Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

New Performance (FPS) Issues Hotfix

  • Darzil
    I don't know, but as they've said security, I'd guess that when you do an action part of what happens is sending that action in encrypted form to the server. The action of encryption can take time. I believe encryption wasn't previously used, so some hackers could send commands without even having the normal client, and do things a client couldn't do. I suspect certain client side things were queued for this process, and now don't wait for it to complete.
  • Auldjohn
    FPS on PTS with Update 3 was 10 -11 using my existing VR Fungal Grotto template character. Graphics setting was Ultra, which may be an issue with my Radeon HD 7650M laptop graphics card with 2 GB dedicated VRAM and 2 GB shared RAM from a total of 8 GB system RAM. Population density was zero, just a few small groups of NPCs and monsters, no battles.

    I'll try again later lowering the in-game graphics settings to High or Moderate.
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage &
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
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  • frwinters_ESO
    The FPS drop over-time are STILL there. It is improved with the hotfix, but in no way fixed.

    In large sieges with lots of players on screen (60-100+ players), i usually sit at 30-40 FPS (intel i7 3,8 ghz, GTX 780, 16gb ram, SSD HD etc), but over time, these identical battles will fall down to 17-20 FPS. That is a big drop, and makes the game unplayable.

    THIS IS NOT FIXED. It used to be better before 1.2

    At one time the game decided to go down to 6 FPS in cyrodiil and restarting the game was the only thing that helped.

  • tomiffseb17_ESO


    Are you Sure?

  • LrdRahvin
    The FPS drop over-time are STILL there. It is improved with the hotfix, but in no way fixed.

    In large sieges with lots of players on screen (60-100+ players), i usually sit at 30-40 FPS (intel i7 3,8 ghz, GTX 780, 16gb ram, SSD HD etc), but over time, these identical battles will fall down to 17-20 FPS. That is a big drop, and makes the game unplayable.

    THIS IS NOT FIXED. It used to be better before 1.2

    At one time the game decided to go down to 6 FPS in cyrodiil and restarting the game was the only thing that helped.


    Where have you been? BOLD is the new CAPSLOCK B)
  • Kulthax
    Prior to the lighting patch I consistently ran between 50-60fps. Now, it is more like 20-25 and less in cities/towns. This is occurring in multiple zones. I saw no improvement with Mondays patch.

    System Specs:
    • AMD FX 8350 Eight Core Processor 4.0 GHz
    • 8 GB Ram
    • Windows 7 64 bit OS
    • Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 2 GB with 340.43 driver
    • Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 MoBo
    • Screen Resolution at 1920 x 1080

    In game settings set to custom/ultra. Changing settings lower or disabling VSync or antialiasing does not improve FPS by even 1fps.

    I have gone from having a smooth, enjoyable gaming experience to choppy, slideshow. I play games for graphical looks first. This is a deal breaker for me. :(
  • Cyda
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah, the performance is shocking now. 45fps with my GPU sitting at 40-50%. That's with a i7 4770k and a gtx 770, this rig should be able to eat this game at 1080p and would if it actually used the GPU. Why is the game only using 50% GPU? The CPU is doing next to nothing so it is hardly bottlenecking. I think I'll sit out the rest of my game time and maybe throw a months sub at it in 6 months to see if the have fixed these engine problems.
  • RatsnevE
    There are too many different varieties of machines and just because all our machines worked originally by being beta tested against a wide variety doesn't mean ZOS takes every patch and hotfix through that same process. It's no wonder things are getting messed up--imho.

    I'll be starting Veteran through Stonefalls for the first time later today and am just thrilled at the prospect of seeing this FPS problem.
    Edited by RatsnevE on 10 July 2014 18:58
  • Baphomet
    Damn, Zenimax. Just had massive Wabba bridge fights with 80+ players with 40ish fps! Today's maintenance made the fps issue even better it seems.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • tomiffseb17_ESO
    Kulthax wrote: »
    Prior to the lighting patch I consistently ran between 50-60fps. Now, it is more like 20-25 and less in cities/towns. This is occurring in multiple zones. I saw no improvement with Mondays patch.

    System Specs:
    • AMD FX 8350 Eight Core Processor 4.0 GHz

    Hey, May i ask you if you do any pvp and how was your performance there? I am not trying to derail the topic but i have the exact same CPU and i cant get a decent fps in pvp, Not even at start 3 months ago, and not even after the hotfixes, i am usually drops below 20. Most settings on low...
  • Warraxx
    Kulthax wrote: »
    Prior to the lighting patch I consistently ran between 50-60fps. Now, it is more like 20-25 and less in cities/towns. This is occurring in multiple zones. I saw no improvement with Mondays patch.

    System Specs:
    • AMD FX 8350 Eight Core Processor 4.0 GHz

    Hey, May i ask you if you do any pvp and how was your performance there? I am not trying to derail the topic but i have the exact same CPU and i cant get a decent fps in pvp, Not even at start 3 months ago, and not even after the hotfixes, i am usually drops below 20. Most settings on low...

    That CPU is fine (i haz it too); what's your GPU and how fast is your internet connection?
  • Cogo
    Possible problems for your FPS in ESO, and other MMO games.

    Windows OS
    * Win 8. Loves to run "services" thats not needed and steals your resources. Also dont have full support for more then Quad CPU yet, and Intel seams to be perfered. Win 8 + skype = Crap! it uses your CPU either Skype is running or not.
    * RAM. Recommended specs does NOT mean lagfree. 4GB ram is fine, but ram is cheap + the ram speed bus makes a huge difference. 8GB or more, with Ram bus 1666hz, on a motherboard that supports it takes care of loads of problems.
    * Update drivers and check windows update. 2 days ago Windows pushed out 3 "Serious" updates, where 2 where directed to CPU threading = better performance.

    Programs that can help

    * CCleaner or some program to remove CRAP from your system.
    * Check what services are running. Every site, facebook, etc LOOOOOVE to "offer" you improved stuff by installing it without you knowing it. Since its not a virus, keylogger or anything harmful, your virus killer will not care about it. These "services" adds up. And in Win 8, they dont care what porgram you running. "Their" services takes what it needs...and the rest goes to your ESO.
    * Browsers......look at your plugins....they are BIG thief of your resources, either you want it or not, they keep using your resources.

    Cookies and websites effects

    * SOME cookies (far from all), like doubleclick and this new horrible website cookie, that is a small software....hiding in WINDOWS folder, looking like it belongs to windows. What it does? It collect data wherever you surf. Selling the info to any company like Amazon and Ebay....when you go there, even not logged presents the items you may be interested in. constantly logs, sends data and scans what you are doing.

    * Programs running while playing ESO. I run youtube sometimes to listen to music. I got a system to handle it, but when I "Kill" the youtube "service", my cpu usage drops. Check what programs are running. Easy to do, "start up menu, running programs at start of windows.

    There is lots of things you can do, to improve performance in any game.

    If I had to choose one...CCleader. Run it on default, will remove a lot of junk.
    Also run the registry cleaner = if it pops up more then 5-6 have a HUGE improvement by just clearing that. Reboot your system, and notice it loads windows twice as fast as you are used too.

    Most virus killers and firewalls (NOT WINDOWS DEFAULT) are very game friendly. If it has a "gaming mode", turn that on. Most have it already.

    My view on you system regarding Cyrodiil (I can be 100% wrong)
    I base my view what worked for me, and why I could be in Cyro when most could not.

    Regarding BIG battles in Cyro, your system needs CPU load to calculate all data from the server and send back fast. Most "normal" CPU is good enough, but the CPU needs help from the motherboard bus speed and BIG RAM helps, since a lot gets "stored" there which leaves the CPU to do other tasks. CPU also needs to be supported by Microsoft to be utilized properly. Currently it seams the best option for OS, is Win 7, 64 bits. Don't ask me why! But that seams to work best.

    Graphic card isn't THAT important, BUT, look at the homepage for drivers and what the "Beta" driver includes. Right now, Wildstar and watchdogs have problems with GPU-CPU threading correctly, which gets solved with the GPU patch.
    GPU helps, but will not solve 100% of your problems.

    SSD drive
    Some don't believe me, but a SSD drive really is worth it regarding HUGE number of data needed to both be located on your system, and send to the server.

    This might not solve every problem. But it WILL solve some.

    There is more you can do, but depends HUGELY on your system and whats on it.

    Edit: I am only giving my suggestions what I have done with my system.
    Since launch, I had less problems then most.

    I am not saying I am right, or best. I can even be outright wrong.
    I try to as detailed as I can, offering my help in how I did to get a good performance in ESO =). My reason is to put my experience in, which may help some to get a better ESO.

    Feel free to correct me!!! :)
    Edited by Cogo on 11 July 2014 15:46
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Kulthax
    Cogo wrote: »

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Your post offers nothing with the issues people are experiencing. What you suggest is CPU maintenance 101.
  • Kulthax
    Kulthax wrote: »
    Prior to the lighting patch I consistently ran between 50-60fps. Now, it is more like 20-25 and less in cities/towns. This is occurring in multiple zones. I saw no improvement with Mondays patch.

    System Specs:
    • AMD FX 8350 Eight Core Processor 4.0 GHz

    Hey, May i ask you if you do any pvp and how was your performance there? I am not trying to derail the topic but i have the exact same CPU and i cant get a decent fps in pvp, Not even at start 3 months ago, and not even after the hotfixes, i am usually drops below 20. Most settings on low...

    I was getting the same good fps rate a month ago but have not PvP'd since the lighting patch.
  • SkOODaT
    ive seen a massive improvement with the recent patch but still getting a bit laggy when theirs lots of players
  • Baphomet
    When I turn off ambient occlusion under settings, I get a 8-10 fps improvement. Try that out in case you haven't.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    If you are on AMD CPU, turn off many of the eye candy settings.

    Only three games scale well on the AMD 8-core cpus. The rest are sitting on 1-2 cores like TESO. And even if you overclock to 5Ghz you will be a lot slower than an Intel i5 at stock speeds.

    Had one, got me to frustrating levels of performance especially when Rome 2 came out. My i5 laptop, was faster to process turns than my FX8350 at 5Ghz desktop.
    Switched to i7 and never going to look back.

    As for the game, indeed, turn off Ambient Occlusion, and high quality shadows when you go to Cyrodiil. Helps a lot keeping the fps 60+ even on very big fights.

    (tbh I am impressed that can pull so much fps. BF4 with less people and is even worst)
  • RatsnevE
    Edited by RatsnevE on 11 July 2014 09:54
  • Kulthax
    RatsnevE wrote: »
    Kulthax wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »

    @RatsnevE You have no idea what you are talking about. Your post offers nothing with the issues people are experiencing. What you suggest is CPU maintenance 101.
    Sorry but I think you are out of line with Cogo and disagree greatly with your blanket rejection. He makes no guarantee and PC hardware varies widely. He isn't claiming any hardware or client game solution over the more likely culprit--ZOS's game code itself.

    I am not out of line. This is a FPS thread not how to maintain your PC thread. Most what he blathered on about has nothing to do with the current issue. So why don't you two go hold hands over there somewhere and let those of us trying to figure out this issue do so. K. THX. :smirk:
  • Kulthax
    If you are on AMD CPU, turn off many of the eye candy settings.

    Only three games scale well on the AMD 8-core cpus. The rest are sitting on 1-2 cores like TESO. And even if you overclock to 5Ghz you will be a lot slower than an Intel i5 at stock speeds.

    Had one, got me to frustrating levels of performance especially when Rome 2 came out. My i5 laptop, was faster to process turns than my FX8350 at 5Ghz desktop.
    Switched to i7 and never going to look back.

    As for the game, indeed, turn off Ambient Occlusion, and high quality shadows when you go to Cyrodiil. Helps a lot keeping the fps 60+ even on very big fights.

    (tbh I am impressed that can pull so much fps. BF4 with less people and is even worst)

    Stating that this is an AMD issue because of graphical settings tells me you have not read the thread. My system ran this game beautifully before the lighting effects patch. I have turned all of my settings down. I have tinkered with settings. I see no marked improvement in FPS. This is not a PC build issue but a TESO build issue.
  • RatsnevE
    Edited by RatsnevE on 11 July 2014 09:49
  • Jarnhand
    Cyda wrote: »
    Yeah, the performance is shocking now. 45fps with my GPU sitting at 40-50%. That's with a i7 4770k and a gtx 770, this rig should be able to eat this game at 1080p and would if it actually used the GPU. Why is the game only using 50% GPU? The CPU is doing next to nothing so it is hardly bottlenecking. I think I'll sit out the rest of my game time and maybe throw a months sub at it in 6 months to see if the have fixed these engine problems.

    The game engine has some serious issues, which you point out, also read my thread on this very issue
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Kulthax wrote: »
    If you are on AMD CPU, turn off many of the eye candy settings.

    Only three games scale well on the AMD 8-core cpus. The rest are sitting on 1-2 cores like TESO. And even if you overclock to 5Ghz you will be a lot slower than an Intel i5 at stock speeds.

    Had one, got me to frustrating levels of performance especially when Rome 2 came out. My i5 laptop, was faster to process turns than my FX8350 at 5Ghz desktop.
    Switched to i7 and never going to look back.

    As for the game, indeed, turn off Ambient Occlusion, and high quality shadows when you go to Cyrodiil. Helps a lot keeping the fps 60+ even on very big fights.

    (tbh I am impressed that can pull so much fps. BF4 with less people and is even worst)

    Stating that this is an AMD issue because of graphical settings tells me you have not read the thread. My system ran this game beautifully before the lighting effects patch. I have turned all of my settings down. I have tinkered with settings. I see no marked improvement in FPS. This is not a PC build issue but a TESO build issue.

    I am using an intel i7 and I am having the exact same problems after the patch too. It's not just AMD. I'm fine most of the time running about 38 FPS but in PvP it drops to single digits. Logging out and back in fixes it temporarily sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. It's the game not our hardware.
  • Omnevolus
    No matter what, every ones machines are different and communicate different with ZOS servers. That communication changes every time they patch the servers. That is why they have to say improvements may not affect everyone. Its impossible for ZOS to make the game work 100% on every system. They will do there best and that's all you can ask for. If your personally still having issues, then call customer support and submit a ticket so they can help. Its plain and simple.

    So refreshing. Finding reasonable posts on this forum is so rare. Thank you.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Check to see if you are on "Windowed (Fullscreen)" mode, and if so, change to "Fullscreen" mode - this seemed to help quite a bit in my case.
    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on 11 July 2014 13:09
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Check to see if you are on "Windowed (Fullscreen)" mode, and if so, change to "Fullscreen" mode - this seemed to help quite a bit in my case.

    There is a difference. But it shouldn't drop from 28 FPS to 8 FPS just because you're playing in window mode.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Check to see if you are on "Windowed (Fullscreen)" mode, and if so, change to "Fullscreen" mode - this seemed to help quite a bit in my case.

    There is a difference. But it shouldn't drop from 28 FPS to 8 FPS just because you're playing in window mode.

    Changing from Windowed (Fullscreen) to Fullscreen did not increase frame rate, but alleviated a severe stuttering issue I experienced on PTS yesterday. The frame rate was the same, but gameplay was much smoother.
    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on 11 July 2014 13:29
  • Cogo
    Kulthax wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Your post offers nothing with the issues people are experiencing. What you suggest is CPU maintenance 101.

    Not everyone these days know CPU 101, or how OS works.
    For example, how many PC users clean their PC from dust, inside?
    How many plays on the same PC as their kids, who download "who have no clue at all whats in the computer".

    My post was more about these things that will help players who do not know that Microsoft, for instance, favors Intel, and even the I7 series. Also 8 cores AMD is not used as they should on Windows. Not everyone knows this.

    One thing I do know, seen, have experience of, have others try it and get a big improvement, is to run a program "LIKE", CCleaner. Since that removes "junk", and not speed up anything, but removes the "slowing down". o:)

    Regarding the technical details I am offering. Feel free to correct it and explain how players can increase their performance, if I am wrong.

    I have been wondering, since launch, why I experience less problems then most, even from EU, where we have a bigger latency then others. Thats all =).

    I am trying to help, with the base of what I know and seen helps for me.
    Edited by Cogo on 11 July 2014 15:59
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Kulthax
    Cogo wrote: »
    Kulthax wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Your post offers nothing with the issues people are experiencing. What you suggest is CPU maintenance 101.

    Not everyone these days know CPU 101, or how OS works.
    For example, how many PC users clean their PC from dust, inside?
    How many plays on the same PC as their kids, who download "who have no clue at all whats in the computer".

    My post was more about these things that will help players who do not know that Microsoft, for instance, favors Intel, and even the I7 series. Also 8 cores AMD is not used as they should on Windows. Not everyone knows this.

    One thing I do know, seen, have experience of, have others try it and get a big improvement, is to run a program "LIKE", CCleaner. Since that removes "junk", and not speed up anything, but removes the "slowing down". o:)

    Regarding the technical details I am offering. Feel free to correct it and explain how players can increase their performance, if I am wrong.

    I have been wondering, since launch, why I experience less problems then most, even from EU, where we have a bigger latency then others. Thats all =).

    I am trying to help, with the base of what I know and seen helps for me.

    You might be right but this is not the thread for that sort of information. All you have done is created several posts with huge walls of text that are not relevant to the topic. Create a new thread instead of filling up this one with nonsensical noise.
  • Kulthax
    Check to see if you are on "Windowed (Fullscreen)" mode, and if so, change to "Fullscreen" mode - this seemed to help quite a bit in my case.

    There is a difference. But it shouldn't drop from 28 FPS to 8 FPS just because you're playing in window mode.

    I have tried this as well but have seen no improvement whatsoever. It did not get worse either so there is that. :|
This discussion has been closed.