Please note: in this contest, the "Worst Mythic" is defined as the mythic that provides the least benefit to the user and/or their build/group and has nothing to do with how they look on the player or how difficult/buggy the leads are to get, though these may be valid arguments for other contests (i.e. an overland set is easier to get than a trial set and provides more benefit), it's not the purpose of this topic.
I may do a follow-up contest on what the worst Mythic lead is to get depending on interest- the mythic itself and its leads are different things to consider.
IF you do not have a forum account, but still wish to participate and have an in-game account, you may mail your submissions/ideas to me at
@Dr_ConTTV on PC/NA and I will post the mail on your behalf for people with active forum accounts to vote. No forum account = no vote.
I will post all set suggestions in a follow-up topic over the weekend.
if your submission is not included in the poll of the following topic due to the forum limit of 10, people will still be allowed to write in their vote and it will be in the honorable mentions section. I am trying to not exclude anyone from participating and this is why I enable it so we can see who voted- to ensure no double-voting happens.
The community will vote on what they think the worst mythic is over the weekend, and I will snapshot/publish the results at my earliest convenience.
- To enter you need only post a screenshot or a link to the current set's values from in-game or from or (I am not requiring others to go to external websites, but I leave it here as an option for those who decide to use links rather than the easy to use screenshot feature) or mail me in-game your idea and I will post your idea on your behalf. I reserve the right to edit the set suggestions if they are out of date at my own discretion without notice so the values reflect current 160 CP values or so that they are more aesthetically pleasing (I do my best to double check all submissions so that pre-buff/pre-nerf screenshots aren't included).
- 1 submission per person per week
- The first person to post the set gets credit for posting it, if you mail me in-game with your submission but someone posted it first, I have to go with the person who posted it on the forum first.
- Each post should either be in support or disapproval for either the topic or another submission (but do not target the users please!)
- If you want to add to the prize pool you may do so at your own volition
- The winning person must designate a recipient (with the @) for the prize money, which will be in gold. It does not have to be your own account
- You can ask friends to vote for your idea in the following topic, but in the spirit of the purpose of this topic I encourage all people to vote based on the best choice of what they think the worst set is as of that moment so they can be featured in the topic where I track all the winners from each week.
- Please note that if you do not or cannot accept the prize money, I'm not going to award it to another party unless their @name is stated.
(this is not sponsored by Zenimax and the reward money will come from me on PC/NA)
Edited by ZOS_Icy on 21 November 2022 17:18