

    regards, Nee

    p.s. Yes we plan on doing ALL types of content again (Trials, Dungeons, Crafting, Trading, pvp , pve , WB's, etc. etc. ) and we even have a new 'Officer' who is leading our PVP Cyrrodil Team , which should be fun (soon) .

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 25 April 2019 21:35
  • BoFitz
    send @BoFitz an invite, making a new toon since im relearning the game.
    @LunchMeatAlpha = ingame @ name........
  • NeeScrolls
    BoFitz wrote: »
    send @BoFitz an invite, making a new toon since im relearning the game.

    Glad we finally connected in-game , but sorry to see you leave the guild after only a couple days lol

    Not sure exactly what happened, since you never really spoke in chat when i was online, but i certainly hope you find whatever it is you're seeking elsewhere yep.

    Best of luck!


    Anyone else interested: We're up to 46 members now and growing everyday slowly but surely. Feel free to contact me in-game @Nee


    Edited by NeeScrolls on 30 April 2019 19:47
  • NeeScrolls
    Okay gang, we're now finally back over 50 members woot! (currently up to: 65 members ) .. So we finally got our 'Guild Store' BACK yep

    If anyone's interested in helping us continue this rebuild process, let me know thanks! ( i should be online ESO in-game all day today) . --- regards, Nee
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 4 May 2019 04:51
  • NeeScrolls
    Very glad to have this new member finally joined us , as well as everyone else recently helping with our 'rebuild process' .... We're up to 73 members now & growing! And also having loads of fun in the new 'ARENA' guild-hall i got for us. (So much potential for future Events or PVP training & stuff)

    Looking forward to the next few weeks before the big 'Elsweyr' DRAGONS update yep B)

    Feel free to 'add friend' and/or contact me in-game @Nee if anyone's interested in our GUILD.

    regards, Nee

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 8 May 2019 17:15
  • Arya108
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love an invite to the guild been looking for a EP PvP guild.
  • NeeScrolls
    Arya108 wrote: »
    I'd love an invite to the guild been looking for a EP PvP guild.

    Glad we finally connected and got you in with us for some PVP fun!

    Anyone else interested: We're up to 87 members now , slowly but surely growing yep. And i just put a "bid" on a hire guild Trader this week....so we'll see what happens. (Obviously, we'll never be a true "hardcore" trading guild or whatever, but it might be nice to at least have 1 solid guild vendor)

    Anyways, if anyone wants to help continue rebuilding with us, i should be around online ESO today & over the next few days on/off , so feel free to contact me in-game @Nee

    p.s. Most everyone in the community seems great to me so far, and very helpful with info for my somewhat newb-ish questions still B)
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 11 May 2019 06:18
  • FAO5IS
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Nee, we mailed in-game :D send my friend and I an invite @FAO5IS @Mercer3
  • Macpocalypse
    Soul Shriven
    Started playing a month ago, and been looking for a guild to join. Yours sound pretty good, I'd love an invite if you're still taking in recruits. My in-game name is @Failmonger
  • NeeScrolls
    FAO5IS wrote: »
    Hi Nee, we mailed in-game :D send my friend and I an invite @FAO5IS @Mercer3
    Started playing a month ago, and been looking for a guild to join. Yours sound pretty good, I'd love an invite if you're still taking in recruits. My in-game name is @Failmonger

    Glad we finally got both u guys in with us! B)

    Anything you ever need, just let me know yep.

    For anyone else reading this thread: See my OP , but feel free to contact me if you're interested. We're up to 91 members now and still growing slowly but steadily. Anyways, I should be online ESO throughout this weekend at various times.

    regards, Nee
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 13 May 2019 08:02
  • tarepanda
    Soul Shriven
    Hey! I actually had my account since beta myself and haven't really played until now. I'm actually living on the other side of the world from NA right now, but if you'll take me in my IG name is @Yukiari
  • CarDog
    Soul Shriven
    I've been looking for a player guild to join. ESO is my first ever MMORPG game, so I'm very new to this style of game and I would love to have some people to learn from and work through content with. Is your guild for more experienced players or is it open to someone who is maybe a bit less knowledgeable? If you are cool with newer players, I'd love an invite. Thanks!
  • NeeScrolls
    tarepanda wrote: »
    Hey! I actually had my account since beta myself and haven't really played until now. I'm actually living on the other side of the world from NA right now, but if you'll take me in my IG name is @Yukiari

    hi there, i tried contacting/friending you in-game but it just said "account not found" or "character doesn't exist" lol ... /shrug

    CarDog wrote: »
    I've been looking for a player guild to join. ESO is my first ever MMORPG game, so I'm very new to this style of game and I would love to have some people to learn from and work through content with. Is your guild for more experienced players or is it open to someone who is maybe a bit less knowledgeable? If you are cool with newer players, I'd love an invite. Thanks!

    hey there, YES of course we are open to "inexperienced" type players. As i mention in my OP, we are a casual type guild, so we accept (and currently have) pretty much all levels of players ( quite a few Champion 810's , as well as some low-level newbies, and a whole bunch in between ) .

    Anyways, i saw your 'friend request' of me in-game @Nee today and very glad you joined us! Thanks to You & a few other recent 'recruits' , we are now up to 93 members. B)

    Anything else you need, let me know yep.

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 19 May 2019 07:59
  • harshat
    Soul Shriven
    Hey mates - Iet's meet up. I'm here by invite from NeeScrolls - although my main toon is AD, I have a good EP Stamblade I can run in AvA.

    Looking to learn PvP and especially AvA.

    What's the next step?
  • NeeScrolls
    harshat wrote: »
    Hey mates - Iet's meet up. I'm here by invite from NeeScrolls - although my main toon is AD, I have a good EP Stamblade I can run in AvA.

    Looking to learn PvP and especially AvA.

    What's the next step?

    hi there! Be sure to see my OP but the "next step" is just to either contact me in-game @Nee and/or let me know your in-game userID (or toon-name) so i can send you a 'guild invite' (assuming you're still interested? B) )

    Hope to chat soon! --- /tiphat

    For anyone else interested: our guild is still recruiting & growing ... up to *99 members* now and hoping for more once the new 'Elsweyr' (dragons! ) update hits tomorrow (early access) and thru the summertime yep
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 21 May 2019 21:08
  • NeeScrolls
    Having so much fun with the new ELSWEYR (dragons! ) update from yesterday's pre-release.

    And....i'm happy to announce.... our guild has just welcomed our **** 100th MEMBER **** B)

    Looking forward to hopefully more new 'recruits' over the summertime now yep.

    regards, Nee

    p.s. UPDATE: we're now at 124 members & growing strong....and i'm trying again this week to get us a 'guild Trader bid'
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 26 May 2019 19:28
  • Martinfort
    I too have recently returned after 4 years, not as progressed as you, sitting at CP 89, but rerolling necro. would be nice to find an active group to talk to / learn from. I'll look you up when I get out of the office today.
  • UKbumpkin
    Soul Shriven
    Hello NeeScrolls, I took a few years off playing MMO's, but recently decided to give ESO a go and looking for a guild to enjoy ESO with. If you have room for a lvl 20 new player like myself I would happily take an invite (@UKbumpkin). Thanks!
  • NeeScrolls
    Martinfort wrote: »
    I too have recently returned after 4 years, not as progressed as you, sitting at CP 89, but rerolling necro. would be nice to find an active group to talk to / learn from. I'll look you up when I get out of the office today.

    Never heard back from ya (yet) , but it looks like maybe you're already taken care of? B)

    If not, let me know yep . /tiphat

    UKbumpkin wrote: »
    Hello NeeScrolls, I took a few years off playing MMO's, but recently decided to give ESO a go and looking for a guild to enjoy ESO with. If you have room for a lvl 20 new player like myself I would happily take an invite (@UKbumpkin). Thanks!

    Glad we finally got you invited/joined in-game! Anything you ever need, feel free to send me in-game MAIL @Nee

    We're up to *137 members* now and still growing little by little each day! (even though i lost yet another "bid" on a Guild Trader hire npc for us this week...ugh , i'll keep trying again though of course)

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 30 May 2019 06:10
  • Deez
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like an invite if you don't mind.

  • UKbumpkin
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you NeeScrolls look forward to p[laying with the guild!
  • NeeScrolls
    Deez wrote: »
    I'd like an invite if you don't mind.
    UKbumpkin wrote: »
    Thank you NeeScrolls look forward to p[laying with the guild!

    Glad to finally connect with u guys in-game and glad you're with us!

    Anything you ever need, feel free to send me MAIL @Nee (in-game)

    And we're now up to *168 members* , growing nicely and of course keeping my fingers-crossed for another "bid" attempt at Guild hire Trader npc this week... B)

    p.s. Created my new 'Necromancer' alt toon and finally experienced my 1st 'Trial' (Cloudrest) ...so FUN both are! (Not sure why so many players complain about ESO everyday, although tbqh that 4-year break probably helped me less jaded lol)
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 5 June 2019 06:36
  • NeeScrolls

    From another thread...

    Baybaeckz wrote: »
    Well you have my attention Nee. Again have done the intense route, “read the book; wrote the report”. I would like to give your guild a try. Please send invite when available no rush :smiley:

    hey there , i'll definitely look you up later tonite when i get back online ESO in-game.

    And hopefully it'll work out, soon & with help from experienced players like you, whereby our guild can give some of these high-level content a try yep.

    We've now grown to *171 members* and still going strong....even if i did once again lose yet ANOTHER "bid" for Hire Trader npc lol sheesh :'(

    Hoping to find a better location this week though....
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 6 June 2019 17:07
  • OneLeggedMan
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, I played a lot on Ps4 and have now moved over to PC permanently. I have been looking for a guild recently but its been tough to find one.

    I would definitely love to join the guild and I sent you a friend request by the name of @OneLeggedMan

    Hopefully I get accepted and would love to fight by your side.
  • Rygonix
    Hey there, NeeScrolls! For awhile I have been a casual trader and pvp "solo" healer - that is I tend to go where the wind takes me, not where some group has me go. But I am looking for a change and to get into more organized play again. I have a bit of experience in pvp and pve, dungeons, vet dungeons and even vet dungeon HM, as well as regular trials.

    I am burdened by a rough past in ESO with things that weren't entirely in my control but I am looking for a fresh start in a guild I can lend my skills to in an effort to help it grow and prosper.

    If you feel I would be a good addition to your guild feel free to add me @Rygonix
    Ceres Des Mortem-Dark Elf Templar, EP
  • Jagermeifter
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I just came back to ESO after a 5 year break. Im looking for a guild to run Vet dungeons and Trials with. If this is something the guild does, I would be interested in an invite!
  • Baybaeckz
    Looking forward to seeing what this guild is about, my system has been “wonky” so if you sent the invite I did not get it. But also on the flip side if you didn’t yet, no worries 😉. I’ve been busy with RL issues( as we all have one time or another 😁). When you can I’m good 👍👍👍

    Characters (PC NA)
    Severn Stone Stance| Nord Dragonknight | Tank |
    Nionel Raina | High Elf Sorcerer | Magicka DPS |
    Cataninetail | Khajiit Stamblade | Stamina DPS |
    Marielle Javierre| Breton Templar | Templar Healer |
    Blessed-by-the-Hist Argonian Sorcerer | Magicka Healer |
    Andante| Dark Elf Magblade | Magicka DPS |
    Etienne Varro | Imperial Warden | Stamwarden |
    Yazagra gra Snargara | Orc Templar | Tank |
    Boziann Lecorre | Breton Necromancer | Healer |
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