If you're still paying a monthly sub, you get all of this at no additional charge.
If you dropped your monthly sub, you now have a choice: One-Time 2,500 Crown fee or re-sub.
To me, the smart choice is the one-time purchase. You'll have it forever for less than the cost of 2 month's sub. Or sub for a month, collect 3,000 Crowns to buy the DLC with and unsub.
I never claimed to be smart, I'm paying a sub out of some sense of loyalty to the game. They really do need to beef up what people get for subbing to encourage more subs.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
No. We have no plans to sell Tel Var Stones in the Crown Store; you'll need to earn them!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
No. We have no plans to sell Tel Var Stones in the Crown Store; you'll need to earn them!
Lava_Croft wrote: »So after all this waiting. All this subscription paying. All these promises. All these delays.
You want 2500 Crowns for the Imperial City.
I cannot think of a better way ZOS could have said "go *** yourself, scrub" to loyal customers.
Go check when this content was promised to us. Go check the amount of content subscribers have gotten in the first year of ESO's life. If you really want to shed a tear, look at the content the PvP community has gotten this past year. Hundred of euros of money invested into this game and nothing to show for it.AllPlayAndNoWork wrote: »
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Why hasn't @ZoS confirmed (or denied) the "6 home keep" requirement for entering the IC? This is BY FAR the most important detail missing from the "Imperial City Launch Details"!!!
@ZOS_GinaBruno do you know the answer?
Lava_Croft wrote: »Go check when this content was promised to us. Go check the amount of content subscribers have gotten in the first year of ESO's life. If you really want to shed a tear, look at the content the PvP community has gotten this past year. Hundred of euros of money invested into this game and nothing to show for it.
Lava_Croft wrote: »Go check when this content was promised to us. Go check the amount of content subscribers have gotten in the first year of ESO's life. If you really want to shed a tear, look at the content the PvP community has gotten this past year. Hundred of euros of money invested into this game and nothing to show for it.
There's a few lag fixes in the patch. On the PVP forums, they announced they're making changes to the way certain abilities do checks, and removing some redundant checks, which should help out with lag.Shldnt be first point like "fixing the lags", or "making improvements to pvp gameplay"?
I guess i want too much once again... oh boi.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »Wait a minute ZOS! I killed Molag Bal a year ago, so why is he still controlling the Imperial City?
VirtualElizabeth wrote: »@ZOS_BrianWheeler Will this patch include the changes to Cyrodiil you outlined in your previous post in the Alliance War subsection? http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/180480/pvp-update-june-2015#latest
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »Paying for content updates that you would otherwise get for free in a sub model... Gaming industry is going down the drain.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »Wait a minute ZOS! I killed Molag Bal a year ago, so why is he still controlling the Imperial City?