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Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Official Discussion Thread for "Begin Your Life of Crime with the Return..."

  • allup8679
    Urvoth wrote: »
    No quick balance fixes to change things like the necro bash, no stability or performance fixes, no actual new pvp content since Morrowind, no private lobby system for BGs, no good PvP rewards comparable to trial skins or undaunted plunder, no fixes to BG queue issues, no non-cp dueling options, no pet targeting fixes, and no arena system or options for more competitive gameplay, and now zos takes away the one dedicated PvP event of the year...

    Plus they replaced it with an event that requires paid content.

    At least they're up front by about things.
  • technohic
    Was about to login and play for the first time in weeks of having RL issues to attend to then saw this. Why was I missing playing this game?
  • Dusk_Coven
    While I'm happy that we will have an event, I am disappointed that it will be TG/DB again, for several reasons:
    - for those people experiencing lag or random frequent disconnects, it can make completing a heist or sacrament tedious, maybe even impossible. and they have to do one of each to get the daily allotment of 2 tickets
    - the missions themselves can overall be pretty tedious to do and once a year is enough, thank you very much

    If it's still not too late, could the even be changed to using the Blade of Woe 1x per day and picking a pocket 1x per day?
  • LordTareq
    Minno wrote: »
    LordTareq wrote: »
    None of the events are any fun, so I don't care either way.

    ill make it fun. Join the massive PVP duel in gold coast!! Bring a pet sorc and make sure you stand in from of quest givers lol.

    But I already PvP every day on my Stamblade. I don't need an event for that...
  • BubbaGump
    Soul Shriven
    Here we go, once more... Time will pass, the lag will be the same. Well, well...
  • bugmom
    WTF? ZOS really does hate PvP don't they? Very disappointing for those of us looking forward to it. Guess it will give me time to buy and roll a necro so that I can bash bash bash.
  • technohic
    Cancelling the event because of performance is one thing. The audacity to pretend anything will eventually be fixed is another.
    Edited by technohic on 28 June 2019 10:33
  • DarcyMardin
    Ugh—I hate sacraments and heists, and I can’t even do them on most of my characters. I usually like events, but I skipped this event the last time it was held.
  • regime211
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.

    I PVP and can give a rat's ass about PVE events. THANKS!!
  • RebornV3x
    lol I mentioned that I hated midyear mayhem and that I wouldn't care if they cancelled it I'm glad its a PVE event

    but another question what about the Second Legion outfit style?
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Apox
    Im glad I cancelled my eso+. I'll check back in a few years to see if zenimax finally pulled their head out of their ass, stops designing for the crown store, and fixes their game. this game is a disgrace and you dont deserve a single player the way your teams handles this garbage
  • MasterSpatula
    Wow, guys, you're repeating the same mistake you made in the earlier "Anniversary" event for these DLCs: You're tying Event Ticket to Heists and Sacraments, two of the worst pieces of content in the entire game.

    I was really thrilled the day I felt I would never, ever have a need to do these indefensibly-badly-designed quests ever again, and here you go, firmly tying the event to these garbage quests. There has to be a less godawful piece of content to tie the Event to. There almost couldn't not be.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Strider__Roshin
    Well there goes the only in game holiday I look forward to.
  • Nicalas
    I along with many others will no longer financially support the game. They want to treat us like free loaders then we are going to make that happen.

    You wait an entire year for the only in game event you can actually benefit from only to renew your sub and then have them bait and switch with this RP event(The worst event in the game btw). I will not be blinded by half assed promises of improvements because they never come. This company makes millions a year in transactions and can't seem to do anything with that money. Poor performance, poor development, poor design and poor management. But keep that crown store up. Would love another "high value item" that non combat pet that I can't use in a cyrodiil was a real nice gift.
    Edited by Nicalas on 28 June 2019 02:41
  • Ishtharo
    Here's the thing,

    On one hand, this is possibly the worst communication from the company yet. Six days before the only PvP event goes live, it's canceled. Not postponed, like others would like to say in order to lessen the impact of this decision, straight up canceled. That is... unprofessional as can be. ZOS has a clear history of setting PvP to the wayside and not focusing on it. SO much so that they have a "Combat" director, just so they can serve the PvE community with the image of helping the PvP community.

    I'd like to throw insults, but here we are. I'm beyond aggravated at this, and the lack of care from the devs is deafening.

    With all the money made from Elsweyr, and it was a lot, the devs should focus on improving current mechanics, and make new features a second priority. While I understand that new feature will have to rolled out still (or the current player base will become bored), PvP performance should be a top priority.

    That leads to the other hand...
    As a programmer and dev myself, I can see where the fault is, and I know the fix involves essentially scrapping a very large and important section of the code in order to rebuild it from the ground up. We are at 5 years of spaghetti code attempting to function as a back end for a feature that arguably has the heaviest server load in the entire game (Cyrodiil). I understand this would take upwards of a year to have something functioning.

    I say go for it, with one exception. That is, that bi-weekly updates come out. Speak to what features are being worked out, what the major priority list is. Open up communication. Hire on new devs for this greenfield project, and tackle it hard.

    But, if it's the engine holding you back, consider rebuilding the game on a new one. Release it as Elder Scrolls Online: The New Age. Use it to advance the lore and set yourselves up for future feature additions.

    You should, however, throw the PvP community a bone. SOmething "in the meantime" to make up for the event you took away from us.

    EDIT: Spelling
    Edited by Ishtharo on 28 June 2019 03:14
    Tsarra Venus Sylphyra - Stamplar PvP Bosmer Harrier
    VenusFállen - Magden PvP Nord Healer
    VenusFallen - Stamcro PvP Nord Brawler
    VenusFallèn - MagBlade PvP Dark Elf Ganker
    VeñusFallen - StamSorc PvP Bosmer Harrier
  • Ravena
    PvP Players : wah wah my performance ZOS sucks

    ZOS: we cancelled the pvp event to avoid issues there and are working on improving performance instead.

    Also PvP Players: how dare you
  • The_Lex
    If they spend this time to fix the performance issues, I'll be happy they cancelled it. If not, I'll be pissed.

    BTW, I'm not holding my breath.
  • gauszilla
    Soul Shriven
    You know I've been playing this game less and less since the prominent issues regarding performance have not been fixed, and now the one event I actually look forward to is being cancelled? What am i to look forward to now?

    On top of all that I would be okay with this if i knew that cancelling the event means the problems regarding performance in cyrodiil and the queue finder would get fixed, but considering these issues have been persistent for 4 years (minus the queue finder) I know that no progress has been made. We are consistently left with empty generic updates, with no progres to be seen. I would really like to know whether this is a coding problem or where exactly it lies that way i can at the very least understand why something is taking so long to fix, but as of now i can only assume the developers don't want to fix the problem. Cyrodiil and PvP in general seems to not be profitable enough for them to care about fixing.
    Xbox NA Server
  • f047ys3v3n
    Hrumph. Not sure how this will improve performance and group finder but if it actually does that would be well worth it.

    Also, I hate the theives guild and dark brotherhood events. How about I just stab some poor innocent in the back and he has the event tickets on him. I hate doing those miserable long dailies to get the tickets
    I am mostly pleased with the current state of ESO. Please do continue to ban cheaters though and you guys have to find out who is duping gold and how because the economy is currently non-functional.
  • josh.lackey_ESO
    Will you still put Imperial City DLC on sale?
  • Ashtaris
    Even though I don’t normally PVP, I was looking forward to participating in the Midyear as a way to get Caltrops and Vigor for my new stamina Necromancer.

    And as far as the sacraments and heists, I hate those event quests. Count me out, I really don’t need that Indrik mount that badly.
    Edited by Ashtaris on 28 June 2019 05:49
  • Derra
    • The in-combat riding bug.

    They had that one fixed once - but then deemed it more important that people can´t switch their skills after a few seconds not attacking or being attacked and now we´re back to being in combat standing at homebase for 25 min.
    It´s all about priorities.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Mygalomorpea
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.

    Bilingual ambiguity... Please remember that not every has English as their primary language. Needed to elaborate on this to many people in EU guilds which do not speak English as their primary language...
  • LegacyDM
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.



    "In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year"

    laughing so hard. Why don't you just tell the truth. You are cancelling the event indefinitely because you have no intention of fixing cyrodil and from this point forward all efforts will be on PvE content like Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood celebration. Stop trying to save face and just tell the community the truth.

    What is this ongoing work you speak of? PvP performance has been trash since 2015. Only progress we have seen is the removal of torch bugs and deer. Hell, you even had a double AP event and Cyrodil performance sticky that just one day became unstickied and disappeared with no updates. Matt Firor in his state of the game address like 2 years ago said it was a top priority and no performance improvements. Stop with the smoke and mirrors.

    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • LoreToo
    Ok, lets face the truth. They wont fix it till Zo$ will lose come cash. Same as they wont fix group finder. Its long problem for 3 years. And still, there is no improvement. And it feels like they are making this game single player.

    @ZOS_SarahHecker please, listen: if your company realy want to hold players you need to stop making content and improve game-base. Its needed right now, next year will be too late, ppl will just leave this lag-fest.
  • mrpaxman
    Just another small thing i want to add along with the many serious things that others here say and i completely agree with.

    ZoS, Many players are after PvP furnishings for all Alliances. That means we need to play all alliances to get them. Now we are locked out of different alliances during a campaign. If i were playing PvP which i dont due to performance and bug issues. Or any of ESO combat for that very reason. It wold take me even more years if things did work. Many others have been working on multiple alliances for years for furnishings and are still requiring much more. I like to play 1 Alliance. 13 characters i have are from that 1 alliance. I have 1 character in each of the other 2 alliances that i can only make myself play during these double AP events. Having the furnishings purchasable by only that alliance seems silly to me. The amount of work it takes to get all 3 similar alliance various flag or other alliance specific items To use in a house is a bit over board.

    Having 1 system to encourage playing in 1 alliance and having another incentive system that requires we play all 3 is straight out bad to have.
    Victory or Valhalla!
    PC NA
    In light of our ongoing work to improve game performance and the Activity Finder, we are holding the Midyear Mayhem event until next year to ensure that the player experience is a good one. In its place, we are moving forward the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event, which will run from July 2 to July 15, and will give players the chance to earn the Event Tickets needed to start the Onyx Indrik mount evolution.

    this is awesome tbf, they are acknowledging there is a problem and are trying to fix it. this is what we want keep it coming!
  • Yirmeyahu
    When I asked, prior to the Elsweyr launch, what was being done, if anything, regarding performance (so as to not have tons of new players join TESO and promptly quit due to poor performance)... I heard crickets chirping.

    Months later... Cancelling an event is the answer.
    Okay, I've got to admit that wouldn't have been my choice.
    But, honestly, it feels about right for how things are handled these days.
    Carry on. :(
  • redlink1979
    If performance is really improved in a very near future then I don't mind skipping Midyear Mayhem. Besides, we had a Mayhem event earlier this year.
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • mrpaxman
    technohic wrote: »
    Cancelling the event because of performance is one thing. The audacity to pretend anything is eventually be fixed is another.

    So many "agree's" you have for your comment and clearly for many good reasons :)

    I feel the same way yet again
    Victory or Valhalla!
    PC NA
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