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Infinite Archive unplayable

  • KaironBlackbard
    Kappachi wrote: »
    the only "unplayable" part is whatever build you're running. whether it's because you need more CP to make your build work or because your build just doesn't synergize with your skills, no boss in IA is unsoloable, especially not in arc 1.

    This specific toon is Level 28.

    well here is your problem right there level up to 50 its not meant for new player starter zone is meant for new player archive is not.

    archive is for high level challenge mode its not unplayable you just got to play it correct

    Please reword it. I can't understand what you are saying. Although it seems like you are saying it's meant for only max level people, which when Archive was announced that's the complete opposite. Archive was meant as a gateway for new players that would evolve into tougher than trials the farther people went into it. It's not meant for max level until you hit Arc 3.
    My level 15s used to be able to take out thoat #2. Now I can't even get my level 28 to the thoat #1.
  • Necrotech_Master
    they didnt change mob hp at all with the update, they only added the new arenas, fabled, marauders, and bosses

    if your doing arc 1 you wont see the marauders, and all the bosses melt on arc 1 with pretty much any offensive verse

    15k dmg for howl should kill a trash mob with 3 or so uses of the skill on arc 1 if thats the only skill you use to attack with

    and you can out range and lure the ranged enemies out of the ice if its that much of a problem, or you know drop WW and kill them with ranged, you dont have to stay ww 100% of the time

    As a level 25 using level 15 gear before the update, I could tap them a couple times to kill them.
    Now as a level 28 using level 26-28 gear, It's taking me way too many shots to take out the trash mobs.
    Sure seems like they got amped.

    I've fought marauders and fabled before. They weren't that hard. Yet to get far enough this update though.
    I cast my 15k damage howl at them 5 times and still they don't die.
    Arc 1 Cycle 1 Stage 1 and they have 67k HP. Didn't they used to only have 40k at that stage in previous, if that?

    nope, arc 1 they always had about 65k hp, arc 2 is around 112k, arc 3 is around 240k, arc 4 is around 350k and it just keeps going up from there

    theres a lot of mobs which can get dmg reduction though, brewmasters can create the domes which give like 90% dmg reduction to enemies inside it, the enemies which use the lightning armor get about 30-50% dmg reduction, lightbringers make any enemy standing inside the light fields unkillable

    if none of those are a factor, they shouldnt be taking that long to die, again if howl is the only skill your using, of course they are going to die slow, thats why i always pick offensive verses especially when im running on a tank build, even my tank builds for that can avg about 15-20k dps

    thats why i suggest a companion, a dps companion will provide support and extra dmg
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • JaxontheUnfortunate
    When I run the archive in my DK werewolf I usually bring a companion as they can help with tanking agro and providing some buffs. I also usually build more tanky as there are many verses and visions that can provide a lot of damage. I particularly like running 5pc of leeching plate, if you are running the berserker morph you might want to try running pack leader to see if that helps with those bosses.
  • Estin
    Estin wrote: »
    The only challenge in Arc 1 is Tho'at because of their high damage output with their ground AoE spam. Other than that, you can get through it without any CP because the mobs and bosses are very easy. The only issue being under level 50 is the lack of skills and passives which realistically is not much of an issue because the bosses have less than 1M HP and the character scaling is boosting your resources to high levels up until around level 35 or so. The only problem you'd have to solve is your lack of damage output and survivability which can easily be solved with minor adjustments. If you aren't willing to make those minor adjustments, then you need to solve that problem first.

    I have all the WW skills and passives.
    I have all the Dragonknight passives I can get my points on.
    I have 530+ CP.
    I am no longer able to beat Arc 1. Everything seems to have 5 times more HP than they did before the update.
    I can solo dungeons, but I can't beat Arc 1? They broke the system and made it unplayable.
    The first Tho'At, at least before the update because I've yet to make it to her this update, was 30 times easier than these bosses.
    I hope they play through Archive as a Werewolf and see my problem with those bosses. Literally the only real issue.
    And the addition of traps is a nusiance, but I can normally counter or avoid those spots.
    The frost one though.... 75% of the map freezes you, and half the time I'm fighting ranged units who stand in the middle of the frost unharmed by it. If I'm getting frozen, they should too. Also, they should avoid the frost areas like players have to. I hate having to take frost damage and snare to reach them. Howl uses too much stamina, at 15k damage per howl, and I run out of stamina and they are 50%. How that's even possible in arc 1 I don't know. Did Werewolf get nerfed into the ground? Did dragonknight get nerfed into the ground? I think it's just that they turned the archive OP. They went too far turning up the difficulty the way they did. It's unplayable now.
    I use it as an XP farm, one where I'm not becoming IF every 5 seconds. If dungeons didn't have sooo much corpse loot, I'd run those instead. Sooo much easier, and worth more xp.
    AI doesn't have as much garbade. You get 1 item, just like from bosses, and 1 piece of treasure you can basically immediately sell due to the merchants it summons almost every round, and the opportunity to head to the hub for merchant.
    I never run out of inventory in the archive. So much better.
    Now unplayable due to hoard bosses.
    Werewolves cannot counter that.

    You mentioned you were level 28. I doubt you were always running IA on your low level WW character prior to the update. If your capable of soloing normal dungeons, you should have 0 issue with Arc 1, especially the mobs between cycle bosses.

    Are you even wearing gear that is your level? If your gear is level 15-20 while you're 28, you're basically wearing nothing. Are you also even using food? You can easily get food to boost your stamina and stamina recovery. Do you even have a mundus stone either? They can boost damage, sustain, or survivability in just 1 click. These are the minor adjustments that I was talking about. Making simple changes like this can easily make you go from feeling extremely weak to insanely strong. Also since you have CP already, you do not need to be level 50 to start using it. You can just slot reaving blows for health on hit as well as get more armor and health from the red tree.

    If you keep blaming the game while refusing to address your own issues, there's no way we could help. Complaining on the forums is not going to make ZOS cut the difficulty of arc 1 by more than 50%
  • Oznog666
    OP: I just wonder - why are you staying in WW form if you can not beat the bosses? You are running a DK, it should be fine without the werewolf. I'm having one toon which is both a DK and a WW too, although I never had a problem with this setting in the first arcs I would stop going with the WW and stay with my normal DK.
    PC EU
    1 Healer, 1 Tank, 3 DD, 5 more Toons just for fun
  • valenwood_vegan
    Estin wrote: »

    You mentioned you were level 28. I doubt you were always running IA on your low level WW character prior to the update.

    Yeah this part so confusing, it feels like there are various issues being conflated into one here. Did OP previously run IA, encountering a marauder and finding it not too hard, and solo CoH, on this same low level WW character? I find that difficult to believe.

    If that stuff was done on a different character, then that indicates to me that there is some sort of problem with the build and gear being used by the low level WW character. If that stuff was done on the same character that is now struggling, I really don't understand. Nothing changed in the update that would explain such a major disparity.

    The overall difficulty of arc 1 in IA was not increased in the last update - new bosses were added, with varying levels of difficulty, but you don't get a new boss on every run... it's rng.. and there were equally difficult bosses before the update too. I think one of the ones being complained about was Nazaray, (the "spriggan" with a lot of adds) which is not even a new boss.

    Sticking to my suggestions of seeking build help / improvements to increase damage; double check that the proper gear is equipped, skill points assigned, mundus and cp used; and/or reading up on or asking about mechanics for specific bosses that are causing trouble.

    It's not likely that ZoS is going to rapidly nerf IA in response to this post, particularly when there haven't been widespread complaints, but again I wish OP luck with whatever their chosen course of action is.
    Edited by valenwood_vegan on 5 September 2024 18:14
  • JaxontheUnfortunate
    I think it might be more the new cycle bosses that have gotten added to the mix, I have also found sail ripper challenging and should really be appearing later in arc 2 and not in arc 1.
  • TheMajority
    Kappachi wrote: »
    the only "unplayable" part is whatever build you're running. whether it's because you need more CP to make your build work or because your build just doesn't synergize with your skills, no boss in IA is unsoloable, especially not in arc 1.

    This specific toon is Level 28.

    well here is your problem right there level up to 50 its not meant for new player starter zone is meant for new player archive is not.

    archive is for high level challenge mode its not unplayable you just got to play it correct

    Please reword it. I can't understand what you are saying. Although it seems like you are saying it's meant for only max level people, which when Archive was announced that's the complete opposite. Archive was meant as a gateway for new players that would evolve into tougher than trials the farther people went into it. It's not meant for max level until you hit Arc 3.
    My level 15s used to be able to take out thoat #2. Now I can't even get my level 28 to the thoat #1.

    gateway does not mean a lvl 28 should be able to defeat it sounds like it's working as intended. it's not for new players. I also do not think a lvl 15 player would be defeating thoat 2 unless gold gear was provided and crafted set then maybe, but it does not sound like something possible. I would not try to aim for this as a goal. If it was possible then it seems that they did the appropriate thing and change the archive to make it for the intentional audience.

    level to cp160 which is max gear level then you are ready to begin to learn and get correct gear, until then focus on get to 50 at least. Level 28 is not the level you should think of content like archive.

    archive should not be defeated by lvl 28 in lvl 15 gear it is a challenge mode, not for new player development. starter zones are for new player below lvl 50. level 15 gear nerfs your power, you wouldn't do any damage on lvl 28 this way.

    all of the problems here:
    -insisting on stay in WW mode
    -insisting on do it on a lvl 28
    -insisting on do it in low lvl gear

    for new players stros'mkai, bal foyen, betnick, or bleackrock is best
    Time flies like an arrow- but fruit flies like a banana.

    Sorry for my English, I do not always have a translation tool available. Thank you for your patience with our conversation and working towards our mutual understanding of the topic.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Are you even wearing gear that is your level? If your gear is level 15-20 while you're 28, you're basically wearing nothing.

    Armor below your level actively works against you in ESO. A piece of Level 20 gear on a Level 28 character isn't just missing out on the added stats of higher level gear, it is literally degraded. Level 20 gear on a Level 28 is much, much worse than Level 20 gear on a Level 20 character. You are not standing still when you could have been moving forward. You are going backwards when you could have been standing in place.

    That is actually exactly what it sounds like is happening here. The archive has not gotten harder. So, by process of elimination, they have gotten weaker. Which sounds like a low-level scaling and under-leveled weapons and gear thing.
  • valenwood_vegan
    I think it might be more the new cycle bosses that have gotten added to the mix, I have also found sail ripper challenging and should really be appearing later in arc 2 and not in arc 1.

    I mean this is a good point - if there's a specific new boss that was added that may be over-tuned or too challenging in arc 1, it's good to be specific about it and maybe that's something that could be addressed if ZoS agrees that there's an issue. It's just been difficult for us I think to pin down exactly what the problem is from the OP's posts.
  • Necrotech_Master
    I think it might be more the new cycle bosses that have gotten added to the mix, I have also found sail ripper challenging and should really be appearing later in arc 2 and not in arc 1.

    I mean this is a good point - if there's a specific new boss that was added that may be over-tuned or too challenging in arc 1, it's good to be specific about it and maybe that's something that could be addressed if ZoS agrees that there's an issue. It's just been difficult for us I think to pin down exactly what the problem is from the OP's posts.

    a lot of the bosses i see complained about are all cycle 4 bosses, mostly because these are the scaled down trial bosses that a good chunk of people are probably experiencing for the first time and dont know mechanics for
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • JaxontheUnfortunate
    And yes I run around as a ww for most of my run because it's fun for me. :)
  • SilverBride
    CP shouldn't be a requirement. You should be able to beat Arc 3 with ZERO CP.
    I'm CP 530.
    This specific toon is Level 28.

    The Infinite Archive is challenging content. A level 28 CP 530 ungeared player should NOT expect to beat Arc 3. I don't know how they would even make it past Arc 1 to be honest.

    I have a dedicated character CP 2343 geared and skills set specifically for running the IA and other challenging group content, and yes some of these bosses can be difficult even at that. So the build and skills are all important for success in the IA.
    Edited by SilverBride on 5 September 2024 18:58
  • NoireJin the Witchking
    Your replies indicate what the issues are. It's not the game, or how many ads spawn nor the layout of the rooms. Its curated content and somehow you want it to not be the way it is because you don't like it? Truth of the matter is, get better gear, fix your build and the most important one play better. That's not a dig but we have no idea how you play from this post. You could be eating every stun/aoe and not using mechs or synergies or not exploiting status effects. I've had a no gear run to like arc 3 with 0 to no issues on a necro lol
  • KaironBlackbard
    Oznog666 wrote: »
    OP: I just wonder - why are you staying in WW form if you can not beat the bosses? You are running a DK, it should be fine without the werewolf. I'm having one toon which is both a DK and a WW too, although I never had a problem with this setting in the first arcs I would stop going with the WW and stay with my normal DK.

    My werewolf form is tankier and deals more dps than normal form.
    My only heal atm is dragon blood, literally the worst heal possible.
    Werewolf's heal is a minimum of 10 times stronger.
    Even with that, I'm still getting creamed.
    I used to plow through this, with gear far lower level than my character.
    Used to be level 25 using level 15 gear and I could plow through Tho'At 1.
    Now I'm 28 using 26-28 gear and I can't even get to Tho'At?
    I'm more powerful, and creaming dungeons much better, but am even worse at Archive?
    Not possible.
    If you get better at everything, you flatly get better. You don't get worse at one specific thing by getting better at everything else. That's not how the system works. If you get better, you get better. That should include archive. I should be going farther than 2.3.3. Now I can't even get past later arc 1 bosses.

    I thought I owned that spriggan before. I don't recall it summoning an infinite amount of ads. I don't recall any ads other than the kill effect ads that are easily avoidable. Now it's got quad summon stranglers every 10 seconds and summon a 250k HP Lurcher every 15 seconds. The Kuta Guava bugs are easy to kill.

    I've never fought the Harpy before today but it seems like no one can really solo that one. Lightning puddle that chases you dealing 25k per tick multiple times per second, she teleports every 10 seconds and then spams lightning that increases in damage each hit, and at some point summons harpies. Can't kill one harpy before she's summoned another squad of them. Seems like every time she teleports, which is insanely often, another squad is summoned then.

    There should be a cap on the minions these bosses can summon. Not even duos are entire freakin armies.

    If it's summoning these because I have wolves that deal 265 every two seconds each, the algorithm needs fixed. The wolves are not players, it shouldn't uncap their summon capacity or increase their summons because I have wolves from Pack Leader.
  • KaironBlackbard
    Estin wrote: »

    You mentioned you were level 28. I doubt you were always running IA on your low level WW character prior to the update.

    Yeah this part so confusing, it feels like there are various issues being conflated into one here. Did OP previously run IA, encountering a marauder and finding it not too hard, and solo CoH, on this same low level WW character? I find that difficult to believe.

    If that stuff was done on a different character, then that indicates to me that there is some sort of problem with the build and gear being used by the low level WW character. If that stuff was done on the same character that is now struggling, I really don't understand. Nothing changed in the update that would explain such a major disparity.

    The overall difficulty of arc 1 in IA was not increased in the last update - new bosses were added, with varying levels of difficulty, but you don't get a new boss on every run... it's rng.. and there were equally difficult bosses before the update too. I think one of the ones being complained about was Nazaray, (the "spriggan" with a lot of adds) which is not even a new boss.

    Sticking to my suggestions of seeking build help / improvements to increase damage; double check that the proper gear is equipped, skill points assigned, mundus and cp used; and/or reading up on or asking about mechanics for specific bosses that are causing trouble.

    It's not likely that ZoS is going to rapidly nerf IA in response to this post, particularly when there haven't been widespread complaints, but again I wish OP luck with whatever their chosen course of action is.

    I've soloed WW in archive (Peak 2.4.3) and soloed dungeons as this toon. (Other toon peak was 4.3.1, duoed, ally had to quit)
    With weaker gear than his level.
    Now he is higher level with gear that is his level and he's falling short of his old power.

    And the ad hoards...
    Being slower at killing the ad stages is one thing, I'm... ok with that.
    But being outnumbered so vastly in a boss stage? Especially in Arc 1? That shouldn't be possible. There needs to be a cap on the number of ads it summons. Just like there's a cap on the tendrils the Theater of War summons.
    I understand the high capacity in there since they don't move and are melee only, but those harpies and the stranglers? Fighting 3 Lurchers at once? 250k HP Each? And a bunch of stranglers with 60k? And the kill zone ads?
    I used to be able to take out one kill zoner before they detonate, now I can't deal 10% before it detonates. I just gotta wait it out.

    Limit the harpies in Sail Cutter to 5 tops in Arc 1.

    For Spriggan, limit to 1 Lurcher in Arc 1, or no Lurcher. Can increase in later Arcs, just don't have so many in Arc 1. I cannot remember her name. Sounds like a Dragon or Dwarven name. Brain keeps saying Nazatuun but I know that's not it.
  • KaironBlackbard
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    Are you even wearing gear that is your level? If your gear is level 15-20 while you're 28, you're basically wearing nothing.

    Armor below your level actively works against you in ESO. A piece of Level 20 gear on a Level 28 character isn't just missing out on the added stats of higher level gear, it is literally degraded. Level 20 gear on a Level 28 is much, much worse than Level 20 gear on a Level 20 character. You are not standing still when you could have been moving forward. You are going backwards when you could have been standing in place.

    That is actually exactly what it sounds like is happening here. The archive has not gotten harder. So, by process of elimination, they have gotten weaker. Which sounds like a low-level scaling and under-leveled weapons and gear thing.

    I repeat AGAIN.
    Before the update I could make 2.2.3 no problem as a level 25 in level 15 gear. Not fully invested in werewolf yet.
    Now I can't get past 1.3.3 as a level 18 in level 28 gear with two level 26 pieces. Fully invested in Werewolf and everything morphed.
    On this toon.
  • KaironBlackbard
    I think it might be more the new cycle bosses that have gotten added to the mix, I have also found sail ripper challenging and should really be appearing later in arc 2 and not in arc 1.

    I mean this is a good point - if there's a specific new boss that was added that may be over-tuned or too challenging in arc 1, it's good to be specific about it and maybe that's something that could be addressed if ZoS agrees that there's an issue. It's just been difficult for us I think to pin down exactly what the problem is from the OP's posts.

    Two bosses. Sail Ripper and that spriggan. Nonstop summoning ads faster than I can kill them.
    Paired with it's taking me much longer to kill everything than it used to.
    Current gear is within 2 levels.
    Old times gear was 10 levels below me and I did better then than now.

    If the ad count during these boss fights was limited, especially in arc 1, I'd be much happier.
  • KaironBlackbard
    And yes I run around as a ww for most of my run because it's fun for me. :)

    Do you get that error where you collect a verse or vision and the werewolf's animation gets frozen? Moving like hovering with snout straight up. Casting claws and dodging don't fix. Merchant use doesn't fix. Get stunned when using the portal but then it does fix?
  • KaironBlackbard
    Your replies indicate what the issues are. It's not the game, or how many ads spawn nor the layout of the rooms. Its curated content and somehow you want it to not be the way it is because you don't like it? Truth of the matter is, get better gear, fix your build and the most important one play better. That's not a dig but we have no idea how you play from this post. You could be eating every stun/aoe and not using mechs or synergies or not exploiting status effects. I've had a no gear run to like arc 3 with 0 to no issues on a necro lol

    Are you running a WW at all?
    Or running into the spriggan or sail cutter every time?
    If I don't get the spriggan, it's sail cutter that ends me.

    Round 1: 45 minutes
    Ice map
    Ice map
    Raz-something - a khajiit that normally owns one of my other guys. I Wasted that boss like butter.
    Ice map
    Ice map
    I forget
    Spriggan - I've killed it before - summons infinite uncapped ads insanely fast, so much so I cannot kill them before she summons more. Try to take on the Lurcher and she's got another up before the first hits 90%. Evading the death blast creatures whenever they pop up, which is every 10 seconds. My Ferocious Roar doesn't end before she summons more ads. If it wasn't for the infinite ads, I could have had her. I got her down to 50% on my best try. Took all 3 threads.

    Round 2: 1 hour
    Mostly Ice maps, I think a couple fire maps, ended with Sail Cutter.
    Sail Cutter attempt 1: managed to whittle her to 50%. Seems like every time I reach her she'd teleport and summon another squad of harpies. Every time she teleported she'd start that lightning spam that I'd need to interrupt. Pounce, bash, recast, Claws, Ferocious Roar, she's already teleported? Pounce, bash, recast, Roar, Heavy attack, teleported Already?
    Then I went into ad clear mode and nearly died because of her lightning which was increasing in damage with each hit.
    Seems like the perfect boss for my Harbinger tank though.
    Definitely not for my Werewolf though.
    Attempt 2: Pilferer. Got it to 25% within what felt like 15 seconds. He crossed the map only 3 times. By then there were 15 harpies shooting me, killed me swiftly. Storm puddle didn't help matters. Was probably more like 30-45 seconds, probably only 9-12 harpies. Definite visual clutter issues at that point.
    Attempt 3: Similar to attempt 1.

    Round 3: Also sail cutter. 45 minutes - 1 hour.

    Round 4: DCd
    Fire map
    Fire map - finished the mobs, but couldn't claim the verse as I got lagged out and disconnected.

    Every freakin map was a new trapped map. Why couldn't it have brought some of the old maps, ones I've done before? Ones I'm confident on.

    And every time my run ended on a hoard boss. Why hoard? Why can't it do another boss?
    I'd love to test this guy against that Cycle 4 Grievous Twilight who leaps in the air and smashes runes on the edges of the field. That one is normally a run ender too, but this toon has the most DPS of all my units, and a decent heal, so I want to test it.

    But no, it just has to be Sail Cutter.

    I just want ones I'm used to.
    I'm also wondering why the Spriggan kicked my butt this time when as a slightly lower level with way underpowered gear I was able to beat her before.
    Is it Pack Leader? Is that my issue? The wolves? That's the only thing I can really think of.
  • quinancia
    I haven't played a low level in a long time, but doesn't the scaling decrease as one's level increases?

    If so, could that be why it is harder now?
  • KaironBlackbard
    Round 5:
    Ice map - death by bulwark dragonknight standard. Oops, my bad. Attempt 2 victory.
    Ice map - frustrated by yet another trap map - still haven't cast ult. 5:32 PM CT.
    Unwitting Fortress chosen. Kra'gh the Dreugh King. Should be easy enough. I've beaten fungal grotto many times. Greatsword attempt. Sure he summons mudcrabs but they were easy. Never actually directly hit them, I was purely focussed on Kragh. Greatsword AoE took out the Mudcrabs. First time seeing Adaptive Conqueror, so took that one. Already got the other previously. Hmm, well so long as I don't go werewolf, I should be fine. Alt ult is Corrosive Armor, not like its any better than Werewolf. Nearly got wiped the last time I used it. Werewolf it better. Although this run I'm planning on not going wolf because of the pets it summons, in case that's why I keep having to fight hoard summoning bosses. If it summons another hoard I'm screwed.
    5:40 PM CT - Fire Map with a lava geyser right in front of me. Walked into it to test, yes it does damage to me.
    I literally have no idea how I beat that. The final wave of the round was slapping me all over the place and I couldn't cast anything. Dreadhorns and minotaur, and deadra with clanfears. When I cast Corrosive Armor it was almost like everything instantly died then, and I have no idea how because I hardly hit them. I cast corrosive because they knocked me below 35% and I was out of stamina so I couldn't break free, block, dodge, or cast any abilities. Stamina build. Kinda stinks when you run out of stamina. Intro to wave 3 was I cast Stampede on the minotaur, unfortunately into a lava pool. Instantly down to 50%. I won though.
    Rotation: Molten Armaments, Stampede, Hardened Armor, Venomous Claw, Venomous Claw, Venomous Claw, Heavy attack (Embershield), then cast whatever to keep buffs up. Every 12 seconds recast Venomous Claw (Molten Whip on backbar).
    Got Obsidian Shield slotted for levelling. Not like I'm ever gonna use that useless skill but I'll level it just cause.
    Greatsword and Werewolf on that bar.
    Backbar is Corrosive armor, bow, stone giant, dragon blood, choking talons (used to be where obsidian shield now is), Molten Whip, Molten Armaments (need another skill to replace).

    5:52 PM CT Augmented Areas verse. None of my options were really useful so hoping that will buff the ground effect from Stampede.
    Map: lava rocks falling from the roof. Victory: Fire Orb. Portal to the unknown. Butcher map. So I'm a goat. Gilded Sleight.
    Boss: Lava Queen. I have no idea who this is. Glad I'm not a vampire though, because assuming fire damage galore.
    Uh... Fire orb is soooo different now. I thought it was one of her attacks, until I put her in its chain.
    Crystalline Support vision. Ice set 1/3 this run.

    6:01 PM CT
    FINALLY ONE OF THE OLD MAPS - ahhh, nice and cozy.. lets roll!
    Orbiting Echos, only because I already got the others previously. I've heard it doesn't work. At least it's only an ad stage next.
    Yes, another one of the old maps. Phew.
    Echos works alright, just hard to hit with it. I think I got it down, used only echos to eliminate the enemies. Had to use talons to stop a melee unit, but otherwise fairly simple I think. That is some insane dps it can do. Ranged units are easiest to hit with it. Claimed Fire Orb.

    6:10 PM CT Boss round - Kjarg the Tuskscraper
    Is he an ad summoner? I don't think so. Stuff falling from the roof? Maybe. Gonna throw me around alot? Probably.
    Overall, should be an easy-ish fight. Only one way to find out.
    Of course, with Fire Orb, it'll make it real quick.
    Yeah, easy, summons seeking tornados.
    Brawling Advantage vs sweeping guard. Already got SG in a previous run, but don't got BA, so taking BA.

    6:15 PM CT
    good, an old map. Perhaps journaling like this is giving me better odds? Further runs will be done in one note. This is the only time I'm doing this on forums. Don't want to be penalized for possible spam. Therefore this is a one-time thing.
    Wraith of Crows was a challenge but I got him. Er, more the hoard but greatsword thinned it out, 1v1 with crow was piece of cake. I wish there was a durational greatweapon Ult where you basically do the Volendrung Ult, but many not with the pull and some of the other effects. Just the spin of doom. That would be fun. Just saying.
    Ok, verse choices: Flame Aura, Redirecting Bonds (Break Free), and Extravagant Elixirs. Yeah, flame aura is the best.
    Portal to the unknown. It's the path... Uh oh. Lanterns have only one fire, brilliant.
    order: 1, 5, 4, 3, 6. 2 irrelevant. Hmm, but will they last long enough? They might, but I do need to press 2... Ok, waiting for them to restock and gonna try it again. 1 5 4 2 3 6. Ok.
    Made it.
    Gilded Sleigh.

    6:30 PM CT
    Hey, another old map. Good for me. YEEE!
    Beatdown or unwitting fortress... next is boss fight... I have corrosive armor, so I suppose I'll do unwitting.

    6:34 PM CT: The Mage.
    Hey, it finally wasn't sail cutter.
    This is affirming my theory that the wolves were counting as players and causing the summoning of hoard bosses.
    6:37 PM CT, there were at least 7 flame atronachs. I had to cast werewolf to save my hide. Didn't last long, I still died. Had her down to 22%.
    Attempt 2, final thread. 6:45 PM CT - Got DCd. Had her down to 35%. I was doing so well. Darn it. It'll be a miracle if I'm still alive.
    Yeah, dead. Oh wells. Man I almost had that.
    At the beginning was storm atronachs. She summoned 2. There were also 2 indestructible flying weapons. By 50% she had summoned 5-7 ice atronachs. by 45% she had also summoned 4 flame atronachs. Darn I was so close. I was mostly playing avoidance and infectious claws, going in whenever unwitting fortress was active on something. That was a life saver. It apparently didn't last long enough for me to reconnect after being DCd though, as I came back and was dead.
    I hate it when that happens. Especially on a decent run.
    Edited by KaironBlackbard on 6 September 2024 00:05
  • KaironBlackbard
    The post above can give you some insight into my thought process while doing this.
    Or at least, my latest run anyway, as of 7 PM CT on September 5th, 2024.

    That's the only time I'm doing that journal log on forums. I'll be doing that on One Note from here on out, just to have my more detailed log of what's going on. I'm not a spammer.

    Anyways, seems like doing without werewolf may have helped summon fewer hoard bosses, but I still got hit by one in the end. One that seemed to go better than the others.
    Is the Mage supposed to summon that many ads? I thought it only did one of each.

  • KaironBlackbard
    In hindsight, it was probably just map rotation change time. After 6:00PM CT, it went from trap maps to the old crypt maps. I like the crypt maps. I also like the fungal maps. I do not like the trap maps.
  • katanagirl1
    quinancia wrote: »
    I haven't played a low level in a long time, but doesn't the scaling decrease as one's level increases?

    If so, could that be why it is harder now?

    Yes, I can here to post this. It could be a reason why it’s harder now.

    I’ll be running my arcanist through there sometime and will see if I have any more difficulties after the patch this week.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • KaironBlackbard
    Does anyone know the names of each map? I'd like to be able to specify more deeply which map I get in my notebook. Descriptions aren't my forte and half the maps share the same description, with ever so minor differences.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    When I cast Corrosive Armor it was almost like everything instantly died then, and I have no idea how because I hardly hit them.

    Corrosive Armor shreds the armor of enemies in the area to zero. If stuff is dying quickly when you have Corrosive up but taking a long time when you don't have Corrosive up, check your penetration. It may be too low and it is making the enemies feel tanky.
  • Oznog666
    Round 1: 45 minutes
    Round 2: 1 hour
    Round 3: Also sail cutter. 45 minutes - 1 hour.

    Seriously? 45 minutes to one hour in the first arc? Beside stucking at one boss - what the heck are you doing that long? Arc 1 takes at about 15 minutes even if you are dying 3 or 4 times at one boss it should not take you that long.

    I remember when all my chars where low level toons and I could not even think about doing Maelstrom, Vateshran or any other arena. I did not think something like "ooooh nooooo, this bosses are way to difficult", I knew that I need to improve my toon, my gear and my playstyle so I came back later and did it.

    BTW: guess I had this boss yesterday when I did the two daily quests in the archive. Didn't see that many ads but of course its possible that the longer it takes the more ads are coming.

    PC EU
    1 Healer, 1 Tank, 3 DD, 5 more Toons just for fun
  • DinoZavr
    @ZOS_Kevin Hi, Kevin!
    there are two threads in recent discussions. one is "Infinite Archive U43 is amazing!", another is this one "Infinite Archive unplayable". This clearly indicated how diverse the playerbase is.
    thus i came up with a great idea: could Zenimax, please, implement The Infinite Delve with with blackjack and mudcrabs? B)
    PC EU
  • Jierdanit
    Kappachi wrote: »
    I always love that the suggestion is always a build problem showing that most players let their build play for them. lol

    Because people will never admit a skill issue, but now I see the more OP writes it's more likely than not a skill issue, but also tackling the content before it's meant to be done as reaching level 50 would inherently increase their power as well.

    ARC 1!
    ARC 1!
    You shouldn't need a freakin level 50 for Arc 1!
    It should be easy for low levels to make it through Arc 1 and this monster nukes a moderate level toon with CP.
    That shouldn't happen.
    You shouldn't need a build to make it through Arc 1.

    Now I wonder how you even make it to arc 5 if you're so confident these broken systems are fine.
    You're probably a CP 3200 who runs through everything like cheese.
    Speaking of, I wrecked the Crypt of Hearts as if they were butter. Arc 1 should be easier than a group dungeon like Crypt of Hearts.
    If I can't deal enough damage in Arc 1, when I cut through dungeons like butter on the same toon, something's wrong with the system.

    You dont need to be level 50 to beat Arc 1.

    Ive done the first Arc on a level 4 necro with no cps and only the gear you get from the start. (It definitely wasnt easy, but absolutely doable).
    If you want to have an easy time either do it on a char with a proper build or get someone else to do it with you.

    Please stop asking ZOS to nerf content that is absolutely fine because you are not capable of beating it.
    That is definitely a skill issue.
    PC/EU, StamSorc Main
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