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Skull Crusher Needs YOU (AD/EP)

  • Rykoth
    So when is AD gonna get bored with dominating like DC did? WTB some balance still.
    Gorthal gro-Gunthak, Chieftain of Mor'Grumaar
    Sigrun Elkhorn, Nordic Warrior and Skald

    Mor'Grumaar - Orcish Stronghold Roleplay
  • Dleatherus
    can't speak for the alliance, but i can speak for The Noore

    simple answer: NEVER

    explanataion for simple answer:
    we chose skull crusher because it was so heavily DC populated the map was perma-blue every day
    we fought hard to change that
    the players on DC and EP that found the going now too tough for them left the campaign
    rather than change home campaigns every week or so (impractical for a large guild), we chose to stay here and let the fight come to us
    the past few days we have seen awesome action from AD and EP and epic fights as a result

    you don't buy balance, you create it - gather together some players who have a spine and a little bit of talent like we did, form a guild and have fun - don't expect the game to balance things for you - it's not how it works


    p.s. and for the record DC didn't get bored and let AD take the map over- we fought hard for 10 solid days and earned every single keep
    Edited by Dleatherus on 27 April 2014 19:09
    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • Dazansus
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there! I just really wanted to point something out, DC was a juggernaut on this PvP Server until this event occurred :

    As soon as this (I'd call semi-popular) YouTuber put out a call to arms, DC lost it's emperor ship, when both AD and EP attacked from both sides, as someone who took part in the defense of the last 2 Emperor keeps, I saw literally hundreds of AD alone. I died long before the legions of EP flooded into Ash, slaughtering both DC and AD, afterwards. After we lost the fight that day, I noticed a shift in population, our DC PvPer's just didnt want to compete with the YouTube "AJSA" guest armies, and left, and to be honest, I can't really blame them. It was an absolute nightmare. I stuck around, waiting for them to all go back to their Home campaigns, and it's finally seemed to even out.

    My point in all that is, DC was a strong faction, and only fell after the majority gave up after an absolutely insane uprising, fueled by someone on youTube. As it stands, our previous Emperor, and 2 major PvP guilds have left our battlegroup, I haven't even seen our highest ranking player in Cyrodiil in weeks, and our 3rd highest player is level 46. It was the perfect time for a strong PvP guild to come steam roll us when we were at our absolute weakest.

    And to throw my 2 cents in about Luvboard and the AD vamp issue that's been discussed here... Vampires, not OP in my opinion, a tad annoying at times, but hey, all the classes have moves most consider cheap. But when 1 player, emperor or not, can run into groups of 50+ players and kill every one of them, while being shield charged, silver bolted, set on fire, etc. and make it out with 100% hp (I've got about 3 shadowplay videos of Luvboard just massacring us) you can't deny that it just isn't fair. What can you possibly do against that? Every day, we would make a push, take a few keeps, keep the AD at bay, while EP pushed in the East, but as soon as that one player logged in, it was GG. She would lead the charge, kill the masses, and that was that.

    In the end it took a random zerg, from both factions, late at night while she wasnt online, to take the keeps back. And even then, she logged on and again, by herself, began pushing us back. Now I'm not saying that the next Emperor isn't going to do the same, whoever it is, be them DC, AD, or EP, but it kinda ruins the fun when 1 player, playing God, can log in and murder anyone who opposes them with 3 clicks of their mouse. Where's the fun, challenge, or skill in that? I guess this is more of a nod to any Game Dev's out there that there needs to be a bit of a balancing change here. I agree that an emperor should be as strong as 5 people, hell, 10 people... But 50?

    Anyway that's my opinion on the matter, bottom line, I'm over the moon excited to see what happens next, so far I've been having a good time in PvP, I'd just like to see a little more action from EP.

    I'm sure I'm going to get attacked by all the pro Vamps, pro AD, pro know-it-alls, telling me "You're a noob because you didnt stack _______, You suck because you can't _______, LOLOL you don't even know how to _________, it's as simple as doing __________" but I just wanted to add a little insight from someone who's been fighting for DC from our Rise to our Fall and now our Return.

    Hope to see you all out there, happy huntin and good luck!
    Soldiers of the Twenty-First Legion, you are under leveled and ill-equiped! The Empire owes you much, and can give you nothing. It's my design to lead you into the most fertile plains of Cyrodiil. Rich resources and the Imperial City will be in our power!
    - Izlude Folmarv, Commander of the Twenty-First Legion
  • Dleatherus
    why would anybody attack you

    people have different playstyles is all

    last night we got rolled by a DC zerg attacking a postern door on one side and at the same time EP zerg attacking the other postern door from the other side - either one of those zergs outnumbered us considerably

    how they organised it, be it from twitter, a collusion of alliances, youtube, zone chat makes little difference in the end

    i'm not a fan of the guild you mention - unorganized, disrespectful, foul-mouthed and juvenile bully boy mob mentality for a large part (not every one of their members falls into this category thankfully), but they exist - in every AvAvA game, no matter which side you play on

    when we were the filling on the EP zerg/DC zerg sandwich we buckled down and had a blast trying to defend roebeck - when they finally succeeded breaching our defences at the hole in the postern wall and rushed in there was a swarm so large the that part of the screen turned red from the badges above their heads

    there is a DC player - forget his name - that without being emperor can solo shield bash/batswarm 10-15 veteran players caught in a tight spot like a room - do i like it - hell nope - that feeling of helplessness, even when it's just my pixels against somebody else's pixels
    do i like it - nope
    will ZOS fix that - hopefully - imagine what a gang ofthose would be like with 2-3 healers backing them up?

    part of a pvp game for some folks is the joy of discovering OP builds - all power to them - for others it's finding out how to counter it

    the game is new and i think it will all balance out in the end

    see ya on the field of battle


    p.s. PLENTY of vamps on the DC and EP sides also - i get to fight them every day
    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • Utherix
    This is not the thread to talk about game balance.

  • Dleatherus
    Utherix wrote: »
    This is not the thread to talk about game balance.

    since we are discussing what caused the shift and imbalance of power specifically within Skull Crusher, yes it is

    Edited by Dleatherus on 28 April 2014 01:34
    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • gameswithaspoon
    Congrats on being Emp, D. And a special shoutout to that crazy-brave VR6 Smurf who charged our siege lines multiple times, each and every keep we took back. And thanks for that elevator ride up into Bleakers. ;D
    Edited by gameswithaspoon on 28 April 2014 12:36
    Spoon-no-Soup Former Emperor Argonian Templar AD BWB
    Spoon-ware-Soup Former Emperor Argonian Stamplar AD Bahlokdaan
    Guild Leader Imperium of the Eagle Ravenwatch NA-PC
    Takes Drive-Thru Orders for This is a Wendy's.
  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    Dleatherus wrote: »
    Utherix wrote: »
    This is not the thread to talk about game balance.

    since we are discussing what caused the shift and imbalance of power specifically within Skull Crusher, yes it is


    The point is to discuss the Skull Crusher campaign, not a lengthy debate on why you think something is OP or not then looking for people to comment on your statement. There are other threads that discuss what you are looking for specifically on that topic. I do think it is a valid topic.. just not for this particular thread.
  • Rykoth
    The reason why Skull Crusher is so disappointing is because prelaunch, many of us who Roleplay chose it as the unofficial RP-PVP campaign, that would allow us to have our battles, and inject the roleplay flavor into it. We thought that since MOST people are attracted to the first names on the list OR certain names for nostalgia's sake (who DOESN'T like the wabbajack or any of sheogorath's madness) -

    nobody would choose Skull Crusher, so to speak. DC rolled in hard, and so many of the EP-AD folks in that community jumped ship. Now AD is rolling in constantly, and now DC is split up, we don't have the people we planned to play with in our campaign, and well... some of us are divided on what to do.

    That's why SC is so disappointing. Instead of a fertile place for some seriously epic RP-PVP battles, we switched from one dominant zerg to another.
    Gorthal gro-Gunthak, Chieftain of Mor'Grumaar
    Sigrun Elkhorn, Nordic Warrior and Skald

    Mor'Grumaar - Orcish Stronghold Roleplay
  • Draconiuos
    I have one question, what happened to Luvboard? I can't seem to find him on the AD leader boards for Skull Crusher anymore. I logged in the night after he was dethroned to find he wasn't on the leader boards anymore. Did he go to another campaign already?
  • Dleatherus
    Dleatherus wrote: »
    Utherix wrote: »
    This is not the thread to talk about game balance.

    since we are discussing what caused the shift and imbalance of power specifically within Skull Crusher, yes it is


    The point is to discuss the Skull Crusher campaign, not a lengthy debate on why you think something is OP or not then looking for people to comment on your statement. There are other threads that discuss what you are looking for specifically on that topic. I do think it is a valid topic.. just not for this particular thread.

    actually the POINT of this thread was DC asking for more EP and AD to join - since that happened a while ago the POINT of this thread was fulfilled

    given that there are no forums for each individual campaign, this thread became the de facto place to discuss ANYTHING pertaining to the campaign - be it who owns what, where a good fight was, who within the campaign is OP etc

    if you are so finicky please only discuss EP and AD joining the campaign or - here's a thought - start a new thread referencing Skull Crusher and the topic you want to discuss in its title, and stop telling those that are having healthy conversation that they are in the wrong


    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    Dleatherus wrote: »
    stop telling those that are having healthy conversation that they are in the wrong


    It's not a healthy conversation because it doesn't directly impact Skull Crusher. Those skills impact all servers and all players. What people want to know here is what guilds are here, what activity is going on in the campaign and why they should stay or join our campaign.

    The debate on what is OP or not is for another thread dedicated to that topic... there are many on vampires, emperors and the combination of those trees in threads already started in the Alliance War section.

    Respectfully, you are still wrong. Thanks though.

    Here is the link for said thread.

    Thanks again! :D
    Edited by darkdruidssb14_ESO on 28 April 2014 17:07
  • Dleatherus

    please only post in here regarding EP and DC joining SC

    YOU are the one in the wrong - the OP posts were regarding certain players IN SKULL CRUSHER and NOT a general debate over OP builds -

    trying to win an argument about posting stuff in the wrong thread when the topic in this thread has nothing to do with what YOU are talking about is so hilariously hypocritical

    stop spamming rubbish and being a post *** and join in the fun'


    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    Dleatherus wrote: »

    YOU are the one in the wrong - the OP posts were regarding certain players IN SKULL CRUSHER and NOT a general debate over OP builds -
    Dleatherus wrote: »
    there is a DC player - forget his name - that without being emperor can solo shield bash/batswarm 10-15 veteran players caught in a tight spot like a room - do i like it - hell nope - that feeling of helplessness, even when it's just my pixels against somebody else's pixels
    do i like it - nope
    will ZOS fix that - hopefully - imagine what a gang ofthose would be like with 2-3 healers backing them up?

    part of a pvp game for some folks is the joy of discovering OP builds - all power to them - for others it's finding out how to counter it

    the game is new and i think it will all balance out in the end

    That is all I need to show.

    You're right that the topic is about Skull Crusher. I hope we get more activity moving to the server when the PTS patch comes that will give bonuses to the under dog alliance. If not, then I think people will start leaving instead of flocking to the server.

    Edited by darkdruidssb14_ESO on 28 April 2014 17:36
  • Dleatherus

    are you a complete fool, or just play one on the forums?

    the very first thing you pasted in the above post are my words - "there is a DC player - forget his name" - IN SKULL CRUSHER

    the rest of my words are about staying in SKULL CRUSHER and not whining - the devs will address imbalances

    grats on making this thread a to and fro about rubbish instead of about SKULL CRUSHER


    p.s. you also left out the entire top half of that post - it's about - wait - what a surprise - a siege in SKULL CRUSHER:
    last night we got rolled by a DC zerg attacking a postern door on one side and at the same time EP zerg attacking the other postern door from the other side - either one of those zergs outnumbered us considerably

    how they organised it, be it from twitter, a collusion of alliances, youtube, zone chat makes little difference in the end

    i'm not a fan of the guild you mention - unorganized, disrespectful, foul-mouthed and juvenile bully boy mob mentality for a large part (not every one of their members falls into this category thankfully), but they exist - in every AvAvA game, no matter which side you play on

    when we were the filling on the EP zerg/DC zerg sandwich we buckled down and had a blast trying to defend roebeck - when they finally succeeded breaching our defences at the hole in the postern wall and rushed in there was a swarm so large the that part of the screen turned red from the badges above their heads

    seriously - stop being a troll

    Edited by Dleatherus on 28 April 2014 18:19
    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • pad11
    Gratz on the Emperorship D...we had a smallish group, 10-12 or so, that was working on another keep while Meriel, Rhaenys and the rest were taking down what proved to be the final one to get the Emp back for the Dominion! We got to the last one at the end..did what we was a blast! So gratz indeed!

    Emma Leah D'Vaeh
    Annoyingly upbeat Bosmer Nightblade
    Edited by pad11 on 28 April 2014 18:18
  • Dleatherus
    pad11 wrote: »
    Gratz on the Emperorship D...we had a smallish group, 10-12 or so, that was working on another keep while Meriel, Rhaenys and the rest were taking down what proved to be the final one to get the Emp back for the Dominion! We got to the last one at the end..did what we was a blast! So gratz indeed!

    Emma Leah D'Vaeh
    Annoyingly upbeat Bosmer Nightblade

    ty - the screenshots you guys put up on our forums was an awesome surprsie when i woke up and logged in this morning

    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • pad11
    Dleatherus wrote: »
    pad11 wrote: »
    Gratz on the Emperorship D...we had a smallish group, 10-12 or so, that was working on another keep while Meriel, Rhaenys and the rest were taking down what proved to be the final one to get the Emp back for the Dominion! We got to the last one at the end..did what we was a blast! So gratz indeed!

    Emma Leah D'Vaeh
    Annoyingly upbeat Bosmer Nightblade

    ty - the screenshots you guys put up on our forums was an awesome surprsie when i woke up and logged in this morning


    I just went and looked at that! Nice! I'm not in the Noore...was in a non-Noore group working the other two keeps that needed taking...but I looked at the screenie and there a few of us are for sure!

    It was a great time...I mean we were just trying to turn a blue map yellow and the next thing we knew your group was rolling the northern arc and the circle was closing. I was literally logging off to go to work (for me it's the a.m.) and the call came out that the Dominion could get the Emp back and I said, to heck with it, let's play a small part if we can! Good fun man...good fun. And I wasn't late for work, and my kids weren't late for it's all good!

    Cya around the map...always a good time...
    Edited by pad11 on 28 April 2014 18:28
  • Dleatherus
    Cya around the map...always a good time...

    yup yup - the campaign is starting to heat up nicely

    UDL frpm DC rolled all over us yesterday and captured the throne, and this morning the batswarm sword and board VR10 in EP with his friends are giving us a harder time than i care to admit to

    all good fun

    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • gameswithaspoon
    pad11 wrote: »
    Gratz on the Emperorship D...we had a smallish group, 10-12 or so, that was working on another keep while Meriel, Rhaenys and the rest were taking down what proved to be the final one to get the Emp back for the Dominion! We got to the last one at the end..did what we was a blast! So gratz indeed!

    Emma Leah D'Vaeh
    Annoyingly upbeat Bosmer Nightblade

    And a great job to you too, Emma. It's always great to see you are on.

    Meriel Barefoot
    Spoon-no-Soup Former Emperor Argonian Templar AD BWB
    Spoon-ware-Soup Former Emperor Argonian Stamplar AD Bahlokdaan
    Guild Leader Imperium of the Eagle Ravenwatch NA-PC
    Takes Drive-Thru Orders for This is a Wendy's.
  • Dazansus
    Soul Shriven
    I would have to agree with @Dleatherus on the matter of this forum becoming the Skull Crusher campaign's personal forum. I tend to check this forum, while I'm at work / out to see any news on who's done what in the campaign, because typically someone will come back here to report it.

    If we discuss any character in particular, on any faction being OP, it'll most likely be because we've clashed in Cyrodiil, and gotten a right thrashing, and we're a little butt hurt.

    I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say,

    The debate on what is OP or not is for another thread dedicated to that topic... there are many on vampires, emperors and the combination of those trees in threads already started in the Alliance War section.

    Respectfully, you are still wrong. Thanks though.

    Here is the link for said thread.

    Thanks again! :D

    Is referencing comments, like the one I made here,
    Dazansus wrote: »

    Now I'm not saying that the next Emperor isn't going to do the same, whoever it is, be them DC, AD, or EP, but it kinda ruins the fun when 1 player, playing God, can log in and murder anyone who opposes them with 3 clicks of their mouse. Where's the fun, challenge, or skill in that? I guess this is more of a nod to any Game Dev's out there that there needs to be a bit of a balancing change here. I agree that an emperor should be as strong as 5 people, hell, 10 people... But 50?

    I don't see the harm in throwing in your opinion about how you felt about any specific character. If I felt that strongly about the matter, you can bet that I would try to write about it in the appropriate forums / contact game developers. My comment was more of my way of saying, as far as the game flows, and progresses, I felt powerless against her.

    In the end, @darkdruidssb14_ESO, stop trying to be the forum police,

    And @Dleatherus, I look forward to meeting you in Cyrodiil, and sneaking that title out from your behind! Watch out!

    Good luck everyone, cheers!
    Soldiers of the Twenty-First Legion, you are under leveled and ill-equiped! The Empire owes you much, and can give you nothing. It's my design to lead you into the most fertile plains of Cyrodiil. Rich resources and the Imperial City will be in our power!
    - Izlude Folmarv, Commander of the Twenty-First Legion
  • Dleatherus

    pleasure to meet you

    i can assure you that i am far from an OP emperor - I consider my PvP skills to be average at best = somebody who didn't know much about pvp would probably be in awe of me, somebody who was a min max/skilled player would smile, if not laugh

    Luvboard was a beast without the throne, and became a demi-god when he held the throne for 11 days

    He abdicated to let me have a shot at it, but we are far from farming the title - i am only the 2nd Skull Crusher emperor in our guild since launch, and we have quite a few members

    looking forward to clashing on the field of battle!

    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • pad11
    odd111out wrote: »

    And a great job to you too, Emma. It's always great to see you are on.

    Meriel Barefoot

    Thx Meriel! You as times it can be better to have a few groups hitting all around the edges than a giant zerg of everyone in-game just hording around one having many groups active, it keeps our opponents on edge and everyone is forced to get better by trial and error and not relying upon sheer force of numbers! :smile:

    Take care,
    Emma Leah D'Vaeh!
    Edited by pad11 on 29 April 2014 14:53
  • ralonasan
    Can we talk about how my faction (EP) prefers to stand around and RP/ do daily quests? When was Skullcrusher dubbed an RP server? -.-

    Ralo Nasan.
    The ESO Forum Common Complaint Checklist: ☑
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Sorcerers.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Nightblades.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Dragonknights.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Templars.
    ☐ THIS IS P2W!
    ☐ L2P n00b.
    ☐ Where is the LOL button??
    ☐ Fix PvP lag.
    ☐ LFG is full of scrubs.
    ☐ Natch Potes.
    ☐ Nerf Veteran Maelstrom Arena.
    ☐ Race Change ETA?
    ☐ Please add the Barber Shop!
    ☐ Why don't Trials scale?
    ☐ Working as intended.
    ☐ Why did you nerf/buff this?
    ☐ When will "thing" be added?
  • Phoenix99
    Check Tamriel Foundry. I believe it was decided somewhere there. I am a part of PvP&PvE/RP guild with orcs as the main theme. We have a group running on Saturdays mostly, while on other days there are some random players here and there. Personally on "off days" I go to AB to farm up APs, gear and xp and team up with some PvP specialist guild with them having builds like LA vamp/DK etc.

    I stay with my not optimal build of HA/2H DK, but still can do well, even though i suffer because my stamina and magicka regen is fairly underwhelming when you compare to specialized builds and I also cannot dish out the amounts of dmg to build up my ult at the same pace like the specialized builds.

    Still it is fun, it's just not fun seeing those ultra specialized, borderline OP PvP combinations on the server, that was supposed to be the RP one.

    I know the means to deal with them, if they are in low numbers or over extending (I am usually chain locking them when i have my HA active on and swap between talons and stampede to keep them rooted + The lover Mundus stone gives me extra dmg mitigation vs spells), the fun stops when you get groups of 10+ high VRs with such builds running around against people who opted out of those builds for the RP reasons ;) This is a bit annoying, and was ultra annoying with PvE power leveled guys appearing 6 days after the official release with combinations that were mostly known exclusively to Psijic Order testers.

    EDIT: it was funny to see some of The Noore VR players getting the other end of the stick in the AB though :D
    Edited by Phoenix99 on 29 April 2014 19:05
  • casselna_ESO
    Since this is a thread about needing more EP...

    I didn't want to make a new thread but man, do we need more EP/DC during Oceanic times!

    AD you are cowardly and hide behind your late night flips!

    I PVP with my guild on Tues and Saturdays and when we log in to play, you get pushed HARD! get pushed out of your keeps you defend and you get pushed back to your own little slice of land and DC and EP gnaw on your bones. You cry and lament the loss of your women and children and wait until the flurry of activity ends and then...when the coast is sneak back out of your hidey holes and run back around and *reclaim* everything unopposed.

    This must end! Please, I implore more DC and EP OCEANIC guilds to come in and best these imposters down! Let there be *real* conflict on skullcrusher!! Please, I like fighting and the dying the heart pumping battles! But it's almost demoralizing when you log in after a hard won conquest of trying to take in half your map only to find that it's all yellow...again...

    Surely AD can't be having that much fun taking places unopposed?
  • ralonasan
    Since this is a thread about needing more EP...

    I didn't want to make a new thread but man, do we need more EP/DC during Oceanic times!

    AD you are cowardly and hide behind your late night flips!

    I PVP with my guild on Tues and Saturdays and when we log in to play, you get pushed HARD! get pushed out of your keeps you defend and you get pushed back to your own little slice of land and DC and EP gnaw on your bones. You cry and lament the loss of your women and children and wait until the flurry of activity ends and then...when the coast is sneak back out of your hidey holes and run back around and *reclaim* everything unopposed.

    This must end! Please, I implore more DC and EP OCEANIC guilds to come in and best these imposters down! Let there be *real* conflict on skullcrusher!! Please, I like fighting and the dying the heart pumping battles! But it's almost demoralizing when you log in after a hard won conquest of trying to take in half your map only to find that it's all yellow...again...

    Surely AD can't be having that much fun taking places unopposed?

    The struggle is real my friend. No offense to them.... but the AD here is mostly garbage and gets steamrolled by myself and others constantly, even with greater numbers. Every time we get within 2 keeps of Emp, half of the EP signs off and the AD freight train comes to life.

    I've been looking around for EP west coast and oceanic guilds but they are pretty rare... All campaigns seem to be having this problem.

    The best we can hope for is less campaigns next "season" or whatever they are calling it and a more consolidated effort from our faction to head to the same campaign.

    See you tonight ladies.

    Ralo Nasan
    The ESO Forum Common Complaint Checklist: ☑
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Sorcerers.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Nightblades.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Dragonknights.
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Templars.
    ☐ THIS IS P2W!
    ☐ L2P n00b.
    ☐ Where is the LOL button??
    ☐ Fix PvP lag.
    ☐ LFG is full of scrubs.
    ☐ Natch Potes.
    ☐ Nerf Veteran Maelstrom Arena.
    ☐ Race Change ETA?
    ☐ Please add the Barber Shop!
    ☐ Why don't Trials scale?
    ☐ Working as intended.
    ☐ Why did you nerf/buff this?
    ☐ When will "thing" be added?
  • UglyTriangle
    Still chuckling at people claiming DC had an overwhelming amount of people on Skull Crusher. We didn't have gigantic zergs and the map stayed blue thanks to the efforts of experienced players who coordinated attacks. I haven't been on lately, but from what I hear from my partner who still plays, the map is often covered in yellow. Doesn't sound like the situation is much different, besides a different faction having massive control. ;)
    Bobo the Cowardly | Warden | Healer/MagDPS
    Spooky-Scary-Skeletons | Necromancer | MagDPS
    Incoherent-Screeching | Nightblade | MagDPS
  • Grim13
    ralonasan wrote: »
    Since this is a thread about needing more EP...

    I didn't want to make a new thread but man, do we need more EP/DC during Oceanic times!

    AD you are cowardly and hide behind your late night flips!

    I PVP with my guild on Tues and Saturdays and when we log in to play, you get pushed HARD! get pushed out of your keeps you defend and you get pushed back to your own little slice of land and DC and EP gnaw on your bones. You cry and lament the loss of your women and children and wait until the flurry of activity ends and then...when the coast is sneak back out of your hidey holes and run back around and *reclaim* everything unopposed.

    This must end! Please, I implore more DC and EP OCEANIC guilds to come in and best these imposters down! Let there be *real* conflict on skullcrusher!! Please, I like fighting and the dying the heart pumping battles! But it's almost demoralizing when you log in after a hard won conquest of trying to take in half your map only to find that it's all yellow...again...

    Surely AD can't be having that much fun taking places unopposed?

    The struggle is real my friend. No offense to them.... but the AD here is mostly garbage and gets steamrolled by myself and others constantly, even with greater numbers. Every time we get within 2 keeps of Emp, half of the EP signs off and the AD freight train comes to life.

    I've been looking around for EP west coast and oceanic guilds but they are pretty rare... All campaigns seem to be having this problem.

    The best we can hope for is less campaigns next "season" or whatever they are calling it and a more consolidated effort from our faction to head to the same campaign.

    See you tonight ladies.

    Ralo Nasan

    Whatever helps your little ego get to sleep better at night... ;)
  • Phoenix99
    Still chuckling at people claiming DC had an overwhelming amount of people on Skull Crusher. We didn't have gigantic zergs and the map stayed blue thanks to the efforts of experienced players who coordinated attacks. I haven't been on lately, but from what I hear from my partner who still plays, the map is often covered in yellow. Doesn't sound like the situation is much different, besides a different faction having massive control. ;)

    Highest we had was 2 bars, with exception of AJ invasion army when we had 3 bars. I have never seen DC cap locked there
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