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Nobody fishes. So why not get rid of the bait items in plants and undead mobs?

I saw a few people try it out in the very first area when the game first launched, since then I've not seen anyone but NPCs fishing -ever-.

I see no reason to believe anyone does it, and the bait items are nothing but useless clutter. They aren't worth a single gold piece and people are constantly leaving them in plant mats so they don't respawn.

Just get rid of them. It doesn't really need to be fixed because nobody uses it. No one will miss it, or rather the few that will are such an extreme minority that it's not really worth considering.

This isn't something that really needs to be improved. It's just a feature that as far as I can tell, nobody uses and nobody will miss if it's gone.

I could see it if there was a decent population of fishers in the game, but I've never seen it. As it is now, the bait items are just annoying clutter that doesn't need to be there and fishing itself is an unused feature for the vast majority of users.

The game would be better without fishing, or at least creating another separate way to gather worms and bugs for fishing without sticking them in plant resources. Make little dirt mounds or leaf pile resources for gathering them. Maybe I'm just not seeing the fishers in the game and they do need a way to gather their bait, but it doesn't seem it and it's just intrusive as it's implemented right now.

There are few things more annoying than players who take plant mats and leave bugs behind and cleaning them out of the inventory is an unnecessary hassle.

It's nice that it was tried, but from what I've seen it's a failed and unused mechanic that doesn't need to be there. If that's the case, just get rid of it. I doubt anyone will really miss it.
Edited by Contrabardus on 20 May 2014 06:21
  • eNumbra
    I fish, I find it relaxing after doing nothing but running between quest markers and grinding mobs to sit for a bit and see if I can roll any of the rares.

    Being able to fish one handed also allows me the opportunity to eat between quests.

    Honestly you can really enjoy some immersion factor(despite being forced into third person for it) I was soaking up some sun on the Alik'r shoreline wearing just my boots and greaves, with the gulls and waves in the background and the mudcrubs scuttling around at my feet.

    They just need to make the rare fish lootable. That is literally, all they need.
  • AKSb16_ESO2
    I do not need PVP. I never saw anybody do PVP, so please let's get rid of PVP, nobody needs it, the game would be better without PVP...
  • aletad11_ESO
    Fishing could be fun if there was a good reason to do it. Like having a random chance of fishing up a treasure chest like you get from treasure maps. It would be good if fish were used for provisioning as well, but the way it is now I fail to see the point in doing it.
  • Phantax
    Fishing could be fun if there was a good reason to do it. Like having a random chance of fishing up a treasure chest like you get from treasure maps. It would be good if fish were used for provisioning as well, but the way it is now I fail to see the point in doing it.

    Agreed, fishing is a time sink, therefor you should need some incentive to do it.
    One of the best reasons would have been to get food/ingredients for provisioning !
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Contrabardus
    My issue is more with the bait system than actual fishing. Worms and Crawlers are seriously useless and annoying clutter to most players.

    Create a different spot to loot those items or just let players get by with guts or catching butterflies and glowbugs.

    The reason it's there is because of Fishing. Most players don't, and the impact of that particular minigame is more an annoyance than anything else to most players. A minor one, but also a constant one.

    Make little dirt piles or piles of leaves to gather worms and crawlers from and stop putting them in mobs and plants.

    I don't really care if fishing is there, I just wish it was less intrusive to other areas of the game. That's easily done by simply removing them from the items list of certain containers and putting them elsewhere.

    Cleaning them out of the inventory is a small matter. Not a huge deal, but many players leave them in plants and that keeps them from respawning. That's a bit more of an irritant and needs to be addressed.

    If they absolutely must be in plants, force players to take them and dispose of them. Just put them into the inventory whether a player wants them or not, and they can dispose of them or keep them as they see fit. Simply leaving them is inconsiderate and deserving of punishment.

    Not a ban or suspension or anything. Just put a really nasty AoE fire blast that gets set off if a player leaves a bug or worm in a mat container or have it summon a particularly strong mob that doesn't give XP or drops when killed.

    That's probably not going to happen, but seriously. Get rid of the bugs in these mats or make players take them. I'd be happier with the former, but the latter would satisfy as well.
  • reagen_lionel
    fishing used to originally be for provisioning. Now they took it out and just left it as.. that.

    theres no reason for fishing at all. So I have never considered it, and many people havent. I dont care about any acheivements related to it. Thus bait is worse than vendor junks. For at least you'll get some gold out of them, bait is literally just a waste of space.
  • ttwinklerub17_ESO
    1. I would fish if they fix it - I have fished
    2. there is No trophy list - ...let get this fixed and have one- at least let us be able to mount our trophy kills on a plaque for our house in the future
    what id like to see is our first kills of most of our enemies be mounted and let us decorate our house our way - chosing which trophies to place from our trophy list the rest are put in are house chest
    3. bugged fishing spots - including one in daggerfall that say you cannot fish here because you are in werewolf form (and you arem't and haven't been bitten)
    4. fish should be another ingredient for dishes/provisioning

    what i would like to see is more ingredients used in potion making and provisioning...
    to explain

    in morrowind up to 4 ingredients were used to make potions
    and we had 4 tools - which we experimented with both combinations of ingredients and tools to make something

    what id like to see is the four ingredient combos back - (not the two we have now)
    and further to cross-use some of the items

    im sure a little seasoning from the plants would be good for food
    and im sure things like frog legs and mudcrap eyes,clams, bear gallbadder, and an miraiad of other types of items they can add

    and while your at it let us create jewelry, rings, amulets, bracelets, necklaces, broaches
    we can use claws, talons, Sabertooth tiger fangs,slaughterfish parts and eggs, etc to make items (even for weapon materials. and let us design the look of the weapons)
  • Ojustaboo
    I fish, maybe I'm nobody :)
  • mowind
    Fishing could be fun if there was a good reason to do it. Like having a random chance of fishing up a treasure chest like you get from treasure maps. It would be good if fish were used for provisioning as well, but the way it is now I fail to see the point in doing it.

    Good idea, the bot's need a new place to go.

  • Auralia
    I fish whenever I see a fishing spot, though fishing is almost entirely useless. I find it kind of relaxing. I don't want bait removed. The fish you catch with bait can be sold for gold to vendors, so it's not entirely worthless.
  • Seravi
    I fish and so do a lot of other players. I get runes, weapons, etc fishing. I have noticed the rare fish are applying to my achievements so that is working.
  • Weberda
    After reading this post I am going to make a concerted effort to fish more. The pro-fishing folks have good points. And after a while I really need a break in this game anyway.
    Fernwood, EP Haderus NA
    Lo Behold, AD Thornblade NA (formerly Haderus, inactive)
  • zhevon
    I fish to clean up the small stack bait items and while waiting for some event like domen poping. Until they fix some of the fishing bugs I really won't do a lot of fishing.
  • Fairydragon3
    I fish, but right now it's broken, rare fish dont get put in the inventory, stuff like that, but meh, worth the extra gold if i'm just waiting
  • FishBreath
    I fish all the time and then sell the fish. I would fish even more if the rare fish were collectable and not bugged.
  • Lady_D
    Soul Shriven
    I would fish if it would serve some useful purpose like obtaining provisioning mats or there was a chance to get some useful item from it. As it is now, I have no incentive to ever fish. I agree, the insect parts and worms are simply another way to clutter our already insufficient bag space.
  • Fairydragon3
    Lady_D wrote: »
    I would fish if it would serve some useful purpose like obtaining provisioning mats or there was a chance to get some useful item from it. As it is now, I have no incentive to ever fish. I agree, the insect parts and worms are simply another way to clutter our already insufficient bag space.

  • RubyTigress
    When they fix fishing so it's worth an effort, instead of having the rare fish, as an example, neither come into my inventory nor trigger the achievement (grumblegrumblegrumble) I'll give fishing another try.

    In the meantime, just destroy the bait items if you don't want to give it a go.
  • Schnurrer
    To me this sound like:

    *buäbuä* My inventory is so small, every additional item fills me up complete. *sigh* I wanted jute and all i got was a worm - i should quit the game. *shrug* I am not intrested in fishing - you should remove it from the game.

    Sry for this kind of language but im in this mooooood right now^^

    What about making the fishes igridients for food? Or for potions - there are not much ingridients for potions anyway...

  • LonePirate
    If ZOS wants more people to fish, they should create Provisioning recipes that require the caught fish. These recipes should offer buffs that are far above and beyond the best recipes in the game right now. With Achievements being meaningless right now and with much faster ways to earn more gold, fishing is an activity that few will partake in presently.
  • darkphoenix77b14_ESO
    I don't believe getting rid of fishing is an answer, I will agree it should be more like other ES games and fish should have uses besides vendoring. Certain ones should have alchemical properties and others should have provisioning uses. Reduce the amount of 'trophy' fish as those are just vendor trash. Allow fishing in any water deep enough to fish in and restrict pool fishing to when people are searching for something in particular. As it stands now fishing is next to pointless, and that is why inconsiderate players leave the bait behind sometimes.....I always try and remove all items from a node, the only times I am guilty of leaving the bait behind is when my bags are full and I don't want to destroy something to pick up another item I will most likely also destroy.
  • Niliu
    Wait wait wait... So not only is fishing pointless, it's broken? Lolz
    Gimme back my sweetroll or so help me
  • RubyTigress
    I know some people have pulled out loot sacks-so I'm sure it's worth something to someone.

    But I haven't fished at all since the achievement fish didn't give me either the fish nor the achievement.

    I went back to slaughtering mudcrabs to see what loots they might have stored in anatomically inexplicable orifices.
    Edited by RubyTigress on 20 May 2014 13:50
  • Thalmar
    Fishing is fun, relaxing, social aspect of MMOs if it has been implemented wisely. But it is obvious developers priority is mostly on the end-game consumer raider group. If fishing was connected with provisioning, trophies, alchemy, etc. it would be so much fun, but right now it is nothing more than buggy, and more like "Look we have fishing in our game" implementation with a rush. All developers should understand a raider consumes game 10 time faster than people who uses RP elements of the games, amongst fishing. On sub based games proiority has to be other crowd than raiders if they want game lives longer. I just wish we had a skill line for fishing like we had in betas, we could catch unique trophies, fishes, some fishing competitions, hidden pools for unlock hidden achievements, etc. But let's focus on Craglorn for the people reach VR10 in 5 days.

    P.S:This post is against the people who suggest take away a RP element of the game because they don't like it, actually i never minded raiding take place in MMOs even i never liked it, but suggesting "The game would be better without fishing" would be same as if i say "The game would be better without raiding".
  • Raash
    Hmm, ive heard rumors about this miracle techniqe for problems like these. Somehow people have thrown away items they found not usable or worth to keep, try Google, must be a guide out there hos to do it?
  • JunkyardWolf
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    I fish, maybe I'm nobody :)

    Guess that makes two of us :)

  • columbineb14_ESO
    I do not need PVP. I never saw anybody do PVP, so please let's get rid of PVP, nobody needs it, the game would be better without PVP...

    Careful! Some of us would deliberately ignore your sarcasm and agree with that.

    (Nah, not really. I don't do PvP but I don't have any malice toward those who do.)
    I have just told you more than I know.
  • columbineb14_ESO
    Fishing could be fun if there was a good reason to do it. Like having a random chance of fishing up a treasure chest like you get from treasure maps. It would be good if fish were used for provisioning as well, but the way it is now I fail to see the point in doing it.

    Yup. When I first tried fishing I was assuming you'd need fish as cooking mats for certain recipes. Once I learned that wasn't the case I gave up. The only reason I can see to fish now (unless you really like staring fixedly at the little bobber waiting to click) is that fish sell for something and bait doesn't, and I'm just not that hard up for cash.
    I have just told you more than I know.
  • Blackwolfe5
    If I have the appropriate bait and there is a fishing hole, I almost always fish. Sometimes I even take detours to see if there are any active fishing holes nearby.
  • SDZald
    Seravi wrote: »
    I fish and so do a lot of other players. I get runes, weapons, etc fishing. I have noticed the rare fish are applying to my achievements so that is working.

    Are you sure they fixed that? It was one of the reasons I stopped fishing, the rare fish I caught weren't showing up as achievements.

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