This is somewhat off-topic, but since we have a senior content designer on the stream, I wonder if you'd be willing to field any other content-related questions.
For instance: The Alliance starter towns and capitals are getting stuffed with prologue characters. Are there any plans to alleviate this?
Nice stream but for once it would be nice if you would show the console Ui and not always PC UI.
Console player's never get to see the ui we will be using. Makes us feel left out and feel like an afterthought.
I never see or hear of anyone directing pets on console. Well maybe never but extremely rare in any case.
Please tell me someone spent time actually testing and using this on a controller and not think oh they can already direct pet's it will be okay.
Thanks again stepping off my soapbox.
PS please fix the green tree.
heavyvogue wrote: »
here's the console UI from March 31 preview event if that's what you mean by UI. you can also check it out here:
Thannazzar wrote: »Really disappointing that you cannot add skins, personalities and Polymorph on companions. Such a wasted opportunity for this feature.