master_vanargand wrote: »
It only lights up red when stacked at 5. It's best choice.
Resetting Grim Focus to its old effect will ver nerf Nightblade.
Please don't try to nerf Nightblade.
Araneae6537 wrote: »
Nightblade had been one of my favorite classes, but now I don’t run Grim Focus at all because I cannot stand the horrid permaglow, so reverting the skill would not be a nerf to me.
In the meantime, I’m glad NB are one of the meta healers for trials, having fun with that, and I enjoy the skills NB has for tanking as well.
master_vanargand wrote: »No, it's a nerf.
If you don't want the red light just say "remove the red light".
Why would you want to nerf Nightblade DPS?
lostineternity wrote: »Everything that does not increase financial profit will be ignored.
I understand where you're coming from, however this permaglow is actually preventing people from spending money on expensive arms packs, and has motivated others to ask for refunds. They are most definitely losing money by sticking to their guns on this issue. That alone would suggest that it may be more of a 'we can't fix it' than a 'we don't want to fix it.' However, we'll never really know, as long as the only answer is, "It's working as intended."
joseayalac wrote: »This is pushing players away from the game and also prevents many players from buying cosmetic stuff.
Not a small issue when it messes up paid cosmetics, leaving players feeling like they wasted money. Personally, I dislike it from a mechanical standpoint, because the glow means nothing. It's just there, and I'm still stuck using an addon if I want to track my charges. Using the glow to indicate full charge would've made too much sense?If an issue this small pushes you away from the game, I’d argue that you don’t like the game all that much.
They’re pushing away about 20 people that keep this thread necro’d. The same people replying to it.
20 people who care enough to actually post in a forum could be 200 or 2,000 people who actually come to the forums, care, but don't post, or 20,000 or 200,000 people who care, but never bothered to visit or take the time to set up a forum account.
Hi all. to reiterate here, it is working as intended. There are no plans right now to adjust The Grim Focus permaglow.
NoticeMeArkay wrote: »Next month this thread will celebrate it's first year anniversary! - Yay!
Meanwhile, today's PTS patch brought us this little 'treat'
Go purchase some class spell styles for crowns.
Hey, how about you fix GRIM FOCUS before you ask us to do the same mistake again?
They’re pushing away about 20 people that keep this thread necro’d. The same people replying to it.
If an issue this small pushes you away from the game, I’d argue that you don’t like the game all that much.
They’re pushing away about 20 people that keep this thread necro’d. The same people replying to it.
If an issue this small pushes you away from the game, I’d argue that you don’t like the game all that much.
It's more than 20 people - I checked how many different people were not happy with the glow in this thread page and the previous one, and got to 16, and as someone who's followed (and posted in) this thread since its inception, I can guarantee you there are a lot more people posting earlier in the thread telling ZOS they should be fixing this. So you can quit pushing the "only 20 people" argument, it's completely wrong.
They’re pushing away about 20 people that keep this thread necro’d. The same people replying to it.
If an issue this small pushes you away from the game, I’d argue that you don’t like the game all that much.
Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.