We actually gave ebonheart a chance on that server when we came, now you're back to being farmed at the gate,
I'm still trying to figure out who actually got paid so the current emp from DC could get a title. It's sad that DC goes to such lengths on this campaign to get such petty things.
NeeScrolls wrote: »You know, how i did the other day when my 'weakling' VR1 self killed 7 of your so called "superior trained" VR+ players solo while at Drakelowe farm (after they had admittedly first ambushed me on my poor horse) toying w/ them as i practiced certain Sorc skill-combos (as per advice from Eza, aka 'the enemy' ) . [/color]
Blazzin-Ace wrote: »NeeScrolls wrote: »You know, how i did the other day when my 'weakling' VR1 self killed 7 of your so called "superior trained" VR+ players solo while at Drakelowe farm (after they had admittedly first ambushed me on my poor horse) toying w/ them as i practiced certain Sorc skill-combos (as per advice from Eza, aka 'the enemy' ) . [/color]
Only 7 Meh, took out 30 EP with my hand behind my back when they attacked me on my horse I was in the can, finished my #2 wiped the floor with ep then went to go make a sandwich.
NeeScrolls wrote: »p.s. Bragging about killing EP (in Volendrung) isn't that impressive, considering we don't even have any VR12's lol but hey more power to ya! [/color]
WarrioroftheWind_ESO wrote: »I'd just like to add that DC are a bunch of ***s. They feel they have to bring over a dozen vets and siege equip to protect mines and farms of all places. Grats for suffocating any hope of viable pvp on the server you ***s.
Blazzin-Ace wrote: »NeeScrolls wrote: »p.s. Bragging about killing EP (in Volendrung) isn't that impressive, considering we don't even have any VR12's lol but hey more power to ya! [/color]
Well your right there the EP in Volen is the weakest EP in the game. As for AD their strategy of only recruiting the" best of the best of the best" failed them and all they can do is cry on these forums. They tried to win the server with a gank squad.. how is that DC's fault, Does AD what us to recruit for them? Was fun a month ago now we all just want it to end.