Official Discussion Thread for "Endeavors Arrive with the New Iron Atronach Crown Crates"

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This is the official discussion thread for the "Endeavors Arrive with the New Iron Atronach Crown Crates" blog article.


Here's a full list of all the rewards contained in Iron Atronach Crown Crates:

Radiant Apex Rewards:
  • Viridian Iron Steed
  • Black Forge Iron Senche
  • Sunflare Iron Wolf

Apex Rewards:
  • Iron Atronach Horse
  • Iron Atronach Bear
  • Iron Atronach Camel
  • Iron Atronach Guar
  • Iron Atronach Senche
  • Iron Atronach Wolf
  • Iron Atronach

Legendary Rewards:
  • Naryu's Morag Tong Costume
  • Nibenese Noble's Shawled Robe
  • Brimstone Nixad
  • Nightmare Firestalker Cub
  • Bull Kagouti Charger
  • Deadlands Excoriated
  • Hist-Tsoko
  • Solstheim Lunar Wolf
  • Dappled Elinhir Camel
  • Deadlands Chandelier, Bladed
  • Iron Atronach Battle Axe
  • Iron Atronach Bow
  • Iron Atronach Shield
  • Iron Atronach Staff
  • Iron Atronach Dagger
  • Inferno Cleats

Epic Rewards:
  • Hearthfire Hatchling
  • Morag Tong Spatter Lenses
  • Nibenese Laurel Coronet
  • Stallion-Liege Brow Medallion
  • Tourmaline Swamp Jelly
  • Deadlands Scorpion
  • Stitchfur Cavy
  • Deadlands Sconce, Horned
  • Deadlands Cage, Bladed
  • Knight-Aspirant Tourney Helm
  • Knight-Aspirant Courting Helm
  • Blow Bubbles
  • Crochet
  • Impartial Decision Coin

Superior Rewards:
  • Necrom Ghostgazer Cat
  • Sea Sapphire Dovah-Fly
  • Hallin's Jackal
  • Sul-Xan Prophet Face Markings
  • Triptych Motion Face Markings
  • Dagon's Aspirant Face Markings
  • Dagon's Aspirant Body Markings
  • Sul-Xan Prophet Body Markings
  • Triptych Motion Body Markings
  • Wasten Coraldale Mudcrab
  • Goldspine Boar
  • Iliac Spotted Goat
  • Scutecicle Haj Mota
  • Knight-Aspirant Girdle
  • Knight-Aspirant Cuirass
  • Knight-Aspirant Greaves
  • Knight-Aspirant Helm
  • Knight-Aspirant Sabatons
  • Knight-Aspirant Gauntlets
  • Knight-Aspirant Pauldrons
  • Fire Salts
  • Spicy Soup

Edited by ZOS_SarahHecker on 17 June 2021 14:52
Staff Post
  • opaj
    Listen, I'm not a fan of this whole "crown crate" thing, but if you officially change their names to "Sturdy Storage Squares," then maybe I'll finally be able to get on board.
  • TiaFrye
    A lot of this I already have... Guess I need to buy two more Ayleid apex mounts with my gems after all.
  • B0SSzombie
    Anyone else want to take guesses on Radiant Apex costs?

    I'm betting:
    Viridian Iron Steed: 1,600 Gems
    Black Forge Iron Senche: 2,500 Gems
    Sunflare Iron Wolf : 1,200 Gems
  • xgoku1

    From the Announcement article:
    With the new Seals currency, you can acquire any of the currently available Crown Crate items. This includes any of the crate’s consumables (such as potions or XP scrolls), pets, cosmetics, or even its extremely rare Radiant Apex mounts...

    This Forum post doesn't include Fine and Common rewards which include aforementioned XP Scrolls and potions, mount training books etc.

    Is this a mistake? Or can we not buy grind-reducing items from Fine and Common categories with Seals of Endeavor? Because your Announcement post specifically states that we can buy them.

    Please clarify.
  • Jaimeh
    I saw the polymorph in-game, someone had gotten it from the preview iron atro crates, it looks really cool.
  • JazzyNova
    No hairstyles in this crown crate season either it seems. The fact that we are constantly being taunted by all of these NPCs with unavailable hairstyles is frustrating... now we have short mussed wave constantly following us around if we have Bastian out, which maybe a while still before it's available & the altmer mage you can encounter on Blackwood streets who has the chance to turn you into a maormer with Velsa's/Veya's hair.
    Edited by JazzyNova on 16 June 2021 17:22
  • Spell-Slinger
    JazzyNova wrote: »
    No hairstyles in this crown crate season either unfortunately. The fact that we are constantly being taunted by all of these NPCs with unavailable hairstyles is frustrating enough... now we have short mussed wave constantly following us around if we have Bastian out, which maybe a while still before it's available & the altmer mage you can encounter on Blackwood streets who has the chance to turn you into a maormer with Veya's hair.

    Yet, this crate season seems to primarily consist of lots of pets & reskins that were previously available for crowns.

    I honestly don't understand why they don't go ahead & release more hairstyles. I am reaching to the point where I'm slowly losing hope that they're ever going to release these hairstyles honestly.

    You thought ZOS were greedy, but it turns out they don't actually our money. The more you know.
  • DerAlleinTiger
    xgoku1 wrote: »

    From the Announcement article:
    This Forum post doesn't include Fine and Common rewards which include aforementioned XP Scrolls and potions, mount training books etc.

    Is this a mistake? Or can we not buy grind-reducing items from Fine and Common categories with Seals of Endeavor? Because your Announcement post specifically states that we can buy them.

    Please clarify.

    These threads almost never do, as far as I can recall. Because those items pretty much never change (and no one really cares about them anyway). People want to know what the items actually worth getting in the crates are, not what all the gem-junk is.
  • Dracuhl
    Awesome! Glad that there will now be a way to get the cool looking mounts, mogs, pets, etc by playing the game! Pretty sure that was the last gripe I had about the game other than the Cyrodil performance (which I dont really play cause I suck), EXPENSIVE crown only houses (I know it takes time and stuff to make them but MAN), and shared achievements (Please add this... Please. Even if its just some of them).

    Is there a list for the endeavor prices out yet or will we just need to log in tomorrow?
  • Hamfast
    The last few lines of the announcement reads:
    With the introduction of the Endeavors System and Seals of Endeavor, there’s a whole new way to get your hands on the latest Crown Crate items. You can also still acquire Crown Crates from the in-game Crown Store by purchasing crowns, too! Are you excited about the new Endeavors System and the Iron Atronach Crown Crates? Let us know via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!

    The item I find questionable is:
    You can also still acquire Crown Crates from the in-game Crown Store by purchasing crowns, too!

    Are we going to get crown crates when we buy Crowns or only with the crowns we buy?
    Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
  • Ratzkifal
    Hamfast wrote: »
    The last few lines of the announcement reads:

    The item I find questionable is:
    Are we going to get crown crates when we buy Crowns or only with the crowns we buy?

    They mean you still can buy Crown Crates from the Crown Store, but in order to do that you obviously need to buy crowns first. So you can acquire them by purchasing crowns (and spending them on crates).
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Hamfast
    Ratzkifal wrote: »

    They mean you still can buy Crown Crates from the Crown Store, but in order to do that you obviously need to buy crowns first. So you can acquire them by purchasing crowns (and spending them on crates).

    This is what I would assume but wanted to question the wording as it could be a "Sales Ploy" for a week or so, we were given crates as a reward for buying crowns, sort of like getting extra crowns or a half price sale...
    Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
  • SantieClaws
    Will the first weekly endeavour reflect that, this week, we have less time to complete it?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • tomofhyrule
    JazzyNova wrote: »
    No hairstyles in this crown crate season either it seems. The fact that we are constantly being taunted by all of these NPCs with unavailable hairstyles is frustrating... now we have short mussed wave constantly following us around if we have Bastian out, which maybe a while still before it's available & the altmer mage you can encounter on Blackwood streets who has the chance to turn you into a maormer with Velsa's/Veya's hair.

    +1 for this. Hopefully July's showcase will bring some hairstyles, because it's getting tiring seeing all of these NPCs with the style I want most...

    Having said that, I'm really happy about Endeavors. From what I've seen, the Iron Atro crates are filled with great stuff and I haven't liked most of a crate season in a while. I know I'll be grinding Endeavors for some of these sweet goodies.

    ...but I'll grind harder if you have Short Mussed Wave hidden away somewhere...
  • WiseSky
    Where is our Sweetroll !!!!!!!!
  • BoloBoffin
    Will the first weekly endeavour reflect that, this week, we have less time to complete it?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    They are live now and there's no weekly endeavors. However, today's daily endeavors give 20 seals. That seems high for dailies, so maybe that's the tradeoff this week.
    Been there, got the Molag Bal polymorph.
  • PeacefulAnarchy
    xgoku1 wrote: »

    From the Announcement article:
    This Forum post doesn't include Fine and Common rewards which include aforementioned XP Scrolls and potions, mount training books etc.

    Is this a mistake? Or can we not buy grind-reducing items from Fine and Common categories with Seals of Endeavor? Because your Announcement post specifically states that we can buy them.

    Please clarify.
    The consumables are available, though the cost doesn't scale the way gems do.
  • VaranisArano
    BoloBoffin wrote: »

    They are live now and there's no weekly endeavors. However, today's daily endeavors give 20 seals. That seems high for dailies, so maybe that's the tradeoff this week.

    Weeklies are going to start up with the new week on Monday.
  • Lintashi

    They are live now and there's no weekly endeavors. However, today's daily endeavors give 20 seals. That seems high for dailies, so maybe that's the tradeoff this week.[/quote]

    6 days of dailies for 25 poisons? yes, it is high, we need atleast 2 weeks to farm that amount of endeavors (sarcasm mode off). If not counting weekly rewards, one must only spend around 133 days of grind for apex mount, and 266 for radiant apex. I doubt, that anyone will be able to get current seasons mounts with endeavors. Of course, weekly might change the situation, but I doubt it. Mounts must be expensive, and not like radiant should be achieved in one month, but this seems overboard.
  • Radiance
    I'm underwhelmed by this crate season as well. I already have the costumes and no interest in style pages.

    It would be nice to see something new instead of the same old stuff being recycled back through for a different currency.

    I like the Cavy pet and that's about it... I'm bored.

    Please bring back Storm Atronach Crates while we wait for the next crate season, there's actually stuff I still want from that season.
  • silvereyes
    Seals in exchange for murdering citizens. Expect to see a lot more dead bodies lying around….
  • Fischblut
    It's been very long time since mounts got new edits to their voices, and I like the metallic effect :)

    I don't like their body models though. I like effects (Dark Anchor sounds) and voice of Radiant senche most of all this time, but it also has the worst body model for my taste :'( If only this senche could be combined with meteor drop effect from Planemeld Courser, I would not hesitate.
    Wolf has the best body model, and his muzzle is especially nice with those large rocky teeth.

    I was very surprised that Senche is not the highest cost mount this time... but then I saw Wolf's howl with rocky shower :D

    I'm also very interested in seeing Iron Atronach polymorph in action, what voice it has? I wish there were official showcase videos, so we could make decisions of purchase (or no purchase) fast and easy.
    Edited by Fischblut on 17 June 2021 20:57
  • BoloBoffin
    Lintashi wrote: »

    6 days of dailies for 25 poisons? yes, it is high, we need atleast 2 weeks to farm that amount of endeavors (sarcasm mode off). If not counting weekly rewards, one must only spend around 133 days of grind for apex mount, and 266 for radiant apex. I doubt, that anyone will be able to get current seasons mounts with endeavors. Of course, weekly might change the situation, but I doubt it. Mounts must be expensive, and not like radiant should be achieved in one month, but this seems overboard.

    Yesterday was 15 seals/5000 g, today is 20 seals again per endeavor. So just like the PTS, the number will go up and down.

    I can't seriously believe that anyone thought seals would let people acquire apex level rewards in a couple of months.Grinding up to the highest levels may well never happen. Saving up your gems will always be faster. Seals will let you grab smaller rewards without tapping your gems.
    Been there, got the Molag Bal polymorph.
  • stevusbeefus
    opened 75 crates 2 days ago, only got one apex (the polymorph), only was focused on gems for a radiant anyways. opened a set of 30 crates yesterday, 3rd crate I get a bonus card apex, hoping for a dupe so I get gems, I reveal the card and see its the radiant horse. so *** hyped. also got 3 other apex mounts from that set of 30. (wolf, camel, and bear.)
  • stevusbeefus
    planning to open 115 more crates with hopes of just getting at least 1000 gems. if I get another radiant that would be cool, but the goal is to just be able to buy the senche radiant.
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