Vanquish (DC/NA) A veteran guild for the “older” no drama and confident gamer!

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • unnameable69
    Soul Shriven
    Awesome. It's always nice to have a guild that is in multiple MMOs but I'm liking ESO and see lots of potential. Just looking for like-minded people to share the experience with.

    I'll send in an app when I can get to my PC.
  • Savina
    Welcome to Vanquish Unnameable69!
  • Savina
    Vanquish is still going strong and looking forward to Update 19!

    If you are looking for a guild to call home, and good folks then we just may be the guild for you!

    We are currently seeking like-minded people that enjoy being part of a close knit and dedicated community of players who truly enjoy the game and enabling those around them. If you are interested please swing by the site and apply today!
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Wear-wolfs are afoot! Vanquish needs your help in bringing down these foul, flee ridden beasts! If you feel we would be a good fit for you and you us, swing by and apply today or contact myself or @Savina in game with any questions!


  • Savina

    Wear-wolfs are afoot! Vanquish needs your help in bringing down these foul, flee ridden beasts! If you feel we would be a good fit for you and you us, swing by and apply today or contact myself or @Savina in game with any questions!



    You can actually contact me with the character name Savina or the @name is @Savina.09

    **glares at Oakos and reminds him that the @name needs the .09 behind it in game**
  • Savina
    Vanquish is still going strong!

    Anyone interested in should stop by the Vanquish website and fill out an application.
  • bazooka2016
    Are there dues? I'm not online all the time so I don't generate that much cash. I would like to join if there are not any dues. I will donate items to the bank on an even or better ratio to what I withdraw. My gamer tag is bazooka2016, Thanks!
  • Savina
    Are there dues? I'm not online all the time so I don't generate that much cash. I would like to join if there are not any dues. I will donate items to the bank on an even or better ratio to what I withdraw. My gamer tag is bazooka2016, Thanks!

    There are no dues. We are strictly a social guild.
  • Savina
    Veterans and Recruits of the guild had a blast as we Vanquished all 135 World bosses together last Saturday! (OK, 133 as 2 are bugged but that is ESO's fault). This was indeed one for the History Books, it will be remembered for years to come.

    Vanquish runs a World Boss Marathon and wins!~

    Anyone interested in membership can apply the Vanquish website.

  • Savina
    I'd invite anyone that thinks they might be a good fit to apply.

    Anyone interested in membership can apply at the Vanquish website.
    Edited by Savina on 13 September 2018 23:39
  • Savina
    Last Saturday Vanquish broke our record for Roll Call attendance. We'd like to thank the 60+ Vanquish members for taking time out of their Saturday afternoon to join us for a time-honored tradition…the Vanquish Roll Call!!!


    Fun was had by all before, during and after Roll Call. Following Roll Call we have 3 events for all interested along with a number of prizes! A trivia challenge hosted by Duck, a Colbyized version of Hide and Seek followed by a full overland Skyshard zone clear by Sabre!

    Thanks again to all our Vanquish members that came out for the FUN.
  • Fat_Gandalf
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I've read your recruitment thread and Vanquish sounds like it would be a good fit. I have been playing since May and am currently at CP 330. I'm at the upper range of your guild average age. My previous guild has more or less dissolved and I'm looking for a new home. I typically run a Templar magicka healer with Olorime and have been working on getting my other sets (Resto staff away from being able to run Olorime/Sanctuary). I also have a magicka sorc that's CP level. I looked on your website for an application but couldn't find one. I can be contacted in game @Fat_Gandalf. Thanks and I hope you will consider me for membership.

  • Savina
    Hi Fat_Gandalf!

    I will attempt to contact you in-game this evening. If I should miss you I'll also send a friend request so that we can chat when we are both online.

    To answer your the upper right hand corner of the site you will see APPLY and LOGIN. When you click on APPLY it will tell "To apply you must first create a Shivtr account" Our website is hosted by Shivtr. You just need to apply for Shivtr account and then check your email to activate the account. Then you can sign in to the Shivtr account when you hit APPLY. You'll then be able to see the Clipboard in the corner that is the application link.
  • Savina
    Vanquish did their part in helping with the "Summerfall" community event. One of our officers, Lenore, spearheaded a Vanquish Guild push to help. Here is what Lenore had to say after the announcement we had reached the goal, and after our own internal guild drawing.

    Lenore wrote:
    When the idea of Vanquish grouping in a push to support the Summerfall Pathfinder was first conceived I had reservations. I didn't even get the invitation from ZOS regarding this event until the day after I pushed the idea forward...floating on a sea of rumor and undocumented information. Very little time to prepare to pull enough people forward into this to make it effective and worthwhile seemed questionable. Members of this guild threw themselves gloriously into the fray and through active participation and going beyond what is immediately necessary helped in a remarkable way to put the Vanquish stamp of success on this effort.
    I am so proud to call you all friends...even family. Thank you so much for the way you responded to the call for help to make our part in this endeavor a very winning one!

    To the Donors of Prizes, My heartfelt thanks. With little time to prepare you poured your love and your goods into the pool of prizes. The spontaneous and generous response to this need was overwhelming. Unsolicited gifts came from many places. Some prefer to remain anonymous and I respect that, but you aren't anonymous to me and I sincerely appreciate what you have done to make this event so special.
    The non-anonymous donors have been, @More_Tono, @Finn1978, @ToJamsJuice, @Destrolly, @msims, @Sabretusks, @megnin, @SirDuckman and @Oakos.
    Your dedication to guild members and your support of this event have made it a fun and rewarding experience for all. To have enough prizes to gift every single participator of the Pathfinder Achievement with only a few days to do it was daunting. A lot of care and consideration, not to mention materials and time, went into those donations and I'm grateful for your support.

    We did achieve my personal goal, in that everyone who participated in the event finished up with something in their mailbox that made a memory. Some may plant that old stone pillar in their yard of their new psijic villa and remember that they had a part in making this happen for millons of other people. Others will pop a Psijic Ambrosia and level up, or gift it to someone who is trying hard. Dubious Camoran Throne will find it's way into the fray...and someone who has nevered used it before will go, "OH ***! What is this stuff? I need MORE!", and remember us and our pathfinder event.

    Love to All!


    Huge thanks to all our members for their participation!

    As always anyone interested that thinks they might be a good fit should visit the Vanquish website and fill out an application.
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    What a fine looking bunch! Come be part of one of ESO's longest running guilds! If you feel we may be a fit for you and you us, swing by the site and drop in an application in today!

    Edited by tkdmorgan75b14_ESO on 8 October 2018 16:51
  • Savina
    Vanquish is still growing and going Strong. We might be an older crowed but we know how to have fun and get things done!

    If you think Vanquish might be a good fit for you, stop by the website and fill out an application!
  • FairKara
    Soul Shriven
    Still active, still awesome! I've never met a group of more fun, supportive people to game with!
  • DeSyreni

    Only Screenshot I've taken of Vanquish, and I'm not really sure why I took it. But it seemed suitable to stick it here.
  • Savina
    DeSyreni wrote: »

    Only Screenshot I've taken of Vanquish, and I'm not really sure why I took it. But it seemed suitable to stick it here.

    Only one??? You do know that you should be taking Vanquish Screen shots for the monthly "X UP" competition right? Get in there and get that screenshot ability set to a hot key!!!!

    Visit the Vanquish Guild site and fill out an application if you think you'd be a good fit!

  • Carwin08
    Soul Shriven
    Would like to chat with someone before I submit application.
  • Savina
    Feel free to message me here or in game you can send me a tell or friend request @Savina.09
  • Savina
    Welcome Carwin08, and thank you for giving Vanquish the opportunity to be your ESO guild home!

    Vanquish is still growing and going Strong. Casual in nature hardcore in play! We take our fun serious.

    If you think Vanquish might be a good fit for you, stop by the website and fill out an application!
  • tkdmorgan75b14_ESO
    Welcome new members!

    Vanquish continues to thrive, evolve and grow within ESO! If you feel we may be a fit, feel free to swing by the site and apply today or contact one of us in game with any questions you may have!


  • Savina
    Oakos, shame shame, all those screenshots you take and that ^^ is the one you went with?

    Edited by Savina on 21 November 2018 03:57
  • Savina
    FairKara wrote: »
    Still active, still awesome! I've never met a group of more fun, supportive people to game with!

    Vanquish is happy to have provided you a place to call home Kara!
  • Stx
    Hello there. I applied on your site. I main a templar and just hit cp 160. I think I will be focused on tanking but so far I have just been questing. Your guild sounds like a good fit for me and my gameplay interests, hope to hear from you soon!
  • Savina
    Stx wrote: »
    Hello there. I applied on your site. I main a templar and just hit cp 160. I think I will be focused on tanking but so far I have just been questing. Your guild sounds like a good fit for me and my gameplay interests, hope to hear from you soon!

    That was an amazing application indeed. Looks like one of our officers has approved it and your in game invite has been sent! Your member permissions have also been set on the website! Looking forward to meeting you Stx.

    Thank you for giving Vanquish the opportunity to be your ESO gaming home.
  • MacLayden
    Salutations all.
    am a 62 yr old vet.
    Been in game about 30 days.
    Toons name is Mac Layden.
    He is a High Elf Warden.
    Thanks for invite, help and or info ye can give.
  • Savina
    Welcome to Vanquish Mac Layden! Great to have you with us, and I hope you make Vanquish your new guild home.
    Edited by Savina on 4 December 2018 03:31
  • Savina
    Excitement is growing as the holidays approach, Vanquish is preparing for the upcoming "New Life Festival" and....


    I'm making a list of all our "Naughty" and "Nice" members.

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