Identifying the problem: CP Cyro is constantly laggy and unplayable in peak hours, No CP is dead up until 7PM EST on a good day.
Controversial Fix: Offer more rewards for playing in lower population campaigns as to balance out the numbers; ie, double AP gain for either limited time or duration of campaign. Could get fancy and offer monthly login participation bonuses (not dailies) outside the normal login bonuses.
Bandaid Fix
CP Cyro: Lower overall population by half so it's more playable in peak hours.
No CP Cyro: More people will be inclined to play in here in the off hours because of CP Cyro server capacity cut in half.
Under 50 / Standard / 7 Day: Just delete, it's only there so people can farm emp for the title. On paper they seem fine, in practice they're dead because everyone hoards to CP cyro.