Grim Focus Permaglow

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  • Araneae6537

    It only lights up red when stacked at 5. It's best choice.
    Resetting Grim Focus to its old effect will ver nerf Nightblade.
    Please don't try to nerf Nightblade.

    Nightblade had been one of my favorite classes, but now I don’t run Grim Focus at all because I cannot stand the horrid permaglow, so reverting the skill would not be a nerf to me.

    In the meantime, I’m glad NB are one of the meta healers for trials, having fun with that, and I enjoy the skills NB has for tanking as well.
  • master_vanargand

    Nightblade had been one of my favorite classes, but now I don’t run Grim Focus at all because I cannot stand the horrid permaglow, so reverting the skill would not be a nerf to me.

    In the meantime, I’m glad NB are one of the meta healers for trials, having fun with that, and I enjoy the skills NB has for tanking as well.

    No, it's a nerf.
    If you don't want the red light just say "remove the red light".
    Why would you want to nerf Nightblade DPS?
  • joseayalac
    No, it's a nerf.
    If you don't want the red light just say "remove the red light".
    Why would you want to nerf Nightblade DPS?

    It's a nerf for the people who use the skill regardless of the terrible glow.

    It's a buff for the people that get to run NBs strongest skill again because the glow doesn't get in the way.
  • lostineternity
    After reading this topic, I once again ensured that they don't care about feedback from players. As a developer myself, I guarantee you that they could fix this bug in less than a day, but they won't because they don't care. Everything that does not increase financial profit will be ignored. Unfortunately, it is true. They rather spend developers' and designers' time on creating another set of crown store items.

    I was especially struck by Kevin's passive-aggressive post that they don't plan to do anything about it.
    This is exactly the text that Bethesda support responded to people they robbed on pre-orders of Fallout 76.
  • Jaraal
    Everything that does not increase financial profit will be ignored.

    I understand where you're coming from, however this permaglow is actually preventing people from spending money on expensive arms packs, and has motivated others to ask for refunds. They are most definitely losing money by sticking to their guns on this issue. That alone would suggest that it may be more of a 'we can't fix it' than a 'we don't want to fix it.' However, we'll never really know, as long as the only answer is, "It's working as intended."

  • OldStygian
    FWIW... I hadn't really considered this issue very much. However I recently scored the primal wolf skin and when I put it on my werewolf NB the perma-glow screws up the colouring around the face and eyes. Toon looks cool in character select, in game with the glow, not so much.
  • Araneae6537
    Jaraal wrote: »

    I understand where you're coming from, however this permaglow is actually preventing people from spending money on expensive arms packs, and has motivated others to ask for refunds. They are most definitely losing money by sticking to their guns on this issue. That alone would suggest that it may be more of a 'we can't fix it' than a 'we don't want to fix it.' However, we'll never really know, as long as the only answer is, "It's working as intended."

    This. Exactly. I’ve bought weapon styles from the Crown store for my main Nightblade and was considering buying additional until this horrid permaglow ruined the styles I do have. Why would I even consider buying any more?
  • joseayalac
    I don't think it's profitable for them to ignore this issue and focus dev efforts on crown store items.

    This is pushing players away from the game and also prevents many players from buying cosmetic stuff.

    I, for instance, don't feel comfortable buying styles for any class, knowing they could gut the looks any day with a poorly implemented change.

    It's a bad look for the company when they make this kind of low quality implementation and then refuse to even acknowledge it's poorly implemented.
  • shimm
    joseayalac wrote: »
    This is pushing players away from the game and also prevents many players from buying cosmetic stuff.

    They’re pushing away about 20 people that keep this thread necro’d. The same people replying to it.

    If an issue this small pushes you away from the game, I’d argue that you don’t like the game all that much.
  • NoticeMeArkay
    I was already starting to wonder when the monthly pvp player would show up to miss the topic.
    You're late.
  • xylena_lazarow
    shimm wrote: »
    If an issue this small pushes you away from the game, I’d argue that you don’t like the game all that much.
    Not a small issue when it messes up paid cosmetics, leaving players feeling like they wasted money. Personally, I dislike it from a mechanical standpoint, because the glow means nothing. It's just there, and I'm still stuck using an addon if I want to track my charges. Using the glow to indicate full charge would've made too much sense?
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
  • Jaraal
    shimm wrote: »

    They’re pushing away about 20 people that keep this thread necro’d. The same people replying to it.

    20 people who care enough to actually post in a forum could be 200 or 2,000 people who actually come to the forums, care, but don't post, or 20,000 or 200,000 people who care, but never bothered to visit or take the time to set up a forum account.

    Any time you see a vocal minority about any subject, rest assured that there's a silent majority that also cares, but doesn't comment.

    Personally, I don't mind the glow.... but I've also never paid for an arms pack that was originally intended to hide the presence of my weapons. And I'm not a fan of change for the sake of change, at the expense of those who preferred the way things have been since the beginning, and who have built their characters accordingly..... especially when the glow does not align with the weapons or where the weapons should be, and looks out of place. Other things, like removing the stealth that Bosmer have enjoyed for 20 years of TES lore just to create some PvP only passive that most players will never utilize DO bother me, and I will make my thoughts about such things known as often as I see fit. And if some folks get tired of reading my posts, there are solutions that they can utilize to make things better for themselves.

    Edited by Jaraal on 27 June 2024 15:57
  • Reasonchill
    Jaraal wrote: »
    20 people who care enough to actually post in a forum could be 200 or 2,000 people who actually come to the forums, care, but don't post, or 20,000 or 200,000 people who care, but never bothered to visit or take the time to set up a forum account.

    Exactly. And I've said it before already, others did, too. Simply reading the thread (by that commenter) would work wonders in this case. Or not participating in a conversation at all - that involves listening (reading) first. Literally, and I do mean LITERALLY every sentence of those messages has been addressed before, directly. As if repeating all the contents of this thread to each person separately wouldn't inflate it even more.

    It's also way more than 20 in this thread. Those who actually took the time to go through writing a long effortful message and risking getting that kind of response. "I didn't read what you said, but here's why you shouldn't care".
    Exactly this has been said already, too, btw.
    And why do those people need variety? In reason and in people. It would take 1 person to say this, should be enough. Why would you need more?

    All has been said already. A raw change, implemented before finished, can't put it back where it came from now, need to finish it up after release.
    This thread is a mess working as intended.
    Edited by Reasonchill on 27 June 2024 19:52
  • Morvan
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. to reiterate here, it is working as intended. There are no plans right now to adjust The Grim Focus permaglow.

    We did not ask to change the skill functionality, we didn't complain about the change to the skill itself, the skill being active all the time was a good change! It was a DPS gain and made nightblade gameplay smoother.

    The skill is working as intended, yes, but what we're actually asking for is to fix an unintended visual issue with that skill, this is literally the ONLY skill in the game that adds a permanent effect to your character for just being slotted, ESO never had an issue like that.

    Honestly it's not really a big deal for me anymore as I can quickly switch setups with addons and replace the skill to something else when I'm not doing serious content, but I couldn't imagine how much that glow would annoy me if I was a console player and had to manually remove the skill every time, just so I could do housing or change my character outfit in peace.

    Please, for the sake of everything that is sacred, any solution is better than not doing anything at all, especially for a problem with such an easy solution, I could literally make an entire list with possible fixes, some that would work for the few who for some reason like to look like a torchbug all the time.

    You guys could:
    Remove the glow entirely,
    Make it only show up when stacks are present or fully stacked,
    Make it only glow during combat,
    Make it disappear when weapons are sheathed,
    Make styles with effects replace the glow,
    or just give us an option to hide it!

    I'm pretty sure you guys can think of many more solutions than the several already proposed in this topic, but honestly the glow only showing up at full stacks would be the ideal and would give the effect an actual functionality, just like EVERY other skill effect in the game has.
    @MorvanClaude on PC/NA, don't try to trap me with lore subjects, it will work
  • FryDerson
    Soul Shriven
    Greetings. I just registered on the forum, although I have been reading it for six years. I hope you understand why I drew attention to this.

    Let me start by saying that I chose the Nightblade class for two reasons - I don't like the bright visuals, and I also like the red color. I only have one character and despite the fact that it is quite difficult to master, I have always been satisfied with this class, and also with the fact that it does not have bright flashes, various pets, almost constant transparency effects, etc. The Nightblade is self-sufficient and capable of anything in this game. Ideal class for me.

    In addition, I am extremely careful when choosing cosmetics - I do not use glowing mounts, unrealistic pets, sparkling weapons, ugly skins, etc. My character looks down to earth, logical and stylish.
    Everything was fine, but a year ago, as you know, the skill "Grim Focus" received changes, after which the weapon began to constantly glow. I didn’t like it for the above reasons and I stopped playing, although I had been in the game for five years. Now, a year later, I returned and see that this error has not been corrected. Additionally, at this time the official position of the developers is that this is not a bug. Fine. If the position does not change and the mistake is not recognized as a mistake soon, then I will leave the game again. Like other players who just read the forum but don't write messages.
    And yes, there are a lot of options for correcting the error. Any one of them would suit me. I just don't need a glowing weapon, but using the skill "Grim Focus" is necessary.

    P.S. Besides, I rarely buy anything from the crown store. Why? Because there are very few stylish and beautiful things, pets and weapons that would not illuminate everything around them. I would rather buy ten black horses in various realistic armor than some rainbow mutant that is considered the best reward from the boxes. But these horses are not in the store. But there are multi-colored griffins without wings, giant wolves and a host of other creatures that do not fit into their surroundings at all.
  • joseayalac
    @ZOS_Kevin help pls :'(
    Edited by joseayalac on 3 July 2024 03:29
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Next month this thread will celebrate it's first year anniversary! - Yay!

    Meanwhile, today's PTS patch brought us this little 'treat'


    Go purchase some class spell styles for crowns.

    Hey, how about you fix GRIM FOCUS before you ask us to do the same mistake again?

  • master_vanargand
    Did ZoS decide to celebrate its 10th anniversary by making the Nightblade glow red as a party decoration?
    I think they party every day with Nightblade's screams playing in the background music.
    I hope this speculation is a joke, but I suspect it might be true.
  • Thysbe
    Next month this thread will celebrate it's first year anniversary! - Yay!

    Meanwhile, today's PTS patch brought us this little 'treat'


    Go purchase some class spell styles for crowns.

    Hey, how about you fix GRIM FOCUS before you ask us to do the same mistake again?

    really, seriously?!? with this thread going on for a year they still think its a good idea to introduce a pink killer´s blade instead of finally making the much asked for toggle for grim focus?!?

    How hard can it be if there already is a colour/effect toggle implemented on a skill basis?

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 9 July 2024 12:02
  • LanteanPegasus
    shimm wrote: »
    They’re pushing away about 20 people that keep this thread necro’d. The same people replying to it.

    If an issue this small pushes you away from the game, I’d argue that you don’t like the game all that much.

    I don't know about "pushing away" people, but the Permaglow bothers a lot of them.
    I posted in this thread on April 3rd. And while I haven't posted again, because I said everything I had to say on the topic, I'm still just as annoyed, and just as opposed to the change, as I was back then.

    So there may be only 20 people who keep the thread on the front pages (although I'd doubt that statement), but there are far more than that who have a problem with the permaglow that hasn't gone away just because they don't reiterate it every other day.

  • StihlReign
    Ugh. It just makes armor packs we've paid for look like crap. Just give us an option to turn it off.

    Edited by StihlReign on 9 July 2024 12:33
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • SolidBeast
    Adding my voice to the chorus of people asking for a toggle since apparently now there are doubts being raised whether enough people are bothered by it in a 37-page thread...
    "Many fall, but one remains."
  • Araneae6537
    At this point I’m just waiting and hoping for a bloody invisible “style” for this skill. :expressionless:

    (As in the skill loses the obnoxious perma-glow, not that it makes you or your weapons invisible, lol)
    Edited by Araneae6537 on 9 July 2024 15:25
  • master_vanargand
    Grim Focus "Invisible Style", price is 5000 trillion crown!
    This could make ZoS the number one company in the world.
  • joseayalac
    Even considering that I hate the permaglow and that it ruins my crown purchases styles, if it only glowed when at full stacks, I'd like it because it symbolizes the spectral arrow.

    If I have no spectral arrow (5 stacks), then why does it show? It's obviously low effort and low quality code as it is right now.
    Edited by joseayalac on 10 July 2024 00:56
  • AuroranGoldenEagle
    shimm wrote: »

    They’re pushing away about 20 people that keep this thread necro’d. The same people replying to it.

    If an issue this small pushes you away from the game, I’d argue that you don’t like the game all that much.

    I've not commented here yet, so I'm not one of the "20".

    The change is visually really bad, and my Nightblade has stayed on the shelf collecting dust for a year.

    Just to add my voice to the list.
    You have discovered the thirty-seventh Sermon of Vivec, which is a bending of the light, long past the chronicles of the Hortator who wore inconstant faces and ruled however they would, until apocalypse.
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    shimm wrote: »

    They’re pushing away about 20 people that keep this thread necro’d. The same people replying to it.

    If an issue this small pushes you away from the game, I’d argue that you don’t like the game all that much.
    It's more than 20 people - I checked how many different people were not happy with the glow in this thread page and the previous one, and got to 16, and as someone who's followed (and posted in) this thread since its inception, I can guarantee you there are a lot more people posting earlier in the thread telling ZOS they should be fixing this. So you can quit pushing the "only 20 people" argument, it's completely wrong.
    Edited by Beilin_Balreis_Colcan on 10 July 2024 02:41
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • katanagirl1
    Yes, I hate this unforeseen consequence of the skill but I gave up and moved on.

    The NB buffs keep buffing PvP but PvE NB is suffering. I am reminded of this every day,
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
  • master_vanargand
    I'd say there are probably at least 400+ people posting in this thread.
  • divnyi
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    It would be nice if buff effects were togglable, like cosmetics. Or some setting.
    Almost all major resolve buffs make your character ugly, but are essential to be competitive.
    If there was an option to hide them, I'd do.
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