Ya but what you fail to realize is that diversity in play styles is a GOOD thing.
Is it OP that a DK can sit behind his shield and pop Green Dragon's Blood to keep himself alive? Is is OP that a Templar with Channeling Focus and Lingering Ritual can be unkillable? Is it OP that a Night Blade can stay invisible for minutes at a time and walk around in the middle of an enemy zerg? I'm also a bit of an altaholic and I play these styles as well. Right now my alts are all fairly low level, but throughout Beta I tried many styles and many builds. Before long, I'll have a VR character of each class representing multiple play styles.
In case you haven't realized yet by the way, YOUR views are in the tiny minority. Someone did a poll and about 60% of respondents thought the skill was fine. Considering all the whining on this forum, I bet the percentage is MUCH larger in the general non-forum player base. Brian Wheeler also said that while they're looking at the skill, he doesn't see the problem.
By contrast there's about 5 people who seem to have a real issue with it. One of those has since admitted he was wrong and started calling me NordJitsu-san, since my advice has apparently helped him counter it.
The OP of this thread, one of the biggest QQ'ers, has apparently figured out how to counter it despite claiming its not possible. Say what you want (because lying is fun?) that Sorc was trying to get away. The only reason he turned was that he realized the Shield Charge could effectively prevent him from doing so. He had no idea that OP was out of stamina.
I have a similar problem. A lot of DKs are using Reflective Scales to reflect things at me.
You're doing that selective quoting thing again. That was not a serious argument. It was a cute sarcastic remark at the beginning of a rather long post that made the actual argument. Its an attention grabber and a topic setter.
Sorry, is the ability named "Bolt Kite" or "Bolt Battle Positioning"????
Seems clear to me that putting the word "escape" in there makes it clear that escape is one of the intended functions.
If anyone wants to say this video shows that BE is balanced they must first make a case that this single sorcerer is a valid representative by intent and capacity of the sorcerer class.
To say this one death scene shows that the BE is balanced in all it's capacities is what they call "cherry picking".
To be 100% clear, yes I believe that the name helps to show the intention of the skill (though the one cherry picked sentence was clearly just for fun), but the mechanics of the skill show that fairly well on their own. Any time a developer puts a skill like that in the game, which quickly increases your speed, without a target requirement, its clearly intended to be used as an escape and/or travel mechanism. These guys aren't dumb and it isn't their first radio.
That's one reason the GW2 analogy is apt. The Warrior was given many abilities that quickly increased its speed without a target limit. The developers did not seem nearly as surprised as the players that people were using these skills to quickly engage and disengage from fights. Even though there wasn't an ability called "Blade Escape" or "Great Sword Escape" it appeared to be an intended feature.
Like the Sorcerer, the Great Sword Warrior was capable of putting out high damage over a short duration of time but was relatively squishy. Like the Sorcerer, this squishiness was made up for with mobility.
This is hardly an uncommon theme in MMOs, which is why I'm forced to question the experience of the QQ'ers on this issue.
ruzlb16_ESO wrote: »If anyone wants to say this video shows that BE is balanced they must first make a case that this single sorcerer is a valid representative by intent and capacity of the sorcerer class.
To say this one death scene shows that the BE is balanced in all it's capacities is what they call "cherry picking".
I don't think anyone is saying that. What the OP is saying is that it shows BE isn't balanced, which is equally incorrect (doubly so given that he kills the sorc, and triply so due to his reasoning relying on him being capable of discerning the sorc's intentions through some kind of telepathy).
My understanding is that the OP believes it is balanced for actual fights, just not for bailing on PvP. Is this not the case?
To be 100% clear, yes I believe that the name helps to show the intention of the skill (though the one cherry picked sentence was clearly just for fun), but the mechanics of the skill show that fairly well on their own. Any time a developer puts a skill like that in the game, which quickly increases your speed, without a target requirement, its clearly intended to be used as an escape and/or travel mechanism. These guys aren't dumb and it isn't their first radio.
That's one reason the GW2 analogy is apt. The Warrior was given many abilities that quickly increased its speed without a target limit. The developers did not seem nearly as surprised as the players that people were using these skills to quickly engage and disengage from fights. Even though there wasn't an ability called "Blade Escape" or "Great Sword Escape" it appeared to be an intended feature.
Like the Sorcerer, the Great Sword Warrior was capable of putting out high damage over a short duration of time but was relatively squishy. Like the Sorcerer, this squishiness was made up for with mobility.
This is hardly an uncommon theme in MMOs, which is why I'm forced to question the experience of the QQ'ers on this issue.
ruzlb16_ESO wrote: »
Yes, that's the case. However, that's merely because his interpretation of the sorc's actions here is flatly wrong.
The case he's making relies on the assumption that the sorc isn't trying to escape this fight. This is easily contestable, given that it most definitely looks like the sorc is making a run for it when you actually watch the video - the OP has chased down and killed a sorc trying to run away via Bolt Escape.
Essentially, the OP has won a fight, and then had to manufacture a reason for him winning given that his opponent was using a skill that he believes is overpowered for the precise use that the sorc is employing. Hence, he declares that the sorc is merely using it for positioning, and that his intention is to fight - despite the sorc not actually doing any fighting for the initial 40 seconds. He is making a blind assumption by declaring that he knows the sorcerer wants to fight eventually, even when he spends the first half of the fight trying to avoid doing so and making no attempt to engage until reinforcements arrive. Instead, we must take the leap of faith that the sorc is simply trying to run the opponent's stamina down, at te expense of nearly all his majicka (so much of it used on BE that he cannot even afford MF by the end, and must use Dark Exchange).
Hence, if the video is intended to show that BE is balanced when used for fighting but not for running away, that isn't what it's actually showing if the Sorc isn't looking to fight anyway. It's showing BE being used to run away, and the sorc failing to do so. So if it was balanced for fighting due to the closers shown in the video, and the sorc was actually fleeing, it shows that those closers work just as well to prevent running away.
This is like the fifth or sixth video someone has posted showing how to stop BE being used to escape... and the OP didn't actually realize that's what he was posting. It's funny how no matter how many of these vids get posted, they don't count unless they strengthen the 'it's OP' side. The easy example vids are 'staged'; the in-combat ones are 'the sorc wasn't very good' or 'the sorc wasn't using BE that way, he was using it in the acceptable way'. It's exactly what we saw as responses to the vamp vid - there was always some reason why it worked here but which was completely invalid for general use. By next week, everyone will have figured out the counters for it and every group will have 2-3 people using high mobility builds to chase down other high-mobility builds, and there'll be a new nerf target, and there'll be videos showing how to counter it, and there'll be people sat yelling about how those aren't valid for general use too.
ruzlb16_ESO wrote: »He also has some kind of damage shield, tho I think that's probably from gear rather than an active skill.
prana33b14_ESO wrote: »LOL. How can he have used dark exchange? It's a channel that floats you up in the air while it channels. The guy was on his ass bashing him as it was and he still lost when it became 2v1. Do you understand how the mechanics of dark exchange works?
ruzlb16_ESO wrote: »My understanding is that the OP believes it is balanced for actual fights, just not for bailing on PvP. Is this not the case?
Yes, that's the case. However, that's merely because his interpretation of the sorc's actions here is flatly wrong.
The case he's making relies on the assumption that the sorc isn't trying to escape this fight. This is easily contestable, given that it most definitely looks like the sorc is making a run for it when you actually watch the video - the OP has chased down and killed a sorc trying to run away via Bolt Escape.
He could have used it if he had chosen to gain more ground to protect it's cast.
He also knew that I was out of stamina when I stopped using invasion on him and had to waddle over to him. At a few times he actually TURNS TOWARD ME to see if an invasion is coming. He blocks it and BEs again and TURNS TOWARD ME to see if I'm using it again.
He knows that I am low on stamina when I no longer use invasion to close the gap. This is OBVIOUS, but you people are so emotionally invested in having your escape that you are either too self-deluded or dishonest to see it.
If his only intention was to run away then why would he turn to face me at any point in this fight? That's right, HE WOULDN'T.
ruzlb16_ESO wrote: »He'd turn to face you to see what you're doing. That's a non-starter frankly.
It was clear he had enough magicka left to throw spells at the chaser, so if this is the case, what was stopping him from bolting to his ally and turning the tables on him?prana33b14_ESO wrote: »I'm leaning way more towards he was someone from his faction and decided to take a stand hoping a 2v1 would keep him alive. YOU STILL KILLED HIM.
Cheatingdeath23 wrote: »@NordJitu
1st video - Most of those points are void except the one with speed increase.
2nd video - Sorc could of got away twice so that's voided as well.
I thought the videos were interesting.
Short summary:
If close to the mage, use a charge attack when they try to bolt escape
If at more range, use the javelin to stun mages during bolt escape
If the mage gets two bolts away, do not pursue unless you are an archer and have hasty retreat.
Pretty solid summary. Any ranged knock down will work though, doesn't have to be Javelin. And most of the charges have a 22m range, so you don't even really have to be that close.
Bow > Bolt
As soon as your in range popping them with a Draining Shot will travel all the way to their Bolt location and stun them there. Bombard will cut down in their running while regening. Then you just keep nagging them with basic attacks until they flop over and die. Medium armor + Bow is hard for anyone to get away from... and I use speed pots too...
I enjoy the chase. It's a race that if I win I get alliance points. Not built for speed? Well why the hell are you mad about losing the race? A CAT Bulldozer isn't going to beat a Buggatti Veyron...but it'll jack one up pretty good if it's parked though.