This thread is intended to gather suggestions for improving the crafting systems and interface for each current crafting skill. Please keep the thread civil. If you don't like someones idea, no need to bash them about it. You can make another thread to debate the issue and you can supply the link in this thread so as to not clutter this thread with debate. Since I have no way of moderating this thread I can only leave it up to every poster to abide by the rules of the forums and rules of this post by faith alone that everyone will do as they should. Simply give your suggestion of how you would want it without being negative. Also try to give us a one to two sentence summary that is clear and concise.
I will do my best to keep it updated with suggestions as they come and keep it in a format that is clear and understandable. If there comes to were there are multiple ways suggested that conflict with each other, I may poll in a separate thread to get a consensus to add it to the suggestion list once ready to submit it. I will update this post for about 2 weeks and then submit it to ZOS for their consideration. I am no way affiliated or paid by ZOS and just a normal player like everyone else.
*If we could have a moderator sticky this to the crafting discussions category it would be much appreciated.
1. System
- Fix Medicinal Use - taking perks in this skill does not increase the timer on any potion.
- Fix Snakeblood - taking perks in this skill does not reduce negative effects on any potion.
- Once achieving Level 10, put 5 or more points into Alchemy and know at least one effect from each component gain a title; Apprentice Alchemist.
- Once achieving Level 25, put 10 or more points into Alchemy and know all effects from each component gain a title; Journeyman Alchemist.
- Once achieving Level 50, learned all the effects of each component and invested in all skills to the max gain a title; Master Alchemist and a costume to represent your profession.
- Add daily crafting quest(s) that require you take make x amount of items or certain item. Reward could be a temporary buff that gives a chance to make more of a potion at once.
3. Gathering
- Decrease the amount potions that randomly drop server wide to help increase the value of Alchemy potions so people will seek out to obtain them.
4. Interface
- Include a combine list of mixtures that has been discovered view-able in your journal.
- Slider for choosing quantity of potions to make. (Temporarily achieved by this addon MultiCraft)
- Implement more filters for inventory like what is accomplished by the addon Advanced Filters
1. System
- Adjust inspiration gained from crafting and deconstructing to be more in tuned to the other crafting skills. Currently other crafting skills have more random drops to deconstruct compared to enchanting. (This could be resolved with implementing the below suggestion)
- Add the ability to deconstruct armor/weapons if they have an enchantment to gain inspiration and it breaks down just like a glyph would.
- Once achieving Level 10, put 5 or more points into Enchanting and have translated 5 or more essence runes gain a title; Apprentice Enchanter/Enchantress.
- Once achieving Level 25, put 10 or more points into Enchanting and translate all essence runes, gain a title; Journeyman Enchanter/Enchantress.
- Once achieving Level 50, translated all the runes and invested in all skills to the max, gain a title; Master Enchanter/Enchantress and a costume to represent your profession.
- Add daily crafting quest(s) that require you take make x amount of items or certain item. Reward could be a green or better, quality glyph or aspect rune.
2. Gathering
- Remove Aspect/Essence/Potency nodes and replace with a single type of rune node and set the node to a % chance to drop any of the three categories.
- Add flavor to name of hireling to distinguish itself from others. ie Acolyte Hireling
- Change hireling timers from 24/12 hours to 20 hours and include two chests in one mail for 3/3 perk.
3. Interface
- Include what rank a rune is in any inventory screen for quick reference.
- Include discovered combinations in your journal.
- Slider to choose quantity of glyphs to craft/deconstruct. (Temporarily achieved by this addon MultiCraft)
- Deconstruction tab: Checkbox for "Hide/Show Banked Items"
- Implement more filters for inventory like what is accomplished by the addon Advanced Filters
1. System
- Allow the ability to chat while fishing.
- The rare fish don't show up in your inventory; you catch something that potentially has monetary value and the takeaway from it is actually less then catching a 3 gold normal fish
- Add provisioning recipes requiring fish
- Add alchemist properties to certain fish
- Possibly make some fish into edible boost providing items on their own
- At the very least put caught fish in the inventory.
- Move enemies away from fishing nodes or lessen their respawn time or increase chance of gaining rare fish/gunnysacks to compensate for spent time dealing with respawns.
- Add a daily quest for fishing.
2. Gathering (Lures)
- Add craftable lures in Provisioning to use ingredients like; plump worms, goat bits, maggots, etc to give an increased chance of catching rare fish or gunnysacks.
- Eliminate the need for inventory space for lures as this tends to keep people from trying fishing due to limiting inventory space. People are more prone to deleting the lures because of this and not trying fishing.
3. Interface
- Implement more filters for inventory like what is accomplished by the addon Advanced Filters
- Change the view when entering fishing like to first person view so seeing the bobber is easier and not awkward looking.
1. System
- Ability to make your own campfire and cook on the spot.
- Slow down inspiration gain so it is not quite so fast to level. Suggested decrease by 20%.
- Add daily crafting quest(s) that require you take make x amount of items or certain item. Reward could be a few rare ingredients or random recipe.
- Once achieving Level 10, put 5 or more points into Provisioning and know at least 10 recipes, gain a title; Apprentice Cook.
- Once achieving Level 25, put 10 or more points into Provisioning and half of the existing recipes, gain a title; Chef.
- Once achieving Level 50, learned all the recipes and invested in all skills to the max gain a title; Master Chef and a costume to represent your profession.
- Fortified Mountain Lager Recipe - This recipe can not be learned by a Provisioner. You can click on it all day long, but nothing will happen.
2. Gathering
- More lootable objects, such as wheat, cabbage etc on farms. Meat dropping of appropriate mobs.
- Add more grocers for selling provisioning materials.
- Have hirelings on chance to send recipes to more inline with other skills.
- Add flavor to name of hireling to distinguish itself from others.
- Currently Veteran Rank Tier ingredients are not dropping in veteran rank zones. VR players have to leave their leveling process/area and go to Coldharbour and compete with Tier 4 ingredients at the same to to obtain VR Tier ingredients.
- Certain tiers appear to not be dropping recipes consistently compared to other levels.
- There are currently 2 different versions of Jazbay Grapes in the game. One of them is rare & is used as an upgrade component for purple recipes, while the other one is a common normal ingredient. One of these needs a name change.
- Change hireling timers from 24/12 hours to 20 hours and include two chests in one mail for 3/3 perk.
5. Interface
- Include what rank a provisioning ingredient is in any inventory screen for quick reference.
- Include known recipes book in your journal.
- Slider to choose quantity of food/drink to make. (Temporarily achieved by this addon MultiCraft)
- Implement more filters for inventory like what is accomplished by the addon Advanced Filters
- More filters for the crafting interface to sort by level or quality. ie Farmer's Market Hireling
- On raw and refined materials should have what level they are used for in tool-tip.
Armor & Weapons
1. System
- Ability to repair your own items with level appropriate materials.
- Ability to craft trade-able consumable repair kits.
- All sets bonuses excluding veteran dungeons/trials should be craftable (Suggestion as to how it is implemented is to be discussed here.)
- Ability to craft bags, but make the cost comparable to the current gold sink equivalent.
- Add daily crafting quest(s) that require you take make x amount of items or certain item. Reward could be an improvement material.
- Change hireling timers from 24/12 hours to 20 hours and include two chests in one mail for 3/3 perk.
- In order to reward dedicated and achieved crafters. Improvement Tempers should be adjusted to where is it stricter on the non-crafters and slightly looser on the dedicated and achieved crafters from their current figures. Extraction chances should be minimal across the board for those that have no skill points into extraction or the level of the craft. The higher level the craft in tandem with the extraction skill should determine the chance on getting these tempers. Making it harder for botters/gold farmers to exploit the lower level raw materials to get improvement tempers.
- Make motifs obtainable by chance on deconstructing gear of that motif. This rewards the people that actually need the motif and encourages trading gear in the economy. See suggestions here.
- Once achieving Level 50 in Blacksmithing, Clothing, and Woodworking; learned all traits for all slots and invested in all skills to the max, gain a title; Master Armory Supplier.
2. Interface
- Ability to view equipped items to compare with what can be crafted. (Temporarily achieved by this addon Nog's Simple Crafting Tooltip)
- Include known/unknown/researching traits and known/unknown motifs in chart in your journal. (Temporarily achieved by this addon AI Research Grid)
- Slider for choosing quantity of armor/weapons to craft/deconstruct. (Temporarily achieved by this addon MultiCraft)
- Deconstruction tab: Checkbox for "Hide/Show Banked Items"
- Fashion/Wardrobe Preview window for items that can be crafted, from chat link or from inventory.
- Implement more filters for inventory like what is accomplished by the addon Advanced Filters
- A filter to check/uncheck "Hide unknown traits" so they are not accidentally deconstructed.
- The ability to link in chat a menu of what a character can craft for another player's consumption. Similar to how the addons Set Craft Matrix & AI Research Grid shows what can be crafted.
- Include the motif style on tool-tip of armor and weapons. Either by icon or words.
- On raw and refined materials should have what level they are used for in tool-tip.
3. Gathering/Loot Drops/Specific Changes
- Blacksmithing
- Add flavor to name of hireling to distinguish itself from others. ie Mining Hireling
- Once achieving Level 10, put 5 or more points into Blacksmithing and have learned 2 or more traits for each slot, gain a title; Apprentice Blacksmith.
- Once achieving Level 25, put 10 or more points into Blacksmithing and learn 5 or more traits for each slot, gain a title; Journeyman Blacksmith.
- Once achieving Level 50, learned all traits for all slots and invested in all skills to the max, gain a title; Master Blacksmith and a costume to represent your profession.
- Clothing
- Separate Light and Medium Armor into another tab like woodworking is done.
- Improve drop rate of leather from appropriate mobs to be more inline with available nodes for light and heavy nodes. You sacrifice equipment decay, so gathering leather so it should drop more often.
- Add flavor to name of hireling to distinguish itself from others. ie Exotic Hireling
- Once achieving Level 10, put 5 or more points into Clothing and have learned 2 or more traits for each slot, gain a title; Apprentice Seamster/Seamstress.
- Once achieving Level 25, put 10 or more points into Clothing and learn 5 or more traits for each slot, gain a title; Journeyman Seamster/Seamstress.
- Once achieving Level 50, learned all traits for all slots and invested in all skills to the max, gain a title; Master Seamster/Seamstress and a costume to represent your profession.
- Woodworking
- Add flavor to name of hireling to distinguish itself from others. ie Lumberjack
- Once achieving Level 10, put 5 or more points into Woodworking and have learned 2 or more traits for each slot, gain a title; Apprentice Woodworker.
- Once achieving Level 25, put 10 or more points into Woodworking and learn 5 or more traits for each slot, gain a title; Journeyman Woodworker.
- Once achieving Level 50, learned all traits for all slots and invested in all skills to the max, gain a title; Master Woodworker and a costume to represent your profession.
Edited by Doskias on 3 June 2014 18:07 @Doskias
NA Server Daggerfall Covenant
Master Crafter
Glyphs, Food Coming soon