I will be canceling my subscription and inventory management is one of the reasons. Far from the only one though.
Not one person that voted "yes" commented, all the comments are from those who said "no". Lol
Not one person that voted "yes" commented, all the comments are from those who said "no". Lol
LadyInTheWater wrote: »@Brennan If anyone gives you their stuff, you officially win at ESO. =p
LadyInTheWater wrote: »@Brennan If anyone gives you their stuff, you officially win at ESO. =p
@LadyInTheWater - I'll keep you posted. Maybe start a "Thank you for the stuff" thread.
Or maybe a poll!
If you quit, will you give your stuff to Brennan?
Again with this. QQ
For those of you TL;DR, Forums use too many first-person pronouns. Think outside of your own perception for a bit. (Tall task, I know.) ESO uses inventory as a means of removing currency from the economy. ESO has chosen to limit what a character can do to avoid the "Super-character".
Edit: This was turning into a novel that few will read, so I just removed most of it. My main point is this: If you want to offer a constructive argument that a developer will listen to then you first must try to understand WHY the current system is in place.
Too many people say, "I think..." or "From my perspective...". Inventory serves the vital function of keeping our stuff, but it serves a higher purpose in ESO that no one is really talking about.
So, every MMO has, among others, 2 important needs:
1.) A way to get currency into the economy.
2.) A way to get currency out of the economy.
If you don't understand why ESO must get gold out of the economy through inventory expansion, horses, repairs, etc, then please go make a thread entitled "Elder Scrolls Online Does Not Need a Gold Sink" and I will explain why it is crucial there.
The developers have chosen inventory management as a major gold sink for ESO. They have also chosen to not allow a "super-character" through the allotment of skill points, so it should come as no surprise that they have restricted how many things you can hold on to.
In time, you may find these "super characters" emerging as that player progresses through the zones, Cyrodil, and enemy territory to obtain skyshards.
In time, you will stop holding onto crafting materials for "future use" as they will be plentiful through the guild auction houses.
In time, you will not hoard all those green items so you can one day research their traits.
Right now, though? You must prioritize. You must accept that you cannot do it all. Actually, you CAN do it all. But you have to put6 forth a little effort instead of just spend real world currency to avoid thinking in a game.
Eve Online hired an actual economist to manage sinks and faucets in that game. Those of us that have played it long enough and were paying attention know precisely what sinks and faucets are and why they are an absolute fundamental in every MMO.
Eve Online hired an actual economist to manage sinks and faucets in that game. Those of us that have played it long enough and were paying attention know precisely what sinks and faucets are and why they are an absolute fundamental in every MMO.
I've only dabbled with Eve but had quite a few friends that suddenly disappeared and reappeared months or years later due to Eve. Simply by knowing the terms "sinks" and "faucets" as they apply to economy management means that comment was not directed at you.
MasterSpatula wrote: »No. It is, without a doubt, the single worst-designed aspect of the game I've encountered so far. But I doubt I'd quit over it.
If I find myself quitting, I will give my stuff to Brennan.
@ Brennan
I don't understand your comment/question.
What was wrong with my answer? There are some game-related reasons why I am cancelling my subscription. Several aspects related to inventory are among those, but alone they would not be enough.
I have enough friends who will take whatever I am ready to share. The rest I will keep for future. I do have some fate in this game and planning to have a look again in half a year or so, it is just at the moment I am not satisfied with this product.@Beryl - if you're cancelling your subscription, for whatever reason, you aren't going to need any of your stuff. I would be happy to take it off your hands and make sure it gets put to good use! Think of me as your own personal "Caretaker of Stuff"!
I have enough friends who will take whatever I am ready to share. The rest I will keep for future. I do have some fate in this game and planning to have a look again in half a year or so, it is just at the moment I am not satisfied with this product.
That said, would you care to make a short list of what is driving you away? I ahve no inetntion of arguing with you, although I cannot say the same for tohers ... I'm curious to see from someone elses perspective.
That said, would you care to make a short list of what is driving you away? I ahve no inetntion of arguing with you, although I cannot say the same for tohers ... I'm curious to see from someone elses perspective.
(Sorry in advance for a lengthy response. I tried to be as short as I can, and after rereading I see a lot of things I forgot to mention.)
I can, yes. And I will probably not return to this topic because I also have no intention to discuss tastes/opinions/preferencesEverything below is my personal opinion and it does not have to represent a view of any larger group of players.
1) No alternative quest way for leveling alts. I love alts and I do not see a way to enjoy my alt-hobby here. With my main I will visit all three alliances anyway and see all major quest lines - it is needed for the skill points. My alts in any alliance would have to follow through exactly same adventures and on the second play through they feel boring. I heard all those voices and jokes, I watched all the rituals, I want to skip them and questing turns into mindless running from one pointed to another. I don't have enough freedom in the order of my adventures as I have in Oblivion/Skyrim, I don't have enough simplicity in quests as I have in other MMOs.
3) Some widely discussed store/AH and inventory issues. I would love to see at least some of the following: larger store (not necessarily server wide, but more than 500 people), not related to a guild store, search function in the store, a possibility to lock items to avoid accidental selling/deconstructing, personal bank for every character to keep memorable items (I would agree to reduce the bag size for that), more tabs in the inventory so that I don't have 100 names listed in the materials section (preferably customisable tabs).
3) Lack of many quality of life features: preview of items, chat bubbles, cosmetic features (at least predictable colours of crafted items), default chat channels which keep /whisper in a separate tab (it is easy to make, but too many people miss personal tells because they are lost in /zone blabbering), a cooking book with recipes available even when you are far from a campfire, combat information (buffs, debuffs, who killed me, is my dot still ticking), information about last log on of my friend or guild member, and so on. I know that there are addons covering many of these features, but it is not good enough for me. I want to be sure that other players who don't use addons can see the same things as I do. After all, it is not a solo game which we are free to change as we wish. In Oblivion/Skyrim I was fine with so many addons, in an MMO - no.
4) Trivial to level crafting. I have a feeling that soon enough everyone will be maxed in every craft except enchanting and a month later in enchanting as well. Some crafts look slow at the start and all the talks about "You have to team up with someone and exchange your products" make you think that a solo crafter can't succeed. However, when you get to level 40+ and spend a bit of time just deconstructing everything you find - you max all crafts before you can use the items you craft. And you can do that all on one character if you wish. This full freedom is not good for crafting economy.
5) Combat and group mechanics. I like to play support roles such as crowd control or healing. The first one does not exist in ESO, the second one it too boring. I healed all non-veteran dungeons and some of the veteran ones. I am deeply disappointed by the facts that I can't select a target for my next heal and that I have only a small number of healing skills (as templar with resto-staff and two bars full of skills I still find it boring and not various enough).
6) Characters and aesthetics. Armour looks like tattoos on your body, heavy armour moves up and down when you talk, there is no volume or thickness in any material. Since I have to stare at my character so much, I can't ignore these details and they irritate me after some time.