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Volendrung NA Campaign. Calling all Daggerfall Covenant and Aldmeri Dominion!!

  • Ezareth
    It's funny though, EVERY DC PLAYER but TWO were server regulars. that's right, DC had only 2 guests. I should know, I was one of them. Volendrung is my guest campaign, I have a right to defend it.

    I would like to go back to my home campaign, But currently EP has the whole map and I only have 15 players vs their 40 and they farm us at the gates and play longer hours than we do. DC on Chrysamere is East coast, EP on that campaign has people for all hours. To top it off, There are NO AD on my server, making the battle incredibly only on 1 front. The AD died on chrysamere once an Emp Trading guild led by Mu Mu(who used to be on volen) quit the game.

    @ezareth_ESO‌ , You should know this by now:

    If 3 factions are fighting each other at a keep, defenders usually win. That's why when dethroning someone, you try not to attack the other side.

    Of course DC has had an influx of players. When you need a flipping MILLION AP to get Emperor who wouldn't want to come join the zerg and farm their carebear PVE title? Well Sonicsight can enjoy his PVE title for the next 15 days or so until you all unzip and work out a deal with EP to swap titles back and forth some more.

    Funny you mention ***. I played with him on his last day when OUR DC were guesting to his campaign to get you guys your PVE title. He told me about it and I brought about 10 other guys over there to troll our DC locals for a bit but the sheers numbers as usual overwhelmed us all. He quit the next day for much the same reason as I am. "Guesting" has pretty much killed EVERY campaign in this game.

    Out of the 9 times Murder Thumbs has assumed Emperor never ONCE did we assault a keep with the other side to do it, yet every single time Murder has been dethroned while he was online it has happened with both sides hitting him.

    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Ezareth
    I'm just going to have to call out people on a lot of crap I been seeing. I'm kind of getting tired of seeing MT being held up as the victim or a cool guy, but he's kind of the reason EP up and died in the first place. When I started on the camp EP had a somewhat stable group of 30+ people ranging from 12-vets. We'd start sieges and get keeps on occasion, but I'd seen way too many times when we break through and we see one person absolutely destroy everyone before we knew what hit us. And when we were rezzing we'd ask, who was that? Oh, AD emp lol.

    But it stopped being funny after the 50th time. It's a combination of factors no doubt, but one of the main reason so many original Vol camp players up and left was because why even bother against something that overpowered? One of the most damaging events was probably this legendary scroll run we tried doing in the day time. Each time we nearly got to our keep/gate, guess who showed up and annihilated 2x FULL groups of escort? You guessed it. MT.

    Zeni has to treat eggshells when it comes to class balancing. They can't let it get like WoW where they play whack-a-mole with abilities and end up pissing off even more people, but they let this sort of OPness persist way too long and it resulted in alot of people just giving up. Either they need to reduce the ult-reduction effect while boosting damage of ults, or hard nerf the 'former emp' abilities to not be so OP, because right now "emp farming" is ruining the game.

    Who remembers a goofball named Emperor Davis? He's loud, kinda obnoxious, but the oddest thing was his crazy siege pugs seemed more like true pvp to me. Way before they put keep npcs on steroids, we did front door breakins with surgical precision. That was strategy enough, and it was always fun until you-know-who waltzed in and annihilated everyone.

    This farce with a bunch of vet leeches who get emp and jump ship is not true pvp. I wonder if whenever a 'new' emperor is crowned, they should keep a 'relevant point score' counting points everyone's gained in that period of time, and wipe this 'relevant point score' after a new emp, that way instead of an emp being the 'next in line' It'll have to rely solely on skill and contribution. There's probably other possibilities too, like reducing contribution from aoe kills/dmg while boosting solo kills. I get "emperor" is supposed to feel special, but it feels like a farce now, and I don't care how 'skilled" someone is, unless you're friggin Tiber Septim, you have no buisiness soloing 40+ people, WITHOUT dying, WITHOUT losing more than 1/3 of your health, AND healing what health you DID lose in less than a second.

    Another thing that ruined pvp are these elitist guilds who not only demean honest pvpers, but practicaly bully them into NOT participating because they want no competition as they muscle their way to the top of the leader board. Right now regular Vol players are so inactive, Shesha's been holding onto the #3 spot with 910k and she hasn't logged in in DAYS. I know, she friended me. Nee's the only one who'd still hard at work out of the original Vol players, and man he works his butt off. Most others have probably gotten so disgusted they either unsubbed, quit pvp, moved camps, or maybe they're like me off gaining lvls hoping to come back when they're tougher only to get stomped once more by OP builds.

    It's practically been a domino effect here. MT gains godlike powers and exploits it for personal gain, other factions call in backup to try and shift balance, said backup turns out to be *** who do more harm than good, AD loses the map for more than a hour so they pitch a hissy fit and call in all their emps/former emps from other servers. Good sieges or not, ht's still rediculous seeing how many sides have over half a dozen emps/former emps.

    But basically, no matter how you try to spin it, hiding under the skirt of your broken emp build isn't 'superior tactics'.

    The original EP left long before V12 even existed. Those "Legendary" scroll runs were not solo affairs either if they're the ones I recall. Either way Murder couldn't stop a scroll runner if you had a few players of skill among you. That's not elitist, or assholish, just a statement of fact. Murder was overpowered against a zerg of bad players. As I mentioned before he was killed by 3 players at the height of his power (Zuits, Rosalyn, and 1 other) because they knew how to play.

    How many kills did he get because 20 people CHARGE into his banner? Every banner he drops fills his stats and by sending zergs of newbs at him your very strategy makes him invincible. I've stood with him and watched and I STILL see it today even with patch after patch of nerfs to his class. People need to learn to play the game before they complain about balancing. Just because Banner isn't as obvious as spamming Impulse doesn't mean people should be charging into it this late into the game. How come no other DK emp on Volendrung has come CLOSE to being as effective as him? Hell Dalonn was such a terrible DK Emperor he freaking died MORE as emperor than he did without it. Actually so did Dahter come to think of it.

    All that said I'll agree Murder cause no small number of people to leave Volendrung, but can you really blame him for doing what he had to? He NEVER used an exploit, not once. He admitted himself he was overpowered but that isn't his fault so many bad players on the other two sides existed. AD has never fed a DC or EP emperor like that, most of them are lucky to get a kill when facing us.
    Murder had to kill 50 people solo because the rest of us were split everywhere else all over the map holding down twice or more our number defending. Without Murder being OP, AD on this server has never had the numbers to do much and we'd have quit long ago. Sure maybe more AD would have joined this server hoping to get emperor but those aren't the kind of players I'd want on my time.

    You can call it "hiding behind his skirts" all you'd like but the reality of the situation is, he hasn't been "Overpowered" since they put in the AOE cap and nerfed ultimate gains and we've still taken Emp and held it how many times?
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • NeeScrolls

    As I said Nee, my views aren't an indictment of you or your ability, just a matter of the circumstances in which you and everyone else assumed the title. -- Please don't group me in with "everyone else" . My circumstances (and choices) are my own.

    If you want my personal respect as a player, you'll have to kill me a few times doing something other than firing a ballista, pouring oil etc while I'm under attack by NPCs. -- Not that it matters but i finally killed you ONCE the other night w/ *lightning 'Endless Fury' . I know because i saw the on-screen message say "You have avenged yourself against Ezareth" or whatever.

    I was about to screenshot it too but by the time i took my eyes away from all the battle fighting, the stupid message faded away lol. ugh. Well maybe when i'm VR12 we can have a Sorceror 'duel off Event' like Russell Crowe Gladiator style. hehe.

    I know you like Seige equipment and all but you have class abilities as well and I had no idea you were even a sorcerer until you told me and you don't have several key class abilities as well.. -- I've never been in a big rush to get everything immediately upon first few weeks of a game. I've been taking my tiime TESTING non-typical skills and templates for the past 70 days.

    I know very well how crucial some of your more obvious Sorceror skills are (to PVP) . But i figured i'd level them last and see how well i could do without them. Some people find this rare choice rather impressive. You aren't one of the 'impressed' lol . Which is fine.

    But i hate to repeat myself here but: Once again, if using Siege Equipment is "oh so easy" (and "unimpressive" ) , then umm how come I'M the only one who seems do so well with them all the time? You think i just close my eyes and point & shoot lol?! Siege Weapons, when done right, are a true *art-form* . Regardless, the ESO devs provided them to be used as 'war tools' and i use them. Period. No shame in that, imo.

    Being a werewolf isn't helping you either. Giving every player +9% damage against while not giving you anything useful just doesn't inspire respect from people. -- /gasp!! How dare you talk trash about my infamous WHITE-WEREWOLF lol !! I'll have you know sir, that whenever i go White-Werewolf, it only serves to *inspire* the group! Not to mention give them some rl laughs , which is good for PACT morale (important for our dreaded 3rd place overall by 100k+ alliance-points) .

    And btw, if you truly noticed, you'd realize that i only go into White-Werewolf mode at very specific & opportunistic moments. That's all i'm gonna say.

    Either way man, you don't need my respect and shouldn't desire it if you do. Just do what is fun for you because that's what this game is about. -- Every human being, whether in a video-game or in rl (where video games exist) , has some part of them that seeks 'respect' . Is it my "desire" ? No, not particularly. Having FUN is though. And that is something i definitely have (and promote) no matter what. So, respect that, if nothing else. B)

    My replies in blue above.

    Personally, i've enjoyed the *challenge* of fighting You & MT...and i'd hate to see you guys leave the server.

    But oh well. Take care. /bow til next time
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 12 June 2014 03:51
  • Ezareth
    NeeScrolls wrote: »

    As I said Nee, my views aren't an indictment of you or your ability, just a matter of the circumstances in which you and everyone else assumed the title. -- Please don't group me in with "everyone else" . My circumstances (and choices) are my own.

    If you want my personal respect as a player, you'll have to kill me a few times doing something other than firing a ballista, pouring oil etc while I'm under attack by NPCs. -- Not that it matters but i finally killed you ONCE the other night w/ *lightning 'Endless Fury' . I know because i saw the on-screen message say "You have avenged yourself against Ezareth" or whatever.

    I was about to screenshot it too but by the time i took my eyes away from all the battle fighting, the stupid message faded away lol. ugh. Well maybe when i'm VR12 we can have a Sorceror 'duel off Event' like Russell Crowe Gladiator style. hehe.

    I know you like Seige equipment and all but you have class abilities as well and I had no idea you were even a sorcerer until you told me and you don't have several key class abilities as well.. -- I've never been in a big rush to get everything immediately upon first few weeks of a game. I've been taking my tiime TESTING non-typical skills and templates for the past 70 days.

    I know very well how crucial some of your more obvious Sorceror skills are (to PVP) . But i figured i'd level them last and see how well i could do without them. Some people find this rare choice rather impressive. You aren't one of the 'impressed' lol . Which is fine.

    But i hate to repeat myself here but: Once again, if using Siege Equipment is "oh so easy" (and "unimpressive" ) , then umm how come I'M the only one who seems do so well with them all the time? You think i just close my eyes and point & shoot lol?! Siege Weapons, when done right, are a true *art-form* . Regardless, the ESO devs provided them to be used as 'war tools' and i use them. Period. No shame in that, imo.

    Being a werewolf isn't helping you either. Giving every player +9% damage against while not giving you anything useful just doesn't inspire respect from people. -- /gasp!! How dare you talk trash about my infamous WHITE-WEREWOLF lol !! I'll have you know sir, that whenever i go White-Werewolf, it only serves to *inspire* the group! Not to mention give them some rl laughs , which is good for PACT morale (important for our dreaded 3rd place overall by 100k+ alliance-points) .

    And btw, if you truly noticed, you'd realize that i only go into White-Werewolf mode at very specific & opportunistic moments. That's all i'm gonna say.

    Either way man, you don't need my respect and shouldn't desire it if you do. Just do what is fun for you because that's what this game is about. -- Every human being, whether in a video-game or in rl (where video games exist) , has some part of them that seeks 'respect' . Is it my "desire" ? No, not particularly. Having FUN is though. And that is something i definitely have (and promote) no matter what. So, respect that, if nothing else. B)

    My replies in blue above.

    Personally, i've enjoyed the *challenge* of fighting You & MT...and i'd hate to see you guys leave the server.

    But oh well. Take care. /bow til next time

    Sorc 1 v 1s are pretty boring and pointless. Every sorc who wants to 1 v 1 uses the exact same build and it comes down to who gets the most Crystal fragment procs and who has their ball lightning bug the most. Even so a Sorc is a terrible 1 v 1 class ATM so it should be something you should desire.

    We're not leaving the server, Volendrung just has very little time left before they "merge" all the campaigns into an even bigger zerg ball of garbage.

    I'm done with Volendrung and PVP and thus ESO for the time being, I won't speak for MT and the rest of our crew however. It used to be fun fighting zergs but now they've nerfed AOE to the point where you don't stand a chance with a smaller group unless they're *all* complete mouth-breathing idiots. PVP in this game is whoever zergs more wins more now. I think @wafcatb14_ESO‌ said it best in his post. Pretty mindless and boring.

    You do know just BEING a Werewolf gives people an advantage over you though right? You don't have to be in werewolf form for people to get damage bonuses on you.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • NeeScrolls
    NeeScrolls wrote: »

    As I said Nee, my views aren't an indictment of you or your ability, just a matter of the circumstances in which you and everyone else assumed the title. -- Please don't group me in with "everyone else" . My circumstances (and choices) are my own.

    If you want my personal respect as a player, you'll have to kill me a few times doing something other than firing a ballista, pouring oil etc while I'm under attack by NPCs. -- Not that it matters but i finally killed you ONCE the other night w/ *lightning 'Endless Fury' . I know because i saw the on-screen message say "You have avenged yourself against Ezareth" or whatever.

    I was about to screenshot it too but by the time i took my eyes away from all the battle fighting, the stupid message faded away lol. ugh. Well maybe when i'm VR12 we can have a Sorceror 'duel off Event' like Russell Crowe Gladiator style. hehe.

    I know you like Seige equipment and all but you have class abilities as well and I had no idea you were even a sorcerer until you told me and you don't have several key class abilities as well.. -- I've never been in a big rush to get everything immediately upon first few weeks of a game. I've been taking my tiime TESTING non-typical skills and templates for the past 70 days.

    I know very well how crucial some of your more obvious Sorceror skills are (to PVP) . But i figured i'd level them last and see how well i could do without them. Some people find this rare choice rather impressive. You aren't one of the 'impressed' lol . Which is fine.

    But i hate to repeat myself here but: Once again, if using Siege Equipment is "oh so easy" (and "unimpressive" ) , then umm how come I'M the only one who seems do so well with them all the time? You think i just close my eyes and point & shoot lol?! Siege Weapons, when done right, are a true *art-form* . Regardless, the ESO devs provided them to be used as 'war tools' and i use them. Period. No shame in that, imo.

    Being a werewolf isn't helping you either. Giving every player +9% damage against while not giving you anything useful just doesn't inspire respect from people. -- /gasp!! How dare you talk trash about my infamous WHITE-WEREWOLF lol !! I'll have you know sir, that whenever i go White-Werewolf, it only serves to *inspire* the group! Not to mention give them some rl laughs , which is good for PACT morale (important for our dreaded 3rd place overall by 100k+ alliance-points) .

    And btw, if you truly noticed, you'd realize that i only go into White-Werewolf mode at very specific & opportunistic moments. That's all i'm gonna say.

    Either way man, you don't need my respect and shouldn't desire it if you do. Just do what is fun for you because that's what this game is about. -- Every human being, whether in a video-game or in rl (where video games exist) , has some part of them that seeks 'respect' . Is it my "desire" ? No, not particularly. Having FUN is though. And that is something i definitely have (and promote) no matter what. So, respect that, if nothing else. B)

    My replies in blue above.

    Personally, i've enjoyed the *challenge* of fighting You & MT...and i'd hate to see you guys leave the server.

    But oh well. Take care. /bow til next time

    Sorc 1 v 1s are pretty boring and pointless. Every sorc who wants to 1 v 1 uses the exact same build and it comes down to who gets the most Crystal fragment procs and who has their ball lightning bug the most.

    You do know just BEING a Werewolf gives people an advantage over you though right? You don't have to be in werewolf form for people to get damage bonuses on you.


    Yes and i don't really care tbh. Makes me all the more proud of how much i've managed to accomplish, despite being low-level, non-geared, under-grouped, AND gimped by Werewolf bite lol.

    Furthermore, I actually discovered being Werewolf thru a series of really awesome in-game occurances (the type of stuff that is truly rare nowadays, since everyone rushes to post "How to get this _____ and How to beat that _____" guides every frickin hour lol so lame.

    I find such e-pleasure from turning into the even more rare *White*-Werewolf version and then getting to 'devour' player corpses lol. I pay my subscription to have fun. And being Werewolf = fun for me. Hence, i accept it's flaws.

    And by the time i'm VR12 , i can assure you that my final template will more than make up for a mere 9% damage 'disadvantage' .

    As for your above comment about "Sorceror boring 1 v 1" and "exact same builds" ,etc. ... Well again Eza: yet another reason i chose the initial path of non-typical level'ing & skill testing.

    The idea of being a FOTM or cookie-cutter template just does not appeal to me. If that makes certain hardcore players like You to look down at me like "wtf is with that noob?! " (lol) then so be it.

    And lastly: The fact that you never even knew my Class til recently is one of the biggest compliments you could ever give me. Whether you meant to or not. B)

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 12 June 2014 04:37
  • Ezareth
    I don't look down on you man, I just don't find you to be effective in PVP. I don't say that to insult you or to be elitist, it is just the truth.

    You aren't full of yourself and you play to have fun so I'm not going to rain on your parade, more power to you. I don't consider you "garbage" like so many others because you know exactly what you're doing and you having fun.

    Cookie cutter builds are an inevitability as balancing all of the skills is an impossibility. There will always be variance in group PVP, but 1 v 1 builds will always be cookie cutter.

    I've been far less "Scary" myself these past few days because I'm running half-support abilities on my bars and very little damage abilities.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • NeeScrolls
    I don't look down on you man, I just don't find you to be effective in PVP. I don't say that to insult you or to be elitist, it is just the truth.

    I respectfully disagree. And so does the Leaderboard lol.

    Also: Define "effective" .

    If you mean 1 vs.1 , as a low-level against You or MT or some other skilled VR12's ? Then yes, i agree. I'm not as 'effective' as you guys. Maybe just maybe when i'm VR12 myself (with my final build) , maybe i can be a 1 vs. 1 force-to-be-reckoned with. Maybe.

    But if you're honestly saying that i have not , or am not, at all 'effective" ever in the history of PVP in Cyrodiil then...well...i dunno thats just not truth.

    My points prove otherwise.

    My learning curve over the past few months prove otherwise.

    My achievements, both solo'd and leading groups (mostly pugs, which is much more difficult to lead than say You & your buddies) prove otherwise.

    My defense of Keeps by myself , tactically & wisely using NPC's & OILs strategically placed & planned, proves otherwise.

    My consistant perseverance overall proves otherwise.

    But hey, I don't really expect You to ever give me any sincere credit though lol after all , you are 'the enemy' .

    I am enjoying our little Forum PvP. Only, tbqh, you should login w/ MT now cuz the only people on Volendrung tonite is non-impressive Me against the new DC emp (sonicsight) & about 15 of his posse.

    - Nee

    p.s. btw: Take it from someone who is a notorious snob lol : You are most certainly a prototypical "elitist" PvPer. Nothing wrong with being one imo though, so just own it. Heck i wish there were more of you on our EP side.

    p.p.s. Forgot to mention earlier: FYI my supposedly "stupid" Werewolf choice also grants my groupmates a significant boost to their 'Ultimate charge-up' . I sacrifice myself for my peeps all the time; like a good leader should.

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 12 June 2014 09:27
  • Supersun
    , I just don't find you to be effective in PVP.

    Honestly in my experience some of the most helpful people in AvA type games aren't even that effective in PvP.

    There's a dime a dozen people that are great at PvP but do absolutely nothing useful to help AvA.

    The few that are good at PvP and helpful to the campaign are part of a guild that most likely originated outside of the campaign to begin with.

    Ultimately though, AvA matches are less decided by skill and more decided by coverage.

    That being said, if I were to rank the most impactful players on Volendrung I would likely rate Nee above both you and myself.

    Is the former Empress that effective at PvP? No, not really, but more points have probably been scored due to Nee's influence than AD points scored by yours.

    Heck, being honest I would probably rate the most influential player for EP and probably the second most influential person in Vol period to be Fog and he's only like level 10 and gets destroyed in PvP.
  • NeeScrolls
    Supersun wrote: »
    , I just don't find you to be effective in PVP.

    Is the Former Emperor that effective at PvP? No, not really, but more points have probably been scored due to Nee's influence


    lol so lemme get this straight:

    With no gear & a weak Sorceror build , I not only become the lowest-leveled Emp in the history of EP (on a so called "dead" server where our side is the biggest underdog ever) but also as a non-Vet i still remain at # 1 on Leaderboard AND the only EP player in Top 20 overall AND Top 10 in my Class, yet the enemy thinks me "ineffective" and my own side calls me "female" lol.

    Well, it's certainly easy to stay humble. B)

    Can't wait to see what everyone refers to me as during the next Campaign when i'm VR12 w/ a 'proper' build & gear set...


  • Anazasi
    OmG are you that placid. You got Emp title because DC wanted to swap emp to there next in line. If you cant see you earned a PVE title for capturing lightly defended keeps and fighting NPC's you have let your "humbleness" cloud reality. It's so sad when people think they accomplished something that was given to them. WTF reality check please.
  • SwampRaider
    It's funny though, EVERY DC PLAYER but TWO were server regulars. that's right, DC had only 2 guests. I should know, I was one of them. Volendrung is my guest campaign, I have a right to defend it.

    I would like to go back to my home campaign, But currently EP has the whole map and I only have 15 players vs their 40 and they farm us at the gates and play longer hours than we do. DC on Chrysamere is East coast, EP on that campaign has people for all hours. To top it off, There are NO AD on my server, making the battle incredibly only on 1 front. The AD died on chrysamere once an Emp Trading guild led by Mu Mu(who used to be on volen) quit the game.

    @ezareth_ESO‌ , You should know this by now:

    If 3 factions are fighting each other at a keep, defenders usually win. That's why when dethroning someone, you try not to attack the other side.

    Of course DC has had an influx of players. When you need a flipping MILLION AP to get Emperor who wouldn't want to come join the zerg and farm their carebear PVE title? Well Sonicsight can enjoy his PVE title for the next 15 days or so until you all unzip and work out a deal with EP to swap titles back and forth some more.

    Funny you mention ***. I played with him on his last day when OUR DC were guesting to his campaign to get you guys your PVE title. He told me about it and I brought about 10 other guys over there to troll our DC locals for a bit but the sheers numbers as usual overwhelmed us all. He quit the next day for much the same reason as I am. "Guesting" has pretty much killed EVERY campaign in this game.

    Out of the 9 times Murder Thumbs has assumed Emperor never ONCE did we assault a keep with the other side to do it, yet every single time Murder has been dethroned while he was online it has happened with both sides hitting him.

    I just want to point out: Our Emperor has been AWOL for so long, we keep crowning a ghost(but we need to, to keep our score up). It's really sad to see that Mu Mu quit, because now we actually have to guest in DC in order to take keeps back, since AD is non existent on our server. I'm sorry that he quit over guesting, but with his guild actualyl gone, we need to guest people in. The EP on our server have more palyers on average than we do and take keeps when we sleep. all in the while when all is said and done, farm us at the gates when we try to do *** we have to call in help.

    I'm sad to see you go though. any Server that loses a side, becomes boring and usually hurts 1 side more than the other.
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • Ezareth
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    Also: Define "effective" .

    p.s. btw: Take it from someone who is a notorious snob lol : You are most certainly a prototypical "elitist" PvPer. Nothing wrong with being one imo though, so just own it. Heck i wish there were more of you on our EP side.

    p.p.s. Forgot to mention earlier: FYI my supposedly "stupid" Werewolf choice also grants my groupmates a significant boost to their 'Ultimate charge-up' . I sacrifice myself for my peeps all the time; like a good leader should.[/color]

    We took a keep you were defending solo with 6 people. "Effective" would never let that happen. If I were in your spot I would have locked down the 1 healer in that spot while the NPCs killed the others. There is no way we should have killed you in that keep but we did, not because your level but because your placement and you lack of bolt escape. You fire seige and pour oil, both are easily avoidable and 1 person with purge on their bar completely negates them otherwise. Seige is useful when you have other people defending with you. As far as your ult I've never seen it and sacrificing 4 of the most powerful ults in the game at the cost of a single ult just so your allies (who only come with the zerg) can gain ult faster is just terrible man.

    Being effective isn't being #1 on the leaderboards. There isn't a single "effective" player in the top 10 of DCs leaderboard right now. They're all terrible yet looking at that list of names I consider each of them more effective (some of them just barely) than you from my past experience. Your lack of levels, gearing, build choice and chiefly your tactics are exactly what make you NOT effective.

    The only thing it takes right now to be a player who is #1 on the leaderboards on DC or EP right now is resilience. Stay in cyrodiil, show up at every keep defense, get AP for any players who die, get the defense ticks each time and you'll be #1. There is a guy who is going to take the #1 spot by repairing walls on DC (if we had continued to destroy them that is). How much AP you have isn't an indicator of how effective you are and that's half the problem with Cyrodiil.

    I still have a TON to learn from PVP in this game, I don't think I'm the best Sorc and I've learned something every day.

    If that makes me an "elitist" then so be it.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • NeeScrolls
    Anazasi wrote: »
    . You got Emp title because DC wanted to swap emp to there next in line. .

    You must be thinking of a different time & player.

    When i achieved 'Emperor' , it had nothing to do with DC emp-swapping.

    They only started doing that AFTER the 'pc' guild came in and invited them into their Teamspeak (allegedly lol) .

    Regardless, haters gonna hate. I like it. I feed off it. Keep it comin.

  • NeeScrolls

    We took a keep you were defending solo with 6 people. "Effective" would never let that happen.

    I still have a TON to learn from PVP in this game, I don't think I'm the best Sorc and I've learned something every day.

    So do i. This whole entire 1st Campaign has merely been a warm-up of me testing & learning & observing (including this thread) . The fact that i've still done so well (in points) just by essentially messing around is a testiment to prowess & potential.

    And i love how you hand-pick ONE instance from my progessively better 70+ days on Volendrung to "prove" your case lol.

    By that logic, YOU are even more ineffective than i could ever be, since sucky ineffective me killed you just a few days ago with my so called "wrong skill build" and "stupid pve methods" .

    Not all of us are so lucky as to have your innocent sidekick Murder Thumbs & his bug'd ultimate-moving-flag to umm be so "effective" behind. Not to mention a small gang of other VR12 pvp'ers always in your group; while i'm stuck with silly npc's and certain EP players who give-up at the first sign of any resistance or challenge lol.

    Anyways, forums are fun but i can feel myself getting further into 'troll-mode' now , so i'll just leave you with this:

    See you soon when i'm VR12 w/ full gear & template.

    Until then i'll just keep on having fun gaining points, devouring corpses, and playing the video-game using the same available 'war tools' the Devs place in front of every other subscriber...who chooses to utilize them.

    If that makes me "ineffective" then so be it.

    Just be sure you never get killed by me, cuz that sure will reflect so very poorly on you. B)

  • NeeScrolls
    And just to get this thread back on-topic (my fault, mostly) and on-track...

    The 'pc' guild is gone.

    DC owns the map currently , with a solid new Emperor (sonicsight) & about 15 or 20 in his group.

    If AD's top players haven't all quit or transferred (like Taran did) , it's very possible that MT, Ezareth, & their small band-of-brothers could have some really dynamic PVP battles w/ DC.

    As for our EP side, it's pretty much just 'ineffective' Nee (aka me) plus Felisity (very skilled, imo) and a handful of pugs that maybe stay online for a few minutes per day. Hopefully Fog will bring his guildees in soon as well.

    There are 14 days left in the Campaign.

    If you're someone who hates all the bs happening on Cerebus server, come on out to Volendrung and help inject some life into these last 2 weeks so we can finish things with a *bang* .

    Especially if you're Ebonheart Pact. Anything you need, let me know.

    Regardless, i'll be around. I'm always around.
  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    Twist of irony now DC is the 'unbeatable' faction with their MT clone emp and their all star lineup of former emps. EP assault got stomped down last night and I see the same thing happened again to AD. If it's not other factions not being able to commit to a 24 hour watch it's DC wanting to hog the entire map even though they're pretty much a shoe-in for 1st place. If Zeni does object strongly to emperor trading then I hope they ban each and every emp who gained the title in an unscrupulous manner instead of the hard work and dedication it was intended to be awarded to. I also hope that guilds full of jerks who constantly berate honest pvpers from anything to wanting to do actual pvp to not having a horse wither away from whatever new changes come after current camps end.
  • Anazasi
    It's over let it go. DC found a place they could dominate because they had numbers. Same thing EP did when they wanted to farm Emp. Just end the campaign so we can all see what changes will actually come. I know a lot of people are waiting to see how this shakes out before they un-sub personally it should never be "he who has the most wins" but I guess that's what its all about. Take pride that you have won based on numbers alone DC, good fight. Shame you got tossed off your old server cause you couldn't zerg there.
    Edited by Anazasi on 16 June 2014 00:53
  • wafcatb14_ESO
    ohwell if they are smart with all the scrubs trading emp between factions , i hope they remove all ablities, and passives , and make Emperor/former Emperor just a Title and cool armor , but that`s it .
  • Anazasi
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    And just to get this thread back on-topic (my fault, mostly) and on-track...

    The 'pc' guild is gone.

    DC owns the map currently , with a solid new Emperor (sonicsight) & about 15 or 20 in his group.

    If AD's top players haven't all quit or transferred (like Taran did) , it's very possible that MT, Ezareth, & their small band-of-brothers could have some really dynamic PVP battles w/ DC.

    Yes I left the campaign and 11 hours later rejoined to confirm mechanic aspects that I personally was not sure of. The only thing I would add to your post is that sonicsight is part of a guild with over 100+ active members. The actual number of her merry band of zergers is more in the number of 30 or more. Its rather funny though because they call on all of them to fight 12 players every time we take just one keep. Personally if I could defecate 100 AD players to simply wipe them I would because 90% of them are not good to be polite. But as we have seen repeatedly over the last week those who have the numbers will always win in pvp eventually. I should list my twitch account which has several recorded shows of them being less than smart but since a lot of conversations were never edited out I would feel bad if someone actually got their feeling hurt.
  • SwampRaider
    Anazasi wrote: »
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    And just to get this thread back on-topic (my fault, mostly) and on-track...

    The 'pc' guild is gone.

    DC owns the map currently , with a solid new Emperor (sonicsight) & about 15 or 20 in his group.

    If AD's top players haven't all quit or transferred (like Taran did) , it's very possible that MT, Ezareth, & their small band-of-brothers could have some really dynamic PVP battles w/ DC.

    Yes I left the campaign and 11 hours later rejoined to confirm mechanic aspects that I personally was not sure of. The only thing I would add to your post is that sonicsight is part of a guild with over 100+ active members. The actual number of her merry band of zergers is more in the number of 30 or more. Its rather funny though because they call on all of them to fight 12 players every time we take just one keep. Personally if I could defecate 100 AD players to simply wipe them I would because 90% of them are not good to be polite. But as we have seen repeatedly over the last week those who have the numbers will always win in pvp eventually. I should list my twitch account which has several recorded shows of them being less than smart but since a lot of conversations were never edited out I would feel bad if someone actually got their feeling hurt.

    100+ active members does not mean 100 of them are active at the same time. I'd give actual active numbers for cyrodiil for pvp nights, but that would be TMI
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • Anazasi
    If its more than your enemy (which its always is x3) then what does that say about your skill.
  • NeeScrolls
    Anazasi wrote: »
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    And just to get this thread back on-topic (my fault, mostly) and on-track...

    The 'pc' guild is gone.

    DC owns the map currently , with a solid new Emperor (sonicsight) & about 15 or 20 in his group.

    If AD's top players haven't all quit or transferred (like Taran did) , it's very possible that MT, Ezareth, & their small band-of-brothers could have some really dynamic PVP battles w/ DC.

    Yes I left the campaign and 11 hours later rejoined to confirm mechanic aspects that I personally was not sure of.

    I should list my twitch account which has several recorded shows of them being less than smart but since a lot of conversations were never edited out I would feel bad if someone actually got their feeling hurt.

    Over the past 2 weeks, in this thread and in-game, i have been called: "ineffective" , a "female" , an "emp-swapper" , "lucky" , "stupid for being White-Werewolf" , and a "traitor deal-maker w/ enemy factions" ... NONE of which are true lol (except maybe the 'lucky' thing, but i'd like to think i make my own luck...mostly. )

    Anyways, the point is: Better have some *thick skin* if you're gonna PVP imo.

    Lastly, we have 10 days left in this Campaign. imho, there's got to be a way to make the best of it. Unfortunately, our EP side has literally me & like 3 consistant players (except when GSCH guild comes in for a couple hours once-a-week) .

    If it didn't go completely against my video game semi-rp'ish ESO War 'code of ethics' , i'd say AD unite with EP against DC.

    But alas, that would make me a hypocrite...and i guess i'd rather be QQ'ing in 3rd Place w/ a *blue map* than compromise my e-values. B)

  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    Speaking of that what happened that night? I thought EP had a good chance to do something then just like that everything went belly up. Did the entire guild have to go pumpkin then and there or did they not want to fight DC's emperess/former emps by the dozen? It didn't look like DC had that many on besides the emperor, 1 other former emp, and a smattering of vets. Was rather depressing that all of the progress EP had made ended up getting wiped out within the hour. This morning it looked like AD wanted to make a comeback and even though they held onto Bloodmayne for hours, I guess they just couldn't sustain the numbers to hold.

    BTW EP didn't 'own the map' except by the good graces of the PC guild and their emperor jerkwads. They went out of their way to discourage active participation by native camp players and alienated what vets EP DID have at the time. Now they've effectively abandoned the server. They epitomize everything currently wrong with PVP at present. If they do change Emp abilities, I hope they make them more relevant to pvp in general than just a big IWIN stick they can swing around. Or at the very least make them only work in Cyrodiil and only in a native campaign.
    Edited by WarrioroftheWind_ESO on 16 June 2014 04:04
  • NeeScrolls
    Speaking of that, what happened that night? I thought EP had a good chance to do something then just like that everything went belly up. Did the entire guild have to go pumpkin ?

    For whatever reason, the majority of all those players only seem to ever login for 2 hours. (like clockwork)

    I did my best (during those 2 hours) to offer my own tactical suggestions, but i was either met with accusations of "selfishly only wanting Emperor again" or met with claims that "DC would just call in their zerg anyway" .

    In fairness to Fog, that group didn't have very many VR12's.

    Anyways, I'm still proud to be 'Ebonheart Pact' and i'm always extremely grateful to all the many EP players i've faught with, but i've never had this much trouble motivating/organizing PVP'ers to stay consistant and confident in all my few years of MMO's.

    Next campaign, IF i end up tops on the Leaderboard again, i need to do a much better job early on at leading groups. Or maybe find a different role to play; that's more beneficial to our side overall.

  • Ezareth
    Speaking of that what happened that night? I thought EP had a good chance to do something then just like that everything went belly up. Did the entire guild have to go pumpkin then and there or did they not want to fight DC's emperess/former emps by the dozen? It didn't look like DC had that many on besides the emperor, 1 other former emp, and a smattering of vets. Was rather depressing that all of the progress EP had made ended up getting wiped out within the hour. This morning it looked like AD wanted to make a comeback and even though they held onto Bloodmayne for hours, I guess they just couldn't sustain the numbers to hold.

    BTW EP didn't 'own the map' except by the good graces of the PC guild and their emperor jerkwads. They went out of their way to discourage active participation by native camp players and alienated what vets EP DID have at the time. Now they've effectively abandoned the server. They epitomize everything currently wrong with PVP at present. If they do change Emp abilities, I hope they make them more relevant to pvp in general than just a big IWIN stick they can swing around. Or at the very least make them only work in Cyrodiil and only in a native campaign.

    We never tried to make a comeback. Volendrung can stay dead. We've crowned enough garbage DC emperors. We just got tired of farming wabba and decided to farm the garbage in Volendrung instead. After about 140K AP of wiping them over and over for a good 4 hours they finally gave up and we went to sleep. Apparently having every Cyrodiil buff, double the numbers and a DK Emperor isn't enough to take a keep. When they finally did take Bloodmayne it was undefended.

    They really need to fix the AP rewards in this game to not favor zergs . Apparently we're worth over 1K AP when they kill us yet when we kill their trash Emperor for the 15th time he's worth 29AP. It's a wonder we even bother.

    If anyone is going to give DC another Emperor Nee, it is going to be people within your faction or a guest EP Emperor trading zerg they bring in because we'll never take the inner ring again.

    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • NeeScrolls

    If anyone is going to give DC another Emperor Nee, it is going to be people within your faction or a guest EP Emperor trading zerg they bring in because we'll never take the inner ring again.


    Fair enough and i can certainly respect your point-of-view. But umm FYI: i have no desire to "give" DC emperor lol. I'm merely looking to rally my EP side and initiate some semblance of fun fighting for our server.

    Welcome back btw. /bow

    p.s. I just got a radical IDEA: I realize it's a 'War' & all but...what if i tried to setup a certain (secret) time-span day/night where your small AD team and our small EP team had a little BATTLE at a Keep or 2 over these final ten days of the Campaign??

    Call it a 'Rumble for Respect' ...both personally and philosophically. B)

    Edited by NeeScrolls on 16 June 2014 07:02
  • Supersun
    We could pretty easily set up a 'Fight Club' location.

    If DC let's us take and keep Drakelowe (which does absolutely nothing significant for DC) the most Southern Bridge by AD's eastern gate would be fairly accessible to all 3 factions atm (unless DC loses the rest of the map), and would be a fairly interesting duel location that's out of the way enough so that it wouldn't be interfered with by normal AvA activity.
  • wafcatb14_ESO
    yep a lot of Gsch event were cancelled this week , however our events are public as in open to everyone. and they are posted ahead of time . all one needs to do is go to the website and look at the events calendar .

    but yea while we normaly have small events going on every couple days , we only have our big events 2 days a week .
  • Dahter
    Soul Shriven
    Volendrung sucks
  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    Elitist jerk emperor farming guilds suck.

    But anywho, anyone know if points you currently have get wiped once camps end? Like say I have 53k saved up, is it gonna get dumped or could I hold onto it? It's probably out of the question to hope to buy one of the epic vet pieces, but maybe a blue goodie bag.
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