Hi! I’m more of a late night gamer, logging in around 10pm EST or so. Is there a lot of activity then? Id like to run some of the newer DLC dungeons and LFG isn’t cutting it. Thanks!
Yes we have many groups running at that time of evening. While we have members from many time zones, the majority of our 230ish members are PST, EST, or CST. Your 10 pm EST is 7 pm PST, so you'd find lots of folks on and active.
redwoodretired_ESO wrote: »Are you still recruiting?
unnameable69 wrote: »I checked out your site and it look great but I had a question. I looked through the Month of events, they all look fun but not one aligned with my schedule. I can't get on until 9+ PST. Do you ever run events at this time, if not are there any organized play groups on after 9:00?