Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Lags, something is very BROKEN right now - Zenimax help please!

  • AddictionX
    Loc2262 wrote: »
    Yeah the Matrix quotes are starting too. Like, "What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge cliff racers?" - "No, Neo. I’m trying to tell you that after the next nerf, you won’t have to."

    I legit laughed out loud
  • ConstanKar
    I just want to be here during this spectacular moment.
    Best leecher EU
    The one and only Älg
    Nikel belongs to the Pact!

  • olsborg
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Gravord wrote: »
    Just wake me up when PvP can do this again.

    Until PvP can do what it did in 2014 before the lighting patch, with the same population, it isn't fixed. No statement from ZOS about "looking into it" will ever hit home with the PvP community until they explain in clear and certain terms, why the game now can't do what the game could do at launch.

    Good times...

    Watching this makes that I want to leave, because it shows how epic Cyrodiil used to be. No lags, no fps spikes, no loading screens. ***... I really miss it even though I was just a noob back then.

    Most importantly , no ballgroups or zerg squads running around with simultaneous destro ulti. FFS cyro really has taken a *** dive for the worst over the years...

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Kilandros
    Just wake me up when PvP can do this again.

    Until PvP can do what it did in 2014 before the lighting patch, with the same population, it isn't fixed. No statement from ZOS about "looking into it" will ever hit home with the PvP community until they explain in clear and certain terms, why the game now can't do what the game could do at launch.

    It's sad how far this game has fallen
    Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
    Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
    Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

  • DieAlteHexe
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.

    Thank you for the update. :)

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Dont_do_drugs
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.

    Hey Gina, isnt it about time, to maybe.... just an ZOS is providing char copies for PTS, there must be an option, where u can maybe at least once a month, or once each 3 months make a copy of ur own account... maybe even once in a lifetime...for the other server. It would be awesome, when i at least had something to start with (not something totally fresh with 0cp) in cases there are server issues on one server. so maybe there would be a chance to at least enjoy some pvp, even though maybe u cant use it on your home server....but well yeh....just an option for an account copy for the other server might be awesome.

    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

    Arkadius Trade Tools
    Modular framework, now open for authors who want to add own tabs.

    My Donation (Arkadius' Trade Tools Addon)
    First external ATT tab contribution.

    Port to Friend's House Addon
    Check out the new Port to Friend's House library and port to contributers houses:
    Deutsch | English

  • Publius_Scipio
    It’s good to know ZOS got it contained. But the community must know.... Molag Bal and the daedra have become sentient. The server issues are due to them testing the server and ZOS’s defense systems. They intend to break free of the server and take over Earth. And trust me you’ll know when it happens as you all get news alerts on your phones, and as you watch TV it will be interrupted by breaking news. You will see that a dark anchor has appeared over ZOS HQ in Maryland and the anchor chains have dropped through the office roof right into Matt Firor’s executive office. Clannfear chasing interns down the hallways. Xivkyn attacking devs. Watchers with their big eye floating around the office, sliming everything with their tentacles. All the group dungeon bosses going after #FUFINN as he is barricaded in his office. Molag Bal kidnapping Eric Wrobel. It wouldn’t be fun folks.
  • Bosov
    DTStormfox wrote: »
    This in Sotha Sil PVP:

    Door 0%, doesn't open

    Fellow guildmates are also reporting that they appear not to be in any guild anymore.

    So Zenimax actually found a way to stop the endless EP zerg in Sotha Sil? Im all for this change of not opening doors for EP
    Xbox One - EU - GT : Bosov
    PC - EU - @Bosov91

    ESO Highight :

  • Jade1986
    Listen this until stuff gets fixed...proly at the end of the song

    That was glorious. xD
  • Elsonso
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Listen this until stuff gets fixed...proly at the end of the song

    That was glorious. xD

    Yeah, but did you watch the whole thing? :smile:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Jade1986
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Listen this until stuff gets fixed...proly at the end of the song

    That was glorious. xD

    Yeah, but did you watch the whole thing? :smile:

    10 minutes, i couldnt anymore after that. No regrets. xD
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    Ok, found the problem.....

  • JasonSilverSpring
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.

    Hey Gina, isnt it about time, to maybe.... just an ZOS is providing char copies for PTS, there must be an option, where u can maybe at least once a month, or once each 3 months make a copy of ur own account... maybe even once in a lifetime...for the other server. It would be awesome, when i at least had something to start with (not something totally fresh with 0cp) in cases there are server issues on one server. so maybe there would be a chance to at least enjoy some pvp, even though maybe u cant use it on your home server....but well yeh....just an option for an account copy for the other server might be awesome.

    They cannot do that as they come over the existing data. When they come EU on PTS it wipes out all NA characters. It is not a simple thing to do character transfers. It is possible technically but I doubt they will invest the considerable resources any time soon.
  • AddictionX
    Ok, found the problem.....


    Ball group overload ... even the hamster thought "it was too much"
  • Reif
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.
  • simcul
    Soul Shriven
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.

    Hey Gina, isnt it about time, to maybe.... just an ZOS is providing char copies for PTS, there must be an option, where u can maybe at least once a month, or once each 3 months make a copy of ur own account... maybe even once in a lifetime...for the other server. It would be awesome, when i at least had something to start with (not something totally fresh with 0cp) in cases there are server issues on one server. so maybe there would be a chance to at least enjoy some pvp, even though maybe u cant use it on your home server....but well yeh....just an option for an account copy for the other server might be awesome.

    They cannot do that as they come over the existing data. When they come EU on PTS it wipes out all NA characters. It is not a simple thing to do character transfers. It is possible technically but I doubt they will invest the considerable resources any time soon.

    And Imagine any sort of bug happening at the same time, it doesn't transfer + you lose all your progress. My body is not ready for this kind of situation.
    18th of Evening Star, 4E 186

    As I begin this new phase of my life, I have decided to finally keep a journal. So much has happened to me thus far, both within the Brotherhood and without - when I think there is no record of what has transpired, it almost seems an affront to Sithis himself. So I am determined to make amends.

    Yes, the Dark Brotherhood has its own scribes and chroniclers, but it is their solemn task to record those events deemed important to the organization as a whole. Let this volume serve as the personal record of one man, a lowly assassin who has pledged his blade and his life for the Dark Brotherhood.

  • WldKarde
    Soon? :(
    PC NA
    Characters formally known as Veteran 16:
    Wldkarde, Sir WldKarde , Lil-Miss WldKarde,
    Dame WldKarde Stamplar "Master Angler" "Main" ,
    Shady WldKarde, WldKarde"s Bacon, Jaded WldKarde,
    River Wldkarde
    18 Master Anglers so far
    "Dames and Sirs, take my advice, pull down your pants...and slide on the ice!" Slightly adjusted quote of Dr. Sidney Friedman from M*A*S*H
  • Zaldan
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.

    or not :(
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • DieAlteHexe
    Zaldan wrote: »
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.

    or not :(

    Well it was "very broken"...

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Angzt
    @ZOS_GinaBruno , could you please give us a short update on this issue? Wanna know, if it makes sense to wait or to better go and catch some sleep. Thank you!
    Edited by Angzt on 8 January 2018 01:08
  • maboleth
    Reif wrote: »
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.

    Love, love, LOVE that meme!! :D Makes me smile every time and in real-life I experience this very often myself.
  • Master_Kas
    Loc2262 wrote: »
    Yeah the Matrix quotes are starting too. Like, "What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge cliff racers?" - "No, Neo. I’m trying to tell you that after the next nerf, you won’t have to."

    Lol :smiley:

    Edit: ZOS try get the servers up, need my daily dose of getting Tehonyxed before the sun comes up and our morningshift begins :triumph:
    Edited by Master_Kas on 8 January 2018 01:21
    EU | PC
  • Angzt
    Megaserver is back online!
    Edited by Angzt on 8 January 2018 01:23
  • Jaguar_SF
    The problem was fixed in a good amount of time but server is dead now and the damage has been done. Hopefully tomorrow the server will comeback stronger.
  • eso_lags
    @ZOS_GinaBruno its like this on xbox all the time gina.. PLEASE fix cyrodil on xbox.. its not just cyro either, in the populated undaunted/dueling areas its like this too.. But cyrodil is just unplayable, especially in vivec.. I would like to challenge any of the devs or gms to go into vivec on xbox na, at a populated time, and try and play. its nightmarish.
  • SteveCampsOut
    Ok, found the problem.....


    Those poor hamsters! :'(
    @ֆȶɛʋɛƈǟʍքֆօʊȶ ʀʋʟɨʄɛ⍟
    Sanguine & Psijic Group Beta Tester.
    Steve's Craftiness Find out what I can make for you at my Google Doc Spreadsheet.
    Pacrooti's Hirelings Website:

    NA Server:
    Steforax Soulstrong CH782 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH782 Dragonknight AD
    Rheticia Le Drakisius CH782 Nightblade DC
    Razmuzan Thrasmas CH782 Templar EP
    Sheenara Soulstrong CH782 Dragonknight DC
    Erik Ramzey CH782 Nightblade AD
    Growling Kahjiti CH782 Nightblade EP
    One of Many Faces CH782 Sorcerer DC
    Grumpasaurus Rex CH782 Warden DC
    EU Server:
    Guildmaster of Pacrooti's Hirelings AD Based LGBT Friendly Guild.
    Stefrex Souliss CH701 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH701 Dragonknight DC
    Slithisi Ksissi CH701 Nightblade EP
    Pokes-With-Fire CH701 Dragonknight AD
    Josie-The-Pussi-Cat CH701 Templar AD
    Stug-Grog M'God CH701 Templar DC
    One With Many Faces CH701 Nightblade DC
    Trixie Truskan CH701 Sorcerer EP
    Grumpetasaurus Rex CH701 Warden EP
    ESO Plus status: Canceled!
  • SirCritical
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.

    Hey Gina, isnt it about time, to maybe.... just an ZOS is providing char copies for PTS, there must be an option, where u can maybe at least once a month, or once each 3 months make a copy of ur own account... maybe even once in a lifetime...for the other server. It would be awesome, when i at least had something to start with (not something totally fresh with 0cp) in cases there are server issues on one server. so maybe there would be a chance to at least enjoy some pvp, even though maybe u cant use it on your home server....but well yeh....just an option for an account copy for the other server might be awesome.

    They can't even copy both megaservers' characters to the PTS at the same time, I don't think they'd be able to do this.
  • Elsonso
    Ok everyone, we're currently in our last phase with QA and plan to open PC EU once everything checks out - estimating within an hour or less.

    Hey Gina, isnt it about time, to maybe.... just an ZOS is providing char copies for PTS, there must be an option, where u can maybe at least once a month, or once each 3 months make a copy of ur own account... maybe even once in a lifetime...for the other server. It would be awesome, when i at least had something to start with (not something totally fresh with 0cp) in cases there are server issues on one server. so maybe there would be a chance to at least enjoy some pvp, even though maybe u cant use it on your home server....but well yeh....just an option for an account copy for the other server might be awesome.

    They can't even copy both megaservers' characters to the PTS at the same time, I don't think they'd be able to do this.

    Yeah, it is pretty much a nuke it from orbit solution they have in place right now. My impression with the original PC to Console migration was that they copied ALL of the characters from PC to PS4/XBox and then disabled or deleted the ones that did not pay to be transferred.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • schattenkind
    The issue is not resolved at all. Loading screens with each tp 3-4 mins, sieges wont appear, camps wont appear...

    Edit: EU Server.
    And i m about to delete this game... there is no fun in playing at all. What do i pay for... :/ Usually if something you buy is not working, you return it and get your money back.
    Edited by schattenkind on 8 January 2018 11:31
    PC - EU
    Primary: PvP: magSorc, magNB, PvE: DK Tank, Templar Heal
    Secondary: PvP: magDK, Templar, PvE: Warden something
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