Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Official Discussion Thread for "Begin Your Life of Crime with the Return..."

  • UrQuan
    Why this event though? Out of all the ones you could pick you chose the one nobody likes.
    You don't represent everyone. I happen to really like the Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood event, and I know plenty of other people who do as well.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • VaranisArano
    maboleth wrote: »
    And this is a proof that people are just moaning and complaining, reasons not needed.

    Sarah said clearly why it was postponed and with some good thoughts.

    If they didn't postpone it, people would complain - ur PVP servers r trash, u suck, the game can't run normal times gl with event, LOL, OMEGALUL - and similar, highly intelligent replies.

    When they postponed it with 2 good reasons people still complain - you don't care for PVP, thank you zos for nothing!!!1! cancelling my sub!1!! etc.

    To be entirely fair...both complaints are valid.

    PVP performance is persistently terrible. Has been for years. Its awful in general and just gets worse under the high demand of Midyear Mayhem every time they run it.

    If we PVPers waited for ZOS to fix their issues with PVP...there was crippling lag 2+ years ago on PC/NA Trueflame, crippling lag and performance issues on PC/NA Vivec, and Kaalgrontiid isn't any better.

    And regular PVPers suck it up and deal with it for the amazing times we have when PVP actually works. We sucked it up for every past Midyear Mayhem and had fun despite it.

    Bottom line - PVP has had issues for a long time and ZOS has never fixed it. ZOS hasnt even managed to make substantial improvements.

    So if they'd gone ahead with Midyear Mayhem, performance woukd be horrible. Because ZOS has NOT fixed known, longstanding performance issues in PVP.

    And now they cancel Midyear Mayhem - for good reasons - but reasons that only still exist because they can't fix a known, long-standing problem with the BGs groupfinder.

    And that's really disappointing.

    Either way, its not that we're whiny complainers who will complain no matter what.

    Its that ZOS hasn't fixed long-standing, known issues with PVP that impact us whether we have the event or we don't.
  • VaranisArano
    Double mats. B)


    I get more hate tells from players I beat to double nodes on my PVE farmer than I ever have in PVP. :lol:
  • ApostateHobo
    UrQuan wrote: »
    Why this event though? Out of all the ones you could pick you chose the one nobody likes.
    You don't represent everyone. I happen to really like the Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood event, and I know plenty of other people who do as well.

    I enjoy the dark brotherhood and thieve's guild content, but the heists and sacraments get very tedious after a while. Especially if you're trying to actually get a decent reward out of it. This game's stealth system is just not so goodly in general.
  • Skorro
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.

    Why until next year? There was a short one in Jan, can't there be another towards the end of the year?

    This just reads to me that you guys have no intention of actual fixes to performance until next year...
  • valeriiya
    Remember Tharn saying that something will help him end the "misguided three banners war"? Is this the beginning of the end for PvP?
    Even with the God awful performance in PvP I still looked forward to the event and I think a lot of us realized that performance is **** and we try to get through it and have some fun.
  • BigBragg
    This is a loose, loose situation for PvPers. Thanks for that...

    I was really looking forward to Midyear Meyham, but also dreading it for all of the exacerbated issues. What had it been three years since the first Cyrodiil event, that was supposed to collect data in an effort to improve performance? Putting this off another year, just feel like ZOS is putting off the entire community, as performance issues are now being felt far and wide outside of Cyrodiil.

    BG queues not working a significant amount of time is also just as bad as Dungeon Finder not working. Except with BGs we can't just form our own groups and avoid the system.

    I would ask if there will be solutions by next year, even thought waiting longer as it has already been years on these seems absurd. Like who are we kidding at this point. Just say you have no intention of addressing the problems.

    Then you can devote everything to pumping out overland and Crown Store content. I mean isn't that just about where we are anyway?
  • LukosCreyden
    Oh dear. Seems I'm cursed to never get to try the PVP event.
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • ZOS_SarahHecker
    KappaKid83 wrote: »
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.

    Could we get some clarification and communication as to what the process has been and how far along in this process we actually are? Any communication would be great, like any at all...

    We're still on track with the update Matt Firor gave a few weeks ago and these updates will begin rolling out later this year. Here is an excerpt of some of the most relevant points from his full post with the full version here.
    Second, the looking for group system. As we posted last week, we are working on a 100% revamp of this system, which is mostly used for Dungeon and Battleground queuing. We have a version done that we are testing in-house, although it will be a while before it goes live. We want to make sure that the solution we have scales correctly and will support the now massive numbers of players that are using the system. We are planning for revamped LFG system to be in Update 24, depending on how testing is going. Until then, we will continue with the only solution we have (which we posted about last week in the LFG update) - cap the number of players in the queue. We know it is extremely frustrating to not be able to queue for dungeons and BGs and get "cannot join queue" when you try, but at least now once you get into a queue successfully, you should be able to join the dungeon or BG.

    Third: overall performance. Rich talked about this in his end of year message six months ago: we are currently implementing sweeping optimization and memory management client architecture changes that should improve client performance and especially client stability. These optimizations will be most noticeable on lower-spec PCs, base Xbox, and base PS4, but overall everyone should notice better stability and performance. This is scheduled for Update 24. Additionally, we have another set of optimizations scheduled for Q1 next year that will reduce the client "footprint" requirements and should speed up loading times.
    Staff Post
  • zyk
    frostz417 wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    If you love PVP, do yourself a favor and find a game by a studio that focuses on PVP and values its customers.

    We play PvP because the game has fantastic PvP mechanics. Arguable the best out there. But the people that run the game screw us over because they don’t give a **** like you said. Sad that a game this good is screwed over by pure incompetence

    I agree. I hung on as long as I possibly could because it has so much potential.

    It's not even the performance issues that bother me the most. It's the lack of care and communication by the devs. I've never felt so worthless as a customer as I do as an ESO PVP player.
  • JonnAndCo
    You have substituted an event I can not play (all my characters are law abiding) for one I really enjoyed. Which brings me to a post I made on our guild forums:

    "I am going to be frank, this new activity model really bothers me. If we dont log in at specific times and run content we dont even enjoy, we may miss out on a mount. If we cant attend a livestream, we miss out on a one time offer and can never complete a set (Mount and Pet). They have converted a game whose strength was it's diversity and non linear game play and instituted a regimented play schedule instead, where we lose out big if we dont follow "the plan" (since their are barely enough tickets available to buy each season's mount).

    Compare this to SWTOR which is doing the opposite and is promoting the mantra "Play Your Way". In my opinion, the problem with ESO is they havnt instituted any meaningful progression for several years now, so many of us are sitting around in full gold gear and wondering "what is the point any more?". In my opinion the new regimented event systems are a poor substitute for meaningful progression, and a real turn off for me (it reminds me of Rift's Battle Pass, and shares a similar goal - forcing us to replay old content to keep us busy).

    They really need to spend some time revamping their alternate advancement system and inventing other means of progression which allow us the freedom of choosing our path, rather then channeling us through content we may not even enjoy (and the same is true for PvE players who wouldnt have enjoyed the Midyear Mayhem PvP event either). There should be alternate means of earning these mounts, or enough tickets to compensate for times we can not or do not wish to play certain content."

    Please take this feedback into consideration,
    Thank You
  • Katheriah
  • method__01
    although im affected,i support zos decision -last year's mayhem was a nightmare for all and while problems in Cyro havent change,i think its for the best
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • KappaKid83
    KappaKid83 wrote: »
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.

    Could we get some clarification and communication as to what the process has been and how far along in this process we actually are? Any communication would be great, like any at all...

    We're still on track with the update Matt Firor gave a few weeks ago and these updates will begin rolling out later this year. Here is an excerpt of some of the most relevant points from his full post with the full version here.
    Second, the looking for group system. As we posted last week, we are working on a 100% revamp of this system, which is mostly used for Dungeon and Battleground queuing. We have a version done that we are testing in-house, although it will be a while before it goes live. We want to make sure that the solution we have scales correctly and will support the now massive numbers of players that are using the system. We are planning for revamped LFG system to be in Update 24, depending on how testing is going. Until then, we will continue with the only solution we have (which we posted about last week in the LFG update) - cap the number of players in the queue. We know it is extremely frustrating to not be able to queue for dungeons and BGs and get "cannot join queue" when you try, but at least now once you get into a queue successfully, you should be able to join the dungeon or BG.

    Third: overall performance. Rich talked about this in his end of year message six months ago: we are currently implementing sweeping optimization and memory management client architecture changes that should improve client performance and especially client stability. These optimizations will be most noticeable on lower-spec PCs, base Xbox, and base PS4, but overall everyone should notice better stability and performance. This is scheduled for Update 24. Additionally, we have another set of optimizations scheduled for Q1 next year that will reduce the client "footprint" requirements and should speed up loading times.

    I have read that post many times over but thank you for providing it within the thread for those who have not seen or read it. I understand you are just the communicator for the update not the actual person working on the improvements or back end work but being left in the dark as a whole for months on end is frustrating to the community as a whole. You clearly see the frustration within the community due to lack of action and lack of communication. There isn't a weekly update like DAoC(where Matt came from) and even getting a dev to come into the forums to respond to anything sans a housing or cosmetic issue is like a grace of god moment.

    And then there is this, which I know you can not speak of because you are in fact not Gina herself but I think that a lot of the lack of communication comes from these two statements and the lack of follow through regarding them.

    As for my end, there is a plan, but we need time to get it fleshed out and implemented. I don't want to speak on behalf of Rob in regards to the vision and strategy for the game moving forward, but he has been hard at work getting this together. Again, these things take time and isn't something you'll see after just a couple days.
    Seriously though, don't want to commit to anything until everything is at least down on paper. Anywhere from a few weeks to the beginning of next year?

    Edited for Spelling Error
    Edited by KappaKid83 on 27 June 2019 19:14
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.
    Thank god... It is good for both PvP'ers and PvE'ers I guess... Looking forward to this event :smiley:
  • Koolio
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.
    Thank god... It is good for both PvP'ers and PvE'ers I guess... Looking forward to this event :smiley:

    If that’s the case why don’t we skip all Events until this is addressed
  • Loralai_907
    Perfect. I hate Heists and Sacraments. And have been really excited for MM, especially since I probably wasn't going to be working during it and could take super advantage this year of being in Cyro during it. For what would more than likely be the one and only time I would have such a situation going on that would allow me to do such a thing.

    I get it, I do. The performance issues and the group finder issues are really bad. But, they didn't start yesterday. They are long standing issues. My concern is that this time next year, you still won't have these things sorted out to an acceptable level. I think if the plan doesn't move things to a good place, its time to hire the big guns, whoever they are, to fix this *** for you. Because this CANNOT continue.

    In my best mom voice, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • MissBizz
    UrQuan wrote: »
    Why this event though? Out of all the ones you could pick you chose the one nobody likes.
    You don't represent everyone. I happen to really like the Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood event, and I know plenty of other people who do as well.

    To be fair this one is so time consuming. HI URQUAN!
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • MrTtheDK
    TERRIBLE. I think that describes this decision perfectly. You have to do a better job.
    DC- Diablo Azul , Mr T

    Alts: Nerf Something or Another

    Guild: - Imperial City Police
    RIP Guilds: Purple, WKB, Eight Divines, Rage, What Mechanics, Entropy Rising
    Game: @TalosSeptim
  • Alomar
    You must be joking, you've had 5 years to fix performance. People expect this event to run yearly, I'm only subscribed because this event was supposed to take place. Where's the refund for others who've purchases subscriptions, crowns, or anything on the premise they'd get to use them during a yearly event that was canceled at the last minute.
    Haxus Council Member
    Former Havoc Commander
    Former DiE officer
    Alomar: 5 Stars - Beast: 3 stars - Kurudin: 5th NA emperor
    Awaiting New World, Camelot Unchained, and Crowfall
  • Nicalas
    This event is unacceptable. You have made a terrible mistake by once again insulting your PVP player base. Nobody wants to RP an event they did in March of this year. The correct decision was to move the Orsinium event up to now and then do the Midyear Mayhem in August. Delaying an event an entire year is completely unacceptable. PVP is dying and taking away the one event we get each year is a good way to make sure that nobody will be around for the next one.

  • imredneckson
    Koolio wrote: »
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.
    Thank god... It is good for both PvP'ers and PvE'ers I guess... Looking forward to this event :smiley:

    If that’s the case why don’t we skip all Events until this is addressed

    Legions of Mordor Guild Officer
    Member of the GvG Community

    Dunmer NB - Merser Frey (DC)
    Dunmer DK - Akaviri Battlereeve (DC)- http://orig05.deviantart.net/7ecd/f/2016/013/b/f/you_***_kill_by_eso_picture-d9nrz0q.png
    Imperial Templar - Knight of the Blood Oath (DC)-
    High Elf Templar - Aurí-El (AD)
    High Elf Templar - Teutonic Honor Guard (EP)
  • The_Lex
    Honestly, at the rate that they "fix" performance issues, MM will be cancelled next year, too.
  • UrQuan
    UrQuan wrote: »
    Why this event though? Out of all the ones you could pick you chose the one nobody likes.
    You don't represent everyone. I happen to really like the Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood event, and I know plenty of other people who do as well.

    I enjoy the dark brotherhood and thieve's guild content, but the heists and sacraments get very tedious after a while. Especially if you're trying to actually get a decent reward out of it. This game's stealth system is just not so goodly in general.
    With the right gear and some practice it's incredibly easy to always complete heists and sacraments at the maximum reward tier, taking minimal time. Some are easier than others, but all can be done easily by any class with the right gear. Depending on how I'm feeling, during an event I'll do them on as many as about 15 characters in a day. It's a great way to get gold & motifs while ranking up guild skill lines.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Jaeysa
    KappaKid83 wrote: »
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.

    Could we get some clarification and communication as to what the process has been and how far along in this process we actually are? Any communication would be great, like any at all...

    We're still on track with the update Matt Firor gave a few weeks ago and these updates will begin rolling out later this year. Here is an excerpt of some of the most relevant points from his full post with the full version here.
    Second, the looking for group system. As we posted last week, we are working on a 100% revamp of this system, which is mostly used for Dungeon and Battleground queuing. We have a version done that we are testing in-house, although it will be a while before it goes live. We want to make sure that the solution we have scales correctly and will support the now massive numbers of players that are using the system. We are planning for revamped LFG system to be in Update 24, depending on how testing is going. Until then, we will continue with the only solution we have (which we posted about last week in the LFG update) - cap the number of players in the queue. We know it is extremely frustrating to not be able to queue for dungeons and BGs and get "cannot join queue" when you try, but at least now once you get into a queue successfully, you should be able to join the dungeon or BG.

    Third: overall performance. Rich talked about this in his end of year message six months ago: we are currently implementing sweeping optimization and memory management client architecture changes that should improve client performance and especially client stability. These optimizations will be most noticeable on lower-spec PCs, base Xbox, and base PS4, but overall everyone should notice better stability and performance. This is scheduled for Update 24. Additionally, we have another set of optimizations scheduled for Q1 next year that will reduce the client "footprint" requirements and should speed up loading times.

    Will those performance optimizations reach NA as well?
    PC/NA: Primarily Daggerfall Covenant.

    Lennie: Breton Sorceror. 9-trait crafter on everything, purveyor of useless frippery.
  • JamieAubrey


    Way to s*** on us PvP'ers
  • Marto
    KappaKid83 wrote: »
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.

    Could we get some clarification and communication as to what the process has been and how far along in this process we actually are? Any communication would be great, like any at all...

    You're talking like they don't communicate about the issue. They do.

    In other posts over here in the forums and the recent reddit AMA, the devs confirmed they are working on a complete rework of the group finder. Current ETA is with the release of the Dragonhold DLC, around October-December.
    They recently discovered that the group finder breaks when there's too many players queuing at the same time. So an event is the worst case scenario you could ever get.
    That's why so many players complain about a buggy group finder, and so many players never have issues of any kind. Its performance depends entirely on the time of day you play in, and how many players are queued. If no one is online, you get a long, but bug-free queue. If a lot of people are online, you get a short, buggy queue.

    They know it sucks. That's why they are reworking it.
    And they know it's embarassing that it took them 2 years to find the reason for the bugs. But hey, that's what QA is like for software.
    "According to the calculations of the sages of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth, the batam guar is the cutest creature in all Tamriel"
  • ol_BANK_lo
    This is the official discussion thread for "Begin Your Life of Crime with the Return of the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event!" blog article.

    Commit crimes in the name of the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild during our celebration event and you’ll earn bonus rewards.

    Wow....the only thing I've been looking forward to. I do both PvE and PvP, but this really is one of the few things focused around PvP, and you're putting it off til next year???? But I bet I will see a hundred new crown crate items...keep that money flowing. What a let down.
  • The_Lex
    Marto wrote: »
    KappaKid83 wrote: »
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.

    Could we get some clarification and communication as to what the process has been and how far along in this process we actually are? Any communication would be great, like any at all...

    You're talking like they don't communicate about the issue. They do.

    In other posts over here in the forums and the recent reddit AMA, the devs confirmed they are working on a complete rework of the group finder. Current ETA is with the release of the Dragonhold DLC, around October-December.
    They recently discovered that the group finder breaks when there's too many players queuing at the same time. So an event is the worst case scenario you could ever get.
    That's why so many players complain about a buggy group finder, and so many players never have issues of any kind. Its performance depends entirely on the time of day you play in, and how many players are queued. If no one is online, you get a long, but bug-free queue. If a lot of people are online, you get a short, buggy queue.

    They know it sucks. That's why they are reworking it.
    And they know it's embarassing that it took them 2 years to find the reason for the bugs. But hey, that's what QA is like for software.

    GF is only a small part of the issues for which we'd like information.
  • dotme
    maboleth wrote: »
    And this is a proof that people are just moaning and complaining, reasons not needed.

    Sarah said clearly why it was postponed and with some good thoughts.

    If they didn't postpone it, people would complain - ur PVP servers r trash, u suck, the game can't run normal times gl with event, LOL, OMEGALUL - and similar, highly intelligent replies.

    When they postponed it with 2 good reasons people still complain - you don't care for PVP, thank you zos for nothing!!!1! cancelling my sub!1!! etc.

    You might want to look that word up. It does not mean what you think it means. The word you're actually looking for is canceled
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