He may have been in offline mode (potentially without realizing it), which will prevent him from receiving whispers from anyone.Anotherone773 wrote: »When i tried to reply i couldn't immediately after, i couldn't. He either blocked us or logged out.
Nick_Balza wrote: »What is good in current BGs:
- Group BG is back. We can play with friends again
- Still fast queue
- Random BG is challenging and interesting
- Prevents teams from setting up for one type of BG
What is definitely bad:
- DM kids are spoiling game experience
- Many people just leave because it's not DM
- Ability to get benefits from CP (even if I am using that advantage, it doesn't mean that it is fair)
It became a bit better than it was. But more work needed.
Fast queue??? Ye that´s why I need to wait anywhere from 10-15 min + for a match regardless if I play in the group queue or the solo queue. Anything that surpasses 5 minutes waiting time regardless of options or group size is unacceptable. I´d honestly say that if I need to wait more than a minute for a game then something is wrong with the design.Still fast queue
If domination and capture the relic weren´t the most awfully designed game modes that promotes people to avoid PvP then I´m sure people would actually play the objectives in those games. Redesign the game mode so that you can´t win a match by avoid the enemy teams and we´ll talk.DM kids are spoiling game experience
For me it takes 1-3 mins. Yeah, sometimes it happens that I am waiting 10-15 min. But nothing prevents me from re queue and getting there faster.I need to wait anywhere from 10-15 min +
We are doing it right now. Objectives are made for tactics and strategy for making winning possible even for casual players.we´ll talk.
Nick_Balza wrote: »Ability to get benefits from CP (even if I am using that advantage, it doesn't mean that it is fair)
Nick_Balza wrote: »For me it takes 1-3 mins. Yeah, sometimes it happens that I am waiting 10-15 min. But nothing prevents me from re queue and getting there faster.I need to wait anywhere from 10-15 min +We are doing it right now. Objectives are made for tactics and strategy for making winning possible even for casual players.we´ll talk.
> Awfully designed
How they have to be designed then? Can you provide at least few details? Is your oppinion supported by analytics?
> I´m sure people would actually play the objectives
People are playing objectives right now and the problem is in DM players on relics/chaosballs/land grabs. They will play DM anyway and majority of other players who do objectives is suffering. I am talking about people who deliberately ruin gaming experience of players who trying to do objectives.
Oh, yeah, just had one of those matches. Everyone else were hovering around 5-ish kills while two players (on the same team) were in the 40's. One was a Templar, and he would just roll in and delete an entire defending team with Biting Jabs spam. Checked the damage recap, and his Biting Jabs was ticking for the same amount of damage as his Executioner. Good stuff. Definitely felt like I wasn't wasting 10 minutes of my life there.
Is it possible to learn this power? I'm, um.. asking for a Templar.
Is it possible to learn this power? I'm, um.. asking for a Templar.
I have no idea what kind of gear he was wearing, but I did a double take when I saw the damage log. Biting Jabs was 3,500 per tick while Executioner was 3,600 per hit. Not sure why he even bothered slotting Executioner. Maybe he was filling up Soul Gems, who knows?
I always queue solo, and almost always I queue for Random BG (for groups)We had premades mixed with solo players for almost all time of existence of battlegrounds, so all kinds of possible imbalance neither suprise nor scare me
There are other things about BGs which make me sad:
- time spent in queue (sometimes it's instant, sometimes it's up to 15 minutes) Rarely, when it's more than 15 minutes, I requeue as Solo.
Just yesterday I crashed closer to the end of Deathmatch with good group, had to restart the game, waited the penalty before trying to queue, and then spent 14 minutes in group queue without any result... I re-queued as Solo BG hoping for instant match, and still spent 5 minutes in queue there before I finally found the matchBased on totally random queue times (it's not even rare for me to arrive into the match in progress as a replacement for somebody who crashed) and many recognizable names, I wonder how many players on the whole megaserver are playing BGs
- crashes (wasting time and any possible AP gain)
- not full groups
Sadly it's not rare to see teams like 3 - 2 - 2, 4 - 3 - 2, but in last few days I started seeing 4 - 4 - 1Both times it was in group queue. I guess only 9 people wanted to play BGs at that given time on the whole megaserver, so group finder decided not to keep everyone waiting and start the match anyway. Even 7k AP for third place in Chaosball is better than getting no match at all:
But I would really prefer to have matches with, if not good, at least full teams
Waffennacht wrote: »Random solo queue is always full groups.
SgtNuttzmeg wrote: »Nick_Balza wrote: »Ability to get benefits from CP (even if I am using that advantage, it doesn't mean that it is fair)
Is this a bug? I don't think I have heard of this one.Nick_Balza wrote: »For me it takes 1-3 mins. Yeah, sometimes it happens that I am waiting 10-15 min. But nothing prevents me from re queue and getting there faster.I need to wait anywhere from 10-15 min +We are doing it right now. Objectives are made for tactics and strategy for making winning possible even for casual players.we´ll talk.
> Awfully designed
How they have to be designed then? Can you provide at least few details? Is your oppinion supported by analytics?
> I´m sure people would actually play the objectives
People are playing objectives right now and the problem is in DM players on relics/chaosballs/land grabs. They will play DM anyway and majority of other players who do objectives is suffering. I am talking about people who deliberately ruin gaming experience of players who trying to do objectives.
The main issue we have with CTR and Domination is that they reward the team that avoids PVP. When it comes down to BGs numbers really matter. Especially in games with decent players. Going in on a 3v4 can be really tough. What I see happening on these games modes is that, newer players will spread out and will run off by themselves try to take a flag. In low MMR this is not a problem because typically everybody does this. However let's say its a High or even a Medium MMR game, you will see either that player get attacked and killed or the rest of your team get attacked killed. What happens is you get to a point where you can't win fights. Usually at this point the game becomes a game of Cat and Mouse where the team with the highest movement speed values or the most nightblades wins.
So a lot of the more experienced players really don't enjoy the BG when it becomes like this because we like to feel engaged and to feel like we need to "work" for the win but this gets lost when you spend the entire game trying to fight teams that hopelessly outnumber you or you spend the entire game hunting nightblades.
You can have games where one team fights really well, is super in synced and does a really good job but ultimately loses because one of the other teams had two nightblades that know where the shift button is on their keyboard. It leaves a pretty bad taste in your mouth and it creates a divide in the population.