Vanquish (DC/NA) A veteran guild for the “older” no drama and confident gamer!

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • karnaas
    Soul Shriven
    I applied, hopefully I'll hear from you all soon :)
    Edited by karnaas on 3 December 2017 21:29
  • Savina
    karnaas wrote: »
    I applied, hopefully I'll hear from you all soon :)

    Your in game invite has been sent.
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Vanquish is in full swing as always and we continue to keep the doors open to those that find us a fit! Feel free to swing by and apply at the site today!

    (There Savina, bumped the thread....please don't beat me any more...)
  • DeSyreni
    Hey! My boyfriend and I were in this guild like two months ago, but something happened and we couldn't log in until now. I was wondering if we could get reinvited? I tried to find where to ask on the website and got lost. Im @DeSyreni and he changed his tag from @HidesTheFood to @Saorlaith. Hope to hear from you soon:D
  • Savina
    Hi DeSyreni

    You 2 went inactive for more than 20-30 days and got the removal in game for inactivity. However, your accounts at the Vanquish web site should still be active. You might need to sign-in. If you are having problems at the website please let an officer know and we will try to help you out there.

    I recall both of your @names and remember removing you for inactivity. I'll get your game invites out in the next few minutes. Welcome back and hope to see you both soon.

  • Lawle
    Soul Shriven
    I applied for membership. You guys seem like you are well put together and would be a good fit. Thanks
  • Savina
    Welcome to Vanquish Lawle !

    You are officially the "new kid" for at least the next few minutes.
  • Savina
    Welcome to all the new members of Vanquish, it is great to have you with us! Lawle didn't stay the "new kid" for long as we have had 7 more join in the last few days.

    Last weeks Roll Call was a huge success, thanks to all that came out and joined us. Here is a small section of what Oakos posted on the News section of the Vanquish website.......

    Thanks to the 50+ folks that showed out for RC! Below are some screens and a copy and paste of the transcript!

    Bring us your huddled masses!


    Better get in line, must be something good! (Forming a "flash mob" style line at the bank in Daggerfall, I legit saw a few folks NOT in Vanquish go to the back of the line and form up!)




    Again, thank you all this was a great turn out, makes me proud to be part of this!
  • Savina
    Vanquish is still going strong and continuing to grow. Welcome to the 30+ members we have added since the first of Feb. Anyone checking out the Vanquish website should take a look at the Events page. We host static events all week long. Some of our most popular are Monday Night Madness, Take the Pledge, Friday night Fights, Saturday Morning Smack down, and normal and vet Trials.

    Once again welcome to all the new members!

  • Boldar_Blood
    Hi there,

    I was a member a couple of years ago but due to RL I was not able to play the game as I had hoped. I was wondering about getting an invite again? I still am a member on the Vanquish site but wasn't sure how to go about reapplying? I am currently leveling a sorc and would love to join Vanquish again. I can be reached in game at @BoldarBlood.

  • Savina
    Welcome back Boldar !

    It is really nice that after a few years came home to Vanquish. I'm excited to know that our guild, in the short amount of time you was with us, left such an impression that you went to the trouble to seek us out and come back home.

    Look forward to adventuring with you and getting to know you.

    Edited by Savina on 7 March 2018 23:46
  • Sortep1977
    Greetings, I would like an invite. Just filled out an app on your site.
  • watsbeef2
    Due to a family emergency, I had to abruptly leave the game about 7-8 months ago. Now that things have settled down, and I remember lol,I am just now getting back into the game. Vanquish account still active, I am on right now. Looking to see if its possible to renvite.

    IGN: watsbeef

    Thanks :)
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Summer time and Summerset is upon us! Vanquish continues its journey through ESO!

    If you are looking for a guild to call home, good folks and booze then we just may be the guild for you!

    We are currently seeking like-minded people that enjoy being part of a close knit and dedicated community of players who truly enjoy the game and enabling those around them. If you are interested please swing by the site and apply today!



  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    New player, female and couple friendly Vanquish is still on the look out for good folks! Also, still not out of booze yet!

  • Savina

    Vanquish has officially moved its primary voice communications to Discord.

  • Savina
    Welcome to the new members just now discovering Vanquish. Huge welcome homes to the many returning players we've seen in the last few weeks. Great having all of you along for the ride!
  • Wtsv
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there,this sounds like an awesome guild! I would like to join.
  • Savina
    Wtsv wrote: »
    Hey there,this sounds like an awesome guild! I would like to join.

    Follow the Vanquish link to our website and fill out an application if you haven't already!
  • StatsWiz
    Soul Shriven
    Hi! I’m more of a late night gamer, logging in around 10pm EST or so. Is there a lot of activity then? Id like to run some of the newer DLC dungeons and LFG isn’t cutting it. Thanks!
  • Savina
    StatsWiz wrote: »
    Hi! I’m more of a late night gamer, logging in around 10pm EST or so. Is there a lot of activity then? Id like to run some of the newer DLC dungeons and LFG isn’t cutting it. Thanks!

    Yes we have many groups running at that time of evening. While we have members from many time zones, the majority of our 230ish members are PST, EST, or CST. Your 10 pm EST is 7 pm PST, so you'd find lots of folks on and active.
  • StatsWiz
    Soul Shriven
    Savina wrote: »

    Yes we have many groups running at that time of evening. While we have members from many time zones, the majority of our 230ish members are PST, EST, or CST. Your 10 pm EST is 7 pm PST, so you'd find lots of folks on and active.

    That sounds awesome, i’ll head to the website and check it out, thanks!
  • Savina
    StatsWiz, got you all approved on the website and I'll get your invite out yet this evening. Welcome to Vanquish!
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Greetings folks! Huge shout out to my Officers, especially Savina for keeping on top of things around here and a welcome to all our new members as well as some returning vets! Vanquish is going as strong as ever and coming up on 5 years of successful ESO'ing! The doors to membership remain open and we look forward to seeing your application should you feel Vanquish is a fit for you!

  • Baybaeckz
    Are you still recruiting?
  • Savina
    Are you still recruiting?

    The application process is always open at the Vanquish website, you are welcome to stop by and fill one out.
  • unnameable69
    Soul Shriven
    I checked out your site and it look great but I had a question. I looked through the Month of events, they all look fun but not one aligned with my schedule. I can't get on until 9+ PST. Do you ever run events at this time, if not are there any organized play groups on after 9:00?
  • Savina
    I checked out your site and it look great but I had a question. I looked through the Month of events, they all look fun but not one aligned with my schedule. I can't get on until 9+ PST. Do you ever run events at this time, if not are there any organized play groups on after 9:00?

    A scheduled event at or after 9 PM PST is rare, but it has happened. The calendar of events is not limited to just officers or leads in Vanquish, all members are able to schedule events. We do have a fairly strong late night group (often times 30-50 folks around 9 PM PST) that are active, helpful and do more impromptu runs than actual scheduled things. Be it dungeons, pledges, world bosses, or trials they do have the lead support and the ability to form large groups when someone needs something or just wants to try something.

    I would encourage you to apply and give us a try. In a few weeks if you feel there isn't enough late night activity or that Vanquish is not a good fit for you and your gaming style.....we will understand and there will be no hard feelings.
    Edited by Savina on 5 August 2018 16:36
  • unnameable69
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for all the info, sounds great. I do have one more question if you get a moment. Is Vanquish based purely in ESO or does it have branches in other games?
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Sorry for the delay answering your question, Unnameable.

    Over the decades we have played MANY MMOs and quite often are involved in more than one game at a time. However, at this time ESO is our primary home and has been for a few years now. We will always check out other games and betas as we are gamers at heart but for now, it is ESO only. That said, we have folks that connect and play strategy games, shooters (The Division, Destiny etc.) RPGs etc. Just to give you an idea however, over the last 10 years we have been involved in: ToR, LoTRO, WoW, Arch Age, Wild Star, EQ2 etc. Of the dozens of MMOs we have been involved in ESO has become one of my all time favorites and for the foreseeable future we will be here.
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