Vanquish (DC/NA) A veteran guild for the “older” no drama and confident gamer!

Maintenance for the week of March 31:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 31, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Welcome aboard all new members! Our ranks grow and so does the fun!
    Edited by tkdmorgan75b14_ESO on 27 June 2015 19:56
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Vanquish continues to grow and continues to look for good people to join our ranks! Welcome aboard new members and grats to our guys and gals that completed AA yesterday!

  • cbjr73
    [snip] If your looking for a friendly, helpful and productive group, look no further. Give Vanquish a try today!

    [edited for thread bumping]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 16 October 2022 17:45
  • Diamond_10
    Great guild, some of the nicest fun people ive met!
    Tons of people in the mid 30's RL age, great atmosphere and a pleasure to be a part of this guild
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Many new faces joining weekly as we prepare for the expansion! I cant say how proud I am of what we have built here in ESO, looking for a dedicated home with DC and feel we may be a match? Swing by and apply today!

    I mean really... look at this good looking group...or maybe you should'nt...

  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Congratulations to Vanquish for reaching over 100 active, unique and incredible members! We have room for YOU!

  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Good to see some new faces in the guild, we are getting ready for the IC update and clipping along well! I am still on the look out for good folks to join the roster, think we might be a fit? Swing by seek me out in game!

    Edited by tkdmorgan75b14_ESO on 23 July 2015 22:29
  • Sykis
    sounds like a good guild. Going to check it out
  • Sallington
    App submitted!
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • Sykis
  • Shimmerie
    Soul Shriven
    I have been a member of Vanquish for about a year (in various games) and honestly you could not ask for a better guild. It is very friendly to "real" girl gamers (cuz we rock) and people who like to drink too much on the weekend! (woot woot). Honestly, some of the most awesome people in gaming. A great group that I will be with in the years and games to come! What more could you ask for!
  • KraziJoe
    Great group of people in this guild! If you are looking for a fun guild that likes to help people out as well as PVP and run higher end content and you are DC then this is the place for you!
  • cwolfe702b14_ESO
    Just want to say we are still looking for more older gamers. So if want a guild that will be with for awhile and have fun with. Vanquish is what you need.

  • Volkodav
    Nice to see a guild of older people like myself! How do I join? Send an invite to LSSAH1,if that's the way to get me in! :}
  • cwolfe702b14_ESO
    Nice to see a guild of older people like myself! How do I join? Send an invite to LSSAH1,if that's the way to get me in! :}

    To join visit are site at:

    Just fill out app and a officer will get a invite to ya in game.

    Really quick and easy process!!


    Edited by cwolfe702b14_ESO on 8 August 2015 20:38
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Thanks for the kind words all... I'll get your bribery money out later! = )

    We are preparing for the Imperial City all... Come and join us! In the mean time we are running content daily, raids and DSA included... PvP as well and of course various "for fun" guild events like drunken fishing!

    A shot from our recent AA clear! (Don't ask what that guy with the 2-hander is doing...)


  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    The Imperial City is nearly upon us! I want to welcome our latest members and extend a welcome to those seeking a guild! Swing by our site or contact us or myself in game for more information and to find out if we are a fit for YOU!


  • oryxnamder7
    Hey there

    How strict is the only one guild policy? Guild site and background looks good and are you active for trials in Australia time zone at all?

    Edited by oryxnamder7 on 31 August 2015 12:46
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    @oryxnamder7 The one guild policy does not count dedicated and specific guilds such as RP guilds, PURE PvP guilds and Trade guilds. Unfortunately we have almost no activity during your prime time, something I am working on but want to be honest with ya = )

    Let me know if you have any other questions sir and take care!
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Vanquish kicking arse and taking names in IC!

  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    IC has released and Vanquish took Thornblade by storm! Multiple members crowed emperor and much fun had across Cyro and all throughout the Imperial Sewers!

    Also, welcome aboard all new members! It is great to have ya with the guild!

    We continue to drive forward in ESO and eat up all the content thrown our way while washing it down with a shot of Tequila! If you are looking for a dedicated home and are DC only then by all means, swing by the site and apply or hit me up in game!

  • KraziJoe
    What ^ said...
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Drunken PvP night with Vanquish... let the AP flow!

  • cwolfe702b14_ESO
    We are going strong kicking *** and taking names. With a great mix of PVP and PVE we have people usually running something. Just hit us up on are site if interested in having fun in a mature (used litely :smile: ) atmosphere look us up!!

  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    We continue to look for good folks to add to the roster! With Orsinium just around the cornner and IC in full swing we welcome you to apply to the guild should you find us a good fit! Have any questions, ask here, seek us out in game or swing by the site!


  • cwolfe702b14_ESO
    We are still recruiting and looking for good people.
  • Pledgeslayer
    Soul Shriven
    Good afternoon,

    I came across this post and took the time to check out your website and forums for additional info. I'm younger than many of you (24) but I'm seeking a more mature and laid back home than I would find elsewhere. I first got into MMO's as a kid with my stepdad playing EQ1 so I've always kind of ran with an older crowd, but it's been years since I've had the time to be part of another community, so I'm looking to be that "one guild" guy now that I do. I'm also a big fan of the less is more approach, the gigantic guilds where there's no comrade and nobody knows each other just ain't my cup of tea.

    So I'm gonna go ahead and apply because this looks like a good place.
  • aidenmoore
    PvP Lesson Event

    Learnt a lot and it was amazing. Go Vanquish!



    Daggerfall Covenant
    Gorrag gro-Gar - Dragonknight ( Vehemence )
    YT : Gorrag gro-Gar
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Shameless bump because I lead some of the greatest folks on the server (lead is a very subjective term!) Think we might be a fit? Do you enjoy long walks on a moon lit beach? Can you toss back a bit o' bourbon with the best of em? Well... swing on by the site or hit me up in game!

  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Congrats on the Veteran WGT clears Vanquish!

    Welcome aboard new folks and greetings to those swinging by curious about the guild! As always we are on the look out for like minded folks to join our ranks! New players VERY welcome!

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